White House: Only 170,000 People Have Had Genitalia Groped by Complete Stranger in Last Week

The White House has started a pushback campaign on gate rape that is reminiscent of “Recovery Summer” or “Mission Accomplished” for its credibility.

It consists of a number of things, in addition to the inevitable army of talking-point-people using the word “enhanced” the same way Cheney did.

First, there are statistics. Such as their claim that only 1% of people undergo pat-downs.

In airports where body screening technology is available, about one in every 100 passengers are given pat-downs, according to another official, Sean Smith, the DHS spokesperson.

Which may or may not contradict their other claim, that less than half of one percent of all air passengers have undergone “enhanced pat-downs.”

For instance, the administration noted that fewer than one half of one percent of the 34 million passengers who traveled on airplanes in or to the U.S. last week were subjected to crotch-area pat-downs.

So the White House’s idea of effective pushback against objections to this invasive scrutiny? “Only 170,000 people have had their genitalia groped by a complete stranger employed by the federal government in the last week. Big. Fucking. Deal.”

That sort of seems like a lot of junk-touching in just one week.

They’re also citing the polls and the numbers of complaints from before the junk-touching started in earnest so as to claim that no one much cares about being groped.

But here’s the thing I find most offensive.

The president said this weekend that while he understands the “frustrations” that the policies seem to have caused, “at this point, TSA in consultation with counterterrorism experts have indicated to me that the procedures that they have been putting in place are the only ones right now that they consider to be effective against the kind of threat that we saw in the Christmas Day bombing.” [my emphasis]

Um, no. You see, after the underwear bombing, we had a whole bunch of studies that examined what went wrong and what might have been effective against the underwear bomber. And the answer–in the face of clear fuck-ups by the NCTC and CIA (and to a much lesser degree, the FBI for which John Pistole then served as second-in-command)–the answer was to stop fucking up and start sharing information. To claim that junk-touching is the only thing that would be effective at stopping the undie bomber, when we know that the intelligence community had already identified Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab but failed to stop him, is an out and out lie.

Mind you, crotch groping might be effective if al Qaeda or another terrorist organization decided to launch the same type of attack, this time from within the United States. Or it might be effective against another sort of attack we haven’t yet thought up. Then again, it pointedly wouldn’t be effective against an attack by an organization that has proven itself capable of adjusting and exploiting new weaknesses–that is, the organization we’re fighting.

But to claim crotch-groping in the United States is the only procedure that would have been effective against an attack launched by an identified terrorist flying from another country, which is, after all “the kind of threat we saw in the Christmas Day bombing,” when we know the procedure that would have been effective is in fact simply sharing the information we had already collected?

That’s a pretty brutal pinch of the ‘nads.

  1. tjbs says:

    I don’t think Orwell could have anticipated the extent they will go.

    If they can assassinate, at will, without accountability they already have us by the balls so why not just do it?

  2. orionATL says:

    yesterday i read somewhere (maybe the nytimes) that the recent unpleasantness about our gov doing electronic strip searches was “a distraction” to the whitehouse.

    at the time i wondered if this news report could possibly reflect the thinking of the whitehouse.

    apparently, it did.

    by itself, the wh’s indifference here suggests thoughtlesness and indifference to how ordinary americans feel about a serious issue of privacy, of, shall we say, “search and seizure”.

    but taken together with the wh’s public indifference to inividual joblessness

    and the wh’s public indifference to citizens losing their homes to foreclosure, some of it corrupt and much of it illegal,

    a picture is being fleshed out of a president and a white house staff that just don’t give a damn about the problems, losses, or indignities individual americans experience.

    • emptywheel says:

      You know, I think it says everythign about the WH’s sensitivity–or not–to the fundamental dignity of American citizens. THat’s probably worth a post.

