Intelligence Response to KSM’s Claim Intelligence Supersedes Justice Holds Up His Own Trial

Matt Apuzzo collects the thoughts of a number of people who are getting frustrated with the way the CIA and FBI (though I suspect it might be CIA and CIA) keep holding up the Gitmo show trials.

Most damning of them is this quote from top military justice lawyer professor, Eugene Fidell.

“It’s a courtroom with three benches,” said Eugene R. Fidell, who teaches military justice at Yale Law School. “There’s one person pretending to be the judge, and two other agencies behind the scenes exerting at least as much influence.”

That assessment is not all that far from the claim Khalid Sheikh Mohammed made in the propaganda tract behind this latest delay.

Every democratic country in the west has a constitution, an executive branch, a judicial branch, and a legislative branch. They also have a big black box above and beyond these branches that implements all that it sees as being in the interest of the country or ruling party without consideration for any constitution, morality, religion, or principle. This black box is called Intelligence and its authority supersedes all other considerations.

The Kangaroo Court trying KSM is proving him right. That’s not a good thing.

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4 replies
  1. lefty665 says:

    Really sucks when the bad guys tell it straighter than our own Govt. But then that’s getting to be the norm, along with outright buffoonery like our ongoing official statements on Ukraine or Syria last summer.
    Thanks EW. Folks like you standing up and telling it straight it give me hope we’ll muddle through.

  2. What Constitution? says:

    While I completely agree with lefty665, still it strikes me that EW is being a little harsh on kangaroos here. What did a kangaroo ever do to her that justifies tarring the kangaroo system of justice by comparing it to what the US is doing here?

  3. chronicle says:

    quote”Every democratic country in the west has a constitution, an executive branch, a judicial branch, and a legislative branch. They also have a big black box above and beyond these branches that implements all that it sees as being in the interest of the country or ruling party without consideration for any constitution, morality, religion, or principle. This black box is called Intelligence and its authority supersedes all other considerations.”unquote

    Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner Marci! When and if this planet finally discovers the true source of the “black box” oversight mechanism in ANY nation on earth, it will have the fingerprints of the IMF and it’s implementation division, the CIA. One only follow the path of the Dulles brothers to see how it was done. Jim Garrison saw it. So did JFK. So did those who died in the Twin Towers.

  4. Nathanael says:

    I think we’ve figured out who’s levying war against the United States, aiding and comforting the enemies of the United States — it’s the CIA.

    Now if only we had a President who could recognize treason when he sees it.

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