Save the Internet!

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

We’ve been remiss in covering the SOPA/PIPA fight. So in honor of today’s SOPA/PIPA strike, we will be on strike from 6AM to 6PM today.

In the meantime, here are some links:

Julian Sanchez, SOPA: An Architecture for Censorship

Dan Gillmor, Stop SOPA or the Net Really Will Go Dark

And for a stomach-churning “where are they now” experience, here is former Senator Chris Dodd, now MPAA President’s statement calling the decision to go on strike today an “abuse of power.”

If that doesn’t keep you busy, you can write your members of Congress via this link. Or call them directly!

I, for one, will still be on Twitter. So will #SOPAStrike, tracking how things go tomorrow.