Obama/Bush DOJ Update to OLC Christmas Carol
Earlier I linked to and posted the oh so hilarious (if you appreciate the humor in the supposed creme de la creme of government attorneys laughing about breaking the law and violating citizens’ rights) Christmas carol drafted by the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) all the way back during the Carter Administration. It seems to be making a comeback through a post at Volokh Conspiracy.
Well, through what can only be described as a Christmas miracle, our very own Mary has “discovered” the new version, as updated by the Obama/Bush OLC:
You’d better watch out,
look up in the sky,
You’d better not doubt;
Better say your good bye.
Santa Claus is droning
Your home.He’s paying out bounties,
For kids he pays five,
He’s razoring genitals
And burying alive.
Santa Claus is beating
the proneHe hears you in your cages,
Videotapes your screams and moans,
After sharing with Senate pages,
Then he’ll freeze you all aloneSo–you mustn’t believe
In Justice tonight.
On Christmas Eve
She’s lost more than her sight
The OLC will help with hiding
Your bones.
As Mary noted, “Those jokers at OLC. At least they enjoy their work”. Indeed. With “wise men” like John Yoo, Jay Bybee and Steve Bradbury, what could go wrong?
Let’s just say that absolute immunity is a sweet gig.
Still no head of O’s OLC after 2 years?
Been over seven years since there was a confirmed head of OLC as opposed to “acting”; but yes, Obama has not had one since being inaugurated.
Not even an acting?
The latest status as of Dec. 22 on the OLC per Main Justice:
Nowadays, the OLC runs on autopilot. In a post-9/11 world, there’s no need for all that high-falutin’ legal analysis.
the term ‘travesty of justice’ comes to mind…
the DOJ is DOA.
The TOJ DOJ that is DOA.
Now we need one for the fear mongering of the TSA and
fatherhomeland security and one for the kabuki on the economy.