August 12, 2011 / by emptywheel


Trash Talk! Packers v Barack Obama

I don’t know whether it’s because we almost didn’t have a season, or because the accelerated pre-season is making things more interesting (or that the alternative was the clown show GOP Presidential debate). But I sat my arse down and watched hours of pre-season football last night.

Highlights included seeing Larry “Spidey” Fitzgerald, with a good looking QB again, catching shit off his helmet, and watching BabyJesus Tebow thinking he had gotten a TD–only to have it called back for about 3 holds. He he he. (Though BabyJesus Tebow looked pretty good after that.)

Oh, and did I mention that BillBel managed to get the very last Lloyd Carr-coached QB available, ever, to back up Brady? And he looks damn good? Mind you, he had to spend a whole 3rd round pick to get Ryan Mallett, which for a tight wad like BillBel is unheard of.

That said, as good as I (hope) the Pats are going to be this year, the Iggles look as good as they should look (and that was even before Steve Smith became the latest former Giant to get the hell away from Tom Coughlin). And I even think backing Vick up might turn Vince Young into the QB he should be able to be.

According to Mark Knoller, Barack Obama is now the proud owner of 1 share (out of close to 5 million shares) of the Green Bay Packers. That’s probably more valuable than all the shitpile the government has taken on from the banks. That said, as a Chicago guy, Obama probably doesn’t understand what he’s got a piece of.

Coming this weekend: We get to see how the Detroit Lions–who lost their entire rookie class to injuries–plays against the (likely) worst team in the league, Cinci, and how the runner-up Stillers play now that no one is allowed to hit anymore. Tomorrow, the Niners take on the Aints, Peyton will maybe get around to actually throwing his first pass of the year against the Rams, we get to see whether Aaron Rogers’ head recovered from all the hits it took last year in a game, and whether Coughlin’s beleaguered team has enough to welcome Cam Newton to that other pro league. (Speaking of professional college QBs, the decision of whether or not Terrelle Pryor will be eligible for the supplemental draft is still pending.)

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