Trash Talk: It Is All About Dallas

Sometimes you just have to focus on what is important. And despite the concern over the Jack Tatum like tendencies of those out of control thugs in Pittsburgh, the most important story this week is Dallas. And it is hard to figure which Dallas is having a crappier week, Cowboys or Clark. You see, the Dallas Cowboys, well, they suck. And Dallas Clark suffered a severe wrist injury, apparently during the fourth quarter of last Sunday’s win over the Redskins, that will require season ending surgery. This is a huge injury as Dallas Clark is Peyton Manning’s safety blanket, with a 100 catch year last season and well on the way to another one this year. Not just any catches either, Clark is clutch. Comes at a horrible time for the Peytons too, as wide receiver Austin Collie is out and running back Joseph Addai is nursing a shoulder with nerve issues. The Colts have a bye and it looks like they need it.

NFL: It is not really an appealing slate of games this week. By far really the best one looks to be the Vikes visiting the Geezer’s old stomping grounds at Lambeau. They still do not resemble the team they were last year, but the Vikings seem to be coming together a bit finally. The Packers were pegged by many as Super Bowl bound, but have been literally decimated by injuries and are a disappointing 3-3 after six games. Help may be on its way for Green Bay though, with Al Harris, Atari Bigby and Clay Matthews all expected to return to the field. That is a lot of help, so it should be a fair fight. What could be better than a Sunday night game in the late fall in Lambeau with the Geezer playing the foil? No clue who will win, but it ought to be a hell of a game.

The Giants at the Boys doesn’t exactly carry the weight it usually does, but Dallas is desperate, and NY can really make a step toward the top of the NFC with a win; for a team that was said to be in turmoil just a couple of weeks ago, the Giants are suddenly looking pretty solid. Pats visit the curiously flailing Bolts. Heck, the Chargers are such a wreck even their former stars are off the road. Pats are plugging along; the offense will always be there and you just know Bill Bel will have the defense gelling as the season progresses. Tough week for the Bolts to rebound, even though they are at home; I’ll take the Pats. Raiders at Broncos could be interesting – maybe – but it is at Mile High, so edge to the Donkos. Eagles at Titans and Skins at Bears are the only other games even worth mentioning. Both are hard to read. If I had to bet, I would ride with the two home teams, but my gut says both visitors may pull off wins.

MLB: In the National Pastime, the Texas Rangers just polished off the Evil Empire in the American League Championship Series. Down go the Yankees, Down go the Yankees! The Rangers just flat outplayed the big payroll Yanks in every phase of the game and deserved to win. And Mr. May, Alex Rodriquez, returned to the postseason form he has always been known for. It is the first trip in the history of the Rangers, coming after the first playoff series they had ever won, when they took out the Devil Rays last week. It has got to be pretty exciting for the Texas fans, and that is a cool thing. Yet to be determined is their opponent for the World Series, with the NLCS returning to Philadelphia for game six and, if necessary, game seven. The Phillies have Roy Oswalt going Saturday and Cole Hamels Sunday if they can hold off the Giants in game six. The Giants will counter with Sanchez and Matt Cain slotted for game seven. Roy Oswalt in Philly is going to be tough; decent chance it comes down to an exciting game seven and Cain versus Hamels would be a great matchup if it does.

F1 Korean Grand Prix: Well the football slate may be mostly a dud, but there is big excitement in Formula One. We have a brand new race in the Circus and a brand spanking new track where it will be run. And the circuit appears to be pretty good to, which is a relief after the disappointment of the two most recent additions to the series, the hideous Singapore course and the opulent, but almost garish Abu Dhabi facility. The Korean GP will make its home at the Korean International Circuit, a 5.62 km (3.49 mile) course located in Yeongam, South Jeolla, South Korea, which is 400 kilometres south of Seoul and near the port city of Mokpo. The facility is so new, they are literally still putting a few finishing touches on during race week and there was legitimate concern as to whether the joint would really be finished in time for the race to be run.

