Hamdan Gets A Full Panel Review
This is a rather interesting pre-holiday document dump:
The Pentagon’s war crimes appeals court announced without explanation Friday that the full U.S. Court of Military Commission Review, not a smaller panel, would review the conviction of Osama bin Laden’s driver, now free and living in Yemen.
A three-judge panel heard both sides of the case in January, in Washington D.C. All the briefs had already been filed, and attorneys were anticipating a decision.
Now, five judges on the appeals court — Navy Capts. Daniel E. O’Toole and Eric E. Geiser, Air Force Cols. Cheryl H. Thompson and Barbara Brand and Army Col. David Conn — announced the “en banc” or full court review in a single page order issued to attorneys hours before the start of the long Labor Day weekend.
Rosenberg goes on to note that Geiser retired today–I’m asking for clarification whether that means he’ll be part of this full panel or not. [Update from Rosenberg: He’s retired and will not be deciding. He did decide though to vote for en banc review.]
At issue is whether the charges Salim Hamdan was ultimately convicted of–material support and conspiracy–were legitimate charges for him since they were not war crimes in 2001, when Hamdan was captured. In fact, Assistant Attorney General David Kris has said he doesn’t think material support charges can be used in military commissions at all (though he was okay with charging conspiracy in military commissions).
There are two additional issues I would like to highlight today that are not addressed by the Committee bill that we believe should be considered. The first is the offense of material support for terrorism or terrorist groups. While this is a very important offense in our counterterrorism prosecutions in Federal court under title 18 of the U.S. Code, there are serious questions as to whether material support for terrorism or terrorist groups is a traditional violation of the law of war. The President has made clear that military commissions are to be used only to prosecute law of war offenses. Although identifying traditional law of war offenses can be a difficult legal and historical exercise, our experts believe that there is a significant risk that appellate courts will ultimately conclude that material support for terrorism is not a traditional law of war offense, thereby reversing hard-won convictions and leading to questions about the system’s legitimacy. However, we believe conspiracy can, in many cases, be properly charged consistent with the law of war in military commissions, and that cases that yield material support charges could often yield such conspiracy charges. Further, material support charges could be pursued in Federal court where feasible. [my emphasis]
Gosh, these military commissions sure aren’t holding up to scrutiny, are they?
Here’s one hope: that the further we get away from some of these actions, the more absurd they will look, so that eventually the law will be set right, even if it’s too late for the individuals involved. At least in this case, Hamdan is now free.
In this case, I’m hoping that the en banc review will be sufficiently embarrassed by the original conviction, and by the process involved, that it will throw the results out.
Bob in AZ
Now that Neal Katyal has sold his soul to the devil, I wonder how he feels about this?
He called earlier today and offered me the soul in return for a Dr. Pepper and a couple of Oreos. I turned him down.
Boxturtle (Oh, you meant how NEAL felt)
LOL — busted by the grammar police, dang it. And after I ribbed EW about “raising Dr. Kelley” the other day, too. Serves me right ; ) Still I’m surprised you didn’t think longer about the offer of a Dr. Pepper and a couple of Oreos, that’s a pretty tempting offer in my book ; )
And bmaz, I should have used a snark tag. I have nothing but contempt for Katyal. It burns me up that I joined in with a standing ovation at an ACLU event where he was given an award. I thought he was a rule of law kind of guy based on his work on Hamdan. Clearly, I was wrong.
I think you are overrating Katyal’s concern simply because of his involvement in a defense case. He has always personally been much more of a hardliner on war on terror issues, almost approaching neocon type thought. If you are depending on Katyal for heroism on this front, you are in a world of hurt.
I can see ways you could end up taking this almost any way.
I don’t see the panel of its own, as a military,commissioned panel, doing much to even begin to try to strike down the Congressional scheme that allows for the material support prosecution. I guess it could be what is in the works – but not only do I not see it – in some ways it would be pretty disturbing to have a military commission say that it is not going to abide by the rules and regs that Congress, under its constitutional authority, has imposed on it. Might be nice for the outcome, but I think it would worry the snot out of me for its long haul outcrops.
OTOH, there is a reason for the full panel getting together. IMO, it’s bc they know what they want to do and they want it to have as much weight as possible. If they wanted to tangle with Congress, a full panel would be a better slot, but equally, if they want to juice up their assertions of military authority on a case that might go before the US Sup Ct, they juice that up better with a full panel as well – giving Roberts, Thomas etc. the ability to groan that if such a thing weren’t a war crime, then a whole military panel wouldn’t have found that it was.
