This was actually taken yesterday–our gorgeous beach weather has given way to nasty freezing rain (though the freezing rain makes a really cool sound).
But while I’m working on other things, I thought I’d share yesterday’s sunshine, dunes, and really cool ice formations.
It looks like the land version of the Sargasso Sea I saw from an oceangoing boat once or twice, wilderness and open.
Hey there Marcy,
Tell the Earl my favorite radio show is on WYEP right NOW.
NOW, as in its playing right now.
Hey that looks like MI! And the freezing rain part is accurate…
We got that kind of weather here in Madison, WI at the epicenter of the Governor’s union-busting crusade. Very unpleasant. But things are noisy and boisterous inside the Capitol.
Bob in AZ
conversely, our nasty downpours have given way to gorgeous sun and snowcapped mountains.
especially welcome for all the out-of-towners come to town for the NBA all-star festivities.
They were pretty impressive seen across the width of the valley, I can tell you. (Snow always seems to add a couple of thousand feet to their altitude.)
Someday I’ll live in a place w/snowcapped mountains again. I really miss it.
Maybe that’s why I’m so fascinated by the weird icescape as the lake melts.
(i went to a screening of “Cedar Rapids” the other night with a Q&A after with the director, Miguel Arteta. When asked if they shot in Cedar Rapids he said nope, Ann Arbor. not much of your former home on-screen however, as 90% is shot on location in the Hotel)
Completely o/t, from the guy in the corner muttering to himself:
Why was Brad Friedman the #1 or #2 target in the Team Themis pitches?
How’s this: because he’s the most visible and vocal blogger/campaigner for verifiable elections?
So what does this say about the unspoken agenda of people who would be susceptible to a pitch featuring him as a target? Why the heck would those people even know who he was? Or much care? To the tune of millions of dollars a year?
Sheesh! We’ve already had another 6-8 inches of snow already today with a total of 17+ inches predicted and it’s not going to stop until sometime tommorrow.
Blowing like crazy so it’s a total whiteout blizzard condition here on the tundra in the Twin Cities.
And what’s really bizarre is that it’s a narrow band of snowfall. Further north they’re only getting 2-4 inches.
Because Behindthefall, Brad has meticuosly documented just how corrupted our own election system is!
Yes, that’s what I thought I realized. And then I asked myself, “Why would the audience for this particular presentation care? Why would Brad be Bogeyman #1 (or #2)?”
Hello smart folks, hair on fire here.
Cuz most of us just us regular joes aint got a clue about this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Call it American dissonance, or whatever.
Hey there, really, I like to do my own editing. I know my new laptop is appt to send things before I move the arrow …but Hey after the last couple of days here, I’m wondering whats what.
Hey there, really, I like to do my own editing. I know my new laptop is apt to send things before I move the arrow …but Hey after the last couple of days here, I’m wondering what’s what.
A petition was filed in Davis ‘ case to have the judge correct Davis name which had been put on the no exit list by swapping his middle and last name. An odd mistake with the notoriety. Also a big fight on to keep him from being transferred with allegations of an escape plot. Also allegations the cia might try to kill him and the us is complaining about surveillance cameras they want withdrawn. Everyone has an agenda