Gone Fishing to the Most Beautiful Place in America
Mr. EW and McCaffrey the MilleniaLab and I are off for the weekend–apparently, with a horde of others who take their travel tips from Good Morning America, which voted Sleeping Bear Dunes the most beautiful place in the US.
Between you and me, I’m also a big fan of Sedona and Grand Teton, which were also in the running. We had our wedding celebration in the former.
And there’s a part of Sleeping Bear that reminds me a lot of Point Reyes, where I used to hike all the time when I lived in San Francisco. No oysters at Sleeping Bear Dunes, though.
But hey, if GMA wants to send a bunch of people to spend money as tourists in MI, we’ll welcome them gladly.
I’ve pre-posted something for Sunday. And bmaz assures me he’ll share the likker cabinet this time, and get Trash Talk up before Sunday morning. So you should be in excellent care for the weekend.