BREAKING!! White Terrorists to Be Treated Like Brown Terrorists!!

All the discussion about the wisdom or legality of Eric Holder’s unilateral change to Miranda procedure for “operational terrorists” (Evan Perez story, Charlie Savage story, bmaz post) seems to be missing a stunning detail.

The memo laying out the change in procedures apparently doesn’t distinguish between foreign terrorists (that is, members of al Qaeda) and domestic terrorists (presumably including self-radicalized Muslims, but also white supremacists, and abortion doctor killers). Indeed, Perez’ article uses the term “domestic-terror” three times. I asked Savage about this specifically, and he said that while the preamble of the memo notes international terrorist groups are of particular danger (a claim I’m not convinced holds up after 10 years of the GWOT and the recent rise in right wing hate groups), the memo seems to apply to all “operational terrorists.”

Whatever the hell that means.

Update: Savage has made the text of the memo available here. Here’s how it describes an operational terrorist:

For these purposes, an operational terrorist is an arrestee who is reasonably believed to be either a high-level member of an international terrorist group; or an operative who has personally conducted or attempted to conduct a terrorist operation that involved risk to life; or an individual knowledgeable about operational details of a pending terrorist operation.

The latter two descriptions–an operative who “has personally … attempted to conduct a terrorist operation that involved risk to life” or “an individual knowledgeable about operational details of a pending terrorist operation” seem in no way limited to international terrorist groups. Furthermore, the third category, someone who knows about a pending attack, might not even be a terrorist himself.

Now, as much as I think the policy is ill-considered, at one level the application of it to white terrorists along with brown ones is, IMO, a good thing. After all, if the reason for the change in Miranda derives from “operational” risk, then nothing really does distinguish between the danger of an imminent attack by a white guy and the danger of an imminent attack by a brown guy. So to take any other approach–to apply the Miranda change just to brown terrorists–would demonstrate the claimed reason for it to be false.

Moreover, this country will never begin to restore a balance between rule of law and security until white terror suspects are treated according to the same abusive rules as brown terror suspects. I mean, you really think Peter King would be so thrilled about this change (as reported in Perez’ story) if he realized that the same rules might apply to white supporters of terrorists like him?

New York Republican Peter King, chairman of the House homeland-security committee, is among the lawmakers who welcomed Mr. Holder’s call to change Miranda. At a hearing last year, Mr. King said, “It’s important that we ensure that the reforms do go forward and that at the very least the attorney general consults with everyone in the intelligence community before any Miranda warning is given.”

All that said, what is the first non-distinction between foreign and domestic terrorists of the GWOT that I know of is deeply troubling.

It was inevitable, of course, that as the US continues its success at shutting down al Qaeda abroad, and as the government increasingly has to point to self-radicalized terrorists (or young Muslim men entrapped as such) to justify their expanded GWOT powers, and as it became increasingly clear that right wing terrorists pose as great a threat domestically and–with the MLK bomber–have the same operational sophistication as Islamic terrorists, that the limits on special terror-related authorities would begin to break down. But there’s really no protection against a further breakdown here. Soon, environmental activists (already officially classified as terrorists according to DOJ and DHS) will have their Miranda rights withheld because they were “operationally” prepared to strike at property, not people. And from there it won’t take long to deny peace activists their Miranda rights because they support humanitarian groups that might be trying to persuade terrorists to adopt peaceful tactics.

In spite of all the myths government lawyers have told themselves, in secret, to pretend the assault on privacy and civil liberties in the name of a war on terror is different from that of the 60s, we were always on a slippery slope that would eventually defy all those myths.

And limiting the Miranda rights of white terror suspects along with brown terror suspects is just one more important step down that slippery slope.

Update: Also note that the text of the memo allows individual agents to decide whether someone should be deprived of their Miranda rights.

As noted above, if there is time to consult with FBI-HQ (including OGC) and Department of Justice attorneys regarding the interrogation strategy to be followed prior to reading the defendant his Miranda rights, the field office should endeavor to do so. Nevertheless, the agents on the scene who are interacting with the arrestee are in the best position to assess what questions are necessary to secure their safety and the safety of the public, and how long the post-arrest interview can practically be delayed while interrogation strategy is being discussed. [my emphasis]

If I had any confidence DOJ’s Inspector General would have the same integrity in the future it had under Glenn Fine, I’d bet a ton of money that we see an IG Report describing the very predictable abuse that came out of this memo.

  1. emptywheel says:

    I do hope Holder has thought about the fact that, once he moves on, this policy will result in the mobilization of a “New Black Panther” scare as a way to hold young black men for extended periods.

