Karl Rove’s Self-Delusions Hit New Heights–Forgets He Outed Valerie Plame

Okay, this is one for the ages.

Karl Rove is out today with what is presumably an excerpt from his book, revealing his biggest mistake. He doesn’t verbalize what that mistake is, really. Rather, he bitches about a list of Democrats.

But the initial complaint appears to be that on July 15, 2003, Ted Kennedy accused George Bush of lying to get us into the Iraq war.

Seven years ago today, in a speech on the Iraq war, Sen. Ted Kennedy fired the first shot in an all-out assault on President George W. Bush’s integrity. “All the evidence points to the conclusion,” Kennedy said, that the Bush administration “put a spin on the intelligence and a spin on the truth.” Later that day Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle told reporters Mr. Bush needed “to be forthcoming” about the absence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Thus began a shameful episode in our political life whose poisonous fruits are still with us.


At the time, we in the Bush White House discussed responding but decided not to relitigate the past. That was wrong and my mistake: I should have insisted to the president that this was a dagger aimed at his administration’s heart. What Democrats started seven years ago left us less united as a nation to confront foreign challenges and overcome America’s enemies.

July 15, 2003 was, of course, the day after Bob Novak–acting on a leak involving Richard Armitage, Scooter Libby, and Karl Rove himself–outed Valerie Plame. Before Ted Kennedy said the first mean thing about Bush, Rove had already leaked to at least Novak and Matt Cooper, and OVP was leaking even more wildly (and it should be said, leaking classified information to the WSJ, where Rove’s piece appears, to make their case).

But now Karl Rove says “the Bush White House discussed responding but decided not to relitigate the past”?!?!?

Aside from the fact that Rove’s op-ed operates on the erroneous foundation that the Administration shared all the intelligence they juiced up with Congress (they didn’t), the entire op-ed is based on an absolutely delusional sense of timing.

And a convenient silence about what the White House had already done, in concert, before Ted Kennedy correctly accused the President of lying us into war.

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  1. phred says:

    I wonder if Rove was in jail whether the WSJ would still publish his opinions.

    I wonder how that looking forward thing is working out for Dems.

    • BoxTurtle says:

      It seems to be working pretty well for the Old Guard, corporate dems. They’re not in any real danger of losing their seats, their grip on power isn’t at risk. For example, regardless of who gets the seat in Ark., the corporate wing wins.

      Progressives get screwed, but that’s seen as a bonus rather than damage.

      Boxturtle (DK’s slavish devotion to ObamaLLP notwithstanding)

      • phred says:

        I respectfully disagee. I also think you are overlooking this election year as being in Rove’s sights.

        The elections will be really interesting this year because the public really hates Congress no matter which side of the aisle they occupy. I don’t think Rove is positioning for 2012/14, I think he is throwing gas on the fire for 2010. If anti-incumbent fever runs high this year it will hurt Dems more than Reps and that will affect DLC/Blue Dogs as much, if not more so, than our spineless pseudo-progs.

        • BoxTurtle says:

          How dare you disagree with me respectfully?!? This is FDL, you HAVE to call me a nasty name, and question my motivations or intelligence! :-)

          Your point is valid, he might well also be trying fan the flames this year as well.

          Thought experiment: Assume every running incumbant loses. Looking at their challengers, the corporate types will still be in control. So they lose Blanche, they get Boozman. And so on.

          Boxturtle (But the pig will look better with a fresh layer of lipstick)

        • klynn says:

          Layers of lipstick NEVER look better. Just more whorish.

          On second thought you may be correct about the pig. Look better as in better depiction of reality. Whoretics.

        • DWBartoo says:

          While it may be that pigs cannot, yet, fly, with water-wings, surely they will float?

          While lipstick helps, a well-shined halo always trumps all doubts …

          (With little lies, what may one accomplish? With big ones, we may rule the world!)

          Let the porcine swine say what they will, BoxTurtle, it is the “long” pigs who provide our most appalling devilment, “organized mayhem”, and most all lesser trials and tribulations, far more than dear old Mother Nature …


        • BoxTurtle says:

          It is not true that a pig cannot fly. Given sufficient thrust, a pig will fly quite well.

          Granted, this is not always good for the pig, whatever is under it’s flight path, and especially it’s landing site.

