Obama White House Sponsors Young and Rich Narcissistic 1% Fucktards That Will Ruin the World

Proving it is never too late to shine your lame duck ass for a new generation of 1% oligarchs, Barack Obama laid open the real constituency of national politicians. And proved certain any inference that such was only the constituency and province of the GOP, Koch Brothers et. al is false.

If this is not stupid and ugly to the common Democratic fanchild, it is hard to imagine what is, or could be. From the New York Times hagiography:

On a crisp morning in late March, an elite group of 100 young philanthropists and heirs to billionaire family fortunes filed into a cozy auditorium at the White House.

Their name tags read like a catalog of the country’s wealthiest and most influential clans: Rockefeller, Pritzker, Marriott. They were there for a discreet, invitation-only summit hosted by the Obama administration to find common ground between the public sector and the so-called next-generation philanthropists, many of whom stand to inherit billions in private wealth.

“Moon shots!” one administration official said, kicking off the day on an inspirational note to embrace the White House as a partner and catalyst for putting their personal idealism into practice.

“Moon shots!”

I guess the Obama White House couldn’t fathom a better phrase for coming in their pants over big money.

If there is a more sick comment on the perverted state of US national politics, it is hard to imagine what it would be.

We are ruled by a bunch of oligarchs, and political handmaidens that kiss the oligarch’s asses and hew their beck and call. If the fact the great once and forever symbol of the common citizen “hope and change”, Barack Obama, is such a distant leader, constantly beholden to not only the future of the moneyed class, but the current too, then there is no reality for the American public.

The well-heeled group seemed receptive. “I think it’s fantastic,” said Patrick Gage, a 19-year-old heir to the multibillion-dollar Carlson hotel and hospitality fortune. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” Mr. Gage, physically boyish with naturally swooping Bieber bangs, wore a conservative pinstripe suit and a white oxford shirt. His family’s Carlson company, which owns Radisson hotels, Country Inns and Suites, T.G.I. Friday’s and other brands, is an industry leader in enforcing measures to combat trafficking and involuntary prostitution.

Oh my. And holy crap.

The New York Times penned a factual report of this sick instance. Will the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, or any of the other august opinion pages of national press, deign themselves honest enough to write opinion and/or editorial pieces recognizing this political cancer for what it really is?

If you did not view the video, and listen to the lyrics in the video above, do so. Because that is exactly the class of “super citizens” your elected leaders are beholden to. The handful of billionaires count for far more than the actual billions of people on this earth.

Want proof? Look no further than the “liberal”, “socialist”, “Democratic” Obama White House, who just demonstrated the problem in Technicolor.

And, before you chafe, of course it would be even worse with Republicans in charge. But the question is no longer just which party is in control of the levers of power (though it DOES matter for SCOTUS), but where the values of the country really are.

It is almost impossible to fathom the country’s values are with the pimple faced, Bieber banged, teenager scions of billionaires the Obama White House so calmly and cooly glad-hands.

[Seriously, watch the video from the one, the only, fantastic Tubes:

Young and rich
Everything I desire
Light bulbs with shades
in every room
And work is play–believe me
Nothing must come too hard
It comes in the mail
most everyday

Maybe our leaders should find a more representative, and morally balanced, set of leaders for the future.]

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32 replies
  1. guest says:

    Was it a limousine liberal baby shower for princess Chelsea?

    Maybe Obama was just hoping to introduce his girls around so the could marry a couple billionaires. It’s prom season, after all.

    I love this post, but bmaz’s delightful disgust has got in the way of his coherence. I think this one needs a bit more editing since a few sentences are just unreadable.

  2. bmaz says:

    Well, perhaps, “Guest” can explain exactly what any of this post has to do with Chelsea Clinton. Other, than, of course, his/her own off topic opinion.

  3. guest says:

    Just saying Bill and Hillary cashed in pretty well after 8 years of lickspittling for plutocrats and they married little Chelsea off into the goldman sachs borg (the fetal heir was recently announced). And here we have teenage Bieberesque billionaires calling on the Obamas. It just looks like he is stepping up his social climbing game.

  4. C says:

    As noted over at Gawker, the author of the NY Times “article” was actually a guest at the events having been personally invited by some of the participants as a member of a wealthy family himself. Thus this is not so much an article as account by syncophants for syncophants.

