Four Words You Didn’t Want to See Together Again

“Judith” “Miller” “Embedded” “Iraq”

By Judith Miller

It was the suicide vest that clinched it.

John C. Myers, a veteran law enforcement officer embedded in the U.S. Army’s 1st Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division in Iraq’s Anbar province, was certainly familiar with the outlawed amphetamine Captagon.

The bonus word that makes it all the more amusing?


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9 replies
  1. strangely enough says:

    What? No openings at WND?

    When does Judy file her first breathless account of how what she’s seen in Iraq (complete with anonymous witnesses pointing at something, somewhere) means we must invade Iran?

  2. Mary says:

    It’s a good thing of newsmax that she’s a journalist – if that spiel about the creation of “CLEAT” by a taut, fitness fanatic, hard nosed, soft-spoken guy who wanders around saying “aha” to himself and only realizes that terrorism and drugs are tied together after finding pills in a suicide vest – if that were offered up as something else, it would walk off with the cheeseball award.

    Maybe in the sequel, the hero will also discover Karzai’s brother and his CIA pals bffs are drug lords too. Or not.

    The piece really cries out for that AEI guy who Bush was so gung ho on and who was into graphic novels and gnashing his teeth over pale-fingered journalized v. his steroidally enhanced hero WARRIORS – it cries out for him as an illustrator. I’m sure that behind Judy’s bad prose and lazy cliches there are some great people doing hard and dangerous work, but sheezal.

    The good news for Judy is, if the newsmax gig falls through, she can tack on that ending that you can hear as an undertone – the one about the taut, hardnosed, soft breasted, mysterious journalist -slash-pole dancer who learned about the darker side of life while imprisoned unjustly for defending her sources (and forgetting to clean off the pole) and who joins CLEAT and sheds her burqa to save the world; she can tack that on and with the right edits sell it to either Hustler or as a miniseries to Fox.

      • Mary says:

        Very much typo challenged on that one though – doing too many things at once from an uncooperative laptop.

        Karl Zinsmeister is that guy whose name I couldn’t remember.

    • jerryy says:

      If you come up with a good graphic for the softcover, you might be able to sell it to the harlequin romance folks. Then again, that might be too much of a stretch even for them. :^)

  3. MadDog says:

    OT – EW, I thought you’d find this “interesting” from the Telegraph:

    Mossad agent ‘brought down Egypt’s internet’

    The purported confessions of Tareq Abdul Razzaq Hassan, a businessman, represent the latest evidence of growing public tensions between Israel and Egypt.

    Severe disruptions to Egypt’s internet service in December 2008 were blamed at the time on damage to underwater data cables caused by a ship’s anchor.

    But Hassan told police that the incident was, in fact, the work of Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, according to interrogation records leaked to an independent Egyptian newspaper…

    Which links into this article from AOL News:

    Israelis Paid Spy $1.5M for Info on Syrian Nukes

    Egyptian media released more details today about the breakup of an alleged Israeli spy ring, including leaked interrogation transcripts indicating Israeli intelligence was given information about a suspected Syrian nuclear reactor in exchange for $1.5 million.

    The Egyptian daily Al-Masry Al-Youm published a summary of the interrogation of Tareq Abdul Razzaq, an Egyptian national accused of spying for the Jewish state earlier this month in an operation purported to span Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and the United Kingdom…


    …On Dec. 20, the Egyptian government announced that the 37-year-old Abdul Razzaq, along with two Israelis, had been recruiting telecommunications sector employees to tap the phones of Egyptian ministers before routing the calls through the United Kingdom to Israel…

    …The story has grown since it was first announced this month. On Monday, Egyptian media reported that Abdul Razzaq confirmed Israeli intelligence was behind crippling Internet cuts that wiped out service across Egypt in December 2008. At the time, the blackout was blamed on severed underwater cables…

    According to a court statement…he was recruiting agents in the telecommunications sector in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon for further intelligence collection. Abdul Razzaq is expected to stand trial Jan. 15 in Egypt…

  4. orionATL says:

    “…don’t want to see again…”

    is a typo.

    the correction:

    “…hoped never to see again, ever”.

    the fredricka kruger of journalism-as-a-literary-art-form

    has risen from the dead.

    within a short time she will be interviewed by the nytimes on the grpunds of “controversy”.

    within a year she’ll be back at the times pitchin’ more manure.

    such is the nature of exile and redemption

    for the well-connected, the famous, and the rich

    in the u.s. of a. these days.

  5. alinaustex says:

    Judith Miller was just nominated for the 2011 George Goebbels Award for AgitProp to further overseas violence against Other People’s Countries who have stuff we need to rip off – Surely this NewsMax gig will make her be the shoe in for this year !
    Hey Judy don’t trip over any of those entwined Aspen Roots .
    1984 Knocking at Our Collective Door

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