But the Korean International Circuit passed the tech inspection and received its FIA license a week ago and the race is on! And, surprisingly, the reviews are very good so far. Brad Spurgeon is an old hand at the Circus and was prepared to complain, but is really upbeat now that he is there. That is good news indeed. The race surface is quite slippery due to the newness, but should settle in nicely as the sheen is scrubbed off and some rubber is laid down on it from practice and qualifying. In fact, qualifying is going on as I write this and all looks good. Vettel and Webber have put their Red Bulls in the front row in P1 and P2 with Alonso, Hamilton, Rosberg and Massa filling out P3-6 respectively. Hard to see how Vettel (or Alonso for that matter) is going to catch up Mark Webber for the drivers crown with a 14 point gap and only three races, and only two after Korea, remaining; but it is clear that Vettel is going to push to the end and we know the German youngster is not afraid to race his teammate hard. Should make for a great run in Korea and an exciting close down the final stretch of the 2010 season.

The race is on Speed TV, with coverage starting at 1:30am EST Sunday morning and 10:30 pm Saturday night for those like me on Pacific/FDL time.

    • bmaz says:

      Oh, I haven’t forgotten the Korean GP. I just wanted to get the initial post up and will be adding the GP coverage shortly. Shockingly, considering all the commotion as to whether the race could even go off with the fresh construction of the facilities, the reports are pretty positive on the whole gig. Qualify is set to go off shortly and I am really looking forward to it. And will be around here too; interested to hear your thoughts on it.

  1. CTuttle says:

    My Donkos had best win…! *gah* They totally flubbed the Jets game…! Not that I ever foreseen saying it… Go, Tebow…! That did stick in my craw, btw…! But, fook it, I’m too much of an ass fanatic…! ;-)

    • bobschacht says:

      The Donkos have been among my favorites ever since I lived in Colorado in the John Elbow days. However, I live at the mercy of the Cable Gods these days, and don’t often get a chance to watch them.

      These days I’m more interested in watching the progress of the AZ Cards. Their rookie QB Hall is a work in progress, but looks promising, and a better bet than veteran Anderson. The big question seems to be the defense, which has a Jekyll-Hyde schizophrenia. When they’re good, they can be very, very good, but when they’re bad, they can really stink up the place.

      Bob in AZ

  2. rmadelson says:

    Not football, but on the Texas theme, I am soooo torn over the Yankees-Rangers series. I hate EVERYTHING Texas, love the city of NYC, very much dislike the Yankees (except for Jeter and Rivera) but most of all I hate how MLB handles its business.

    Having typed that, I’m still torn between wanting to see the Yankees (and Red Sox) lose 110 games a year and having them win 130 games and the Yankees win the World Series every year just so MLB is forced to deal with the effed up economic situation they have. And sure, several different teams have won the WS over the last several years, but the imbalance is obvious. I’ve got lots of other problems with baseball (and I’m a semi-former obsessed fan) but I’ll leave it at that because this is football season.

    Nothing about the Cowboys or the Packers here (I’m a Buccaneers, Falcons, and Lions fan) but I’ll throw in a go Boise State (although the Ducks looked wicked last night). Hope it doesn’t rain Tuesday night on the blue (yuck) turf, but I’ll be there.


    On Edit: Suffice it to say that although I typically lean toward an underdog (the Rangers in the broadest perspective), where I have no allegiance, I would probably be rooting for the Giants or the Phillies (both great towns, especially SF) but mostly I’ll be rooting against high ratings for those bastards at MLB. But I sure wouldn’t want to face Cliff Lee or Roy Halladay two or maybe three times in a 7 game series. Oh, and, did I mention, “Go Broncos”?

    • bmaz says:

      Well you know how I feel about Boise State, I love em. That said, I would have to put the Ducks over Boise at this point; Oregon just looks scary. I don’t feel that for Oklahoma at all though; cannot see any reason the Sooners should be rated over the Broncos. Boise proved they can play with the likes of Oklahoma head on and there is no reason to think they can’t now. In fact, the Broncos just look every bit as big as Oklahoma and faster and better, at least to me. I have a sinking feeling Boise is going to get screwed in this BCS deal even if they go undefeated. But if the Ducks win out, and keep doing so like they have been, hard to argue with them being there.

