Where’s Cheney and His Freon Pump?

Well this is good news, the United States Department of Justice is interested in finding and prosecuting human rights violators here in the “Homeland”. From the special announcement from DOJ:

The Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section actively seeks out information that may assist the U.S. Government in identifying human rights violators who may have entered the United States.

If you know of anyone in the United States or of any U.S. citizen anywhere in the world who may have been involved in perpetrating human rights violations abroad, please contact HRSP either by email at [email protected] or by postal mail at:

Human Rights and Special Prosecutions Section (Tips)

Criminal Division

United States Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20530-0001

You do not have to identify yourself when providing information. Please provide as much detail as possible, such as:

* the suspect’s name, place and date of birth,

* physical description, and current location;

* the suspect’s alleged human rights violations including the locations and dates of those activities;

* how you learned of the suspect’s alleged activities and when and where you saw the suspect.

We are unable to reply to every submission; however, your information will be reviewed promptly by HRSP.

Information on non-U.S. citizen suspects living in the United States may be provided to Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the Department of Homeland Security, at 1-866-347-2423 (a toll-free call).

Anybody here have any suggestions for the DOJ?? Glenn Greenwald has more.

  1. Jesterfox says:

    I suggest using Wikileaks to avoid raising your profile further on whatever lists the government already has you on. That’s what I’m going to do.

  2. brendanx says:

    Greenwald has a link to the site where you can report the war criminals, more importantly.

    Because I, too, prefer to look forward, not backward, I hope this site is quickly shut down…by a deluge of tips;-)

  3. tjbs says:

    The boy war criminal knows just how to play the sympathy card now, doesn’t he. First the wheelchair bullshit then the pulseless pump.

    I bet he still has a copy of the best snuff film he ever directed, just for keepsake, not for any kind of evidence.

  4. Mary says:

    Pretty funny stuff, from an admin that just feted Kissinger, affixes its lips firmly to Cheney’s butt, has an AG who is involved in covering up the investigations into US directed torture and killings and a President who was bombing civilians days into office and has been overseeing assassination squads who kill pregnant women and carves them up for the bullets.

    Seriously – they think they need “tips?”

    Whatever – I notice the extremely worthwhile info they ask for too – after all, everyone knows you can’t start a human rights violations investigation without having the suspect’s birthday.

  5. BoxTurtle says:

    I can’t be the only person considering writing up Dick, George, and Donald. If only to see what the DOJ does.

    Boxturtle (I think it’s our duty to report people like this)

    • DWBartoo says:

      If “signing off” on murder, torture, and rape, is considered a human rights violation, then there is Congress and the Judiciary to consider, as well.

      Not to mention Obama, Biden, and Gates … etc.

      And what was it they said at that quaint trial in Nuremberg …?

      Perhaps Federal Government Directories, from 2000 to the present would begin to provide a worthwhile “culpable” list? But even that misses a lot.

      As well perhaps, BOTH of the lists that Hugh has been and is compiling?

      Is this a thorough “finish” or just a “rough” skimming, you suggest we contemplate, BoxTurtle?

      A lot or a little?

      (A spot or a spittle? A dot or a diddle? A crock or a griddle? A fife or a fiddle? A deluge or a piddle?)

      (Having trouble with snark these days, seriously, it is difficult to look upon ANY of this without experiencing profound disgust. This may be a “joke post” but any glee or laughter attending it seems muted, at best.)


      • BoxTurtle says:

        Ya know, I debatin’ with myself on that. The temptation is to cutnpaste and basically steal wholesale from FDL et al, Greenwald, etc and put together a true indictment. But since I know it’s going to be killfiled as soon as it’s seen, I’m wondering if I should just write up the basics and encourage others to do the same.

        Boxturtle (It’d be neat if they had to killfile more than 100K tips)

  6. lexalexander says:

    OK, I’ll start.

    Suspects’ name and place/date of birth:

    George Walker Bush, dob 6 July 1946, New Haven, CT
    Richard Bruce “Dick” Cheney, dob 30 January 1941, Lincoln, NE
    Donald Henry Rumsfeld, dob 9 July 1932, Evanston, IL
    John Choon Yoo, dob 10 June 1967, Seoul, Republic of Korea
    Jay Scott Bybee, dob 27 October 1953, Oakland, CA
    William J. “Jim” Haynes II, dob 30 March 1958, Waco, TX

    Y’all can crowdsource the rest.

    • skdadl says:

      I was going to do Haynes — I think of him as one of my specialties. I’m not sure they’ll take a submission from the colonies, though.

      • BoxTurtle says:

        I’m sure your submission will be every bit as welcome as mine.

        Boxturtle (As in we could both be indicted for material support of terrorism)

        • skdadl says:

          (As in we could both be indicted for material support of terrorism)

          Not in Canada! Justice Mosley just said that what we do is not material support of terrism. And because he said that in English, I do believe that it can be used as a precedent in your courts, if they’re really strapped for precedents.

        • BoxTurtle says:

          See, that’s the beauty of the new American system. We really don’t care where you are, if you’re a terrorist or supporter it’s a combat zone (See Yemen). We’ve already rendered terrorists from other allies (See Italy) and we’ve already tortured Canadian ctizens (See Omar Khadr) without so much as a “Boo” from your government.

          Boxturtle ( vous êtes baisé, même en français)

        • BoxTurtle says:

          Hmm..it apears babelfish can’t translate f**ked into french properly. It came out as “kissed”.

          Boxturtle (What, you thought I could speak French?!? I’m American,one language only!)

        • skdadl says:

          lol. That’s an old French joke. In fact you did say “forked.” The noun is a kiss, but the verb is “to fork.” Usually people make the mistake the other way around, which is more embarrassing — the straight translation of “I want to kiss you” can come out all wrong. If you want to say that, use “embrasser.”

  7. bobschacht says:

    …identifying human rights violators who may have entered the United States.

    If you know of anyone in the United States or of any U.S. citizen anywhere in the world who may have been involved in perpetrating human rights violations abroad, please contact HRSP either by email at [email protected] or by postal mail…

    Well, evidently they do not want to hear about U.S. Citizens right here at home who have concocted, supported, aided and abetted or participated in human rights violations, because we’re looking forward, not backwards.

    Thus, John Rizzo and Dick Cheney can sleep safely knowing that this does not apply to THEM.

    Bob in AZ

  8. bobschacht says:

    BTW, anyone notice this?

    No one notices terror trial in New York
    By Laura Conaway

    Fri Oct 1, 2010 3:46 PM EDT

    Jury selection began Wednesday in New York City for a suspected global terrorist. Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani is accused of working with Osama bin Laden to blow up two U.S. embassies, one in Tanzania and one in Kenya, in 1998. Ghailani’s civilian trial is the first of a Guantanamo prisoner to be held in New York, Bloomberg reports.

    The proceedings have crept along, with the judge today giving prosecutors a postponement until October 6 while the court sorts out whether a key witness can in fact testify….

    Remember when the notion of having a trial of such people in New York set Republican’s hair on fire and prompted Sen. Lindsay Graham writing up legislation to gut the Constitution, aided and abetted by prominent Democrats, and forcing(?) the Obama administration to pull back Holder’s decision to forward the trials to the appropriate court in NYC where they belonged? Well, nobody seems to be excited about that, anymore.

    Bob in AZ

  9. WilliamOckham says:

    I am giong send in my research on the Hiwa case (condensed). I do not expect anything to happen, but a conviction of both Rumsfeld and Tenet for a grave breach of the Geneva conventions is doable from the public record of properly declassified materials. As heads of their respective agencies, their public statements about their involvement represent authoritative declassification of that information.