The Tie between Jeffrey Sterling and CIA-on-the-Hudson

My latest post on the Jeffrey Sterling trial notes that the same guy who called Sterling’s performance “extremely sub-par” is also the guy who set up the NYPD’s program profiling Muslims.

On Friday, former high ranking CIA officer David Cohen — who headed up the New York office while Sterling was there — described how he removed Sterling from the Merlin case because he didn’t believe Sterling was performing well at his job (an opinion neither his deputy, Charles Seidel, nor Bob S shared, at least according to their testimony). “His performance was extremely sub-par,” Cohen testified. Cohen also seemed to disdain what might be called political correctness, which if true may have exacerbated Sterling’s increasing sense of being discriminated against for being African American.

That would be consistent with the action for which Cohen has received more press in recent years: setting up the New York Police Department’s intelligence program that profiles the area’s Muslim community. In the wake of 9/11, Cohen moved from the CIA to the NYPD. In 2002, he got a federal court to relax the Handschu guidelines, which had been set up in 1985 in response to NYPD’s targeting of people for their political speech. Handschu required specific evidence before using informants to investigate a group. But, as an article from the Pulitzer Prize winning AP series described it, “Cohen told a federal judge that those guidelines made it ‘virtually impossible’ to detect terrorist plots.” After getting the rules relaxed, Cohen created teams of informants that infiltrated mosques and had officers catalog Muslim-owned restaurants, shops, and even schools. “Cohen said he wanted the squad to ‘rake the coals, looking for hot spots,’” the AP reported in 2011.

At almost precisely the same time as jury selection for Sterling’s case started, theThird Circuit Court of Appeals heard a challenge from those targeted under the program, who claim they had been discriminated against on the basis of their religion.

While the agencies involved are different, it seems notable that the primary person to find fault with Sterling’s performance at the CIA — which Sterling claimed arose from problems with his race — is the same guy who started a program targeting Muslims across the New York City area. But that detail won’t be presented to jurors at all during the trial.

Click through to see how the Russian involved in the operation invoked Valerie Plame to describe his concern about his name leaking, just weeks before it started to become clear that Vice President Cheney probably ordered that leak.

2 replies
  1. jamesJoyce says:

    Cohen appears to be a real piece of work… Guess he forgot how the “Gestapo” and Muller’s SS operated?

    When one describes “fascist behavior,” spying on humans because of religious affiliation seems to fit the bill.

    The ability to identity fascist behavior by government is not difficult. One need only look at the historical realities in a one time republic, turned fascist to witness the gnarly warts connected by strings through time….

    “…‘virtually impossible’ to detect terrorist plots.” ”

    The alleged terrorist plot, among many destroying a one time republic which resulted in the relaxation of constitutional protections, was a fraud.

    “In the wake of 9/11, Cohen moved from the CIA to the NYPD. In 2002, he got a federal court to relax the Handschu guidelines, which had been set up in 1985 in response to NYPD’s targeting of people for their political speech. ”

    SS and Gestapo both targeted free speech, which was at the heart of their dysfunctional twisted Nazi logic. Ask Albert! The right of minorities to dissent even in a industrialized educated republic, thereby protecting one’s self interest were eviscerated.

    Should Cohen know better, one might ask?

  2. wallace says:

    quote”While the agencies involved are different, it seems notable that the primary person to find fault with Sterling’s performance at the CIA — which Sterling claimed arose from problems with his race — is the same guy who started a program targeting Muslims across the New York City area. But that detail won’t be presented to jurors at all during the trial.”unquote

    hmmmm, where have I seen a similar scenario duplicated recently? Only worse. Oh yeah..his name is David Shelledy, Civil Division Chief for the United States Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of California…otherwise known as Cockroach.

    In fact, the entire DOJ is a cesspool of stark raving mad lunitics whose only purpose is to hop up the ladder of DOJ success no matte how many lives they destroy or how many lies it takes. If anyone should know, it’s the author of that article….and this book.

    It doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out that “rule of law” is a complete, unadulerated lie now.

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