    • DWBartoo says:

      One rather suspects that having attained legacy-class status, neither Holder nor Obama have much real or genuine concern with such issues, EW. It is mere hoi paloi who face severe consquence, Holder and his ilk will never face meaningful justice, mere deference will see to that and whatever else greases such skids …

      Political hackery is quite color-blind in modern-day America … except for green, the color of money … and the divine rights attached to it.

      Where are the prisons, especially for debtors, and where, oh where, are the workhouses, the booby-hatches, and the sense that the little people know their “proper” place in the scheme of things?

      Profound consequence will arise, yet, without doubt, our betters have considered all … and thus, who are we to question those who do Gawd’s own dear work?

      Thank you for continuing to question, EW.


    • BoxTurtle says:

      We can end rap music once and for all! WooHoo!!

      Boxturtle (I think this will just result in fewer whites being termed terrorists)

  2. msobel says:

    But doesn’t the law say that White Christian Males are lone wolves, nothing to see here, and not Terrorists ?

  3. Teddy Partridge says:

    I fail to see why this non-Miranda policy applies only to terrorists. I mean, if I’m stopped for a DUI after leaving the bar, don’t I have operational knowledge about who else might be DUIing after having left the bar around the time I did? Doesn’t a bank robber have operational knowledge about other banks that might be sitting ducks for robbers? Doesn’t a home invader know where other homes are that are vulnerable to other invaders?

    I mean, haven’t we as a society outgrown the quaintness of Miranda? Now that everyone’s memorized it thanks to Dick Wolf’s L&O franchise, can’t we simply rid ourselves of it?

    • Arbusto says:

      You’re correct. The GWOT© fight flows down to local law enforcement. Sheriff Joe Arpaio and deputy Steven Seagal realize the newly defined Mirandizing tool and will use it on undocumented brown people or political enemies.

    • Gitcheegumee says:

      Any chance this could be applied(effectively) to Wall Street types who have insider knowledge? s/

  4. donbacon says:

    The memo laying out the change in procedures apparently doesn’t distinguish between foreign terrorists (that is, members of al Qaeda) and domestic terrorists (presumably including self-radicalized Muslims, but also white supremacists, and abortion doctor killers).

    I related an anecdote on the bmaz thread to illustrate that we now have checkpoints on interior highways, as far as forty miles from the international border, where Border Patrol [sic] agents make on-the-spot determinations regarding a motorist being a suspected terrorist.

    I have invoked my Miranda rights during questioning at these stops. Once I was told by a supervisor that this was an administrative stop not a criminal stop so Miranda didn’t apply. These people are all trained graduates of the BP academy in New Mexico. This can only get worse.

    These checkpoints are manned by young people in brown uniforms, with weapons and dogs, and what considerable authority they have been allotted to stop all motorists and question them, and search their cars, has been augmented with authority they make up on the spot.

  5. earlofhuntingdon says:

    or an individual knowledgeable about operational details of a pending terrorist operation.

    That uses a big broom to sweep up crumbs on a large floor. Among the others caught up in its sweep, are an unknown number of federal employee and outsourced investigators, prosecutors, analysts and quite possibly the president.

    It also bolsters the “material assistance” claim in that knowledge alone is a crime, regardless of how it was obtained. That aspect of it appears designed, in part, to give prosecutors more pull in turning alleged “insiders”, getting them to become spies on their alleged mates or to turn state’s evidence.

    It’s not the goal that’s objectionable, it’s the breadth of the grasp. But as we all know, governments and prosecutors never overstep the line, or ignore wide swaths of homegrown rightwing terrorists (that excludes vegans and peaceable peaceniks). So all’s well.

  6. JTMinIA says:

    I love a good zeugma.

    Take the list of three things in this quote:

    “For these purposes, an operational terrorist is an arrestee who is reasonably believed to be either a high-level member of an international terrorist group; or an operative who has personally conducted or attempted to conduct a terrorist operation that involved risk to life; or an individual knowledgeable about operational details of a pending terrorist operation.”

    Where does the list restart for each new entry? Is the second item on the list best thought of (on its own) as “an operational terrorist is an arrestee who is an operative who has personally conducted or attempted to conduct a terrorist operation that involved risk to life” or is the second item on the list supposed to be: “an operational terrorist is an an operative who has personally conducted or attempted to conduct a terrorist operation that involved risk to life”? In other words, is the chunk “an arrestee who is” supposed to apply to all three items in the list or just the first?

