Perry v. Schwarzenegger Prop 8 Decision Tomorrow
I have just received the following email from the Judge Vaughn Walker’s court on the Prop 8 case:
August 3, 2010
On August 4, 2010, the court will issue its written order containing findings of fact and conclusions of law following the court trial held in January and June of this year. The order will be e-filed in the court’s Electronic Case Filing system, and will be immediately available thereafter through ECF and PACER. Visit for details on registering for PACER. There will be no court proceeding associated with the publication of the order.
A small number of hard copies will also be made available for public review shortly after the order is e-filed in the following locations:
San Francisco Courthouse: Clerk’s Office (16th Floor) & Press Room (18th Floor)
Oakland Courthouse: Clerk’s Office
San Jose Courthouse: Clerk’s Office
So tomorrow will be a very momentous day. The decision in Perry will be groundbreaking and historic regardless of which way it goes. From what I saw and heard at the closing arguments in June, it is hard to believe there will not be some relief granted by Judge Walker to Plaintiffs Perry et. al; the question is how it will be formed. But that is just a guess; Walker certainly did not tip his hand in any regard, so it could go either way.
Stay tuned to Emptywheel and Firedoglake for full coverage of the decision when it is filed.