      • rmadelson says:

        I really agree with you here. I think BSU is a very good team — maybe the best in the country. I base that not on strength of schedule or conference or the opponents they’ve beaten, but on what I’ve seen. But I’ve also seen Oregon, and Oregon looks better than BSU. But I’ve thought Oregon looked better than BSU both of the last two seasons and BSU has still beaten them. But we’ve got a subjective system and just as I think BSU may be the best team in the country, I also think Oregon IS the best team in the country. But I also thought that of Alabama until a few weeks ago (but not OSU). All the more reason to settle it on the field.

        And I also agree that Oklahoma isn’t very scary. Bottom line is that Oregon looks the best, BSU may be the best — but you don’t have a national champion unless it is settled on the field. And I think most folks around here know BSU is very good but are happy to leave it at that. Around here, there isn’t a huge clamoring for BSU to have a shot at the title. The folks around here really mirror Coach Pete’s attitude. Really, the system sucks but that’s the system and we’re realistic about it.

        But Oregon looks wicked and I don’t think anyone can beat them. But I didn’t think Texas would beat SC a few years back or that Miami would beat Nebraska in 1982(?).

        • bmaz says:

          Heh, yeah I gave Texas about zero shot too. Still think if you replayed that game ten times, USC would win 8 to 10 of them; but Texas won fair and square that day. If Oregon, Boise, Oklahoma and Auburn all go undefeated, I guess I can live with Boise not being in the Championship game, although I personally think Boise has earned its chance to play not just by this year but their consistent record and I would LOT rather see them than the others. But, if Boise is undefeated and some crappy one loss SEC or Big Ten team is picked over them I am going to be homicidal. Enough of that.

    • phred says:

      “Colonial Clash”? Wait a sec, I’ll grab my musket… Go RedCoats! (literally, as in go away ; )

      BSL, I’m assuming you’re pulling for Minutemen, so how ’bout I cheer for the Wildcats? Although, I’m happy either way in this particular match-up, you know I’m happiest when arguing with you ; ) So pick yer team, I’ll take the opposition. Whaddya say? ; )

      Oh, and just a quick comment on the MLB… Hooray for Texas! On this I imagine BSL and I agree ; )

      • BayStateLibrul says:

        Great, I’ll take the Redmen (go Matuwampee?)and give ya 3 1/2 points.

        Yes, I’d like to see SF v Texas with the Giants taking four straight up.

        I don’t particularly care for New Hampshire cuz they charge tolls, and we don’t, and they steal our revenue in Nashua by living free with no sales tax, and then they cross the fucking border and grab our good-paying jobs (I’ve got issues, no)

        • phred says:

          Excellent! I’ll take the points, even though I don’t think I need ’em for #10 UNH over #12 UMass ; )

          BTW, growing up in WI we felt the same way about the IL tolls. Having relatives in the Chicago area we were regularly subject to those tolls, so one Christmas I found a sweatshirt for my Dad that said “Welcome to Wisconsin, no cover charge” ; )

        • phred says:

          And one other thing… How long has it been since UMass was the Redmen? Not to pry about your age or anything, but I’m pretty sure they were the Minutemen when I was there and that was… ummm… 25 years ago…

        • BayStateLibrul says:

          Clue: very old/three years before the mast (change)

          “UMass originally was known as the Aggies, later the Statesmen, then the Redmen, before changing their logo and nickname to the Minutemen. In a response to changing attitudes regarding the use of Native American-themed mascots, they changed their mascot in 1972 to the Minuteman.”

        • phred says:

          Cool — thanks for that, old timer ; ) I did not know about Aggies and Statesmen (really, who thought that was a good name for a football team?!?! Sheesh!)

          Go Wildcats! ; )

        • emptywheel says:

          Give UMass a break. They live in a neighborhood where “Lord Jeffs” is considered a respectable name for a team. The Statesmen sounds like a nice aspirational counterpart to the aristocratic haughtiness (even setting aside the genocide) coming from up on the hill.

