Week Seven Pro and College Football Trash Talk

The week got off to a good start as the Patriots outlasted the Jets Thursday night. Barely and, really, the Jets should have won, they played better. Then, yesterday, the Jets traded a conditional draft pick to Seattle for Percy Harvin. Seems like a horrid deal for the Squawks, but apparently Harvin was a locker room cancer. Man, that is a big loss for Seattle talent wise, so they must have really wanted him gone. If the Jets had had him a couple of days earlier, they might well have beaten the Pats. The Seahawks probably won’t miss Harvin too much against the woeful Rams on Sunday, but may later in the year.

The two best games of the weekend are Chiefs at Bolts and 49ers at Broncos. In the former, you have to like San Diego. They finally seem to be getting rid of the Norval Turner syndrome, and Philip Rivers is playing soundly again. The Chefs are capable of blowing out even a good team on any given weekend, but are more than capable of sucking too, especially on the road. The 49ers at Broncos looks like a tossup, but I will take Peyton and the Donks at Mile High against pretty much anybody, and do here. Denver’s receivers are just too good for the so so defensive backfield of San Francisco.

The big game out west is Stanford at ASU here in Tempe. Stanford has pounded the Devils in the last few years, including twice last year (regular season and in Pac-12 championship). ASU is flaky, but they are more than capable of pulling off the win. They now have two quarterbacks as Taylor Kelly is returning from injury, but Mike Bercovicci, who has played well, is expected to get the start. Devils may actually have the better ground game for once too. Still, the odds are Stanford walks out the winner. The Washington Huskies have a great record so far at 5-1, but don’t have nearly enough juice to beat the Oregon Quackers in Eugene. Texas A+M at Alabama has been a fantastic game the last couple of years, and should be again. Both teams have looked out of sorts lately.

The marquee game nationally is, of course, Notre Dame at the Florida State Rapists and Coddlers. Hard to find a team to root for in this matchup. Maybe they could battle to a 0-0 tie, yeah, that would work. The Domers may be undefeated and fifth ranked in the country, but they don’t seem to have the talent or game to compete with the likes of FSU. There is currently a 9.5 point spread on the game in favor of FSU, and that seems about right.

No baseball as the World Series doesn’t start until Tuesday, but how bout them Royals! Formula One is off until November 2nd, when the US Grand Prix in Austin goes off. This week’s music courtesy of Neil Young and Crazyhorse. So, with that, I bid you adieu and chat it up.

97 replies
  1. bmaz says:

    By the way, the new logo for the Super Bowl, to be held here in Phoenix, is out. It is pretty. But, yes, it does look like the trophy is popping out of a giant toaster. Which is actually appropriate because, from the outside, especially from an aerial view, the Cardinals’ stadium does indeed look like a giant toaster, and that is the local nickname for it.

  2. emptywheel says:

    You stole my comment about the Harvin trade: that if it happened sooner the Jets might have won on Thursday. Boy the Patsies looked bad again.

    I’m hoping if he is a locker room cancer he starts doing (more) damage to the Jets before the game in NJ.

    And I’m also grateful that Harvin lasted at Seattle long enough to lead them to trade Tate to the Kitties.

    So look on the bright side!

    • Bay State Librul says:

      The worst 5-2 record in the league.

      Herald sportswriter Borges (who detests Bill) gave him a C for Thursday’s game

      “With only four days to adjust to the loss of Jerod Mayo and Stevan Ridley plus the absence of two starting offensive linemen, the staff struggled. The run defense, long anchored by Mayo in the middle, allowed 218 yards and was repeatedly gutted up the middle. Whatever defensive coordinator Matt Patricia tried didn’t work, except in the red zone where the Jets were often co-conspirators. When an opponent scores on five straight drives and again late in the game while controlling the ball for nearly 41 minutes, whatever plan you had was ill-conceived. Offensively, the Patriots managed to score when needed most. What they didn’t have was an answer to New York coach Rex Ryan’s halftime defensive adjustments, which put consistent pressure on Tom Brady. A first down on the final drive and the Jets don’t get the ball back but unimaginative play-calling had the offense go three-and-out.”

  3. Peterr says:

    The Chefs are a big afterthought in KC this week. Last week was a bye week, and then with the Royals doing their thing on the Angels and Orioles, they’ve sucked up the sports energy of the area. There’s a tradition called “Red Friday” where people wear red to work on the Friday before the Chefs play (or on Monday/Thursday in the case of games on those nights), but this week it got swamped by all the Royal Blue.

    But the Big Game at La Casa Peterr is the Huskers in Evanston against the Fighting Journalists tonight. When Nebraska joined the B1G, my then-young son was distressed: “But dad, now that they are both in the same conference, what will happen when your team plays mom’s team?” Mrs Peter replied before I did: “Your dad will cry.”

    Whether that holds true depends on whether the FJs that beat the Stinkin’ Badgers shows up or the folks that folded in Minnesota do.

  4. lefty665 says:

    What kind of a superbowl has X LIX as it’s identifier? Clearly them Romans didn’t know nuttin’ ’bout no numberin’. It’s a XX short of its Arabic numeral namesake.

