Who Was–and Was Not–in on Rummy’s “Plan”
Gawker has liberated Iraq some of Rummy’s papers on Iraq and Afghanistan. (h/t Rosalind) And while I hope to return to the series on John Walker Lindh (79ff) and the memo, cc’ed to the public affairs people, in which Rummy ordered Jim Haynes to write a memo saying that the way DOD was detaining people was “perfectly legal,” (75ff)
But I just wanted to make a real minor point about the memo he sent on December 13, 2003 to Dick Cheney, cc’ed to Andrew Card and Condi Rice (3):
Attached are some remarks I have been making that talk about planning for post-war Iraq.
With opponents saying we had no “plan,” it is important that we keep referring to our “plan.”
This was the Secretary of Defense sending a messaging note to the Vice President, cc’ing the Chief of Staff and National Security Advisor. It might be the kind of thing that the public affairs office would generate, not the Secretary of Defense. And it’s certainly not the kind of thing you’d normally see the VP as primary recipient of.
And of course, note who’s missing? Colin Powell. Who of course knew Rummy didn’t have a plan.
Interestingly, page 39ff makes it clear that Rummy had not received a copy of the White House propaganda piece, “A Decade of Deception and Defiance,” before he read about it in the NYT (in either a Sanger/Bumiller or a Patrick Tyler piece).
Sorry for going OT here EW, but I wanted to confirm your earlier suspicion – via page 3 of an updated WaPo piece by Greg Miller:
Must be kinda hard to get back to the safehouse with those two bird-dogs onthe cycle. “Lets see; how to shakem?”
yeah, the super computer is on it!
and yeah, i had a good chuckle when i read rummy’s plea to larry di rita for a copy of whatever the hell the white house had released without his knowledge the day before.
and i never quite got that rummy’s snowflake memos actually have the word “Snowflake” printed at the top left corner. odd, odd duck, that one.
I was gonna ask: Is this a real snowflake?
I can’t see the documents right now — it took forever to even get to this screen. But I have a question about Colin Powell and John Walker Lindh. Jesselyn Radack in the DOJ got her career ruined for objecting to Lindh not being given access to a lawyer. He had asked to see one, and his parents had retained a lawyer who had asked to see him. This is very early in December 2001. The lawyer sent letters or faxes or something to Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Tenet and Powell. Of the four, did Powell and maybe Ashcroft make any effort to see that Lindh could see the lawyer? Did Rumsfeld overrule all of them? Do the papers say anything about how it happened that Lindh instead got sent off to the USS Bataan? Is there anything to connect Rove to Lindh? Larry Wilkerson said in his interview on Antiwar Radio last year that Rove was the one behind the scary detainee in orange jumpsuit show. Since Lindh was Detainee 001, maybe he’s a good place to start wondering:
Plus another question from the fog — Back in 2008 Jeff Kaye was trying to get Sen. Levin to release some December 2001 documents that showed that DoD was trying as early as then to get info on SERE. He had noticed testimony that got disregarded in news reports, which timeshifted the contact to July 2002 instead. Maybe those documents were part of the SASC report, I don’t know. Do they bear here? I just re-read the Daily Kos story the other day but now I can’t manage their search function. iirc, it was Shiffrin under Haynes under Rumsfeld, contacting Lt. Col. Baumgarten in JPRA re SERE history and methods.
Different link: Why the Silence on Real Torture
which links to Jeff Kaye asking Sen. Levin here on FDL: FDL Welcomes Senator Carl Levin to Talk about Ongoing Senate Investigation into Detainee Abuse
December 2001 is Lindh and also the Guantanamo detainee who just died.
The JWL docs are later–mid January. They lay out the thought process they used to get to charging him in civilian court as opposed to military court or just detaining him indefinitely.
o/t –
Interesting. Opinion piece ostensibly written by someone in Anonymous. Claims Anonymous assisted with the revolution in Tunisia.
If this Kevin & Kell does not tickle your politcal bone, please return your sense of humor to the manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Boxturtle (If you’re out of warranty, try a double dark rum and the Three Stooges)
Rumsfeld has previously stated that his Iraq plan, with General Garner, was to get in and get out using Iraqi resources to govern and police the country. He has claimed that he was blind-sided by the replacement of Garner with Bremer, a State Department guy reporting to the White House. Bremer then disbanded the Iraqi military while there was serious mismanagement by the US Army of conditions on the ground with terrible results, and the rest is history.