      • Gitcheegumee says:

        We are a nation of whiners,so says Phil Gramm :

        Phil Gramm: Recession Is “Mental,” America Is “Nation Of Whiners …Jul 10, 2008 … SCROLL DOWN FOR RESPONSES FROM THE MCCAIN CAMPAIGN, THE DNC, AND OBAMA CAMPAIGN* ** In an interview with the Washington Times, McCain’s top …

        http://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/mccain-adviser-americans_n_111857.html – Cached – Similar’A Nation of Whiners’ – washingtonpost.comJul 11, 2008 …

        From an online article published Wednesday by the Washington Times after an editorial board meeting with former senator Phil Gramm (R-Tex.

        http://www.washingtonpost.com › Print Edition › A Section – Similar

      • rosalind says:

        sadly couldn’t agree more. my moment of “oh crap” was when Obama used the plight of the Uighur’s as a punch line at his first Correspondents Dinner:

        Obama: “Nick at Nite has a new take on an old classic: Leave it to Uighurs”. The crowd roared, at which point Obama stopped and went off script to say: “I thought that was pretty good”, then continued on with the scripted ‘jokes’.

        That he would use the plight of innocent men caught up in a Kafkaesque hell as a punch line for the D.C. elite’s entertainment raised a red flag, but it was the comment he made off-script that revealed the true man I had helped elect.

        • Neil says:

          Rush Holt, Chair of the House Select Intelligence Oversight Panel and co-Chair of the Congressional Biomedical Caucus, wants a meeting with John Pistole, Administrator of the TSA. On Holt’s mind: potential health effects of the full-body scanners now deployed to 68 airports across the country – including Newark, JFK & LaGuardia. more

          Rush Holt on TSA full-body scanners: “head-long rush to embrace fallible technology”
          by: Rosi Efthim | Mon Nov 22, 2010 at 04:22:06 PM EST

    • ottogrendel says:

      “Distraction” indeed, as revealed in Obama’s condescending assertion that being fucked over yet again by control addicts rationalizing their attack on freedom and profiteering as necessary in a time of “crisis” amounts to mere “frustration.” No. Frustration is when you can’t find a parking spot and you are late for your flight. Airport security is a dystopian horror show.

  3. MadDog says:

    If these procedures “are the only ones right now that they consider to be effective”, can the TSA’s hiring of proctologists be far behind?

    I expect that some whiz kid White House politico will soon come up with the bright idea to call these TSA procedures one of the new benefits of their Health Care Reform.

    Shorter White House: “Get your breast exams and prostrate screenings free when you fly American, Delta and Southwest.”

  4. MadDog says:

    OT – I hadn’t really been paying too much attention recently, but it seems to have gotten cold here in Minnesota.

    I wondered why I kept seeing all these “Fire Chilly!” signs.

  5. DeadLast says:

    As energy costs rise and thermostats are turned down, the TSA officers need some way to keep their hands warm!

  6. Gitcheegumee says:

    WHY is there no pushback from the flying public to DEMAND xray screening of cargo on these same flights?

      • grumps says:

        I for one will not fly anymore. I have enough gray hair and bad memories about Storm Troopers to make me stop. It has bothered me more and more the last few years – no have grounded me.

  7. phred says:

    170,000 sex crimes? 9 million? What’s the diff? And of course, that doesn’t count the people who went through the scanners even if they might have hated doing so…

    The only person that matters here is the CEO of Rapiscan. As long as his campaign contributions continue and he pays big bucks to the lobbyists on K Street, all is fine and dandy in Obama’s world.

    Incidentally, I wonder how he ever got the moniker “Constitutional Law Scholar”. Scholarship requires one to study a subject. I’m not sure Obama has ever read the Constitution, much less studied it.

    • phred says:

      What do you bet some misanthrope will create a mobile-device app for that? We’ll all have wireless web cams surgically implanted in our body cavities at birth (we won’t be getting social security numbers anymore, just rfid tags and cavity cams), then as we zip through security, the TSA will upload the images…

    • grumps says:

      Complete dental x rays when the freedom fighters fill their teeth with explosives?
      MRIs when they insert bombs in between various organs?

  8. phred says:

    From your link to the WH pushback:

    “More than 2 million passengers travel every day in the United States, …” said Smith.

    That works out to more than 730 million passengers in the US per year. Over the past 9 years that would be more than 6,570,000,000. During that period of time, 19 of those 6.57 billion passengers were terrorists.

