Alan Simpson: America Is a Cow w/300M Tits. Plus, 10M MOTUs?

Alan Simpson claims he misspoke back in August when he called Social Security “a milk cow with 310 million tits.”

He explains,

“I meant to say that America was a milk cow with 300 million teats, and not just Social Security.”

Oh. Okay. So Social Security is not the only way we suck at our nation’s teat, huh? Since he’s pushing to cut defense along with Social Security, I guess he’s arguing that our servicemen and women are just a bunch of freeloaders.

But I’m curious.

Back in August, Simpson said Social Security had 310 million tits–presumably counting every American since every American participates in Social Security. His revised statement says America has just 300 million tits.

So where’d the other 10 million tit-sucking Americans go?

My guess? Simpson doesn’t want to hurt the fee fees of any of the MOTUs who mythologize their own accomplishments even while ignoring that they are themselves the chief teat-suckers.

So there you have Alan Simpson’s census of America. 300 million of us are deadbeat teat-suckers. And the MOTUs? I guess they are the poor cow.

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  1. bobschacht says:

    O T:
    Remember the Patriot Act? Sen. Leahy is trying to fix it; but will he be able to keep out of it the pernicious elements?

    The old “Get FISA Right” email group, which collapsed from more than 2000 members to about 200, and went silent after the disastrous 2010 elections, is back up and eager to rock and roll at
    [email protected]

    Bob in AZ

    • bmaz says:

      No. And that group sure didn’t accomplish much with that back in 2008 either; Obama lied to them and the country and then turned his back. Leahy is trying; but my guess is the deal is cut and done for straight extension, with DiFi shepherding it through.

  2. Teddy Partridge says:

    Very tired of Legacy Watchdog Media referring to Alan Simpson as the Chairman of the President’s Commission on the Fiscal Future. He should be, correctly, referred to as the FORMER chairman of the FAILED commission which was UNABLE to reach a consensus.

    In other words, not worth listening to.

  3. Arbusto says:

    I wonder how wealthy our boy would be and what health care and retirement he’d have if he hadn’t sucked his fair share of teats, or whatever, in his career.

  4. earlofhuntingdon says:

    As was true of Joe McCarthy, it’s probable that Mr. Simpson can’t remember what he said and can’t count anyway. Like many neocons and their media allies, he becomes lost in the words he has intentionally shorn of meaning beyond vague, hoped for negative feelings.

    Simpson’s backtracking may also be due to his having too obviously projected the attitude of the MOTU, that the US taxpayers are the cows they are starving while sucking dry. He holds to the rationalization common to predators, Blankfein and Dimon chief among them: “If God had not wanted them sheared, he would not have made them sheep.”

  5. substanti8 says:

    I thought Social Security was a self-sustaining system.  Oh yeah … jerks like Simpson voted to allow the Soc. Sec. Trust Fund to be raided, in lieu of taxing the rich.