        • phred says:

          That’s a shame for UMass (sincerely), but I’m happy for UNH : ) That’s the beauty of having them both as alma maters ; )

          Looking forward to next year’s rematch already… Maybe we can get EW and bmaz to come out and liveblog some New England football ; )

        • BayStateLibrul says:

          Bmaz might come only if I lay off the Clemens shit like this one..

          “5:57 a.m., New York “You’ve reached the voice mail of Andy Pettitte. I’m tied up with the ALCS right now, but leave a message and I’ll call you back if we get eliminated. Beeeeep.’’

          “Hey, Andy. It’s your old pal Roger Clemens. Just thought I’d reach out across the courtrooms and the hearing rooms to ask you to apologize for what you said about those human growth hormones. I know prayer sometimes helps me to sort this stuff out. Maybe it would help you remember that all of those shots were for my wife. Right? Right?’’

          From the Globule

        • phred says:

          Alas, I foolishly volunteered for a neighborhood event this afternoon, so BSL and I will have to save our in person rumble for the Second Annual Colonial Clash ; ) ‘Course, I’ll probably have to be respectful of my elder and all… I won’t go stealing his walker or anything ; )

          And as for your endorsement of the Statesmen, Lord Jeff or no Lord Jeff, diplomacy is not likely to lead to gridiron success. Just sayin’ ; )

        • bmaz says:

          Crikey and jeebus, the first time I read that I thought you were stealing BSL’s wanker.

          I gotta get some glasses I think…..

        • phred says:

          Well, that’s ok then ; ) Of course, if the Statesmen and Jeff’s team up, they could wipe out the rest of the Colonials completely — small pox anyone? ; )

          And bmaz, it is time for you to stop reading Deadspin. Your fertile imagination is gonna get you in big trouble ; )

  3. Jim White says:

    Breaking: I can state with utmost confidence that the Gators will not lose today.

    [It’s an off week…]

    I am so glad the Yankees are done, but it does come at the very high price of a happy Dubya. Gotta pull for the Gints the rest of the way.

  4. oldgold says:

    Big game at Kinnick today between #10 Wisconsin and #13 Iowa. This game features the unstoppable force against the immovable object. The Badger’s huge and talented offensive line and elephantine running back [Clay – 260lbs] will try to grind through what is arguably the best defensive line in college football.

    In the rain the final will be: Hawk’s 24 – Badger’s 13.

  5. Quebecois says:

    Hey bmaz, it’s a fine circuit, even the mickey Mouse sections are fun because of the speed they’re taken at. And that épingle at the end of the long straight should be quite fun tomorrow. Go Vettel!

  6. JohnLopresti says:

    I got distracted on the opening music clip, never associating the troubador with photo montages, and not doing the television viewing thing. The audio still sounds tight after 44 years. It used to sound good, just ok and good. So I thought of what contemporary arrangers might offer for a contrast, and remembered acquaintances who decided a better choice than to stay in medical school would be to start a band. Living in OH, they named their outfit for a local river course, Mad River. All that, and I still wonder what might be happening at Candlestick. Nah, forget the latter. bmaz*s got good music smarts.

    • bmaz says:

      The montage is all of Sue Lyon who was the actress playing the title character in Lolita. She and Donovan were an item at one point.

      • bobschacht says:

        I usually skip the vids but since you mentioned the magic words, “Sue Lyon,” I had to go back and look. {sigh} Ah, the stuff of (my) futile adolescent fantasies!

        Bob in AZ

        • JohnLopresti says:

          bmaz + bobschacht, Hauntingly familiar image it was. Nabokov had such a charmingly central steppes lastname, and such fastidious English prosody; Pentangle seems absent from the approved DLeitch biography these days. Folks sure looked different in those days; evidently, one such person went to a college in NY.

  7. runfastandwin says:

    I don’t know what game Oregon is playing, it’s not football like we know it, but if they keep it up, they are liable to score 1000 points this year. Hell they rarely punt and they never huddle. That two point conversion early in the game was awesome, more teams ought to be doing that kind of thing. It’s unique in history. I’ve said for years that teams should only punt late in the game if they are winning or close and punting confers some kind of tangible advantage other than “field position,” or if they are backed up badly like inside the 20. Outside the 30, they should always go for it and go quick, no long snap counts or timeouts to think too much. I am so glad to see Oregon finally trying this out. I hope it catches on, can you imagine games where neither team huddles nor punts? It’s like a whole different sport.

