Radical Idea: the Legislature Ends Smith v. Maryland
The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with the NSA Review Group just finished. There was no earth-shattering news. Perhaps the best one-liner from the hearing came when former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell said that metadata is content (and I’m grateful he said it early in the hearing so it will make the evening news). Bizarrely, he claimed he just learned that while working on this report which is rather … unconvincing.
At the very end of the hearing, however, Senator Richard Blumenthal said something equally as important, which went something like,
Smith v. Maryland is about as outdated as any Supreme Court [sic] can be. Congress has an equal responsibility to protect the Constitution as the Supreme Court. There is no need to wait for the Supreme Court.
It’s a great idea, for the legislature to end Smith v. Maryland’s encroachment on the Constitution, and he’s right, Congress does have the authority to act.
But as far as I know, Blumenthal has yet to introduce a bill doing that.
OMG. A Congress cognizant of it’s equality with the SC???? Will wonders ever cease. Someone help me off the floor. Now, if they could only get the balls to stand up to the Executive.
ps. Tongue in cheek is not my best suit.
Hey ew. Your Michigan veggie soup is boiling over while you’re twittering. And don’t forget that new dress your working on too. My gawd. You’d think we don’t pay you enough. And check that fax while your at it goddamnit. I mean, your shift doesn’t end till midnight.
sheeez.. give em an inch..
@bloodypitchfork: I got it,) just amazing the good senator now want to uphold the oath they take for office. It won’t happen just more theater.
Somewhat both on and off topic, the letters that Judge Bates, former presiding judge of FISC, sent to SSCI Chair Diane Feinstein regarding some of the proposed changes to the NSA’s warrantless dragnet surveillance of Americans and dissolution of our Constitutional rights, are truly gobsmacking in their claimed non-opinion opinions and interference in the political process of determining stuff like the our Constitutional 4th amendment rights, which laws Congress creates and generally who our 3 branches of government actually work for.
Read ’em and weep:
@Snoopdido:quote” Somewhat both on and off topic…”unquote
Hey snoop, as long as you don’t confuse the latest football stadium statistics with national security your good. With all due respect mind you.
quote:”Read ‘em and weep:”(snip)
Dang it Snoop..what did I just tell you?
@Snoopdido: Bates is a slacker! Let’s get a judge in there that’s not afraid of working.
I mean, WTF. Bates apparently thinks actually providing oversight will transform the FISC from its role as rubber-stamp—and he doesnt like it! He loves his cushy, no heavy-lifting job.
@ess emm: And then there is this:
“It is important that the process for selection of FISC and Court of Review judges remain both expeditious and fully confidential; the Chief Justice is uniquely positioned to select qualified judges for those Courts.”
In other words, according to Judge Bates all of those other Supreme Court Justices are not worth spit, and only the wonderful and just awesome Chief Justice Roberts is worthy of picking folks like me to sit on the FISC or the FISCR.
@Snoopdido: Which he then follows with this little beauty.
The scare quotes around oversight are priceless.
Of course, that’s at odds with what the figure known as Obama said on 8/23/13.
@ess emm: In the not so good judge’s defense his notion of “oversight” may actually be more nuanced. There is oversight of the law ie. whether an action is legal and then there is policy or legislative oversight i.e. whether we are getting what we want from otherwise legal acts. It is possible, just possible, that he is worried that congress will continue to punt on actually doing their job by trying to make it his job.
Given that the FISA court, and Bates himself it seems, has been bad at his current gig I certainly don’t want them to do more.
@ess emm: “I mean, WTF. Bates apparently thinks actually providing oversight will transform the FISC from its role as rubber-stamp—and he doesnt like it! He loves his cushy, no heavy-lifting job.”unquote
WTF indeed. What I STILL don’t understand is WHY the FISC is being inundated with NSL’s, when another Judge has already ruled that NSLs are..wait for it…UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
Anyone have further info on this?
@bloodypitchfork: Strictly speaking the U.S. District court judge in San Francisco ruled it “likely unconstutional”. That decision however is stayed pending an appeal so the program can continue in the meantime. From some reporting:
However at around the same time a district court judge in New York found that the programs were legal and could stop terror attacks.
Because these are separate circuits (9th and 2nd) neither decision overrides the other and thus the decisions stand in conflict. Under ordinary cases these rulings would have to be appealed to their respective circuit courts of appeal and then on to the Supremes. However the Larry Klayman the advocate who brought the case in San Francisco has moved to have both cases jump directly to the Supremes so that the issue can be resolved directly.