Welcome Back to Emptywheel!

You’ve found our new digs!

Thanks to Chris, Dan, Rayne, Brian, and Jason for helping with this transition–particularly Chris and Dan who helped with a lot of last minute surprises.

The site is not yet fully functional–most notably, we’re working on comments. Right now, we don’t have a registration system like we did at FDL: you need to enter your username and email address and it will need approved. Also, comments from yesterday afternoon and today at the FDL site are not yet in these posts.

Also, we don’t yet have the RSS feeds working. We have the RSS feed for the posts set up–working on comments.

We should be fully up and running early next week.

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151 replies
  1. BoxTurtle says:

    Hi Marcy!

    This is a test of the posting system. If this had been an actual post, a parenthical would have been appended


    • BoxTurtle says:

      You’ll get a paraenthical when you post the nastygram on Brooks leaving News Corp that I know you must be writing. :-)

      Boxturtle (This one is for me, I ALWAYS must have the last word)

  2. BoxTurtle says:

    Wow, they sure cleaned you off the front page quickly back at FDL. Wonder if posts mentioning you will get moderated. :-)

    Boxturtle (In the old days, you’d get a gold watch with the boot out the door)

  3. emptywheel says:

    Box Turtle

    They’re trying to get the Dissenter up at the same time. So that’s understandable.

  4. emptywheel says:

    Hmm. Still playing with the way comments appear. But you’ll be happy to know I got rid of avatars and nested comments.

    More importantly, I allowed R-rated comments. So maybe bmaz will be able to comment after all.


  5. BoxTurtle says:

    Wahoo! No nested comments! It took you all of minutes to do that ans they STILL haven’t done it over at FDL.

    Boxturtle (Blowjob. Bastard. Bitch. MoFo. Ah, freedom!)

  6. hcgorman says:

    Hey welcome to your new digs. while you are figuring things out I would like to pose a question to you and your very smart readers. Last night I finished Glenn Carle’s book…seemed a good book to read on my way home from Gitmo. I am curious as to who people think the “retarded” HTV detainee is or if there is any indication out there as to who he might be. Although the description of “retarded” is kind of weird I am wondering if this might be referring to Abu Z? The timing seems right. Any thoughts?

  7. Vicki Satta says:

    LOL…… Nice Marcy. I’ll be reading and will change the new site to my home page so you are ALWAYS the first thing I see when I pull up Safari.

    I know you don’t need luck, but I’m sending you some good luck and best wishes for this new gig!

  8. William Ockham says:

    Do you want bug reports (i.e. links in top nav bar not working) or should we wait a bit?

  9. Jim White says:

    To hcgorman:

    My first thought was also Abu Zubaydah, and he was definitely in custody by then and had already been subject to nastiness, but maybe someone else can give us more info.

  10. emptywheel says:


    It’s not Zubaydah.

    It’s someone tied up w/Wazir’s hawala.

    They did pick up his brother from Germany–not sure if that’s who it’s supposed to be. But they also picked up a couple of other people tied into his hawala.

  11. emptywheel says:

    WO: Thank–that’s a known one. But please do let us know what’s going on. We’re going to be tweaking some stuff today, then going back in and doing work on the template on Monday.


    Hopefully at that time–if not before–we can fix the comment appearance.

  12. SaltinWound says:

    I have been trying to track down whether the Durham who blew the Clemens case is related to the Durham who did the torture investigation. Not sure yet. I know the torture Durham had a son who was a prosecutor.

  13. bmaz says:

    Well, in relation to the expert disclosure issue, this is just mendacity by the govt. because no less than Nino Scalia has insured in Melendez-Diaz in 2009 and then, just a couple of weeks ago, confirming and strengthening further by joining Ginsburg in Bullcoming, that there is an absolute right to confront experts.

  14. MadDog says:

    Knock, knock. H-u-l-l-o?

    Somebody said we could get free beer here. I brought my own mug just in case.

    Ignore the mustache. It’s just for keeping the foam out of my nose.

  15. PeasantParty says:

    Hi Marcy and Bmaz! As is customary for a Peasant, I’d like to annoint your new place with an evergreen branch.

    May you grow, be properous, happy and healthy at your new home!

