The Decline and Fall of the Bo Merlot Empire

There was once upon a time a great band of Wolverine warriors who prowled a region of earth known as The Big Mitten. Proud and fierce, they were led by a god like creature known as Bo. Merlot that is. Three yards and a clod of sod Schembechler. A fine wine was named in honor of the great god Bo. They were hailed as victors far and wide, everywhere they went. Except the Rose Bowl of course, that rarely worked out very well because, you know, PAC teams can actually pass the football.

Anyhoo, enough about ancient history, let us talk about the present. It is bleak. In Ann Arbor, the locals no longer bother with chattering about great wars with the hated Tattooed SweaterVests of Ohio State, for they must spend all their time hiding from their in state Sparty neighbors in green. Green is good, unless you are Blue. You see, the Green Meanie Spartys are 5-1 against the Michigan Men in the last six years, and are looking to get their swerve on yet again today in East Lansing. And Sparty is, frankly, starting to get bored. When asked this week about the looming battle for the coveted “Paul Bunyan Trophy“, pretty much all Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio could muster (apparently while yawning) was:

We have to keep our edge regardless of who we play. If we can’t do that, then we’ve not succeeded.

Michigan-Wolverines-Football-Dave-Brandon_455405196Ooof. Brutal. But, well, what is he supposed to say? The Wolverweenies have not scored a touchdown on Michigan State in the last two years, and last year Michigan rolled up an impressive negative 48 yards rushing for the game. And that was in Ann Arbor, today Sparty is eighth ranked and home cooking. Brady Hoke is right about one thing, this is not Devin Gardner’s problem. The problem at Michigan is far greater than that, it is systemic, and it appears to go all the way up to state Republican apparatchik Dave Brandon, who is the current athletic director. There won’t be a riesling, much less a merlot, named for Dave.

Which leads to the question asked by Marcy, who will fire old and hire new, coaches sooner, Michigan or the Florida Gators? Great question. My guess goes to Florida because I think they are more stable at the athletic director position. Michigan has issues across the board at this point. Jim White can flesh out the Gators’ details further, but things are not good in Gainesville with Will Muschamp either. I kid a lot about both of these programs, but it really is sad. Football is infinitely better when these storied programs are healthy and not woebegone.

Okay, let’s take a brief look at other things sporting in the news. The Royals last night stole a win in San Fancisco to go up 2-1 in the World Series. Ratings for this series are in the dumper, but I cannot fathom why. These are both compelling teams, and the series itself seems great. The Giants are a close to a dynasty as there is in baseball the last decade, and the Royals were once glorious and are finally back on the big stage. That is good stuff, and worth watching.

In the student athlete portion of this weekend’s schedule, apart from the Paul Bunyan fest in East Lansing, ‘Ole Miss at LSU and South Carolina at Auburn could both be surprises and look worth a look. USC at Utah is another upset special in the making. The Trojans are up and down this year, but Cody Kessler is running up impressive quarterback numbers along the way, and Utah can be thrown on. But Utah can score too, and they are always tough as nails in Rice Stadium. I have actually been to Rice Stadium by the way, but it was for a Rolling Stones concert, which was plenty proof the joint can rock. On a more sober note, I hope USC pulls off a big win because the Trojans are the team of my friend Kevin Drum, and life has dealt him a very bad card. Marcy and I have been together at this blogging thing a long time now, but long before that, Kevin became one of the first people in the blogosphere I came to know and interact with off blogs. He is a prince of a man, and I send him all my best wishes, and hope you will too.

Screen Shot 2014-10-25 at 5.55.27 AMIn the professional football sporting side of things there is much ado about something. First off, in the supposedly game of the week, closest pairing evah etc Thursday night tilt between the Donkos and Bolts, ‘ole Noodle Armed Washed Up Lemon Sucking Face Peyton Manning skewered San Diego. Denver better find a way to sign and lock up BOTH Thomases, Julius and Demaryius, because Peyton looks like he easily has another 2-3 years in him. And those three are magic together. Can the Bungles rebound with a win over the Ravens home in Cinci? I wouldn’t bet on that; Flacco and the boys are on a roll. The Bills at Jets might actually be interesting. By the way, no, that is not a photo from Bill & Ted’s Excellent Acid Adventure there on the right, that is the Tennessee Titan’s new starting quarterback, Zach Mettenberger.

