Abu Wa’el Dhiab and Five Others Released to Uruguay

Abu Wa’el Dhiab, the Gitmo prisoner at the center of an ongoing force-feeding controversy, has been released to Uruguay along with five others.

Dhiab’s Reprieve lawyer, Cori Crider, said this in a statement.

Cori Crider, a Director at Reprieve and a lawyer for Mr Dhiab, said: “We are grateful to the government of Uruguay – and President Mujica in particular – for this historic stand. Very few people can truly comprehend what the cleared men in Guantánamo suffer every day, but I believe Mr. Mujica is one of them. Like President Mujica, Mr Dhiab spent over a dozen years as a political prisoner. Mr Dhiab was never charged, never tried. President Mujica spent two years at the bottom of a well; for most of the past two years, Mr Dhiab has had a team of US soldiers truss him up like an animal, haul him to a restraint chair, and force-feed him through a tube in his nose. The President’s compassion has ended that torture.

“Despite years of suffering, Mr Dhiab is focused on building a positive future for himself in Uruguay. He looks forward to being reunited with his family and beginning his life again. Let’s not forget that Mr Dhiab and the others freed today leave behind many men just like them: cleared prisoners warehoused in Guantánamo for years. Reprieve hopes that other countries will follow the positive example set by the Uruguayan government today, and help President Obama close this shameful prison.”

Carol Rosenberg has more background on the transfer, which has been held up for months even as Dhiab fought over whether he has to be tortured to eat.

The roots of Sunday’s transfer were planted in January when Sloan, the State Department special envoy for Guantánamo closure, traveled to Uruguay to pitch the idea, according to Obama administration officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about it.

He found the nation’s now 79-year-old president, Mujica, sympathetic as a former 14-year political prisoner who spent much of his captivity in solitary confinement for his guerrilla activities with the Tupamaro revolutionary movement.

In February, Montevideo sent a delegation to the U.S. Navy base in Cuba to interview detainees. They chose six for resettlement, among them Dhiab, a 6-foot-5-inch sickly man whose lawyers said refused to eat not to die but to protest his indefinite detention despite notice that he could leave once a nation agreed to take him.

While some quarters of the U.S. government were pleased with the deal, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel was slow to approve it. It sat on his desk for months, awaiting his signature, while intelligence analysts evaluated it. Before he signed it, the White House ordered the truly clandestine transferof five Taliban prisoners to Qatar in a trade for POW Bowe Bergdahl on May 31 — drawing protest on Capitol Hill that Congress had not been informed in advance.

Hagel finally approved the Uruguay release in July and sent the required 30-day notice to Congress.

By then, however, the disclosure had stirred domestic debate in Uruguay in the midst of the presidential campaign to pick Mujica’s successor.

I honestly wasn’t sure Dhiab would survive long enough to be able to take this transfer. I worried that he, like Adnan Latif before him, would be suicided while he waited. And it sounds like his health is still pretty dodgy.

I wish him and his family the best of luck in Uruguay.

3 replies
  1. bmaz says:

    I talked to one of Dhiab’s attorneys a few hours ago. Dhiab is in pretty bad shape physically, but is thrilled and will get excellent care in Uruguay; there is good hope that he will regain his health.

  2. Anon says:

    These anonymous comments make two very interesting points:

    …but to protest his indefinite detention despite notice that he could leave once a nation agreed to take him.

    In other sources they have simply listed him as “cleared for release” as if he could leave immediately, perhaps even go home. This is the first time that I have seen anyone call that release conditional on him going somewhere else specific that wants to take him. If he has been “cleared” why the requirement that he go somewhere else?

    While some quarters of the U.S. government were pleased with the deal, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel was slow to approve it. It sat on his desk for months, awaiting his signature, while intelligence analysts evaluated it.

    This is interesting because, if true, it would explain some of the apparent friction between the White House and Hagel. If not then it is someone pinning the blame on the goat as they kick him out the door.

  3. GKJames says:

    The analogy to President Mujica’s own experience at the hands of his tormentors holds promise. All we need now is a well large enough to accommodate [pick your list of favorite Washington names]. It appears that unless they themselves are compelled to endure the tangible effects of their policies, our guiding lights are far too removed to qualify as members of the human community.

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