John Brennan’s Careful Dodge of Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Abuses

In his appearance as the Council on Foreign Relations today, a woman with Human Rights Watch listed (starting at 56:30) a number of abuses our “partners” in the fight against ISIL engage in, including,

  • The ABC report of egregious abuses committed by some of Iraq’s elite military units
  • Iraqi militias carrying out ISIS like atrocities
  • Beheadings and violent attacks on journalists in Saudi Arabia

She then asked, “How do you think Iraqi Sunni civilians should distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys in this circumstance”?

After clearing his throat, Brennan responded,

It’s tough sorting out good guys and bad guys in a lot of these areas. It is. And human rights abuses, whether they take place on the part of I-S-I-L or of militias or individuals who are working as part of formal security services, needs to be exposed, needs to be stopped. In an area like Iraq and Syria, there has been some horrific, horrific human rights abuses and this is something that I think we need to be able to address. And when we see it, we do bring it to the attention of authorities. And we will not work with entities that are engaged in such activities.

Brennan changed a question that twice explicitly included Saudi Arabia to one that included only Syria and Iraq. Which he would have to do — because the US is not about to stop working with “entities” like Saudi Arabia, even if they do behead as many people as ISIL.

6 replies
  1. Ed Walker says:

    Now that it’s hard to find drugs for capital punishment, states are looking for alternative methods of execution. Could someone introduce Mary Fallin and Greg Abbott to King Abdullah? Or would that be importing Sharia Law?

    • emptywheel says:

      King Salman, I think you mean, who is probably just an Alzheimer-impaired placeholder for John Brennan’s very close friend Mohammed bin Nayef, who has been in charge of the beheading system in Saudi Arabia for some time.

  2. wallace says:

    quote”King Salman, I think you mean, who is probably just an Alzheimer-impaired placeholder for John Brennan’s very close friend Mohammed bin Nayef, who has been in charge of the beheading system in Saudi Arabia for some time.”unquote

    Damn. In charge of the beheading system in Saudi Arabia. right.

    note to self..file under

    things your mother never told you let alone the education system or the MSM of your country.

  3. GKJames says:

    And to confirm that obtuseness reigns, there is wonderment why US policy has no credibility, why parts of the world want to see the back of us, and why Washington has ever less influence on the outcome of events. Then again, the very purpose of the entire circus has only ever been to mislead the public that has to fund it. Until Washington meaningfully addresses the insanity factory that is Saudi Arabia, the sham GWOT will achieve only two things: (1) Get lots of people killed; and (2) make the political and financial fortunes of the players in Washington.

  4. Phoenix Woman says:

    That odd embarrassed evasive silence about Saudi Arabia’s role in backing “moderate rebel” Sunni beheading crews like the Al-Nusra Brigade (and Daesh itself, really) is rather similar to the Cone of Silence dropped around the fact that Israel hasn’t so much as lobbed an M-80 at the Sunni Jihadist groups that moved in right below the Golan Heights once the Syrian Army moved out in June of last year after years of constant IDF assault:

    In fact, the only times in since the Syrian pullout in June 2014 that any IDF action has been directed against anyone directly to the east of the Golan is when it’s directed at Shiites like Hezbollah:

  5. wallace says:

    Brennan said:”And human rights abuses, whether they take place on the part of I-S-I-L or of militias or individuals who are working as part of formal security services, needs to be exposed, needs to be stopped.”unquote

    Needs to be exposed. Stopped.

    Says the leader of Torture-R-Us just prior to ordering another round of death from above on another wedding party.

    How does this degenerate scumbag look in a mirror…oh..wait. He can’t.

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