Another option could be for the panel to do something like say that the conviction was correct at the time but to give out some dicta that with the changes in the civilian law with respect to material support, there is no longer a need to use the military commissions that dip their toe into the otherwise untriable, outside the law, charges when those can now, as clarified by a S Ct ruling after Hamdan’s case, be tried in civilian courts – kind of tossing it back to Congress and saying they think the recent SCT ruling modifies everything including how the MCA should interpreted.
There are just lots of different ways – good and bad for MCAs – this could conceivably go.
Aren’t they reviewing a more limited question? Whether Hamdan alone could be tried for MS, given that that wasn’t a war crime when he was captured and when he committed these crimes? That’s basically what the Gitmo Task Force has already said, that there are people whom they can’t charge bc the MS was not a crime when they committed that MS.
It’s much broader than that IMO, bc what you are really looking at is the more encompassing subject matter jurisdiction issue.
So they have the issue where the commission below did rule for the detainee (i.e., whether the Constitution’s ex post facto prohibitions apply, which was decided in favor of the detainee [and I’m still thinking that someone needs to make the bill of attainder argument as well, but haven’t seen it and Hamdan is maybe not the best exemplar for it])
Then, if raisable, you go to the issues of what are the laws of war and how does the Executive interpretation when Congress is silent (something not really handled much by the lower court) address the issue and what happen when Congress acts/acted as it did with the MCA with respect to a clarification of existing violations of the laws of war vs. creation of a new violation and with respect to both – whether they are empowered by Congress under its Constitutional grant [and this is where I would pull in the contra – whether they are a prohibited on not just a timeliness aspect as ex post facto, but on a jurisdictional aspect as being an overbroad bill of attainder that allows Executive branch actions with respect to civlian populations free from the reach of courts)
Part of gov argument is that the words “material support of terrorism” are not as important as the content of the action and that the contenf of the actions has been encapsulated by previous treaties and statutes. OTOH, some of that argument shoots them in the foot IMO bc as the underlying opinion itself states, some of those treaties require “criminalization” (civlian law criminalization) and some of Congress’ prior scheme was, indeed, criminalization under civilian law.
Still – as much as it might have some benefits in the short run, I’d be kind of disturbed by a Commisison ruling that overturned Congressional action. You have a basically lawless Exec branch tribal proceeding and whether you like the outcome or not, to say they have the power to declare Congressional acts unconstitional is disturbing – we have a branch of gov for that, it’s the Judiciary branch. To cede to the Exec branch the power to overturn, militarily, Congressional acts is problematic imo. fwiw
I do hope the attainder arguments get their fair take, as well, though. And since the Dist Cts have been struggling with the lack of decent Congressional definition so far with respect to their habeas cases, it will be important to see what the commissions are going to use here for their smj basis. But the recent Sup Ct case that cut such a huge swath re: material support coverage – and which opened up huge selective prosecution doors along with it – is a Sup Ct precedent nonetheless and it is probably appropriate for an en banc review of what that Sup Ct case with its “doors thrown open” interpretations means vis a vis Congressional clarification in the MCA of what Congress felt was included under the laws of war. You could go either way on it – that if the Sup Ct is saying this is a civlian law matter with its broad rulings, that it mitigates against the commissions and their smj, or that if the Sup Ct is so broad on what it thinks is mat support of terrorism from a civilian law standpoint, it is a valid clarifiation that Congress is saying such things are also war crimes and were always meant to be.
Not that this answers your point as much as it should, but the whole thing takes a lot more to spell out and address, imo, than can be done here easily.
All without getting into the huge farce and hypocrisy of gov’s arguments on how Congress has a duty under its treaties to criminalize these things while ignoring the duties to criminalize what was done to Errachidi on the one hand and under one set of treaties and statutes, and even to KSM on the other hand under other aspects of the same and additional treaties and statutes.
Selective prosecution gone mad.
Thanks, Mary.
Indeed, that’s the whole story, isn’t it? Justice is no longer blind, and the scales of justice are no longer balanced. Us little people don’t count as much as the big shots. The bigger you are, the more fraud you can get away with. Or the price of fraud is a small percentage of the profit achieved by the fraud.
It took Roosevelt about 6 years to get to the point that he welcomed the hatred of the Banksters– and that ultimately helped him get elected to a third term. There’s a lesson here, for Obama, if he wants to learn it. I hope it won’t take 6 years for him to learn it.
Bob in AZ
Agreed about the importance of the Bill of Attainder argument, Mary. It has at least been raised in Al Bahlul’s CMCR appeal (I also recall seeing it in some or all of the writ of mandamus appeals to the Supreme Court I’ve read, filed on behalf of Guantanamo detainees).