The plan, of course, was to create a vacuum that would suck our armed forces in. Thus the Feith-Wolfowitz plan to disband the Iraqi army. They learned their lesson well from the first Gulf War: the Iraqi army provided stability and obviated the need for an occupation of the country; remove the Iraqi army and create the need.
WikiLeaks: Vanished FBI officer Robert Levinson ‘held by Iranian Revolutionary Guards’
A former FBI officer who disappeared in mysterious circumstances in Iran four years ago has been held by the country’s Revolutionary Guard, the cables suggest.
I am still a bit confused about the line between our military and the CIA in the torture biz.
Reporting/propaganda says the CIA operatives or military contractors for the CIA took part in the torture programs. Can someone help clear this up for me?
I haven’t seen that the CIA was involved in US Army torture programs, although they have been involved in renditions and torture in non-occupied countries. These will provide further information on military and contractor torture:
US Army torture:
The “Taguba Report” On Treatment
Of Abu Ghraib Prisoners In Iraq
contractor torture:
On June 30, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), Burke O’Neil LLC, of Philadelphia and Akeel & Valentine, PLC, of Troy, Michigan filed a series of lawsuits in federal district courts in Maryland, Ohio, Michigan and Washington state against über-contractors CACI International, Inc., CACI Premier Technology and L-3 Services Inc., a division of L-3 Communications Corporation.
The “plan” was to never, ever, ever, ever leave Iraq or Afghanistan. That’s why they had no f’ing “plan”.
The State Dept had complete plans for post-invasion governance — the Future of Iraq Project — which were completely disregarded once Bremer took over.
extracts from a National Security Archive:
I had lunch with one of the (many) authors of the Future of Iraq project, David Phillips (COFR) specifically to discuss why that was discarded. His short A was “I don’t know.” But the farther we got in the conversation, the more obvious it became that Rummy held State Dept in utter contempt. Which is also consistent with the general point of this post.
Also Rummy held ‘nation building’ more generally in utter contempt.
Rumsfeld was a “take the training wheels off” guy, and again, Rumsfeld claimed that he didn’t control Bremer.
from a 2006 interview with Bob Woodward:
Bremer. + $9 Billion in Cash.
Air flights to Iraq from the US carrying the cash.
How much got “diverted” on the trip from the US to Iraq?
I’d bet money that Bremer, and others, have nice Swiss Bank Accounts.
Money is one indicator of malfeasance.
Another is Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients in the war years.
Paul Bremer (2004)
Tommy Franks (2004)
George Tenet (2004)
Richard B. Myers (2005)
Peter Pace (2008)
It was the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. A bunch of rank amateurs who have screwed the US for good. This was well known before the event. Events just proved those who knew it right. Just as McCain deserves a shitload of blame for naming Palin, so Bush pere et fils deserve blame for allowing these idiots and monsters to take over direction of American foreign policy. The buck does stop somewhere.
Anybody else see Rumsfeld on Andrea Mitchell today? Hostile. I hope he keeps showing up on these shows. He really gives himself and the Bushes away. Disgusting. But we need to have more folks disgusted with these Republican traitors.
Yes. Clearly Andrea was not buying his b.s.
This isn’t the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. It’s the gang busily stabbing each other in the back.
You have it right. I hope Andrea and Alan have a good security fence. Not that I am that much of a fan of them either,
I used to be in etouch with an army major who worked in the Pentagon & was a Rummy gofer for awhile. He claimed Rummy was serious about being in & out in 30 days, not caring what he left behind. FWIW.
Old wise horse trainer said that a client brought his horse to him and said, “he always spins, and bucks…and he always runs away…he’s gonna rear and throw you, because that’s how he always acts”…wise trainer says the only way we can deal with him is to deal with what he does right now. It’s always now.
Nicely said.
They were all in on it. The Bush Regime and the entire Congress, both Dems and Reps. To say otherwise is to be completely dishonest to yourself. They all knew. Don’t care what anyone says. Bill Clinton’s staff of rejects spouted the same talking points as the Bushies did. Everything else was just kabuki. Make up an excuse, and then go test military weaponry. The only other explanation? The military and CIA runs the entire gov’t. What is scarier?
Rumsfeld told Andrea Mitchell he’s never heard of Tyler Drumheller.
The man’s mendacity is breathtaking; I hope Obama rues the day he didn’t prosecute this old war criminal. These would be difficult interviews to conduct while speaking from an underground SuperMax cell.
One war criminal prosecuting another? That’d be a first, for sure.