    If we include shoe and undie boys here, the percentage of terrorists drops further, since they had departure cities of Paris and Amsterdam, respectively, and we would need to account for all international travelers as well.

    In short, I’m supposed to put up with indecent exposure or molestation, because Obama is bad at math.

    That’s funny, because you would think a politician who depends on campaign contribution checks with lots of zeros on ’em would understand those kind of numbers better. On the other hand, I suspect the reason he is willfully bad at math is exactly because of who is writing those big checks.

  9. MadDog says:

    Via the WaPo, a piece on the new WaPo/ABC News poll on the new TSA scanners and “enhanced” patdowns:

    …About a third of all Americans see the new scanning machines as a potential health risk, but most say that’s not a big concern…

    …The balance shifts, however, when it comes to the enhanced pat-downs. On that question, Americans divide down the middle, with 48 percent saying this new level of search is justified to try to prevent terrorism and 50 percent saying it goes too far. About 37 percent of all Americans say they feel strongly that the new procedure is overly intrusive…

    WaPo/ABC News Poll Data here.

    • IntelVet says:

      It was with good reason.

      On the scanner.

      I understood, originally, that a passenger would first transit the magnetometer. If an alarm sounded, then they would be given the option of the backscatter or grope.

      Now, they are bypassing the magnetometer, allowing anyone with a glock up their butt, to get through because the backscatter will not detect anything underneath the skin. Anyone can put a cannonball up their ass (if it’ll fit) and pass right through with no alarms.

      What the heck is wrong with America? Are you people stupid?

      • phred says:

        What the heck is wrong with America? Are you people stupid?

        Nope. Our government is entirely corrupt and the public is held hostage by two parties that make a lot of noise, but won’t lift a finger to help.

  10. Teddy Partridge says:

    No one wants to do their actual job if it doesn’t involve conditioning the American people to accept their lot in life, or flying around the country in private planes telling the rest of us it’s all okay.

    Gate-rape is the inverse of the millionaire tax-cuts: everyone talking about either on of them on television is exempt (or benefits) from them.

    • MadDog says:

      Don’t you think each and every one of our politicians should volunteer to undergo public “enhanced” patdowns “LIVE” on TV each and everytime they fly?

      Can you imagine the newsworthiness of watching Boehner or Pelosi undergoing the same treatment as the great unwashed?

      I bet I could sell that to TLC. *g*

      I’d probably even watch it. *g*

  11. jiacovelli says:

    Dick Cheney must be laughing so hard that his doctors may to have to change his heart medication. Obama was punk’d.

  12. MadDog says:

    The really absurd thing about these latest TSA procedures is how far behind the curve the Administration is on real security.

    The AQAP HP Printer bombers have already demonstrated how to exploit the unclosable massive hole in airline security.

    They no longer need any suicide bomber wannabees like the Shoe and Undie bombers.

    They aren’t worried about the closure of airline package delivery services in Somalia or Yemen.

    They can simply smuggle PETN into any of the numerous EU countries (places like Turkey, Italy, and the former Eastern Bloc states readily come to mind) where smuggling is already rampant.

    There it’s nothing to take advantage of the EU’s “Open Borders” policies to tranship the bomb material without any inspection into any other EU country (think Germany, France or Britain with their large Muslim populations).

    Then it’s simply a matter of packaging the bomb material into suitable “delivery vehicles” such as desktop computers, laptop computers, or printers etc.

    The largest computer sellers like Dell, HP, etc. all ship their systems via package delivery services like UPS and FedEx.

    And the governments of the US and EU nations, all know that they have zero, nada, zilch capabilities to locate these materials (neither X-ray scanning nor bomb sniffing dogs can detect PETN), or even the fortitude to impose on their corporate masters and somehow holdup delivery and inspect each and every package shipped.

    So with all the noise generated by these hapless “close the barndoor” TSA procedures, we hear crickets about the real security vulnerabilities from our governments because to discuss this reality would make us all really, really scared.

  13. bolloxref says:

    When there’s a radiation scanner or alternative gropefest as part of the entry to the Oval Office……….