  16. marksb says:

    Nice place ya’ got here. When’s the furniture going to be delivered?…gonna have to get that new 70″ flat screen for bmaz though,, especially if the strike settlement is true…

  17. TarheelDem says:

    Hey, nice. Looking forward to the “less manic” emptywheel.

    Best to Marcy and bmaz at your new home.

  18. Semanticleo says:


    Any best practices you can offer for finding a nugget in the National Archives Haystack would be appreciated.

    Doing some research on the citizenship of Rupert Murdoch, reportedly granted by Reagan in September 1985 so he could buy MetroMedia. Keyword searches left me frustrated. I suspect it is buried in daily housekeeping legislation or pronouncments. But it is truly mindboggling data dump.

    Ideas from any would be appreciated.

  19. William Ockham says:


    Apparently there is no relation. John Durham, the prosecutor in the torture investigation, does have a son who is an AUSA, but he is John J. Durham in the EDNY (Brooklyn) office.

  20. phred says:

    BlowJob : )

    Whee! Naughty language for EW and a smiley for bmaz. Nice place you got here… Can we start beer-thirty in Eastern Time? It’s Friday, we can start early…

  21. BoxTurtle says:

    Free beer? I was told there’d be single malt scotch. I expect single malt scotch!

    Hmmm…nice place you got here. Be a shame if something happened to it.

    Boxturtle (testing out the moderation for sarcastic suggestions of violence)

  22. marksb says:

    Out here on the Left Coast we might be partaking of something more, um, green this afternoon. Happy Hour, indeed.

  23. Eric Stegman says:

    Glad to see you back. It would be nice if this site looked a little bit different than FDL.

  24. bystander says:

    Wow… and, here you are! Now anchored in my bookmarks. Hang in through the bugs and the growing pains. May the technology adventure be a tame one.

  25. MadDog says:

    Putting text with hyperlinks in our comments is working, but in a comment I made over at the Stirling post, blockquoting isn’t working yet. I suspect ya’ll already know that one.

  26. Mike Cregan says:

    I love that the new site looks just like the old one and the continuity maintained. Keep up the good work.

  27. nadezhda says:

    The main feed and the Feedburner feed are up and running – cute favicon included. Just the comments feed still to go.

  28. rosalind says:

    OT: …well, i don’t really have an OT comment, but figure people wouldn’t recognize me without those two letters preceding any comment of mine.

    congrats on the new digs (same as the old digs).

    always & forever: team blowjob!

  29. coral says:

    I’m delighted to have found your new digs. I’ll visit daily, as I have for the past few years. Going all the way back to the Next Hurrah.

    Thanks to both Marcy and Bmaz for the informed analysis and devotion to truth. Bon courage!

  30. thatvisionthing says:

    re phred and nested comments — why can’t they make it a choice of views? Go from nested to chronological/numbered, the way you can go from collapsed to expanded in some places, or list to thumbnail, that kind of thing? when I used to print out posts with 20 pages of comments, I’d practically diagram things out to follow a thread — like, 68 replying to a 24 doesn’t go back and put a 24 to 68 forward link in, or the nests beyond. (That’s also why I usually quote when I link, because links in a printout are useless and also links go dead.) In short, aren’t ponies pretty?

  31. klynn says:

    Just left this comment at your FDL page:

    Just to let you know, I bookmarked your page at FDL and that is how I entered FDL daily, through your blog.

    Glad I bookmarked you. With your header gone on the FDL front page, no one can find you. There is no link on FDL’s front page as of now. So, I am not sure how anyone will find the links you posted to your new digs.

    Anyone on vacation will not find you or your good-bye posts. Hope Jane can post a link button.

  32. watercarrier4diogenes says:

    marksb, someone invented algae-based beer???

    Welcome to the new digs, Marcy. Housewarming present en route.

  33. Mark O. says:

    Oh boy, I can welcome you without creating an account. Congrats and keep up the good work! (From an ew fund contributor).

  34. scribe says:

    Got here just in time for the beer. Love what you’ve done with the place.

    D’ya think we could get some dividing lines or something between the comments, and maybe some numbers like at the old place, so it’s easier to follow the flow? But other than that, love the crown mouldings and the paint and all.

    Now. Where’s the beer?

  35. bg says:

    I’m going back to my original bg, glad to see you here, Marcy and bmaz. Will bookmark and look for beer later.

