Trash Talk: Does ANY QB Still Have the Touch or Timing for Randy Moss?

On the plane from Edinburgh to London the other day, I sat next to two guys who were heading to talk to some football team called Arsenal to teach them how to promote their brand worldwide like the NY Giants do.

So forgive me if the following post betrays how far out of “touch” I have been wrt American football in the last week.

Best as I understand it, here is the big news. Randy Moss got traded to Minnesota for next to nothing. Now, backstage, I noted that this might not make that big a difference to the success of the Pats. After all, I said, Tom Brady’s deep accuracy has been off since he blew his knee out. But the boys I mentioned this to suggested that the timing indicated something else might better explain why Brady lost his deep touch for Moss. Meanwhile Moss’ new QB has his own “touch” issues. And when asked about those touch issues, the Geezer responded he “had his hands full … trying to get some timing down with our guys.”

Poor Randy Moss. No one has touch or timing for him.


Good thing we have football to distract us from this Randy Moss soap opera.

All you need to know about the college kids is that the Spartans are going to have to try to stop Denard Robinson in the Big House. There is some game of interest in Florida, I’m sure. But I’m not entirely sure what that’s about. Go Wolvereenies!

As for Pro Ball (the Giants kind, not the Arsenal kind), the highlight of the week is definitely the touchy Geezer’s Monday Night Football return to New Jersey; let’s hope he finds his timing to beat the Jets.

Though I think a game with two QBs who still have touch will be more interesting: Aaron Rogers heads to Donovan McNabb’s new home. Rogers will out-touch McNabb in this one.

While we’re talking about the NFC North, the Rams-Detroit game will be quite interesting, as two teams beginning to turn around horrible programs. With Stafford still out, I think Rams will notch another win.

But the surprise game of the weekend pits the only undefeated team in the league–the leader of the AFC West–against the team tied for last place in the AFC South.  That’s right. KC in Indy can’t be assumed to be a blowout in Peyton’s favor. (Well, on second thought, given that it’s in Indy, I take that back.)

On that note, let me raise an issue I’ve been thinking about for some time. BillBel traded Moss for a 3rd round pick, presumably on the assumption that, with two picks in each of the first four rounds of next year’s draft, he can build the team of the future (right–as Tom Brady and his diminishing deep touch continues to age). The old BillBel might well have been able to do that. But I’ve always wondered how much BillBel’s past shrewd personnel decisions had to do with Scott Pioli, and how much had to do with BillBel. I dunno. At this point in the season, I’d take Scott Pioli with those two picks a round in next year’s draft over BillBel and Brady’s diminishing deep touch.

Let the trash begin.