    Then I’ll believe O’Pointless.

  14. Bluetoe2 says:

    Has Mr. Bipartisan resigned yet? If not he should do the nation a service and retire to the gilded halls of Wall Street.

  15. Margaret says:

    It occurs to me that if somebody detonated a bomb in a TSA line before they got to the pre gate grope rather than on an airplane, there would be more victims than if somebody managed to get explosives through and boarded a flight.

  16. Phil Rounds says:

    Just as a footnote here. Let’s not overlook the fact that Michael Chertoff, head of Homeland Security, is a relic of the last administration. Pres.Obama has elected to retain him in his position, although i can’t see the logic in it.
    Could it be Chertoff initiated this form of airport security in order to cause an uproar aimed at this administration?
    While we’re being outraged that someone might be getting a peek at our naughty bits, what more serious issues are being overlooked?

      • Dakinikat says:

        you do know the owner of one company that’s one of two companies that provide the US government with those scanners accompanied POTUS on his trip to India? How’s that for interesting?

  17. wagthedog says:

    Inspecting my grandpa’s and grandma’s crotches isn’t going to make America safer. Sorry Obama, you are wrong. This is completely unnecessary.

    Am I not correct in there being “NO” US citizen attempt to interfere with a commercial flight? All attempts have been from foreigners. So why are Americans treated as though they are potential terrorists?

  18. edve says:

    The halls of history seem to indicate many ways in which empires get built, enslave their own people as well as others, and then finally collapse of their own hubris.

    The current WH resident and his cadre of puppets seem well suited to carry out the MOTU’s desires and wishes with no regard or the slightest intuition about their karma inducing follies and disregard of the little peoples…but I think it is their disregard for the swinging pendulum of history that will eventually cut them off at their knees and immobilize their grandest plans as they fall.

    I sincerely hope they fall hard and swiftly with a pox on all their houses of depravity! Nothing else seems to be working against their incessant insanity…perhaps a curse for the ages will!

  19. davidg says:

    What a waste of time and effort to bother about this. Talk about a non-issue! Forget this and move on to something of importance.

  20. workingclass says:

    I just love this story. The Fascists are moving to fast. They have overstepped. This gestapo stuff is radicalizing people. Here is Obama, telling us we must be treated like cattle by our government in our country. People who otherwise wouldn’t be paying attention are paying attention to this story.

    I hate Obama so I would never give him good advise. But I know he isn’t listening. He should intervene on behalf of the people on this one. He is unnecessarily making enemies for himself and his masters.

  21. dosido says:

    The pushback I heard on the radio today was Janet Napolitano saying that people were reacting to “inaccurate information” ie. not the squeezing of their nads.

  22. alank says:

    Then again, it pointedly wouldn’t be effective against an attack by an organization that has proven itself capable of adjusting and exploiting new weaknesses–that is, the organization we’re fighting.

    Who is that pray? the borg? This is utter claptrap that serves only to reinforce the arguments from the White House and their advisers in the military and the clandestine agencies that seem to be everywhere in the world stirring up shit. It’s the latter that are the Americans’ enemies. We’ve met the enemy and the enemy is us.

    • dosido says:

      Yep, and the TSA wants us to feel some sympathy for doing the groping while we’re at it. Poor guys can’t deal with the verbal abuse coming off the abused.

  23. bridgettepl says:

    I refuse to fly. I am intersexual. I have not had the corrective surgeries in order for my body to look like a normal woman’s yet. That will show up in a scan. I wrote a lot about it on LGR . Suffice it to say, what happens if I get a transphobe for a screener? Will I be subjected to horrible things just because I was not born an anatomically correct woman?

    What is more, as a molestation survivor, I have a strong problem with anyone who I do not know touching my person, especially my breasts or groin. While I do not panic as much if the person is another woman, it is still not easy for me and the stress of everything would probably throw me into a panic state.

    This is just a really bad idea.

    • dosido says:

      Hugs to you. It’s the molestation survivors I really feel sorry for in all sincerity.