  5. Mauimom says:

    It’s too bad that E! Network’s “Rich Kids of Beverly Hills” just ended. The kids on there were truly revolting, and demonstrated why tax rates on the rich, as well as inheritance taxes, need to be raised.

    Perhaps you can find an episode or two on the E! website.

  6. masaccio says:

    In Capital in the 21st Century, Thomas Piketty cites Jane Austen and Honoré de Balzac as authorities on the power of wealth. Krugman said that for us, Oliver Stone is the leading commenter, and that a fair reading of Piketty’s book is that we won’t be ruled by Gordon Gekko, but by the heirs of Gordon Gekko. Piketty calls it “patrimonial capitalism”, because wealth comes from inheritance and rent-seeking, and not from entrepreneurial effort.

    I, for one, welcome our new Patrimonial Overlords, pimples and all.

  7. orionATL says:

    this is revolting, but the politician’s job is to work with whoever’s around to work with in her times. at present that includes thousands of little rich kids.

    my interest would be for a non-duckable inheritance tax. such a tax would reduce the numbers and the influence of hyper-rich kids.

    to persuade or to tax, that is the question :)

    then again, there is tithing – say, yearly tithing of 10%.

    for hypothesis testing of who gets what from the american political system, see martin gliens and benjamin page (princeton and n’western respectively). to be published in “perspectives on politics”,fall 2014.

    reviewed in “the telegraph” sunday 4/20/14 by zachary davies boren.

    • orionATL says:

      the review of the academic article appeared in the telegraph on april 16,2014, not on april 20.

      “..by Zachary Davies Boren10:58AM BST 16 Apr 2014…

      …The US government does not represent the interests of the majority of the country’s citizens, but is instead ruled by those of the rich and powerful, a new study from Princeton and Northwestern Universities has concluded.
      The report, entitled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, used extensive policy data collected from between the years of 1981 and 2002 to empirically determine the state of the US political system.
      After sifting through nearly 1,800 US policies enacted in that period and comparing them to the expressed preferences of average Americans (50th percentile of income), affluent Americans (90th percentile) and large special interests groups, researchers concluded that the United States is dominated by its economic elite…”

    • masaccio says:

      Piketty calls for a big increase in the estate tax, as well as a wealth tax on the hyper-rich and much higher income taxes at the top of the income scale.

      The filthy rich resist, of course. One reason the right is so hostile to Obamacare is that their billionaire manipulators have to pay higher taxes on the top part of their income.

    • ess emm says:

      yes, Cassidy’s complaints that we already knew this, and that the R-squareds are low, is very weak. He is just worried about using the word “oligarch” in front of oligarchs.

      The results I took from Gilens and Page were:

      1. The median-income citizen’s preferences (call her Ms. Median-Income) has NO CAUSAL EFFECT on policies being enacted

      2. Therefore, the majority electoral democracy model utility as a predictor of policy outcomes is DEAD

      3. The economic elites and organized interest groups share power.

      4. Other than labor unions, there are NO organized interest groups that represent Ms. Median-Income. Thus, as a whole, interest groups are not substantially correlated with Ms. Median-Income preferences.

      5. And it’s worse, business group’s interests are negatively correlated to Ms. Median-Income preferences. And there are more business interest groups than anything else (twice as many will deploy on an issue compared to other interest groups). Of course, business organizations are negatively correlated because as corporations, they are crassly driven by profit and market-share, and not tempered by the morality that the economic elites, as humans, still have.

      6. Ms. Median-Income needs to organize and stop free-riding on the elites’ tails.

  8. JohnT says:

    This just confirms my new voting rule. I will never again vote for anyone who comes from Yale or Harvard (George HW – Yale, Clinton – Yale Law School, W – Yale, Obama – Harvard). And there really is no difference between the two main parties at the national level, especially if they come from those two schools

    For the musical selection – not complaining – but I was expecting Money for Nothing. Although the lyrics should be updated to point a finger at the trust funders, and I’d add the slide show from the Young and Rich video above

    • Peterr says:

      I hear you, but I disagree firmly about the lack of a difference between the parties.

      Just one example: one party gave us Scalia, Thomas, Alito, and Roberts. The other gave us Ginsburg and Sotomayor.

      The GOP would never have put Ginsburg on the court, and some would love to give her the death penalty for her support of abortion rights.