    • bobschacht says:

      Badgers won, thanks to several bone-headed decisions by Iowa in the last minute that deprived them of the chance at a field goal to win it. Badgers QB was great, except for one interception. But next week, I’ll root for Iowa when they meet Michigan State.

      Bob in AZ

  8. dakine01 says:

    IT. IS. OVAH!

    The LONGEST losing streak for FBS teams is HISTORY.

    The HILLTOPPERS are on the board, YES.

    Western Kentucky University 54, Louisiana Lafayette 21.

    • Mary says:

      GO TOPPERS! w00t for Western.

      I guess celebrating with a Mike’s hard lemonade is wussy, but someone has to be wussy.

      At least you stuck with Dallas, bmaz, and no lo blows re: McAfee. What’s the big deal over a quck swim in the canals anyway?

  9. scribe says:

    A little recap on the end of the Yankees’ season: I consider myself a Yankees fan, and I was happy to see Texas put them out of their misery. I don’t know what they were doing, but the Yankees surely were hardly playing baseball. Sleepwalking – like they did the last month plus of the season – is more like it.

    Now, BMAz, you have to correct the main article. The game did not end with Alex Gonzales striking out. Alex Gonzales plays, last I checked, shortstop for the Toronto Blue Jays. The strikeout “victim” last night was none other than A-Dog himself, one Alex Rodriguez. Lupica had a great line about that in his column today, to the effect that Texas once paid A-Dog $252 million to bring the World Series to Texas, and he finally got it done. Standing there and watching strike three whistle past. At least he didn’t wind up trying to slap the ball out of the first baseman’s glove, unlike in his Yankee-devastating performance in 2004’s LCS. OR was it 2007 – I forget. There’s so much bush in him, he should be sitting in the Presidential box in Texas’ stadium.

    I, for one, am of the opinion that A-Dog’s atrocious non-clutch performance this year was the Baseball Gods getting their back for the very shabby way he treated Kate Hudson, his good-luck charm last year. As a loyal reader of Deadspin, BMAz, you’ll doubtless know the stories that, after winning the World Series last year, he was teasing her mercilessly about her slender, uncurvy shape-above-the-waist. Until they broke up. (I guess if he can’t get a muscular stripper, he wants someone curvy up top and thinks it his right to be emotionally abusive.) He moved on to Cameron Diaz, who was very reluctant to be seen in public with him.

    I expect she’ll be dumping him shortly.

    Jeter, I have no idea what got into him. He was slumping all year and I have no idea why. Other than he might be getting old.

    On to the No Fun League and King Roger the Destroyer.

    As to my Stillers, I see the Miami coach is so desperate he has jiggered the uniforms to make my Stillers wear black. He thinks the black will be hotter and that will give his ‘fins an advantage. Whatever. Good guys wear black. Stillers like wearing black.

    Buried under the brouhaha over the effective legal hits James Harrison dealt to various Cleveland Browns Sunday and King Roger’s grab into Harrison’s pocket a couple days later was a little message sent. After that message over the last weekend, the NFL announced a couple days ago they would cut off health insurance to players and their families come March 11, 2011 if the union didn’t come to accept management’s terms. Of course, they also noted that the players could continue their health coverage at their own expense after that date.

    Me? I’m of the opinion teams should adopt the Goodell Defense. One, random play per game, the defense just stands there. It’s what Roger wants – so it should be what Roger gets.

      • phred says:

        Thanks for that. Good thing the Dems passed health care reform so no one has to worry about the vagaries of employer-based insurance, eh? If King Roger follows through on his threat, I may just switch my football viewing habits from Sundays to Saturdays…

        • scribe says:

          I especially like the way King Roger the Destroyer’s arbitrary ban on what he deems to be headshots has led to tacklers going for receivers’ knees.

          Of course, when it comes to paying medical bills and workers compensation to injured football players, knees are sure to be cheaper than heads. King Roger knows how to squeeze a buck, it seems.