      And I do not say this to be mean or glib–at all– but is it really a good idea to traumatize survivors like this before flying?

  24. RevBev says:

    Eeeewwww….I am so not a wimp, but there are somethings I do not even want to enter my mind…along with the fact that they have now broken ground I think for the W library. What a phrase….

    • ottogrendel says:

      Don’t worry, word from those in the know is that it will only contain two picture books, both heavily censored. The gift shop, however, will be massive.

      “I call him ‘Skinny.'” Well look at him.” –George W. Bush comment on outgoing Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski at the end of a press conference.

  25. BMcGarth says:

    Isn’t it always justifiable if it ain’t happening to you or your family members.

    If every time they went to the airport Michele Obama had a stranger running

    his finger up & down her inner thighs….I am sure this policy would be long gone….this doesn’t surprise me,we are quickly becoming a country where laws apply to some & not all,this all started with Bush,probably before but became apparent to me then…..Outing of Valerie Plame everyone skated free,remember how many times Rove was permitted to change is testimony,6 times.You & I would have been charged for perjury at 1.

  26. orionATL says:

    anderson christian university:

    Public Servant: Pistole brings sense of mission to FBI’s #2 post
    By David Harness
    Ask John S. Pistole BA ‘78 about his job, and he’ll tell you about a sense of calling.

    “It’s a very challenging, demanding job that I wouldn’t have sought,” he says. “But I believe I’m here for a reason.”

    Pistole is deputy director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He is the highest-ranking FBI official not appointed by the President of the United States and second only to FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III in authority and responsibility within the bureau.

    Pistole’s position commands considerable trust and respect. As the FBI’s “chief operating officer,” he oversees the bureau’s 30,000 employees, 56 field offices, and $6 billion budget. While Director Mueller is the public face of the bureau — the “CEO” who sets policy — Pistole runs the FBI’s day-to-day operations, carrying out Mueller’s vision and acting on his behalf when the director is away.

    “I appointed John Pistole deputy director because he best brings the qualities to help lead — and transform — the FBI during a time of evolving terrorism and crime challenges,” says Mueller. “John is a dedicated public servant, a major asset to the FBI and to our nation.”

    Pistole has regularly briefed President George W. Bush and testified before Congressional committees. He addressed the 9/11 Commission about efforts to thwart future terrorist plots. On the seventh floor of the J. Edgar Hoover Building – FBI headquarters – in Washington, D.C., he occupies an office large enough to make a comfortable apartment for an undergraduate.

    But if Pistole’s position is commanding, the man himself is modest, his demeanor understated. He seems both comfortable in, and awed by, the role. “If it weren’t for God’s hand at work,” he says, “I wouldn’t be here.” This awareness at once humbles and empowers him.

    Pistole was a college sophomore at Anderson University when he began to recognize public service as a calling. His father, Dr. Hollis Pistole BA ’45, then a professor at Anderson’s School of Theology, had modeled a more traditional calling – first as a pastor, then as a teacher/mentor to would-be pastors. Likewise his mother, Elizabeth BS ’43, a teacher at Anderson High School, had set an example of investing one’s life in serving others.

    “My parents stressed the value of integrity and hard work, responsibility and being accountable – and treating others fairly,” recalls John, whose siblings Cindy Poikonen BA ’68, Carole Greenwalt BA ’72, and David Pistole BA ’77, all pursued careers in education.

    His parents’ upbringing laid the groundwork for a college experience where vocational pursuits and spiritual development went hand in hand. Except, John Pistole almost didn’t make it to college, or the FBI, or adulthood for that matter.

    “I had a rebellious time in high school,” he recalls. “I got to see what selfish living was like.” Then a car accident his senior year of high school broke his neck, nearly paralyzed him, and almost cost him his life. “I see that as God’s way of giving me a wake-up call, saying ‘Knucklehead, I’ve blessed you in so many ways. Don’t squander your living. I’ve given you blessings and an opportunity. You’ve got a job to do.’” With his energies refocused, he entered college with purpose.