    Now, given that this is all about Miranda, I assume that “arrestee” bit is supposed to apply to all three, but the sentence construction is ambiguous. And if some smart-a$$ like me reads the “arrestee” bit as only being part of first item on the list, then anyone who is “knowledgeable about operational details of a pending terrorist operation” is now an operational terrorist, which would probably mean that the guy who just failed to give a Miranda warning is an operational terrorist, himself.

    tee hee

    • emptywheel says:

      Right. Given how much linguistic shit DOJ has pulled off in the last decade (hell, given how much legalistic shit in just one OLC opinion), there’s no reason to believe they won’t read that in the most permissive way possible.

  7. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Is the government really telling its agents that they have discretion when to advise an interrogee of his or her inherent rights, or is it giving them discretion to determine when those rights may be exercised?

    How does an investigator respond when a suspect accurately and timely asserts their constitutional rights and demands to see a lawyer before an agent deems that exercise helpful to his or her investigation?

    The rules here seem a poor way to ensure that constitutional rights apply equally to all. They diminish the DoJ’s primary role, which is to enforce the law without passion or prejudice.

    Once again, Mr. Obama has put us on a slope where not much wax will be need to skoot us a long way down hill.

    • geoshmoe says:

      My uneducated layman’s view of it: The government ” will be drowned in the tub,”

      The point of the Obama experience is to down size the office of the President. ( likewise.)This has been in the works but now one more shot and it is plain as day, that’s the reason for the affrontery to the base.

      One decisive and terminal performance on top of the sort of unspoken elephant in the room (electoral failure,) to deliver… Change, that will get rid of a pernicious holdover from the past… Hope, which blocks the way to a slave complacence that will be the new baseline.

      The rules here seem a poor way to ensure that constitutional rights apply equally to all. They diminish the DoJ’s primary role, which is to enforce the law without passion or prejudice.
      Mission creep, new role for DoJ: shrink expectations, wither away and be gone. Oversight is counter to the new order, where like above, all necessary discretion in expediting the day to day… light work, is handled at the field. On site, just follows the trends of business, streamlined point of _____ management… ?

      thanks for letting me comment, this legal technical stuff is slow going for me,

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        Mr. Obama is expanding the powers of the president, not downsizing it.

        He is acquiescing in Congress’ downsizing of its role as steward of the common good, as it attempts to cut Social Security behind the false fig leaf that it’s necessary either to reduce the deficit or to enact other measures that will. That’s sophistry one expects from Governors Scott and Walker, not a constitutional scholar Democratic president.

        • geoshmoe says:

          I know, but under that appearance, and all the unitary executive ponce crap, While he does what? not a damn thing, doesn’t even hit the mike and bully pulpet, on the many many things, ( that he don’t give a care about, )true

          But while we are supposed to be in some fear of a monarchic/facsistic head of state modal where at least, for better or worse, the buck has a place to stop… somebody is in charge for christ’s sakes: wrong, nobody is in charge, nobody is home to take your calls, Buckwheats! You the public will not rate any kind of consideration like that.

          My point: it is anathema, for the PTB (like Well’s Morlocks, ) to continue any of the old stuff, they won’t want to be encumbered with any of it. Like to maintain that dynamic of law and justice for the coming age. That will be folk lore, or parlor games for them.

          The worker bee class will be managed simply, with automated means, even the checkpoint brown uniform guys won’t be wanted, I’m trying to paint a future where the ruling will be done by technology and the elite will do what they do best, schlep around in togas and get their heads bad on… Soma. They will have a constant feeling of “winning!!!!”

          The Unitary Executive, was a ploy, and delivered by the new Justice, nurd, assured of getting attention, but the president, is not powerful, it’s a move to fake you out, what they want to do is shrink the president down to where it can be even below the so called “Everyman” concept, like Jimmy Stewart impersonated in Mr Smith.

          Who will you call then… bill murry and dan accroyd? Mr. president….( car 54… ) where are you?

          The great disappearing president, while they fret about … “unitary executives” Eunuch executive more like, who reads and heads.

  8. donbacon says:

    Suspected terrorists will simply be shot — no need of Miranda rights there.

    KABUL, Afghanistan (March 18, 2011) – Afghan National Security and International Security Assistance Forces killed several suspected insurgents during a combined operation to detain a known insurgent leader in Nahr-e Saraj district, Helmand province, today.

  9. Becca says:

    Breaking news, 2018: Jaywalking to be redefined as ‘Terroristically interfering with vital commerce traffic. Suspects to be rendered, given military tribunals, then waterboarded until they die or go psychotic. That is all.”