The three real games of the week are, however, Green Bay at the Saints and the Eagles at Arizona. Obviously I will be watching the latter, and think it ought to be a hell of an interesting game. The Iggles offense is, on paper, far more potent than that of the Cards. But this will be Carson Palmer’s second week back from his shoulder nerve injury and Larry Fitzgerald has mad a career of going wild on the Philadelphia defense over the years. So, the offenses may be a wash. Right now, the Cards’ defense seems to be the better of the two and, therefore, and I KNOW I will regret this, I think the edge has to go to the Cards at home. Lightening will strike me down for that I am sure.

Okay, that is it for this week’s trash talk, whoop it up people. Music this week by the great Mose Allison. On a melancholy music note, it has just been announced that Jack Bruce, the great bass player for Cream, has passed away. In his honor, here is my favorite Jack Bruce/Cream song ever, SWLABR, which Bruce both wrote and sang. It has always been a little disputed what the title stood for, but I have always bought that it really was “She Was Like A Bearded Rainbow” instead of “She Walks Like A Bearded Rainbow”. Either way, RIP Jack.

101 replies
  1. Peterr says:

    The problem at Michigan is far greater than that, it is systemic, and it appears to go all the way up to state Republican apparatchik Dave Brandon, who is the current athletic director. There won’t be a riesling, much less a merlot, named for Dave.

    The Bo Merlot era has truly given way to the era of Malt Vinegar Dave.

    • emptywheel says:

      Think the epithet should be something like Dead Crust Dave for his Domino pizza past.

      But yeah, as I said, I don’t understand why Dems haven’t yet made his firing an issue in this election. He’s your quintessential MBA fluff rather than flavor guy.

  2. Peterr says:

    KC was wrapped in a blanket of fog this morning, apparently in honor of last night’s victory.
    I guess stealing bases and base hits from the Giants isn’t enough for Lorenzo Cain et al. Ho they managed to steal the San Francisco fog and get it to KC overnight is beyond me.

  3. Francine Fein says:

    As an Ann Arbor “townie” I lost interest in U of M Football when they decided to jack up the ticket prices plus require a donation so that they could build onto the already large enough stadium to add fancy enclosed box seats for the 1% — or maybe the .01%. Even many of the students don’t come to the games and the Athletic Director has decided maybe the price increase for them was too much. Very sad.

    • prostratedragon says:

      Hear, hear. Skyboxes and seating rights as pottage, and a straight line to the present bloated capital budget of the athletic department.

      But then now that the league stretches from the Indian Statistical Institute to Barcelona Autonomous, I guess it must be admitted that the problem extends beyond Ann Arbor alone.

  4. Jim White says:

    It’s really frustrating that Foley is taking so long to fire Muschamp. Today is the ten year anniversary of Zook’s firing, which just makes the whole thing worse. I understand that the good candidates won’t be available until the season ends, but from what I’ve seen, recruiting this year is a disaster and UF has fallen to around number 70 or so for the few recruits that have committed so far. That could well improve just with Muschamp’s firing. They could even put in a symbolic interim head of recruiting like Tebow or Emmitt Smith to get some good recruits to sign on with the promise a good coach will be lured to Gainesville in the offseason.
    I don’t know whom to pull for in terms of the next coach. I just still really pissed Muschamp wasn’t fired last offseason so we could have gotten Charlie Strong.
    Treon Harris is starting against Georgia next week (Gators are off this week), so if the NCAA doesn’t reinstate Gurley, my nightmare scenario is that the Gators somehow manage an upset and Foley begins to think he might be able to keep Muschamp.

    • bmaz says:

      You have not addressed the Lane Kiffen for Gators coach speculation sir!!
      On another note, seriously, what happened with Joe Maddon? It all seems painfully abrupt, and there is no explanation to be found in the major sports media. I was stunned at the development.

      • Jim White says:

        As for Kiffen, I aspire to get a chance to flip him off like this guy posing with him:
        On the Maddon front, I read one report where he was mentioned as “intrigued by the opportunities out there” and started having flashbacks to Spurrier’s sudden and unexplained departure. Except Maddon is MUCH better than Spurrier. Maddon’s combination of understanding of the game and its best strategies, combined with his wit and ability to create a really healthy team atmosphere just won’t be matched anywhere, although I’m pulling for the Rays to promote Dave Martinez on the hope that he will continue many of Maddon’s best practices.
        In darker moments, I wonder if he was put off by the combination of the Price trade and Friedman taking the big bucks with the Dodgers. Personally, I think maybe Price has started a decline and was very impressed with Smyly’s performance in the Rays system. They also have Nick Franklin from that deal, so the trade wasn’t that bad.
        Likewise, even though Wil Myers had a down season with his hand injury, he has an incredibly bright future, along with that of Jake Odorizzi, who will be a fixture in this year’s starting rotation. So while losing Wade Davis was a blow in last year’s Royals-Rays deal, I don’t miss Shields that much. Shields put up good in-season numbers, but his postseason performance has been abysmal. I’m hoping the Royals can win this in 5 so Shields doesn’t pitch again.