[Speaking of Al Bahlul, I believe one civilian – retired Rhode Island Supreme Court Chief Justice Frank Williams – heard oral argument in his case on January 26th (along with Colonels David Conn and Cheryl Thompson), but Carol Rosenberg’s article doesn’t mention Williams as a member of the court today. So that panel is apparently down to two original members as well. It would be odd, wouldn’t it, if Hamdan’s case got full court review on the first pass, but Al Bahlul’s didn’t? (Hamdan is now free, Al Bahlul remains in Guantanamo under a life sentence.)]
Here’s the pertinent part of the Table of Contents of Ali Al Bahlul’s September 1, 2009 CMCR merits brief:
We’ll see whether the military judges on the Court of Military Commission Review do a better job of assessing the Constitutional prohibition on Bills of Attainder than did three politicized Second Circuit appellate judges recently in overturning District Judge Gershon’s careful, comprehensive opinion concluding that (repeatedly) forbidding one named (uncharged, unprosecuted, unconvicted) entity from even being considered for federal grants or funds in future, for no legitimately-grounded good government purpose (and for no specified reason at all in the wording of the legislation), is clearly a punitive Bill of Attainder.
From Al Bahlul’s appellate brief:
Blackwater Worldwide created a web of more than 30 shell companies or subsidiaries in part to obtain millions of dollars in American government contracts after the security company came under intense criticism for reckless conduct in Iraq, according to Congressional investigators and former Blackwater officials.
While it is not clear how many of those businesses won contracts, at least three had deals with the United States military or the Central Intelligence Agency, according to former government and company officials. Since 2001, the intelligence agency has awarded up to $600 million in classified contracts to Blackwater and its affiliates, according to a United States government official.
The Senate Armed Services Committee this week released a chart that identified 31 affiliates of Blackwater, now known as Xe Services. The network was disclosed as part of a committee’s investigation into government contracting. The investigation revealed the lengths to which Blackwater went to continue winning contracts after Blackwater guards killed 17 Iraqi civilians in Baghdad in September 2007. That episode and other reports of abuses led to criminal and Congressional investigations, and cost the company its lucrative security contract with the State Department in Iraq.
The network of companies — which include several businesses located in offshore tax havens — allowed Blackwater to obscure its involvement in government work from contracting officials or the public, and to assure a low profile for any of its classified activities, said former Blackwater officials, who, like the government officials, spoke only on condition of anonymity.
this will never end in our lifetimes. these scum do too much of the dirty filthy covert crap that the usa government wants plausible denialability for.
and the dirty filthy mercenary scum ( psychopaths all ) are ready able and very willing to commit war crimes from now until the cows spit in alan simpson’s corn flakes.
Cows can spit???
I think Simpson’s corn flakes are safe.
Bob in AZ
Interesting indeed. Though unfortunately apparently delaying further an already-overdue decision (given the basically empty docket of this “Court”). The appeal of Al-Bahlul’s conviction was heard in oral argument the same January day as Hamdan’s – does this mean Al-Bahlul’s appeal is finally ready for a ruling, by just a three-member panel?
Great pre-holiday catch, Carol Rosenberg and Emptywheel.
Speaking of catching, I hope everyone caught David Glazier’s superb new analysis and critique of the five Commission charges – including conspiracy and material support for terrorism – lodged against Omar Khadr, which was published Wednesday:
Daphne Eviatar’s Thursday Seminal diary recapped Glazier’s arguments well, but I recommend downloading and reading his full paper to get a comprehensive presentation of the details.
A sampling [though focused on Khadr’s charges, much of Glazier’s analysis applies equally to the four convictions of detainees so far returned by Military Commission]:
This is one instance where military judges bucking the contemptuous disregard for recognized, universal norms of the Law of Nations (and its subsidiary law of war) by our modern Congress, would be heartily welcomed by me. Such a development would, I think, stand as a sterling example of the ability of some military legal actors to do their Constitutional duty despite immense pressure to buckle under and look the other way – pressure that I’m sure these Court of Military Commission Review judges (who probably feel in over their heads) are sensing from their Chain of Command culture and, however indirectly, from external political influences and actors.
The appellate briefs and oral argument in the Hamdan CMCR appeal are available here.
Interestingly I talked to Glazier today and that is not even the full and final version of his work, although clearly it is a substantial extract; there is more he is adding and hopes to be done sometime mid to late next week. Will notify when I get the final version. It is very good stuff
It is indeed.
