Leaving Motown

Bs7J-LDCAAAe9Z2.jpg-largeHi there Wheelhouse denizens,how ya doing? Jim White and I are both in the air right now on our way home from yet another Netroots wild weekend. We were dropped off at the airport by Marcy, who is on the actual road on her way home to Grand Rapids.

A great time was had by all, and, yes, we are all a little worse for the wear. We had a rocking good time. The picture above is from Marcy’s NSA Surveillance panel yesterday afternoon. Normal content and posting should resume tomorrow, thanks for bearing with us. You are all the greatest, see you soon. Until then, rock on and chat amongst yourselves!

3 replies
  1. TawasTeacher says:

    Thanks Marcy, Jim, and bmaz! It was great meeting all of you and thanks for letting me hang out, listen in, and learn during the sessions. My students and I are really going to benefit because of the kindness and time extended to me at Netroots 2014. Thanks again and looking forward to introducing another group of students to the real world.

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