        • bmaz says:

          Only spec I have seen is Maddon to the Cubbies.
          Holy jesus, I respect Maddon and all, but the Cubs are far too big a lift for him. Nobody is gonna resurrect the Cubs. Ever.

        • Ed Walker says:

          True about the Cubs. I saw a game earlier this season with my daughter, and the company was so much more fun than the stupid loss. Management sells the stadium, not a winning team, and things won’t get better until people stop showing up for lousy baseball in a beautiful ball park.

  5. bmaz says:

    Also, if you have a way to listen to the music videos on this post other than crappy computer speakers, whether it be headphones or stereo link, DO IT. The Mose Allison is killer, and so is the Jack Bruce one. Trust me, do it.

  6. Jo6pac says:

    There are a lot 9er fans hoping the coach goes to MofU and we get someone offense minded.

    I was wrong about a Giants sweep for sure but hanging in there for a WS win.

    No 9ers or F-1 so no tb

    Yes, Jack Bruce RIP

    • phred says:

      And who says Americans suck at geography??? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor??? Nuff said.

      So anyone seen ros? I’m kinda hoping she’ll pull for Team Phred again tomorrow night. They win when rosalind is on their side : )

      Go Packers! (And Royals!)

      • rosalind says:

        sorry, phred! was out of pocket this weekend and away from the tee-vee, unable to send positive vibes. i did catch the first half of Dallas/Wash in the airport bar before Romo went boom.

  7. bloopie2 says:

    Thinking about sports, on this blog, brought this comparison to mind.

    [A player in Kurt Russell’s ‘Miracle]: ‘Who do you play for? I play for the United States of America.’

    [President Barack Obama]: ‘Who do you work for? I work for the United States government.’

  8. bmaz says:

    It is a pity that this blog has nobody in Michigan who could comment during or after today’s game. It would have been good to have had a resident fan’s perspective.
    Oh well, maybe we can find one for the early morning tilt from London!!

  9. Peterr says:

    After Game 2 in KC, one of the local sports radio guys opened his show “Between the Lines” by talking about his encounter with some special security the night before at the game. He had taken his elderly mom to the game, and they left their seats early to watch the end of the game from a spot near the elevators, so they could get her to the car before the masses of people left the game.
    They get down to the parking area, and are met by a bunch of security folks — big beefy guys in well-tailored suits with earpieces — and 8 big SUV limo-type vehicles. They wouldn’t let the little old lady through their cordon, and the radio guy is thinking “Did Obama show up unannounced?” He starts to argue with the security detail (“I’m just trying to get my mom to our car over there before the crowds run her over”) when the elevators open and out comes Bud Selig and 15 MLB suits (radio guy immediately recognized about half of them). They go by, pair off, and get into the SUVS, and the motorcade — complete with KCPD escort — drives off to whatever hotel they are staying at. Radio guy speculates that it was a ritzy hotel near the Country Club Plaza shopping area, and then goes on to rant a bit that this seems over the top. “OK, enough from me about last night. Let’s go to commercial, and when we come back we’ll talk Royals and Chiefs and whatever else is on your mind.”
    Roll commercials, and when the last one ends, he comes back and he’s laughing. “Folks, our producers just got a call from a listener about my monologue. It was retired Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers. He is a KC native, a big Kansas State fan, and when he’s in town, he listens to the show when he’s in town. Anyway, he called to say he heard my comments, and as he has a bit of experience with security, motorcades, and terrorist threats, he’d like to chat with me about what I said on the air. He can’t do it now, but he’ll get him on the air in about an hour and a half. No idea what he has to say, but I’m happy to listen to him any day of the week on something like this.”
    Fast forward, and Myers is on the air. After some recapping of the earlier comments, Myers offered his thoughts. It basically boiled down to “Yeah, it strikes me as over the top, too.” From the standpoint of terrorism, Selig isn’t exactly a big deal.” (Radio guy: if they blew up a bomb at the game and killed a couple of hundred folks, that’s one thing, but it’s hard to see them saying “boy, if we killed Bud Selig, it would really make an impact.”) Myers also noted that when he was making daily trips back and forth to the WH on 9/11 and following, he told the head of his security drivers “we stop at crosswalks”. We work for the little old lady crossing the street, and we’re going to let her go by.
    Myers then noted that he had just come from a presentation to a corporate board in a hotel near the Country Club Plaza, and when he came to the lobby, there were a bunch of big beefy guys in well-tailored suits with earpieces who stopped him and wouldn’t let him cross the lobby. Outside were a bunch of black SUV limo-type vehicles. . . .
    Myers was polite and diplomatic, but in DC Brass-speak, saying these things in public means “You’re waaaay out of line, buddy. Get over yourself. You’re not that big a deal.”
    That’s the Bud Selig era in a nutshell.
    Podcast here of “Between the Lines”:

    • CTuttle says:

      That’s the Bud Selig era in a nutshell.

      Amen, Peterr…! Mahalo for that vignette…! Looks like the G-men are going to tie up the series at 2-2…! It’s 11-4 and they’re still batting in the 7th…!

    • phred says:

      Great story Peterr, thanks for sharing it! I suspect Bud and his 8 limos are a lot less about terrorism than privilege. I think certain members of the 0.001% really dig the secured limo lifestyle. Because terror. Markets. Whatever.

  10. CTuttle says:

    Being so time-zone challenged here in Paradise, there’s no way I’m getting up at 3:30 in the morning to watch the Kitties-Falcons play, but, it looks like there’s a bunch of toss-up games on tap tomorrow…! Today’s Glantz-Culver line has 9 of the games pegged at 2-3.5 margin, it should make for some interesting games…! No way am I gonna wade into that morass…! ;-)

    ASU was looking solid against the Huskies until that pick-six made it 10-7, bmaz…!

  11. JonKnowsNothing says:

    Dear bmaz.

    I hope you take this well but I haven’t a clue what any of your stories are about.

    I know they are written in a very “hip hop” style and full of way kewl jargon but as someone who has not the benefit of understanding this style or the topic, I’m at a total loss of what you are writing about.

    Sometimes the stories seem to be about insider-sports-college/university stuff which I then discount because the other bloggers on this site don’t write a sports column afaik.

    There are some very important stories around sports recently: sex scandals, fake university diplomas for non-existent classes, spouse/partner abuse, long term brain damage from repeated concussive events, alcoholism, depression, suicide, exploitation of athletes, the pre-college/pre-pro economic focus on younger potential players, over zealous alumni funding/illegal funding/illegal recruiting and the whole gamut of rules issues, including drug enforcement or non-enforcement and play rules, not to miss the issues of the way money flows into sports programs and not always in the same percentages as other areas of university life.

    I would not like to miss reading/understanding your posts if they are about these and other important topics.

    Perhaps you will take a moment to put up a summary at the start of your posts in a more mundane style so that I can determine if it is a story about something I should be trying harder to understand. Many of the topics on this blog require a good deal of effort to understand so that’s an not unexpected effort on my part.

    It may come a surprise that not everyone understands the latest in sports topics, scoreboards or other university related stuff. For me, all that faded long ago and you can’t even see it in the rear view mirror.

    I hope you will be able to add a title sub-topic line summary to your posts.

    Thank you from a dedicated reader.

    • phred says:

      Jon, obviously you addressed your remarks to bmaz, so hopefully he will turn up later to answer, but I thought I would offer a brief history of TrashTalk that may clarify things for you a bit…
      Emptywheel’s posts have inspired wide ranging discussion for years on pressing political and legal topics going back to her days at The Next Hurrah, Firedoglake, and now here. Many people added their two cents to the discussion in the comment section and while serious discussion ensued, there would also be remarks about other things in life, such as sports, gardening, locally produced food, etc.
      Over time it was evident that a subset of regular commenters were sports fans, mainly football, baseball, Formula One, and anything horse-related. So, bmaz would put up a post (routinely during the football season, sporadically the rest of the year) to give us sports fans a place to hobnob in the comments about lighter topics than those we chewed over in the regular posts. It was a nice way to unwind on the weekends, and cheer ourselves up after a week of depressing political and legal developments.
      I don’t think he intends it to be an insider thing, he just knows his audience and uses a shorthand familiar to those of us who follow sports in the U.S. He does touch on some of the topics related to sports you mention (hence, his recent use of Criminal Docket in the titles earlier this season). I would also like to add, that he has written some really excellent posts about the law that have been really useful for those of us lay readers who often think the law works in a way in which it doesn’t.
      If U.S. sports aren’t your thing, skip the weekend Trash, but do keep reading bmaz’ other work whenever it turns up. His posts are well worth reading and I always learn something from them.