I assumed that Glazier’s full paper was further in the offing than next week or the week after. Thanks for the news, and for any future updates about Glazier’s important work exposing how American military commissions still fall well short of the standards of the international law of armed conflict that they purport to enforce.
powwow and bmaz, thanks for the info on Glazier’s analysis. From the link, it appears he is a law professor. I appreciate his academic effort, but how does it get from a paper to an oral argument (or legal brief) before a judge who can act on it?
I can think of at least two possible ways that Glazier’s material could reach judges in the immediate future:
1. As I noted in this and subsequent comments, there may soon be a petition to the Supreme Court filed by Omar Khadr’s attorney, Lt. Col. Jon Jackson, requesting review of the D.C. Circuit’s belated pro forma denial in August of Khadr’s March, 2010 “Writ of Mandamus and Prohibition,” along with a request for a stay (if necessary) of the October 18th resumption of Khadr’s Commission trial. Lt. Col. Jackson on behalf of Khadr is challenging, among other things, the Commission’s legal basis for defining and prosecuting material support for terrorism, conspiracy, spying, and the (alleged) status of “unprivileged” combatant (or belligerent) as war crimes, and he could incorporate related arguments and evidence, that Glazier has compiled, in any pending petition to the Supreme Court.
2. As Carol Rosenberg’s article points out, Salim Hamdan’s lawyers are considering asking the Court of Military Commission Review to allow additional briefing, given the sudden, unexplained decision to have the en banc court make the initial ruling on Hamdan’s appeal. Hamdan’s appeal is also challenging, in part, the Commission’s legal basis for defining and prosecuting material support for terrorism as a war crime, and if there are arguments and evidence that Glazier has marshalled, or will marshall, that hadn’t yet been included in the Hamdan appellate briefing or oral argument, I’m sure Hamdan’s attorneys would attempt to include any such pertinent material in a second oral argument, if ordered, or in additional briefing they may be allowed to submit to the court.
P.S. As indicated by Emptywheel’s update in the post, though Carol has apparently removed the tweet since, I too noticed that Carol responded to emptywheel’s request for clarification by tweeting that Navy Captain Eric E. Geiser, having just retired, will not be a part of the four-member en banc CMCR Court to make the decision on Hamdan’s appeal (though Geiser was one of three judges who heard the January oral argument – where, by the way, one male judge did most of the questioning). Presumably Geiser’s retirement, before the three-member panel had its decision ready, was a major reason for the decision to have the two remaining non-recused CMCR judges help decide Hamdan’s case. The fifth remaining member of this dwindling court (Navy Captain Eric Prince) has recused himself from Hamdan’s case.
Thanks powwow — much appreciated as always.
By the way, now that Katyal has joined the Dark Side, I assume he can no longer represent Hamdan. So who are his lawyers these days? Is Swift still working on the case? Who took Katyal’s place?
Oops! Never mind. You mentioned Lt. Col. Jackson above and Carol Rosenberg mentioned someone named McMillan. So I assume Swift is gone now, too? Is it normal to have rotating lawyers in such a long drawn out case as this?
Hamdan’s current lawyers, according to his 10/15/2009 CMCR merits brief: Harry H. Schneider, Jr., Joseph M. McMillan (quoted in Carol’s article), and Charles C. Sipos of Perkins Coie LLP, Seattle, on the civilian pro bono side, and as the designated military appellate counsel from the DOD’s Office of Military Commissions, Office of Chief Defense Counsel, Adam Thurschwell and Michael Thieme. McMillan, as I recall, has been representing Hamdan since at least 2007. Swift has retired from the military, I believe (recall that his promotion was speciously denied), so he wouldn’t have been able to continue as the designated military defense counsel for Hamdan. I suppose Swift may still be helping on Hamdan’s defense in other ways, though. [Lt. Col. Jackson is the designated military defense counsel for Omar Khadr.]
As we’re seeing with this CMCR development, the retirement rate of high-ranking military officers seems to contribute to the tendency you note of an ongoing “rotation” of lawyers and judges in these cases – as no doubt, over the long periods involved, does the strain on budgets and time of pro bono representation by civilian law firms. I don’t know if that tendency toward rotation can be considered “normal” in a general way, but perhaps it’s some sort of “new normal” courtesy of the Military Commissions Act.
[You’re most welcome, Bob in AZ. Thanks for reading.]
Thanks again. I would think such churning contributes to the detainees’ lack of trust in their legal counsel.
Perhaps even when the detainee is the cause of the churning – as Omar Khadr is, having repeatedly fired both his civilian and military lawyers in an attempt to exert some small agency of his own over his fate.