    • Peterr says:

      The proper Roman would use IL, but since the NFL isn’t going to use “L” for next year’s game, they punted on going with IL this year (so to speak).
      Also, I’m guessing the Bidwells had a certain aversion to hosting Super Bowl IL.

      • P J Evans says:

        As I understand it, the proper Roman would use XXXXVIIII. Which has the advantage of some kind of symmetry.

  5. Jim White says:

    I’m rooting for lightning to win the game in Tallahassee tonight.
    As for the game in Gainesville, it sets up as a win-win. If Muschamp mostly plays Driskel and they lose, then Muschamp hits the road. If Harris mostly plays and gets the win, the Gators still inexplicably control their own destiny to win the SEC East.

    • Peterr says:

      Mrs Peterr’s two favorite teams are Nebraska and whoever plays against Oklahoma. She is a happy camper right now.

  6. emptywheel says:

    Think I gotta root for Nebraska on account of the weird costumes the Fighting Journalists are wearing.

    What is this, Pilates class?

  7. CTuttle says:

    I was disappointed by the blowout the Tide delivered the Aggies, and, poor Jim must be sobbing in his beer, with the beat down Mizzou is handing the Gators in Gainesville…! I’m fearful that the Gmen will be swept by the Royals in the WS, they seem to be unstoppable…!

  8. CTuttle says:

    I must say the Homecoming planners for college teams need to rethink their choices of opponents, why did the Hoosiers pick the Sparties, or the Gators pick Mizzou…? ;-)

  9. CTuttle says:

    The two best games of the weekend are Chiefs at Bolts and 49ers at Broncos. In the former, you have to like San Diego. They finally seem to be getting rid of the Norval Turner syndrome, and Philip Rivers is playing soundly again. The Chefs are capable of blowing out even a good team on any given weekend…

    Being a true-blue Donko fanatic I’m rooting for the Chefs and praying that the Orange Crush shows up Sun. nite…! ;-)

    In my hubcap submission… I like the Bungles at home as well as, Da Bears, the Pack, ‘Skins, Ravens, Kitties, Boyz, and Cards…! The Kitties/Ain’ts game should be a Dome slugfest…! The Squawks should have no prob, but, that Harvin trade is a puzzler…! But, if anyone can cure a ‘cancer’ it’s BilBel…! ;-)

    • bmaz says:

      Pretty surprising. I think ASU will be making a mistake if they go back to Taylor kelly at QB, this Bercovicci is just playing too well. Will be interesting to see how rest of the season goes. I don’t think they are as good as looked tonight.

  10. CTuttle says:

    Meanwhile my ‘Bows continue on with another abysmal loss to the Aztecs…! C’mon Norm Chow pack it in already, and retire already…!

  11. Bay State Librul says:

    Fodder for those who hate our Patsies….

    “The Patriots are in first place. Folks need to stop complaining and telling us what is wrong with our local football team. Let’s remember that the Patriots have the greatest coach-quarterback combination in the history of football. Bill Belichick and Tom Brady are professional football’s Red Auerbach and Bill Russell. There will never be another winning tandem like this and we should appreciate them while they are both still here. The 2014 Patriots are a lock to win the AFC East and that means yet another playoff game at Gillette. The Patriots have won the division title in 10 of the last 11 seasons and they’ve played in three consecutive AFC Championship games. If you’ve got a problem with that, call your friends in Detroit or Cleveland. Never mind style points. The Patriots are 5-2. They have as many wins as any team in the NFL. They are going to beat the Bears at home next weekend and then we get Peyton Manning and the Broncos at Gillette. Is there any city in which it is more fun to be a pro football fan than ours?”

    Dandy Dan Shaughnessey, Globule

  12. bmaz says:

    Patriots have the greatest coach-quarterback combination in the history of football.

    Has Dan Shaughnessey not heard of Bill Walsh and Joe Montana? Because he seems dead certain on something that is a very debatable, if not outright false, statement.

      • bmaz says:

        Whatever it was the Rams were doing, they have stopped and the Squawks are on a major comeback roll. Bleech.

    • scribe says:

      Shaughnessy’s performance deserves a prize for creative writing, if not for being a straight-up blowjob.
      Last I checked, the Patsies haven’t won anything since they got caught cheating. And Super Bowl wins are the only measure of greatness that counts.

  13. rosalind says:

    teevee gods have decreed my morning game shall ever be Green Bay vs. Whomever, so once again i am “team phred”.
    and nice rope-a-dope, bmaz. i chuckled at your dire predictions in the ASU/Stanford Game, having actually watched Stanford games this season. the outcome was as i expected.

    • bmaz says:

      That would be “Team Phred/bmaz”! Cause I love me some Cheese. Last night worked out rather well, but you were overrating ASU, they can be flaky. Remember they got blown off the field not that long ago at home by UCLA. On the other hand, when play, both offensively and defensively, like they did last night, they can be pretty decent. Hope they can keep it up, but dunno.