    By his sophomore year at AU, Pistole had found a mentor in Dr. Doug Nelson, a new political science professor at the time. Nelson, then as now, served as director of the Center for Public Service (CPS), an on-campus honor society designed to support and encourage students pursuing careers in public service.

    “That idea, of public service being a calling, clicked with me,” recalls Pistole, who chose an American studies/pre-law major. Through CPS, he obtained a summer internship working for his congressman in Washington, D.C., later interned in the Indiana State Assembly, and participated in Anderson’s Model United Nations program. International trips, through the university’s Tri-S program (Study, Serve, Share), further opened his horizons and taught him the rewards and value of serving others.

    The discipline of the analytic approach to the study of law, he says, prepared him for law school. At Anderson, Pistole also learned that “calling” can transcend vocation.

    “Each of us as Christians are called to be ministers to a unique congregation, that is those we interact with on a daily basis — our families, our coworkers, whomever,” he explains. “We may be the only Christ that somebody sees.” Thus, regardless of one’s career or position, a believer has a God-given assignment to live out Jesus’ example of service, says Pistole.

    By the early 1980s, John Pistole had completed his law degree, practiced two years as an attorney, and married Kathy Harp BA ’78. Though he had initially believed his calling was as an attorney, he had grown restless to do something more.

    “I had a very positive image of the FBI,” he recalls. “I liked the application of law to the issues the FBI dealt with.”

    Pistole’s law background opened doors to a position with the FBI, and in 1983 he began his career as a special agent in the bureau’s Minneapolis division, investigating organized crime and violent crimes. Two years later, he was transferred to the New York division, where he continued investigating organized crime, culminating in his 1990 arrest of Vincent Gigante, head of the Genovese crime family.

    From there, Pistole was promoted to a supervisor in the organized crime section at FBI headquarters in Washington in 1990, field supervisor of a white collar crime and civil rights squad in Indianapolis in 1994, and assistant special agent in charge in Boston in 1999.

    Along the way, he coordinated the FBI’s collaboration with the Italian National Police, as they investigated the assassinations of two prominent magistrates; developed curriculum and provided instruction at the International Law Enforcement Academy in Budapest, Hungary; and represented the FBI in Bulgaria on a State Department mission on organized crime. In 2001, he directed the “blue team” of the Information Security Working Group addressing security issues following the arrest of Robert Hanssen.

    While weighing the promotion to assistant special agent in charge, Pistole discovered John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer through his church’s small group Bible study. At the time, staying in Indianapolis — close to his family of origin — had much appeal, for his family and for him. But the opportunity to have a greater impact also loomed. Praying Wesley’s prayer, especially “the part about turning myself over completely,” convinced John and Kathy to put their future in God’s hands, even if it meant moving to Boston.

    In July 2001, Pistole was promoted from Boston back to FBI headquarters, as inspector in the inspection division, where he led teams conducting evaluations and audits of FBI field offices and divisions at headquarters. The following April, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Director Mueller summoned Pistole into leadership of the bureau’s most important mission, as deputy assistant director of the FBI’s counter terrorism division. As the #2 ranking official in counter terrorism, he oversaw all its domestic and international terror investigations, and helped build the division from a staff of less than 200 to over 1,000 personnel, as counter terrorism became the FBI’s highest priority.

    “It’s not a script that anybody could write,” Pistole says, of his unlikely promotion to deputy assistant director of counter terrorism and, just a year and a half later, to deputy director. He had not thought about or aspired to either position. “That’s why I attribute it to God’s moving. It was so much a matter of timing and place.”

    When, as a young attorney, Pistole first considered a career in the FBI, he did his own investigating: he read The FBI Pyramid, the 1979 memoir of W. Mark Felt, the FBI’s deputy director at the time of the 1972 Watergate break-in. This spring, Felt was revealed to be Deep Throat, the secret source who helped Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncover the scandal which led to President Nixon’s resignation. That revelation, Pistole says, only strengthened his respect for the position and responsibilities he now holds.

    While Pistole’s tenure as deputy director hasn’t brought any Watergate-style investigations, the challenges he — and the bureau — face have been unprecedented. As the only government agency with law enforcement and intelligence responsibilities, the FBI provides a crucial link between the nation’s 750,000 police officers and its 15 different intelligence agencies – especially in this age of persistent terrorist threats.