      • JohnT says:

        FWIW I think that’s part of the Kabuki, and proves my point. I.E. they agree to disagree on a few agreed upon wedge issues (abortion for one) and “have to” pass a watered down bill, Or, sometimes even more effective, don’t pass a bill, then go back their different constituencies during election time, and tell people what they want to hear and they should give him or her their vote and a donation.

        After being elected, they can all relax, and go back to golfing with Jamie Dimon, and host the kids of the 1% of the 1%. Cook up the next war du jour (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and …). Be like Max Baucus and have your “former” big pharma lobbyist legislative aide write ACA. Say they’re outraged and are shocked with the spying and torture policies of the gov. but, when push comes to shove, they don’t do anything of substance

        Just me, but I think SCOTUS is just one of three stages of the performance, because every one of those judges was confirmed by members of the opposing party


  9. ArizonaBumblebee says:

    Increasingly the United States is under the thumb of two corrupt organizations, the Democrats and the Republicans. They rule under the direction of the plutocrats and deep state operatives calling the shots behind the curtain in secret. I don’t watch corporate-sponsored news (Fox, CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN) anymore, but I doubt that this video was featured on the nightly news. I have nightmares just thinking about the prospect of a presidential election between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton in 2016 – old money vs. new money. Both of them believe in “American exceptionalism”, the surveillance state, and accommodation to Wall Street. As for President Obama, I labelled him a Dick Cheney Democrat a few years ago, and nothing has changed my view of him. Hope and change is a punchline to a joke on the American public.

  10. jo6pac says:

    Just the 1% kids stopping by to check out the house that their parents own and soon it will be theirs, well the potus in future that is. I love the fact that only one press person was invited, then again invited because the person is worth $610 million of the j&j family $$$$.

    Thanks bmz and people wonder why I say the demodogs can’t be saved or changed. Please vote for a third party because the lesser of two evil is still F$$$$$$ evil

    • geoschmidt says:

      Yeah Jo, that’s a good one… (so my reply is: “He still ain’t nuttin’ but a Debil!”).

      I’m pissed off at some of these Limoseen Liberal… Wannabies, who comprise an enormous bunch of misguided lower middle-income sorts. I mean, dumb f*ks that actually voted for that pcocrp… (A Second Time!!!???… not me!!!).

      Well to tell the truth, I think the guy would make a wonderfull Doorman, in any big city hotel, but, FCS’s…

  11. chronicle says:

    quote:”After sifting through nearly 1,800 US policies enacted in that period and comparing them to the expressed preferences of average Americans (50th percentile of income), affluent Americans (90th percentile) and large special interests groups, researchers concluded that the United States is dominated by its economic elite…”unquote

    Thereby verifying that which every person in America has known since 1890. Unfortunately, the Dumbest Country on the Planet still keeps voting for their party choice while denying both candidates will screw them equally.

  12. prostratedragon says:

    Wish I could shake the nagging feeling that this horrid little Jack n’ Jill playdate is somebody’s first reply to Piketty’s work (and to, eh, many of its reviewers).

  13. Teddy says:

    Confiscatory tax rates. Seize their wealth. 100% estate tax above one hundred million. No loopholes and ‘generation skipping’ crap. Take back all the wealth they’ve stolen from America’s middle class.

    • P J Evans says:

      Geeze, Teddy, you’re feeling merciful. I was thinking of closing the damned loopholes and 100% on everything over 5 million a year.

  14. bevin says:

    “Syncophants”. I’m not sure if that is a new coinage or a typo but as a description of the participants in a White House meeting it works well.

  15. TarheelDem says:

    But the question is no longer just which party is in control of the levers of power (though it DOES matter for SCOTUS), but where the values of the country really are.

    No doubt raising money for the 2010 Congressional youth vote /s

    Another example of “most transparent Presidency ever”. Would not have made the NYT in previous Presidencies but would have been quietly held behind closed doors with no sign-in for security. /s

  16. TarheelDem says:

    Which one of these words best describes this event:

    Mr. Muscle
    Scrubbing Bubbles

  17. cinnamonb says:

    Thanks for this post. I hadn’t heard of this event – it truly was revolting.

    Wish we could get our collective act together and start saying ‘no more’ to these oligarchs.

    Glad Piketty and Gilens and Page were mentioned here. I will start going through their entire document tonight; so far I just have a news summary to go by. Their work seems good, and certainly cautionary. Also, I’ll have to check out that link about Nexus.

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