Steve Vladeck has written a post about the CMCR’s en banc announcement, where he includes a link to his earlier paper addressing the jurisdictional problems of the military commissions, and notes how the failure of the courts to resolve these crucial questions continues to unhelpfully impact the debate about where to try the small minority of Guantanamo detainees charged with violating the law of armed conflict.
This from Vladeck’s post perhaps adds to Mary’s answer @ 17 to Emptywheel’s question @ 11:
The significance of the issues raised, and the rarity of the opportunity to thoughtfully and thoroughly adjudicate them at an appellate level, should have been recognized from the beginning of the CMCR’s involvement in the Hamdan and Al Bahlul cases, it seems to me, and I didn’t and don’t see the point in having different three-judge panels, rather than the full CMCR (given its minimal caseload), assigned at the outset to hear and decide these first two Commission-conviction appeals.
I see now that Steve Vladeck’s linked paper was actually published very recently too – on August 19th, 2010 – and it sounds like another very helpful exploration of the problems with the Guantanamo Military Commissions.
From Vladeck’s Abstract:
Thanks for the info re Mr. Glazier. I’m looking forward to his next report.
I saw Mr. Glazier’s report too, and Daphne’s article. I think a number of military experts and legal and human rights organizations take the same view, but I’ve never seen it so well and clearly supported as in his article. It’s really well written too.
I sent him an email to express my appreciation, also nattered at him about the fact that I think Khadr should have been granted POW status, last criteria under the Geneva III on POW’s. I know it’s not an exact fit perhaps but I think it’s more reflective of reality than prosecuting him under any law, international law of war or domestic.
I find it’s just not appropriate for a country to invade another country, regardless of how just the cause or how illegitimate its government may be, and then prosecute a fighter, especially a fifteen year old, who was an inhabitant of that place for quite some time, solely for fighting back. I find this offensive.
As I understand it the international laws of war neither require nor prevent prosecution of fighters who don’t meet the criteria for POW status, even if he didn’t. Seems to leave it up to common sense. Common sense, plus the Optional Protocol to the CRC on children in armed conflict, suggested otherwise in this case. If a person were to take up arms against the Afghan government today it would make sense to prosecute him in a domestic Afghan court, but not at that time under those circumstances in mid-summer 2002.
I assume you meant there: “…the laws of war neither require nor prevent prosecution under domestic law of fighters” ineligible for POW status, for actions they’ve taken that violate domestic law (but not the law of war). If so, in Khadr’s case (assuming he was determined not to be a POW), you’d be referring to the domestic laws of Afghanistan at the time, or to any U.S. domestic law which then reached conduct by Canadians in Afghanistan.
Not only would common sense argue as you suggest, but so would the fact that the law of war does not require that a captor nation treat any of its captives as other than POWs. All Guantanamo inmates could be, and could have been, treated as Prisoners of War by the U.S. military, even if genuine Article 5 hearings would have legitimately lowered their status (and thus their treatment and rights, though not, in my opinion, the right to be tried for alleged war crimes by a UCMJ-governed court martial) to something less than a formal POW designation provides.
The law of war does not allow a captor to prosecute its captives merely for fighting against it – as Glazier’s paper spells out – whether those captives qualify as POWs or as non-POW belligerents or civilians. Glazier has an important footnote highlighting that Congress in the Military Commissions Act mistakenly equated POW status with being a belligerent:
As Glazier explains, “unprivileged” belligerents – that is, those fighters who are not deemed immune from prosecution under domestic law for purposes of fighting the war, and who thus don’t qualify for POW status – only violate the law of war by taking an action that itself violates the law of war (say, targeting civilians, for which POWs may likewise be prosecuted), rather than by their unprivileged belligerency standing alone. Because domestic law still has jurisdiction over them (unlike over privileged belligerents), unprivileged belligerents may be punished for violating domestic law (by murdering foreign soldiers, for example), whether or not that action violates the law of war. The law of war is aimed at reducing the violence unleashed by war to a minimum necessary use of force, and at protecting war-time captives. It is not concerned with regulating the domestic affairs of a nation. And where it does not provide immunity from domestic law, it has no need to interfere with whether or not domestic law is brought to bear on citizens violating that law to engage in armed conflict as irregulars or guerrillas who, while not violating the law of war by their status or conduct (for which they may be legitimately targeted by opposing fighters), may not qualify for POW status if captured.
Thanks for your patient exegesis of these matters. I hope that the right people are reading these threads, and that some day the DOJ will awaken from its torpor and make us proud once again.
Bob in AZ
Like there weren’t questions of legitimacy from the very beginning.