Turkey Trash: Eat the Bird and Pass the Damn Ball
Times are tough all over. Why I even have some Big Wheel trying to repossess my Trash Talk. But I done securitized, privatized and lobotomized the damn thing to where she can’t really get her claws on it. So, I’m back!
First off, let me, and on behalf of Marcy, give you all the greatest of thanks for patronizing this blog. As I have said many times before, and I truly mean it, you folks are the greatest, brightest and most wonderful group of folks imaginable; and please know we completely realize and appreciate it. Thanksgiving and joy to one and all!!
Now, back to business, cause you know we never get sidetracked here (okay, that may not be totally true). I do not know diddly squat about food other than I like to eat it; this is a sports post and it will so reflect. Arrrrr! So, it is the traditional weird Thanksgiving schedule, and we are trashing way early; this post may maintain on through the Sunday slate, it may have to be superseded, we shall see.
In the first substantive thing on the slate, I would like to convey a big fuck you to the President of Ohio State University (sorry KLynn), who in true ugly Sweater Vest arrogant 2 yards and a clod ‘o sod fashion, has made a total ass of himself. From the NY Daily News:
I do know, having been both a Southeastern Conference president (at Vanderbilt) and a Big Ten president, that it’s like murderer’s row every week for these schools,” said Gee in the AP interview. “We do not play the Little Sisters of the Poor. We play very fine schools on any given day. So I think until a university runs through that gantlet that there’s some reason to believe that they not be the best teams to (be) in the big ballgame.
Um, hi there, Mr. Big 10.5 who are begging the Division II quality Fighting Irish to join yer little conference. Take your foot out of your mouth, and head out of ass, and glance at the schedule Ohio State played this year. It is lame, and seriously qualitatively hardly any better than that of Boise State. And Boise State has offered, begged actually, to play you and those loudmouthed guys (Hi Nick Saban) in the SEC, during regular season for years; of course you don’t have the ball to do that.
Maybe facts don’t matter (this clod must be excited about a Palin candidacy) to you, but they do to the rest of us. Oh, and one other thing, Boise State does not have a well earned reputation for getting rolled in huge games like some team you may be related to; they always win their biggest games, even against teams like Oklahoma. Remember that truck named Florida that ran over you?? Heck, whatever Pac-10 team that showed up made a history of doing that to you and your precious Woody Hayes. Did it to Big Bo Merlot too. Go check the record dude. Then shut up. Oh, and no, if Auburn gets beat by a two loss Crimson Tide and then wins the SEC Championship over the ‘Ole Ball Coach and the Gamecocks, they do not deserve to go ahead of an undefeated Boise State or TCU either.
Okay, now that I have vented that BCS spleen, back to regular programming. The meat tomorrow comes from the Pros, not the Joes. Leading off, we have the Pats vacationing in the lovely confines of the Lions Den. You know, if the Kitties had a healthy Matt Stafford that had been playing with and synched up with his offense for a few games, if not all season, I might be quite inclined to take the Kitties. The Lions are a better team and closer than most people realize. I think. Suh and the defense are really tightening up and the offense has weapons – if they have a front line quarterback. But that means Matt Stafford, and they do not have him currently.
The Patriots, however, are starting to congeal. As anybody who has studied Bill Bel knew they would. Belichick has a young defense that did not have sufficient time as a unit together when the season started; but, as you might predict, Bii Bel has them learning, growing and coming on late. Bad news for the rest of the NFL as Bieber Brady seems to be rounding into the brash and confident Brady of old too. The need to feed distraction of Randy Moss is gone, and the Pats are probably better off for it. Bottom line is, as much as it would be heartwarming to see the Lions rise up and devour the Pats; nuh uh, not gonna happen. Close to a blowout.
Next is the Saints versus Jerry Jones Aints; otherwise formerly known as the Cowboys. Gee, like Goldman Sachs seeking a HAMP refinance because of hardship, you really have to feel for the Owboys. Or not. Have to say this though, they are a different team under Jason Garrett so far. And, although no Tony Romo truly dents their fender, Dallas does have a bunch of talent. Problem is, New Orleans is starting to clear the cobwebs from the massive amounts of Hurricanes they slurped down at Pat O’Brien’s and bead chicks they collected up after the gridiron urban renewal they enjoyed last year. Oh, and say what you will, Reggie Bush is returning to the field and that is a huge X factor. Dude may have taken some caash at USC, but he is one game changing football player. Bush doesn’t even have to do anything to change the equation; just the thought of him does that. Cowboys have a nice little 2-0 start under Garrett, but that ends with Drew Fookin Brees and the Saints.
Lastly, on Turducken Day, we have the Bungles versus the Jets Jets Jets. Mark Sanchez has been getting dirty. Seriously. Freaking looked like Joe Montana on that game winning drive last weekend against Houston who, despite their record, is not a slouch. Kid has a long way to go, but it is hard not to like what he is doing and how he is growing. And the Jets have that defense, which has actually been a little dormant for a spell now. You keep thinking the Bungles are gonna break out, but it is hard to see how against the Jets. In Jetville. Nope, my money is on Namath er, I mean, Sanchize and the Jets.
Huge student athlete games on Friday. Seriously huge, including Auburn Alabama in the Iron Bowl and Boise State against a way better Nevada team than most can even possibly realize. Not sure if we will updat this post for that, or start another one. You know where we are. Get Trashy! And remember, from the ashes we can build another day.