    As the bureau and its responsibilities have grown, Pistole has been responsible for finding more efficient ways of accomplishing its mission. “One of the key things I’m trying to do is really integrate the collection, analysis, and dissemination of public property called intelligence, throughout all our investigative areas,” he says. “How do we make sure people who are collecting information are getting it analyzed and shared in a timely basis — not only in the FBI, but especially in law enforcement?”

    Pistole also manages personnel decisions, identifying future leaders and selecting officials for key assignments. “The personnel part of the job is huge,” he says, noting that post-9/11 burnout and greater job demands have increased the pace of such appointments, and made them all the more crucial.

    “People still have a sense of mission [in the FBI], to make sure everything humanly possible is done to [prevent] another terrorist attack,” he says. “There are a lot of very dedicated, extremely hard-working people in this organization.”

    But, he admits, the challenges — including adjusting to new structures, such as the Department of Homeland Security and the director of national intelligence — have never been greater.

    “I try to be an optimist and say, ‘Rather than looking at all the problems, let’s look at them as opportunities to demonstrate character,’” says Pistole, of the counter-terrorism effort.

    “I’m very hopeful there will not be another attack,” he adds, “but the reality is that there are a lot of people around the world who really want to cause harm to Americans, and if they have the means to do it, they will.”

    If his job’s considerable demands seem stressful, Pistole takes it in stride. “I think stress can be a positive thing; it keeps you on your toes” — and on his knees.

    “For myself, every day I pray for discretion or discernment, encouragement and wisdom,” he says, acknowledging he needs a lot of each in his work. Where he feels the greatest stress, Pistole admits, is in being away from his family so much. Each morning, he leaves home at 5 a.m., not to return from the office until 8 p.m., or later. Even weekends at home are subject to interruption.

    “There is a tradeoff in that I wish I could spend more time with my family, and they wish that too,” he says. “So, I relish and really appreciate the time that I do have with them.”

    “It’s a challenge,” adds his wife, Kathy, “but it’s something that we’ve worked at together. I miss him and I know that our daughters miss him, but he’s able to be available and accessible when he is home. It’s understanding the difference between quantity and quality time — and feeling a sense of calling to do what I do, as a full-time mom.”

    “But for her support and sense of calling about this, I wouldn’t be here,” says John of Kathy. “I’m at peace about what I am doing, that I’m in God’s will and that I’m doing what he wants me to do. But if today I had a strong sense that God was calling me to do something else, that’s what I’d do.”
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    • liberaldem says:

      Just what the world DOESN’T need: another so-called “Christian” blathering about his faith while not doing a competent job.

      It is over nine years since 9/11 and the intelligence agencies are still bickering among themselves about sharing intelligence. What are FBI director Mueller and Mr. Pistole doing to increase cooperation within the intelligence community? It’s far past time to push these over-grown adolescents into behaving like adults and actually doing their jobs.

  27. orionATL says:

    if you want to have some fun playing with spooks, enter “john pistole” in der google

    check out the wiki p entry.

    it has little info.

    look for the anderson christian univ entry just below wikiP.

    copy it,

    paste it.

    where did the anderson univ cite dissappear to?

    no se.

  28. orionATL says:

    so let’s tote up.

    obama appoints gent #1 to head tsa; no dice sez the senate.

    obama appoints gent #2 to head tsa: no dice sez the senate.

    obama appoints fbi honcho john pistole to head tsa; unanimous consent.

    what happened? why pistole? why so easy all of a sudden?

    which senator(s) wanted him?

    anyhoo, the good news is,

    electronic search and seizure happened after nov 2 and before thanksgiving.

    that is good news, isn’t it?

    • progress says:

      Those two posts show obvious abuse of Power by TSA.

      On first link what basis can they bring charges for someone bringing to light the abuse of Power of TSA by videotaping the incident.