      • JonKnowsNothing says:

        Thanks for the explanation.

        I guess this is sort of like Friday Squid Blogging over at Bruce Schneier’s site.

        • phred says:

          Thanks scribe : )
          Stillers have their work cut out for them in Indy today… Keeping my fingers crossed for them, but uh, full disclosure I put points on Indy in my football pool. Don’t tell the hubby…

  12. phred says:

    Ummm, EW what is going on with your Kittens? Maybe they need more coffee, too…
    Oh, that’s it, isn’t it? They had tea this morning didn’t they? No wonder, then ; )

  13. phred says:

    Hahaha… ok, the announcer just told us that this is a home game for Atlanta. That explains it! Home field advantage : ) Hahahaha…
    For what it’s worth I picked Detroit in my football pool, but I’ll admit, I won’t weep into my Wheaties if the Falcons win at home ; )

      • phred says:

        Top o’ the morning, bmaz! Literally ; )
        Got any chips to go with your pint? Any idea when they allowed the use of hands in football, mate? I seem to have missed that bit…

        Tally Ho…

  14. phred says:

    EW, I think your #1 defense just crawled out of the pub, but I have a feeling all those little yellow flags may spoil their fun…

    • bmaz says:

      Aye mate, tally ho indeed!
      On behalf of Green Bay Packers fans worldwide, I would like to commend the first half of football today by the London Falcons!

    • emptywheel says:

      Not liking the comeback Lions as much as they don’t give up an early lead Lions, as the former reminds me of past years.

      But if that’s what gets us through the early season injuries, I’ll take it.

      Also, liking the strategy of getting through our kicking woes by arranging the huge-legged Prater two tries with delay of game penalties. Very crafty.

  15. phred says:

    Ok, what is the freakin’ obsession with the turf??? The Kittehs are behind because Stafford’s throwing all over the map, not because of the grass. Sheesh.

    • bmaz says:

      Maybe the announcers just are not familiar with turf that is not made out of plastigoop?
      Have to say, as excellent as the first half was, the second is bloody horrible so far.

      • phred says:

        Ah plastigoop, such fond memories. That stuff was so much fun, it had to be toxic. Haven’t heard of it in years… Good to know it has a new home in Wembley ; )

    • emptywheel says:

      We’re a puff dome team remember. It’ll save your packers’ ass once we’re forced to play them on tundra.

      Though maybe playing through real grass woes here will help us prevail in Green Bay.

  16. Jim White says:

    Approaching noon on Sunday after the Wolvereenies got blown out by Sparty, and both Hoke and Muschamp are still employed.
    At this rate, the AD’s involved might just wind up trading coaches…

  17. bmaz says:

    This is just pitiful. Did somebody pay off the Falcons to flop?
    And Denver had to go and give Detroit a real kicker.

  18. phred says:

    And where is BSL when you need him? Patsies off to an early lead much to Bill Murray’s disappointment I am sure.

    • Bay State Librul says:

      Dateline: Foxborough….

      Brady reminds me of Roger Federer…

      Manning vs Brady next week.
      My pick is with Brady, who is tiresome of the comparisons
      In the mean time, Gronk and Brady set some records

      “The Patriots big tight end has matched a career-high with 9 receptions for 149 yards and three touchdowns on the day. It’s the 14th time in his career that Gronk has over 100 yards receiving, and second time this season. It’s also the second three touchdown game of his career, the last time was in 2010.

      When Brady — who has five touchdown passes on the day — hit Gronkowski for their first TD of the game — on a 6-yard pass in the first quarter — the pair made history, connecting on 46 touchdown passes, a new franchise record passing Drew Bledsoe-Ben Coates”

      • scribe says:

        Heh. Ben had 6. (Same as the number of Lombardi Trophies one passes when going to the Stillers offices.)

        And, no, nothing will ever surpass the Butt Fumble. Nothing.

