Bradley Manning Protest: White House Bans Journalist for Doing Journalism

To a degree, this reminds me of the Joshua Claus moment, when DOD banned reporters like Carol Rosenberg and Michelle Shephard because they uttered the name “Joshua Claus” in their coverage of his testimony in Omar Khadr’s trial. (Shephard had interviewed him previously, so they were basically asking her to forget information she had gathered independently to be able to cover Gitmo.)

White House officials have banished one of the best political reporters in the country from the approved pool of journalists covering presidential visits to the Bay Area for using now-standard multimedia tools to gather the news.

The Chronicle’s Carla Marinucci – who, like many contemporary reporters, has a phone with video capabilities on her at all times – pulled out a small video camera last week and shot some protesters interrupting an Obama fundraiser at the St. Regis Hotel.

She was part of a “print pool” – a limited number of journalists at an event who represent their bigger hoard colleagues – which White House press officials still refer to quaintly as “pen and pad” reporting.

As with coverage of Omar Khadr’s trial, the Obama Administration seems to be demanding that journalists abdicate their jobs and their instincts to play by the rules.

But the event reminds me of something else: how the White House asked (and persuaded) all the big US outlets to suppress the widely discussed news that Raymond Davis was a spy, even while publications overseas and dirty fucking hippie bloggers were reporting on it.

As the account of Marinucci’s treatment makes clear, the rules they want to enforce on pool reporting basically put her at a disadvantage to everyone else in the room who had and used a cell phone video.

Carla cannot do her job to the best of her ability if she can’t use all the tools available to her as a journalist. The public still sees the videos posted by protesters and other St. Regis attendees, because the technology is ubiquitous. But the Obama Administration apparently wants to give the distinct advantage to citizen witnesses at the expense of professionals.

While there’s a bit of professional snobbery here, it is entirely justified. The White House bizarrely imagines it can manage Obama’s image by imposing rules on journalists it can’t impose on others. Not only does that not do a damn thing to prevent videos like this from getting out. It profoundly corrupts the role of journalists, imposing requirements that ensure they offer only a highly scripted and obviously false view of an event.

It’s simply not fair to require that journalists not tell stories that are already out there in the public sphere. That turns them, once and for all, into stenographers. That’s not what our country needs from presidential press coverage.

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  1. Phoenix Woman says:

    Lookee here — SFGate’s Phil Bronstein’s using a certain metaphor we all know and love:

    But part of the press’ job is to do the opposite, to strip away the cloaks and veneers. By banning her, and by not acknowledging how contemporary media works, the White House did not just put Carla in a cage but more like one of those stifling pens reserved for calves on their way to being veal.

    • BoxTurtle says:

      If I cared about ObamaLLP, I might tell them that all they’re doing is attracting attention to something they want ignored.

      Remember “We are the World”? We should get those folks together to do a recording of Mannings song.

      Boxturtle (And I wonder how big a flash mob we could get to sing it at the white house gate?)

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      They do read something besides their own output. That warning of a couple of generations ago still has power: First they came for Carla….

  2. wirerat1 says:

    Good thing Obama has been an awesome President pushing transparency and change at every turn. Otherwise, this might make me think he isn’t worth re-electing. After all, how dare the masses know what goes on in multi-thousand dollar contributor lunches. Don’t we know our place!


    I’m so over Obama. We need our 4 years in the wilderness to get our senses about us. Not that we did anything meaningful prior to Obama (thanks Nancy Pelosi), but hey.. the Dems need to acknowledge they missed opportunity for real change and now we have to wallow in it.

    Obama = GWBush Part 2…

    • SharonMI says:

      “We need our 4 years in the wilderness to get our senses about us”

      I anticipated that in 2008 when I walked into the voting booth. He’s even worse than I imagined. This is just another way to warn journos not to report on anything that might inform people of the real state of affairs. We can protest in the streets but if not covered, it’s like the tree falling in the forest.

  3. BoxTurtle says:

    You forgot to mention that Joshua Claus is interrogator #1.

    I guess my first reaction to this is “petty”. My second reaction is “vindictive”.

    I’m gonna do my part to make sure that video gets seen by as many as possible.

    Boxturtle (2nd amendment is only one Government respects. And they get it wrong)

    • mzchief says:

      Peeps have been informed. Info and videos going viral is important but folks still have to perform right action. The Fresh Juice song singing has received at least 59,375 views. Obama’s public prejudicing of a fair trial for Manning has received at least 53,230 views.