  10. bobschacht says:

    Hey, over in the baseball league, the Gents have pulled ahead of the Follies, 3-2. Lincecum came in to pitch for the Gents. He’s just a kid!

    Bob in AZ

  11. bobschacht says:

    Ryan fans, Gents win the pennant, and Ryan fails to knock in a run the entire series. I’d hate to be his agent next time salary negotiations come up.

    Bob in AZ

    • bobschacht says:

      It is interesting that both series ended with a high-priced slugger at the bat who failed to deliver in their team’s critical hour of need: A-Rod for the Yanks, and Ryan Howard for the Phillies.

      Bob in AZ

  12. bobschacht says:

    OK, while we’re in the no-person’s land between Saturday Baseball & Collegiate football, and Sunday Pro Football, here’s trash talk with a different twist:

    Question: What Republicans can you name that you’d want to spend an hour with?

    My answer: (1) Megan McCain, & (2) MSNBC’s Michelle Bernard; BUT NOT Sarah Palin. Why? It seems possible to carry out a civil, interesting conversation with the former two, but I can’t imagine a conversation like that with the latter. I can’t think of a Republican man to name, although perhaps David Brooks might qualify.

    Perhaps the more important question is, do you know, personally, any Republicans with whom you can carry on a political conversation without suffering heartburn?

    Bob in AZ

  13. Quebecois says:

    F1 preshow is on, raining hard, race start delayed by ten minutes, and they’ll be sucking water from the pace car. Track being so new, it’s extremely greasy, guys were spinning like tops while they were trying both rain and extreme rain tires. Since the pace car is used, extreme rain tires is imposed .

  14. Quebecois says:

    Red flag after three laps, Alonso said he’s completely blind. I guess that so much oil is rising from the new asphalt, that the spray contains some oil.

  15. Quebecois says:

    What a championship, some very inspired driving, happy for Alonso, saddened by Vettel’s continuing hardships.

  16. scribe says:

    Whole lotta orange seats showing up in the stands at Stillers @ Miami. One has to wonder whether King Roger is getting antsy about attendance.

    • phred says:

      Why yes, I have : ) Although personally, I am enjoying the turnover fest in Chicago. Washington and Chicago are clearly playing Statesmen football, handing the ball to each other at every opportunity. Very polite. Very diplomatic ; )

      • phred says:

        Dang it. Edit doesn’t work, so I can’t fix my smiley. Consider it a surrealist interpretation like Dali or Picasso or something… Sigh.

  17. bmaz says:

    What a crappy call. A Dolphin clearly fell on the ball in the end zone after Roethlisberger’s fumble and a Dolphin came out of the pile with the ball. Saying from that that you cannot determine who recovered the fumble is a sick joke. Why didn’t the referee just stop the game and award the win to Pittsburgh and get it over with? What a bunch of bull.

    • bobschacht says:

      I agree. Miami must have let up a little hearing the whistles honoring the touchdown call. But still, it looked like they were all over it.

      Bob in AZ

    • scribe says:

      No crap in that call. Ben had the ball at the bottom of the pile. He should have been awarded the TD he earned.

      As it is, I suspect he will wind up having to do like the Stillers did with Mendenhall: make him learn to protect the ball. the drill for this is making him carry it around and, if a defensive player can get it away from him and make it back to the defensive film room, pay that defensive player a couple hundred bucks. Y’don’t see Mendenhall fumbling any more, do you?

      In other news: Drew Fookin’ Brees!

  18. masaccio says:

    Iggle secondary can’t stop geezer Kerry Collins. Bad sign for Philly.

    Now if we can just get Chris Johnson to 100 in the last 4 minutes.

  19. phred says:

    Can anyone tell me if Denver showed up today or is Oakland on the field by themselves?

    I’m watching the Cards-Seahawks, but I keep seeing the score for Oakland and am having a hard time understanding it ; )

  20. bobschacht says:

    First half: AZ QB Hall definitely having trouble with handling the ball in Seattle rainfest– can’t grip it properly, pass accuracy way off. But as the analyst also says, at this point in his development, he can only play off what he sees, which usually makes him a beat late. Card’s defense has been fairly good, special teams made a huge mistake on a muffed kick return.