      • Bay State Librul says:

        Phred is probably at the Head of the Charles Regatta, “The two-day rowing competition which began Saturday morning and will end on Sunday evening… the event is expected to attract nearly 11,000 athletes from 32 countries, together with more than 400,000 spectators”

        • emptywheel says:

          Really more of a party with a few boats invited.

          Almost got arrested (for the second time in 10 days, almost) for having beer at a table in Harvard square the one time I went. But it was a nice party.

        • scribe says:

          That’s one way to keep tourists away from just about anywhere – arrest them for enjoying themselves.

          Word will spread….

        • emptywheel says:

          The earlier incident was in Amherst. (Got pulled over by a cop car while walking, about which I was pretty proud. “Ladies, drop the beer or you’re going to jail.”) To be fair, Amherst students don’t get sent to jail very often.

        • CTuttle says:

          Almost got arrested (for the second time in 10 days, almost) for having beer at a table in Harvard square

          *heh* I guess the local coppers still dislike those rowdy Irish folks…! ;-)

        • bmaz says:

          Yeah, “almost got arrested” and “should have gotten arrested” are categories for which much more than an abacus are required to add up here.

        • P J Evans says:

          There are things that call for anchovies, but pizza ain’t among them. (I don’t believe that shrimp belongs on pizza either – but pineapple with ham or Canadian bacon is good.)

        • bmaz says:

          When I started college, ham/Canadian bacon and pineapple was considered heresy. But there was a local joint called the Lunt Avenue Marble Club that made it oh so awesome. Ungodly good. Now it is totally acceptable. Go figure.

  14. CTuttle says:

    Dayam, after the early games my picks are way off…! The Bungles got creamed, the Squawks lost, the Kitties barely eked out the win, and Da Bears lost…!

    At least the Ravens and the Pack had no probs…! ;-)

  15. masaccio says:

    So my Irish lost. I feel like I did when USC beat the Irish in my freshman year after an invisible holding call on a straight ahead line plunge. You lost but you can’t feel like you actually got beat.

    • bmaz says:

      The pick penalty was ticky tacky, but apparently was the rule, even though often not called. I have to say, the Irish acquitted themselves well from what I could tell (I was in a movie for much of the game, but have seen all the highlights etc). This, of course, concerns me as they will be rolling into Tempe in a couple of weeks.

  16. Jo6pac says:

    Go 9ers and I agree bmz about the 9er D. Then there’s the none offense play calling;(

    Go Giants and I do hope they sweep this in 4.

    I love the fact the hawks have lost 2 and one at home:)

  17. scribe says:

    I may be late to the party on this, but I am having the best dinner: homemade clam-bacon pizza.
    Make one of the generic 12 inch pizza shells – my supermarket sells a mix that requires only water.
    When the dough is ready, spread it on the sheet pan then add the following:
    1/2 of a 15 oz can of New England style clam chowder (the no-tomatoes kind) for the sauce, then some crumbled bacon and enough mozzarella. Sprinkle some garlic powder and romano cheese on top.
    Bake (450, 15 min or so)

    My eyes are rolling back in my head right now. Gooood.

      • scribe says:

        There are people who need that quality of the chowder clarified. I enjoy both varieties, but the pizza really goes best with the New England kind.

        Frickin’ awesome pie – I stretched my dough to almost 14 inches so it was nice and thin. I could have eaten the whole thing had I not consciously put on the brakes and left 2/6 slices for some other time.

  18. scribe says:

    Giselle’s sitting there saying something like “and Welker wasn’t ‘good enough’ for New England?”

  19. bmaz says:

    Somewhere is Ms. Wheel. I KNOW she wants to congratulate the old noodle arm, but is probably busy. Maybe making rhubarb pie or something! I beth the Old Gunslinger is actually glad that, if anyone was ever going to break his record, it was his friend from Mississippi.

  20. bmaz says:

    By the way, to PJ, TUTTLE, PETERR, MASACCIO and whoever else has been caught up in our mod filters again, whether on this thread or another, please know we have again been upgrading our security. We will also, again, figure out how to insure our longtime registered members don’t get caught up and inconvenienced.
    In the meantime, please bear with us; we apologize and understand. What we are doing is, in the long run, for your benefit. Yes, seriously, I really mean that. So, sorry about the disturbance, but hang tight please.

    • P J Evans says:

      I don’t worry about it, on account of I know you know me and my e-mail address.
      (I’m also not usually logged in, so I expect to get caught.)

  21. What Constitution? says:

    bmaz, thanks for the clip. Whoever thought up using that song with that footage was thinking exactly what Neil Young was thinking. Perfectly awesome. And you could use the same footage for the electric reprise, too. Saw this concert live at The Forum in 1980 and Neil Young’s ranch supposedly was being threatened by a wildfire that very night — he played with such a wistful vengeance we thought he was going to kill himself after the show. Yeah, we were wrong. But what a show.

  22. scribe says:

    FWIW, the Stillers’ 17 point run came immediately after I draped the Terrible Towel over the TV set.

    And now The Beard gets an INT while I’m typing.

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