        • emptywheel says:

          I assume that Pats don’t have enough to match the Donkos D, which is vastly improved off last year (and everyone knows if Brady’s on his ass he’s not throwing TDs).

          That said, I thought last year the D couldn’t match up and I was wrong.

  19. emptywheel says:

    I’m happy to watch the Pats with an easy game and all. But I wish the Bears would at least force Brady to do something other than throw TDs to that back left corner.

  20. CTuttle says:

    Aloha, y’all…! Glad to see that y’all got a taste of some morning football…! ;-)

    I’m always watching my football with a mug of coffee…!

    That was a mugging in Foxboro, I’m so glad Cutler is a Bear and not my Donkos QB…! ;-)

    • phred says:

      Honestly, CTut, I don’t know how you do that week after week (breakfast football ; ) I wake up slowly…
      EW, popped into the kitchen to do a bit of cooking during the 2nd half, so switched over to the radio. By the 4th quarter the announcers really had to work to remember to do the play by play as they kept getting distracted by the scale of the Bear debacle on display before them ; )
      Does anyone here recognize the Stillers, ’cause I sure don’t — and I’m not referring to their bumblebee Halloween costumes ; )

  21. bmaz says:

    Yo, if y’all didn’t have the Cardinals and Eagles game, you missed out. What a great game and nail biting finish.

    • phred says:

      Speaking of teams I don’t recognize… That was a heck of a game, bmaz, so whaddya think Cards in the Super Bowl??? ; )
      Just saw the end of the Eagles-Cardinals after a listening to a little local sports radio. One would think the playoffs start next week ; )

      • bmaz says:

        It was a hell of a game. Don’t think they will make it to the Super Bowl, but that would be way cool since it is here this year.

  22. emptywheel says:

    How come the commentators aren’t making a bigger deal abt Bama RB v Bama RB?

    Cause I think that may be what decides this game.

    That, and the unlikely possibility that either D will get a stop.

    • phred says:

      Neither D is getting a stop, but I wouldn’t have guessed this would be a game of back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back FGs.

    • phred says:

      Looks like Rodgers pulled his hamstring, but the real problem is once again our defense. And just when I was starting to relent on my criticism of Capers. My bad.
      And another TD given up by the Packer D.
      Good job Saints. ‘Night all…

      • bmaz says:

        Yeah, and Aaron was not for shit after that either. Rodgers has the kind of arm you would think could overcome a leg issue, but his passes were horrible after that.

        • phred says:

          Actually I would think one’s legs matter a lot in getting the pass to go exactly where you want. If his leg was bothering him, then I would imagine it would throw off his balance and accuracy. ‘Course, I could be way wrong here, just mho..
          As for JohnT, he has my sincere sympathies. I’ll readily admit, I’ve been wicked spoiled since the dawn of the Favre/Rodgers era, but I remember the dark days when living on the east coast the Packer games were never broadcast. They weren’t good enough to be featured nationally and they were glossed over in the recaps. Fortunately, Mom would tape the games for me back then and send me the tapes so I could watch them later. I miss Mom : )

        • bmaz says:

          I love yer mom! Sounds like my mom was, which is oh so awesome. The Lynn Dickey era on the frozen tundra sucked.

  23. JohnT says:

    Hip hop style?
    I’d take that as a compliment that you’re on the cutting edge. Maybe play Tupac’s California Love after the Giants beat the Royals this week
    Srsly though — the Royals are bringing it, this series is tough
    Go Giants!
    You know, I’m really starting to get annoyed with the sportscenters of the world. I know, I get it. Everybody loves the Packers, everybody loves the Saints, everybody loves the Steelers, everybody loves the Peyton Mannings. But it’d be nice once in awhile to watch a few seconds of highlights of some of the inferior peons of the sports world, like the Vikings. They can’t run tape and spend 30 seconds on teams other than the chosen ones?
    Screw you ESPN

    • bmaz says:

      What in the world are you going on about?
      The Vikings and hip hop? Did ya exit at the wrong BART station or something??
      I mean, as to the Vikes, there were those two years with the Great Geezer, but, other than that, what? The Christian Ponder time? The Bridgewater days? The Tavaris era? And all of that is totally superior to “hip hop”.
      What say we engage in a little FEMA camp reeducation for you here?

      • bmaz says:

        Also, I might add that John T, formerly known as the artist John In Sacramento, is one of my favorites for nearly a decade, so don’t you newbies be busting my balls for my response to him.

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