  36. zapkitty says:

    The problem with nested comments is that replies can be and are lost in the nesting… they go unnoticed as the reader tries to play catchup all up and down the commentary.

    The overall solution would be a design that enables a browser to go to the first unread post in each thread… and when done with that thread on to the first unread post in the next thread.

    All problems solved… theoretically.

    But implementing such solutions involves advanced scripting that always breaks from browser version to browser version… much less from browser to browser and OS to OS.

    … and an additional problem is that someone on the dev team always wants to push a flash solution that locks the entire site into predetermined formatting that’s usually hell on the visually disabled….

    What? Me, bitter? Nah…

  37. zAmboni says:

    Congrats on the new digs. Got the rss feed going and will be looking forward to the continuation of the great content you two have always provided.

  38. BoxTurtle says:

    Re: Rizzo.

    Excellent. I know that ObamaLLP will not even dignify a warrent with a public response, never mind actually following our treaty obligations and extraditing him.

    But they should remember that whatever is good for Assuage is also good for Rizzo.

    Boxturtle (I doubt Rizzo travels much. This should reduce travel time to zero)

  39. phred says:

    ros, you may be prone to OT comments, but that is why we love you : ) More power to Stafford Smith, he’s gonna need it…

  40. JohnJ says:

    This reminds me of;

    When I was a kids my parents moved….but I found them again;-)

    Congrats! This is still the first site I open when I get to the ‘net.

  41. orionatl says:

    oh good!

    it sounds like i can cuss a blue streak here – darn, dagnabit, doggies, son-of-a-gun, by jingo….

    but can i comment w/out disclosing my criminal record?

    while you’re in max overload on the tech details,

    i suggest

    – dog pictures on friday,

    – cat pictures on monday,


    – ugliest republican of the week pictures (with a quote) on saturday evening.

    might be good fun raising!

  42. Raphael Cruz says:

    You can’t shake me off that easy…!! J/K…! I follow from the U.S., Afghanistan and many other countries where I happen to be traveling/working… Best of luck…! I’ve added your RSS feed…

  43. rg says:

    change of URL begets a change in handle. Same me since the days of hurrah. Still with you after all these years.

    • bmaz says:

      One of the details we are still perfecting. We are less than 12 hours in to this enterprise so far, we’ll get it right!

  44. cynthia Kouril says:

    Uh, hi. Nice new place you got here.

    Actually, it looks a lot like th old place, must be the the furniture.

    Where are the margaritas? BMAZ said there would be margaritas.

    (looking about expectantly)

  45. Rayne says:

    I hid the Patron and the Tres Generaciones, bmaz, going to have to use whatever remains of the Cuervo and Los Hornitos for the margaritas and body shots.

    Um. on second thought, just shots, no body shots.

  46. Rayne says:

    Re: bailey on July 15, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    I just added a temporary Donation page, complete with operational link to the emptywheel PayPal account.

    Priorities straight, just all of them important at the same time. ;-)

  47. bailey says:

    Sorry, I’ll have to wait for an alternative, I cancelled ppal over wikileaks. Rest assured, if ew is here, I’ll be following! Best luck.

  48. EoH says:

    Erin go bragh.

    Apart from your reportage, a key aspect of this site is the utility of its comments section. The s/w used for MyFDL is atrocious, a false economy. That said, looking forward to kicking the tires on your new ride.

  49. Rayne says:

    RE: bailey on July 15, 2011 at 3:58 pm

    Once we get the comments and page formatting tweaked, I’ll work on an alternative, although it may be simply sending a check by snail mail.

    Check again later this next Monday, okay? thanks!

  50. Rayne says:

    It’s after 1:30 pm PDT so it’s Beer-thirty across the continental U.S.

    Beer, single malt whiskeys and anejo tequila for everyone!

    We’ve bloody well earned it this week, bring it on. I owe a long-overdue toast to a hardcore activist friend who passed away this past weekend, too. Tip one for emptywheel’s new digs, and another one for Jerry when you tip a beverage, please; Jerry was one helluva parliamentarian and helped get our local activist group on its feet.

  51. Jim Clausen says:

    Bmaz old buddy,
    It’s been a great journey from Next Hurrah to today.
    As for me I am in for the long haul.