      EmptyWheel wrote:

      The White House bizarrely imagines it can manage Obama’s image by imposing rules on journalists it can’t impose on others. Not only does that not do a damn thing to prevent videos like this from getting out. It profoundly corrupts the role of journalists, imposing requirements that ensure they offer only a highly scripted and obviously false view of an event.

      It’s simply not fair to require that journalists not tell stories that are already out there in the public sphere. That turns them, once and for all, into stenographers. That’s not what our country needs from presidential press coverage.

      Agreed. Real investigative reporting is challenged everywhere the bankstas have sway so that’s pretty much everywhere.

      This just out: “Pentagon shows off alleged WikiLeaker’s new prison” (AFP, Apr. 29, 2011)

    • BoxTurtle says:

      Other than from a distance at the inaguration (remember the hope we felt?), has anyone ever seen Bush and Obama together?

      Either they’re the same person, or the same people are pulling their strings.

      Boxturtle (And we have little hope of anything better than Bush in the next election)

  4. alan1tx says:

    Oakland activist Naomi Pitcairn said she was a lead organizer of the event for the group which calls itself; she personally paid $76,000 total for tickets for the group to gain entry to the Obama event


  5. donbacon says:

    “My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.” — President Obama, Jan 21, 2009

    • eCAHNomics says:

      You’da been much better off if you had thought that O would always do the opposite of what he said.

      I must admit to being wrong about O. I spotted him as a bad dude before I had any evidence. But he has been sooo much worse that even I imagined.

      • donbacon says:

        The standard responses of true-blue Dems are: “He tried to do the right thing but it’s difficult, and the opposition wouldn’t let him, and look at health care, and the others are so much worse, and he’s basically a nice guy, and blah blah blah.

        I disagree that Obama is as bad as Bush. He’s worse because while we knew where Bush stood Obama can’t be trusted, plus the D’s are closer to Israel. So anything that brings Obama down works for me, even birtherism. “I’m not choicey” as they say in the South.

        • spanishinquisition says:

          I more think that Obama might be second generation CIA and that is how he rose to become President. I can’t remember when – but it wasn’t too long ago – there was a citation here by the CIA listing Obama as an asset, which it seemed strange for the CIA to be talking of the President that way…plus Obama’s parents work for CIA fronts and Obama worked for at least one CIA front.

        • onitgoes says:

          I have no idea and no info about an Obama-CIA connection and/or whether O has been “trained” by the CIA or some other secret org, but frankly, at this point, nothing would surprise me.

          More and more O is the total Manchurian candidate, and just like Lawrence Harvey & Liev Schreiber in the respective versions of that film, O seems more and more and more *weird* and odd in his role as GW Bush on steriods.

          Beyond contempt. Ptoui!!

        • Mauimom says:

          The standard responses of true-blue Dems are: “He tried to do the right thing but it’s difficult, and the opposition wouldn’t let him, and look at health care, and the others are so much worse, and he’s basically a nice guy, and blah blah blah.

          Hey, are you cribbing from the fund-raising letter just sent out by Obummer? Because I saw that VERY LANGUAGE [“it’s difficult;” “so much opposition”], plus the laughable list of “accomplishments” [yes, health care was in there].

          It’s always good to be on their damn mailing lists, just so you can see the source of this crap, even if it does raise your blood pressure.

      • bluewombat says:

        I spotted him as a bad dude before I had any evidence.

        His flip-flop on retroactive immunity for telcos during the 2008 campaign was all the evidence I needed.

    • BoxTurtle says:


      Inigo Montoya (you keep using that word, Mr. President. I do not think it means what you think it means)

  6. harpie says:

    Remember when candidate Obama did something similar? [Meghan Mcardle at the Atlantic called it “Media Management”.

    We are fast approaching the status of Right Wing Authoritarian Nation…we may have already arrived.

    As lysias commented to me the other day:

    In Nazi Germany in the 1930′s, you could buy foreign newspapers at places like railroad stations. It was legal to listen to foreign radio broadcasts until war broke out in 1939.

    But, aside from that, all the media to which the German people had access spouted the government line.

    The Bronstein post shows audacity and is irreverent.

    I like that.

  7. stevo67 says:

    every day, O’Sellout becomes more and more like W. I wonder how long it will take before he starts mispronouncing “nuclear”.

      • bobschacht says:

        Unfortunately, life is not so simple. Jimmy Carter, who should have known better, pronounced the word “New-Q-lar”. Other Democrats, too. It has become an accepted American pronunciation, but I still cringe whenever I hear it, no matter who sez it.

