Help Me U of M, You’re Our Only Hope, Softball Trash Talk

As luck and airplane schedules and Senate debate would have it, Jim missed all of U Florida’s extra time win over Auburn. And I missed all of U Michigan’s “shorter than a cloture vote” game against LSU.

That means Monday night, our softball teams square off for all the marbles. Female Babe Ruth (she just hit 70 home runs, pitching wins, and player of the year) Lauren Haegar takes on bad-ass Sierra Romero and a whole lot of hitting oomph.

There were a few Pac-12 teams in the World Series, but it was really UM against the SEC, singlehandedly.

Which is why you should all root for UM, cause it’s the only thing standing between you and SEC overlordism.

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17 replies
  1. Jim White says:

    It is time to accept SEC overlordism as fact.
    In fact, on Feb 7, it was Florida 2, Michigan 1 in Tampa.
    And on March 5, it was Florida 7, Michigan 4 in Fullerton.
    Michigan is scoring tons of runs against all the other teams, but the bats will fall silent against Lauren Ruth. Or is it Babe Haeger? Anyway, as the only softball player EVER to have 70 pitching wins and 70 home runs, we will call her anything she wants, because even in the Major Leagues, only Babe Ruth has reached those numbers.
    Over on the baseball side, SEC overlordism is a fact, as well. Regionals are just now finishing. Two SEC teams, Florida and Arkansas, have already won regionals. Two others, Vandy and LSU, need only win one of two games today to advance. And the Texas Aggies can advance with a win today after forcing the “if necessary” game last night by coming through the losers’ bracket. That means there very well could be five SEC teams in the eight superregionals to be played next weekend.
    Oh, and “gogo” is a nogo when it comes to internet “service” while flying…

  2. phred says:

    My support in this instance can be bought… If Jim can bring himself to say something nice about the Red Sox, anything at all, I’ll pull for the overlords. Otherwise U of M all the way! ; )

  3. What Constitution? says:

    Sorry, Mr. White, the SEC still has to go through UCLA to get there. It should be fun, but I’m thinking the Gritty Little Bruins will probably take it all.

    • Jim White says:

      As a UCLA alum, I will certainly claim them if they win, but I watched part of their game last night clawing their way back from the losers’ bracket against a B1G team. They just don’t seem as complete as the Gators, Vandy and LSU. And they haven’t faced that same level of competition SEC teams see throughout the tough conference schedule.

      • What Constitution? says:

        Can’t really argue with any of that, it will be decided by coaching. But I’m still trying to figure out how it is nobody has yet figured out how to hit the Bruins’ closer. And on the women’s side, what’s this about throwing 200+ pitches in a single game??? Shades of Nolan Ryan, and underhand to boot. That’s monumental.

  4. Jim White says:

    Gators are pitching their freshman phenom tonight and letting Haeger rest. Well, she’s resting from pitching, will bat as DH.

  5. emptywheel says:

    Hmm. Letting Lady Ruth hit a homer on her 10th pitch was probably not a winning plan.

    • emptywheel says:

      FL’s rockstar definitely came with more than MI’s rockstar.

      And I’m gonna miss at least a big chunk of tomorrow’s game….

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