Binyam Mohamed Wins Settlement for Being Tortured

Binyam Mohamed and a number of other detainees will be paid millions by the British government to compensate for their role in torturing him.

Around a dozen men who accused British security forces of colluding in their transfer overseas are to get millions in compensation from the UK government.

Some of the men, who are all British citizens or residents, were detained at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in Cuba.

At least six of them alleged UK forces were complicit in their torture before they arrived at Guantanamo.

While I’m glad Mohamed has finally won some kind of recompense for his treatment here (because it appears he’ll never get it from the US, the country in charge of his detention), it likely limits any further revelations we’ll get through that court proceeding. The Brits will now proceed to have their review of torture (again, something you’ll never see in this country) in secret.

As we move forward with no accountability (aside from the British taxpayers paying a settlement in lieu of the torturers) for torture…