      On second link after the flight is over and when completes the customs what is the point in running Private Parts scanning and Private Parts Problng step. Is it for keeping road-ways safe or violate human dignity & self-respect for bigger assaults on this aspect later when the trouble makers are allowed to do something bad even the father told them they did not bother to at-least do a better security check like last christmas and then use that incident as a pretext to subject small children to these violations so that they will lose their self-respect and dignity when they grow up.

  29. fatster says:

    “According to Dr. Brenner, the devices currently in use and proposed for wider deployment deliver to the scalp “20 times the average dose that is typically quoted by TSA and throughout the industry.” Dr. Brenner has pointed out that the majority of the radiation from X-ray backscatter machines strikes the top of the head, which is where 85 percent of the 800,000 cases of basal cell carcinoma diagnosed in the United States each year develop.”


  30. progress says:

    The White House has started a pushback campaign on gate rape that is reminiscent of “Recovery Summer” or “Mission Accomplished” for its credibility.

    Doesnot our executive branch realize it will only alienate mainstream further when they try to justify private part groping or private part scanning which is a direct assault on human self-respect and dignity besides dis-regarding our bill of rights. Only silver lining I see here is we have a choice of two crappy far-right options here unlike HCR individual mandate.

    Let me ask one question.

    How many people in Private Airplanes and Corporate Gulfstream Airjets have their Private Parts Probed or Scanned for their Safety and for Public Airways safety. I am guessing none and I would really like to see comment to this question from anybody working in Private airports or knows the protocol there. Eventually people will see the security rules application asymmetry for mainstream and upper 1% and then the executive branch will realize the soup it has landed itself in.

    Right thing for them to do is to review and apply the rules based on common sense & logic as Cops do. They stop very few people for traffic stop and really check only one or two in those stopped. That not stopping everybody on the road for their safety and doing job in a minimal invasive manner is what I call as smart security.

  31. jodo says:

    First mandated health insurance, now mandated groping. You can literally get anything done in America if you pay enoough money to the right people.

    • phred says:

      Ya think? ; )

      Once again I ask, what does Pistole STILL HAVE A JOB?!

      From your link…

      Passengers with special needs should have the opportunity to “assure the officer” that they are not “trying to conceal something that could cause a threat to aviation,” he said.

      Why only those with “special needs”? Why not those of us with a basic human need to not be indecently exposed or groped by a government official?

      30 fucking years of flying and I have never posed a threat to a soul. Now, I am a potential terrorist because I can’t fucking swim to Iceland.

      FIRE NAPOLITANO. FIRE PISTOLE. And simply shut down the pornoscopes and cease and desist with the groping. They could do it today. They don’t need to tweak, modify, or reconsider a thing. This is a brand new policy that is totally FUBAR. So just fucking stop it.

  32. mruniteus says:

    Where in the world is Michael Chertoff?
    Bush’s Homeland Security Secretary
    Funny Republicans weren’t complaining when Chertoff was pushing
    to get the scanners in airports. Now it’s all President Obama’s fault.

    # Body Scanners Create Profits for Chertoff and Others‎ – 1 hour ago
    It also will benefit the manufacturers of the equipment, including those lobbying on their behalf, like former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. …
    AllGov – 33 related articles
    Scanner Firms Doubled Lobby Spending Over 5 Years‎ – Newser – 6 related articles – Shared by 5+
    Exposed: Michael Chertoff’s junk
    The US news media protects Michael Chertoff. Why? He has done more damage to the US than any person I can think of, living or dead. …

    Funny Republicans weren’t complaining when Chertoff was pushing
    to get the scanners in airports. Now it’s all President Obama’s fault.

  33. Legion303 says:

    I want to know if moaning in pleasure and simulating (or having!) an orgasm would be considered hindering the agent’s duties and subjecting one to the civil fines. If the federal government requires my junk to be fondled, I’m at least going to demand a happy ending.

    Just a joke! A decade of failing economy has rendered air travel (or vacations) out of my price range anyway.

  34. seaglass says:

    The Fascistic Dept. of “fatherland” ( Homeland) Security needs to be abolished ASAP. The TSA is just part of this growing cancer at the heart of the nation.