    The game is do-able if Hall is a quick learner.

    Bob in AZ

    • phred says:

      And if he can stay on his feet…

      I’m multi-tasking today, but pretty much every time I look up Hall is getting sacked. The game is still close though, so we’ll see…

  21. bobschacht says:

    The Cards will not win their division this year. They’ve gotta give both Hall and Anderson a lot of playing time, to see who can do best as starter. On the other hand, the Card’s defense is looking good.

    Bob in AZ

    • bmaz says:

      Remember, the Cardinals could have had Donovan McNabb for a lousy third round pick and he wanted to come here because he lives here in off season.

  22. BayStateLibrul says:

    Bill’s post mortem

    “Patriots coach Bill Belichick dodged a week’s worth of scrutiny when Chargers kicker Kris Brown’s attempt at a game-tying field goal hit the upright with 27 seconds left in the fourth quarter, and the Patriots held on for a 23-20 victory today at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego.

    Belichick decided to have the Patriots go for a first down on fourth-and-1 from the Patriots’ 49 with two minutes left in the game, a situation strikingly similar to last season’s game against the Colts when Belichick went for it on fourth-and-2 rather than punt and let his defense try to hold the Colts.

    This time, running back BenJarvus Green-Ellis was stopped for a one-yard loss. Quarterback Philip Rivers drove the Chargers to the Patriots’ 27 for the game-tying attempt, but a false start pushed them backto the 32 and Brown’s kick was off the mark and struck the right upright.

    “I thought if we made it, we could pretty much end the game right there,” Belichick said at his postgame press conference…

  23. emptywheel says:

    Oh, and in very important news, Brett Favre has told the league he phone that chick, but didn’t send her pics of his weenie. If I heard correctly, NFL has some former FBI guys investigating. You think they’ll sneak a pic of his weenie to compare?

  24. phred says:

    “First it was his ankle, then his elbow, now it’s this”

    C’mon Al, you know you want to say it, penis, right there on Sunday Night Football. You could make history ; )

      • bmaz says:

        Geezer must have gotten one hell of an injection in the elbow, cause he is throwing some rope bullets tonight. Maybe he ain’t dead yet…….

        • phred says:

          As much as it pains me to say it, I think the Vikes were robbed on the TD call. I have to say, it looks like Rodgers and his receivers haven’t been practicing all week. Not looking good for the home team. Maybe they’ll perk up after the half…

        • phred says:

          Whew, I can breathe again. Boy that was close. The Geezer is really starting to look his age, but I gotta say he’s got more magic left than I gave him credit for. He darn near racked up another come-from-behind win. It was much too near a miss for me ; )

        • john in sacramento says:

          They almost won in spite of his picks; and the refs/replay officials – penalties and missed calls; and stupid penalties – two by Shiancoe on the last series, and the facemask by Loadholt

          And I really don’t understand why Chilly took Peterson out on the last series of downs … I’m dumbfounded. The Packers had three d-linemen, two of whom weren’t even on the squad a week or so ago. AD’s kept his hands on the ball and has made himself into a very good receiver. Peterson is a beast this year … I’d just keep feeding him

          Both sides of the line are having poor years, which is something I got into arguments vigorous disagreements with other Viking fans about during the draft. I said they need to get a Center or Guard with the first pick and a DT with the second and they said both lines were fine. The proof seems to be in the pudding because Fat Pat is old, and the Vikes have had more Centers than Lindsey Lohan has been in and out of rehab

          All in all, he can still sling it when he needs to. And nine and seven just might win the division if not a wild card, all they need to do is put a couple wins together

          P.S. I’ll still take Rodgers anytime Terrible Ted wants to let him go ;-)

  25. Phoenix Woman says:

    The officiating in the Lambeau game sucked, sucked, sucked. GB’s second TD should never have existed, plus the Vikes had a TD stolen from them in such a blatant way that even Chris Collingsworth was offended. Expect there to be much yelling about this tomorrow.