Granholm, Cherry Endorse Trevor Thomas
Trevor Thomas got some very nice props last night in his effort to win the Democratic nomination to beat Justin Amash in MI’s 3rd Congressional District: the endorsement of Jennifer Granholm and her former Lieutenant Governor, John Cherry. From the release:
“From day one Trevor has been a fighter for fairness and opportunity,” said former Governor Jennifer M. Granholm. “From the newsroom to the halls of Congress, Trevor has the experience and passion to get results on the issues critical to Michigan families. This is a campaign of inclusion that will stand up and represent all the voices of West Michigan and I am proud to support and be a part of it.”
“Trevor parent’s worked a combined 60 years on the lines of General Motors so he could have the chance to go to college, and now he is fighting for us all in his bid for Congress,” said former Lt. Gov. John D. Cherry Jr. “Trevor has worked to pass major federal legislation in support of our troops and he put party aside to get the job done. This is the fresh and progressive leadership we need today.”
Governor Granholm seems to get what this race is about.
Steve Pestka, Thomas’ primary opponent, will announce today. Given the DOJ events later in the day, I’m not able to rearrange my schedule to attend that announcement. But it looks like things are heating up (finally) in the 3rd.
Good stuff, glad to hear this. I am forced to contemplate rooting for one of two candidates for the house, Kyrsten Sinema and Andrei Cherny, who both make all the right noises, but are total party line sellouts when it counts. Sinema especially is good at the Obama bait and switch two step. Then for Senate, likely an interesting, but very moderate guy name Richard Carmona. The alternative is Jeff Flake as Senator for the rest of my life, so I will help Carmona.
@bmaz: Thanks for the word about Carmona. Never heard of him before. I, too, do not want Jeff Flake as my senator. Does he have a website & stuff?
Bob in AZ
Bob – Here is Carmona’s website for the election, and here is his wiki. Like i say, he is far from any flaming progressive overall, but he is pretty much his own man, and is a hell of a lot better than Flake. Not to mention he would be a “D” for Senate majority control purposes. The problem with Flake is, like Jon Kyl and McCain, he will never leave if he gets elected. Odds are Flake wins anyway, but I think Carmona can give a pretty good fight and stands at least a decent chance of winning, especially if the Obama crew really weighs in to help him.
Off subject. Sorry.
Who’s the ONE person who could kill Mitt Romney’s bid?
Billy Graham. And he, almost alone, can’t be bought or intimidated.
So, they’ll be trying to convince Billy that Obama’s a secret Muslim, or that Mormon is Christian (which it might be for all I know). And they’ll be isolating Billy from any strong Christian message from Obama.
And if they haven’t already succeeded with this project, they’ll be working to keep Billy from making any pre-election pronouncements that could damage Mitt.
Billy and those who truly love him had better be on the lookout for mischief between now and Nov. 4.
If you’re not aware, the good Governor has a nightly show on Current TV, broadcast from SF. While I wish she weren’t such an ardent Obama LLC fan, it’s a pretty good show for learning politics from the pros. Additionally it’s nice to see her use of California pundits/consultants for insights instead of The Beltway crowd.