  52. emptywheel says:


    Is Jerry one of those two jolly guys who I met at an event in Lansing that raved about some woman with a name very similar to yours?

  53. Gitcheegumee says:

    Thanks for the link,bmaz.

    Rayne, I have been wondering whatever happened to you.

    BTW,folks,whazzup with EOH?I haven’t seen any comments from his earlship of late?

  54. Rayne says:

    RE: emptywheel on July 15, 2011 at 5:00 pm

    Oh, I’m not certain about that; John is still with us, but he’s had two cardiac events since you saw him. The identity of other chap you met I don’t recall so I can’t rule him out. All I know is that every young insurgent organization that wants to take on the deeply embedded old school machine really needs a friendly parliamentarian as a mentor — and Jerry was one of the best we could have asked for. He leaves a hole in our team which can’t be filled.

    RE: Gitcheegumee on July 15, 2011 at 5:09 pm

    Let’s just say I’ve been very busy for the last 10 or so months, and now I’ve got time to be here at EW once again. Nice to see you here in the new ‘hood along with so many of the regulars.

    And phred, nice to see you too!

  55. thatvisionthing says:

    Hey, I’m getting an e-mail from Colbert SuperPAC — Stephen wants green that’s worth money — know what he’s talking about? “It is money, or an emerald. Both are acceptable.”


  56. Katie Jensen says:

    I’m gonna follow you…(that sounds creepy), but a day without EW is like a day without sunshine. (ugh that’s creepy too). Just let me in…please?

  57. Katie Jensen says:

    It’s great to see everyone. Can’t wait for the first weedy diary. Rayne!! Good to see you. So many folks I have grown to love! EW..hope this move brings everything you hoped for!

  58. JohnLopresti says:

    Pretty neat.

    One migration topic that occurred to me was the portable document format files archive aggregated at the former site.

    I am happy with the software platform, though internet blogs mostly are cumbersome.

    I mostly wanted to click in so the new site has my Hello World.

    I even will leave a Latinate malappropism I included in haste at the former site as-was.

    The stock photo of ksM looked like a torcha image. The American way, I guess, to show an unprocessed picture. I forget the emptywheel post about a demented detainee, but there were several discussed; I want to say Qahtani status after serial tortures. There are other topics on my mind, and the old computers erased most of the ancient files I had shelved.

    re: something else I forgot. I had a government class session taught by a slick law dean whose memory received an elegy by a now-familiar conservative figure in the legal ethics community, Ronald Rotunda; the obituary is unusual in that it is seven pages in length, and footnoted academic style. It contains some otherwise interesting collateral information, though in an adversarial sense something about Drinan was noteworthy. It is wierd, subjectively, looking at Drinan, the concept of ethics actually was a foremost, questionable, impression; one I was apt to challenge. So, there is the Chapman College prof’s faretheewell concerning that congressperson. The prof also is serving on a prominent election watchdog agency in CA, having received a Democratic party statewide elected official’s appointment to that post; the minimal biographical paragraph there includes a stock image of the prof.

  59. RobSWFL says:

    Congrats on the move, you were the best of The Lake and you need to become a contributor to Countdown next. Lip Stick and all.

  60. bittersweet says:

    Found you! (Glad you are on twitter)

    Burnt and I have been experimenting with cocktails, so in honor of your new digs, here you go!
    Ginger Sidesaddle
    2.5 shots tequila (100% Agave)
    1 shot Cointreau or Gran Marnier
    juice of 2 lemons and 1 mandarin orange or grapefruit (= 2 ¼ shots juice)
    2 Tbls spoon grated ginger
    muddled mint or tarragon, or rosemary.
    Optional: handful of fresh berries

    Throw it in a blender a couple of seconds, and pour it out through a colander to remove the big stuff, but not all of the yummy pulp.

    Serve in Martini glasses so that we can cut you off when you spill.

  61. Rayne says:

    RE: bittersweet on July 15, 2011 at 6:14 pm

    Holy mother of pearl, bittersweet, that’s an awesome beverage recipe — and I just happen to have everything but one of those herbs listed. I’ll add a handful of strawberries and maybe a sprig of lavender instead.

    Martini glass my ass, I’m drinking it with a straw straight from the blender. Salut!