        Bob in AZ

  8. elgin says:

    “Carla cannot do her job to the best of her ability if she can’t use all the tools available to her as a journalist. The public still sees the videos posted by protesters and other St. Regis attendees, because the technology is ubiquitous. But the Obama Administration apparently wants to give the distinct advantage to citizen witnesses at the expense of professionals.”

    That is, until the time when citizen witnesses are banned from public events, or, at the very least, they are required to check their phones in at the door.

    • BoxTurtle says:

      That is, until the time when citizen witnesses are banned from public events, or, at the very least, they are required to check their phones in at the door

      You see how much the citizens had to pay to get in to sing? That’s how they keep us commoners out. You watch, the next event will cost $10K each to get in. And they’ll keep raising it until only the proper people can get in.

      Boxturtle (And I expect to see a “NO cell Phones” sign as well)

  9. orionATL says:

    this is an exceedingly foolish move.

    it suggests the obama white house is showing a lot of stress.

    perhaps the prez’s fa;;falling numbers are beginning to worry.

    this could be the “killer rabbit” story for obama.

    if this is daly’s doing he is revealing himself as more authoritarian than i would have guessed an experienced pol would be.

    if it is obama, he is revealing himself as thin-skinned and politically foolish.

    how many more people are going to see this video now?

    but wait,

    maybe the white house will jawbone youtube into banning it.

    you know, like those pictures of police acting improperly in the course of doing their (very public) jobs while claiming that others’ photos of them impinge upon their privacy.

    sophistry abounds in the nation among our maximum leaders.

  10. diosnomeama says:

    Why does the caption say protesters voice their displeasure with Obama? Pledging to vote for someone regardless of what they do is not showing displeasure.

  11. donbacon says:

    I haven’t seen nor tried a full accounting but it seems to me that Obama has gone beyond Bush in many areas. War is certainly one — and nobody made him do that.

  12. fwdpost says:

    Most of the press ignored the story of the Obama protection squad curtailing a journalist.

    Unfortunately, most of today’s bigtime reporters are lackeys for whatever government officials they cover. That’s how they keep their jobs with corporate media conglomerates, and get better jobs from their government friends.

    This has been a problem for decades, as many weak reporters were hired to placate corporate-dominated politicians.

  13. Frank33 says:

    So many disappeared stories, so much censorship, so few real journalists. But we know who the shills and the paid propagandists are, as the years go by and the wars continue endlessly.

    WMD’s, Niger Forgeries, Sibel Edmonds, John Yoo and the torturers, CIA giving Iran plans for a nuclear bomb, CIA was part of Mumbai terror, Ali Mohamed, Usama Bin Laden’s assistant is protected by the US government, Underwear Bomber which was a US government conspiracy and so on.

    Everything we are told about Pakistan has nothing to do with the truth. Our taxes pay Pakistan to commit terror. Our taxes pay for the secret terror armies of Pakistan. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia commit terrorism, with the help of neo-cons such as Baby Killer Obama.

  14. BearCountry says:

    “It’s simply not fair to require that journalists not tell stories that are already out there in the public sphere.”

    Fairness has absolutely nothing to do with this story. obama is not interested in ‘fair’ for anyone except his corp cronies.

    I think that he is helping betrayus to prepare to run for pres. or vp. Actually, I could see a ticket of jeb/betrayus.

  15. earlofhuntingdon says:

    I guess that “We make our own reality” that permeates the West Wing is hard to dispel. As millions of Americans learn anew every day, reality has a way of getting up in the morning and biting you in the arse.

    If the White House press corpse had any balls, it would pretend it was a union and picket. Instead, it will likely roll over and want its belly rubbed.

    • waynec says:

      Seems like it comes down to the personality and moral standards of each journalist.
      If they want to continue to have access and be part of the presidents journalist club, they will tow the line. The resignation of a journalist even at this level wouldn’t be much of a national story

  16. bailey2739 says:

    “It’s simply not fair ….” I’m convinced “Clarence Thomas” Obama’s disdain for “fairness” was deeply entrenched way back in those early morning childhood study sessions with his Mother. If asked, I’m sure Obama could deliver a pithy serman on, “life’s not fair”. Too bad he wasn’t smart enough to grasp FDR’s ideal that those who’ve done well should be proud to give back more.

  17. dustbunny44 says:

    Punish journalists who perform journalism instead of act as a copy machine: the Obama White House continues to emulate the worst of the GWB autocracy.

  18. shekissesfrogs says:

    wingers are sayin’ “The White House says that the reported isn’t “banned”. The correct term is “static disassociation”, or “kinetic disinclusion.”