  62. posaune says:

    Today of all days, ALL the servers at work crashed. Oh my.
    Just when I was chafing at the bit to get to work on time to check on emptywheel (been waiting and waiting). So more waiting till I get home with evening, and the party is in full swing! Congratulations you two. Looking forward to great things and high thinking.

  63. bittersweet says:

    Better give burnt the credit. He mostly concocts, I mostly imbibe and critique!
    Rayne, let us know how the lavender goes with the strawberries..sounds heavenly! Cheers!

  64. Jeff Kaye says:

    Hey, you’re here! Welcome to where you are. I look forward to continuing to read you here and comment when I think I have something to add.

    Best of luck in your new place. And hi! bmaz.

  65. Rayne says:

    RE: bittersweet on July 15, 2011 at 7:33 pm

    Strawberries + lavender = TASTY!!

    But I knew that already, having made strawberry-lavender jam in years past. A little goes a long ways, just use the blossoms and macerate with the berries. In this case, mix a little of the lemon juice with crushed berries and a sprinkle of fresh lavender blooms and let sit to ripen a bit before mixing with the rest of the ingredients.

    Also need to use a little less ginger and add more to taste; the ginger can be pretty strong if the root is not real fresh. Yum!! * Hiccup!! *

  66. orionatl says:

    rayne @9:41

    thanks for the idea, rayne

    strawberry-lavender jam sounds delicious.

    lavender is at hand and strawberries are still available (bought some for my wife on wed at $2/lb).

    it’s getting to be canning/ freezin’ season, folks –

    catch it.

  67. Katie Jensen says:

    Well clearly, this is a Marcy transition because there are SO many things going on that her your touch. Near drooling by the time I got here today…And some predictions validated with the latest on Elizabeth Warren. I guess we knew it. But every time it happens it feels like…”he hit me again”.Someday i might get the nerve to leave this country.

  68. HotFlash says:

    Hey Marcy, bmaz! Found you! Woo, what a party — You got Michiganders. I see. Rayne, radiofreewill. Brought a pack of Trois Pistoles for help with beer thirty — where’s the fridge?

  69. glitterscale says:

    Thank goodness for Google – I found you! I don’t want to miss out on anything.

    I do have a lawyerly question that maybe you can answer in a post:

    Why is it that Holder seems to be worse than Gonzalez. We’ve seen all kinds of cases just blow up in their faces. Some of it, I know, is due to the leftover Bush holdouts and lurkers, but I would have thought by now they would have been weeded out or isolated. I have seen, too, where the DoJ has just decided NOT to take on some of the Wall Street pillaging crowd. And that may be Obama’s thing.

    But I would love to see a post on it anyway.

    • bmaz says:

      That is an easy answer; the policy the Obama inner circle wants implemented is, in fact, being implemented. And sometimes that just results in crappy lawyering and losses.

  70. EoH says:

    Yep, crappy prosecuting when the perp is among the elite is just what Mr. Obama’s patrons want. Since that includes all political perps, virtually all white collar criminals such as fraudsters and tax evaders, most organized crime bosses and banksters, it’s just fine if the DoJ recruits most of its newbies from Liberty U. It will still hire a few Yalies, since a few among the elite will have to know how to keep the wasp from growing a new sting.

  71. EoH says:

    EoH is easier to type than earlofhuntingdon. Besides, Sherwood is now a pine plantation, and the abbots and barons no longer travel the king’s highway. They are ensconced in flats overlooking the Thames or Regent’s Park and in gated country houses made of honeyed stone. Time to update.

  72. Twain says:

    So glad you’re here and looking forward to all the good stuff. Also delighted to see that Rayne is involved. Best wishes.

  73. Rayne says:

    Twain! Nice to see you, too, along with Katie J., HotFlash and so many other familiar faces. Feels almost like a homecoming party, am looking forward to seeing the new EW digs bloom.

  74. Ian Welsh says:

    Hey, a place I can actually comment at. Good luck with your new blog Marcy and Bmaz.

    Oh, and heya Rayne. Hope life is treating you well.

  75. LoudounLib says:

    Thanks to Ian I found your new digs and duly got it bookmarked. Congrats on your new venture!

  76. Richard Hoefer / Howard Dean Progressive says:

    Congratulations, Marcy.

    Sorry you turned down the TV show at Current.tv … But just happy to have you reporting. But I hear Al Gore is pissed.

Comments are closed.