          Boxturtle (Given average pig weight, I’d recommend an L class model rocket engine at least)

        • DWBartoo says:

          Such “flight” as you suggest, does, often have detrimental affects on the brave piganaut, generally relating to or encountered at the end of the flight, the “landing”.

          It is not known if the pigs have complained, but clean-up complications have been noted, as the SPECIFIC landing areas are, by the nature of the “policy”, somewhat vague …

          However, there is very serious discussion afoot, as it were, regarding combining the flying pig and predator drone programs, a policy as yet unnamed, officially, but ironically termed “Makin’ Bacon”, by the contractors involved. The pigs are kept under wraps (blankets) and have not been allowed to speak with the press.

          Yours, in hog-hurtling …. etc. etc.


        • phred says:

          LOL, sorry my good manners slipped out by accident ; )

          I do agree though that in the end, no matter who wins what in November our choices are such that the corporatists will continue to rule with their greenback-gilded iron fist (hmmm, perhaps theirs is a copper fist, turning green in the presence of oxygen ; )

  2. BoxTurtle says:

    I should have insisted to the president that this was a dagger aimed at his administration’s heart.

    Here, Karl was correct. But the smartest thing BushCo did was refuse to engage. They had all the votes they needed to keep doing as they pleased. They made it look like normal partisan whinging, which is what a large portion of America had come to expect from Kennedy. Easy to ignore.

    Is Karl delusional? Is he trying to Rehab BushCo? Or is he selling a book? I don’t think he’s delusional, I think he’s planning 2012/2014 politics.

    Boxturtle (“The people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a little one” – A. Hitler)

  3. klynn says:


    Boxturtle just gave you the title for your next book in posting the Hitler quote.

    Thanks for the post.

    • BoxTurtle says:

      The audiences that Rove speaks to are unable to admit that Kennedy was right about anything. Their heads would explode violently enough that the rest of the world would think we’d restarted nuclear testing.

      Boxturtle (Rove may have to write his book in crayon to reach his target audience)

  4. Rayne says:

    Could be cognitive dissonance, or a psychotic break.

    Or simply more conservative re-writing of history.

    Maybe @karlrove is feeling the pressure to burnish the legacy while there are still enough of his cohort to build a body of work which augments his distortions. What with old man Cheney looking quite mortal, there’d be one less person with clout to get @karlrove’s back in the years ahead.

  5. bell says:

    recreating history…. with so many ignorant of it, what’s a little bit more spin in the cycle?

  6. fatster says:

    O/T update on an old, cruel issue:

    Vatican fast-tracks paedophile priest probe

    “But they notably do not deal with handing abusers over to civil criminal authorities, a key demand of advocacy groups”


  7. Citizen92 says:

    “I think he’s planning 2012 politics.”

    TPM had a story yesterday on SarahPAC spending. One of the firms not mentioned, but which had the biggest “take” was Upstream Communications of Austin, TX. They raked in $24k.

    Upstream is today’s name for what used to be “Karl Rove and Co.” In 1999/2000 Rove supposedly sold his company to his former staff assistant/intern Todd Olsen for an undisclosed sum, “at a loss.” Presumably Rove did this because he was going to occupy a government post and ethics would not allow him to keep a political consulting company.

    Anyway, I’ve long suspected that Karl never really sold the company. I think that Upstream’s involvement is Sarah’s life tells us that Karl is behind Palin.

    • BoxTurtle says:

      I know you’re dumber than a box of rocks, Sarah. But you’re popular, you can raise money and you talk the talk. YOU be my face, and I’ll be your brain. I got Bush elected, re-elected and out of office with all his swag. I can help you.

      Boxturtle (*shudder*)

    • klynn says:

      Very, very nice catch Citizen92.

      Here is their website. And here is another website. Wonder if they are related? Names and locations are interestingly close.

      If so, plumbers are chump now when it comes to break-ins.

      It would be interesting to see who the chief IT consultant is for the company since Mike Connell is deceased.

      • BoxTurtle says:


        UpStream Communications Group, Inc.

        19768 Merryhill St

        Canyon Country, California 91351

        United States

        Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)

        Domain Name: UPSTREAMCG.COM

        Created on: 06-Dec-07

        Expires on: 06-Dec-10

        Last Updated on: 29-Oct-09

        Administrative Contact:

        Straayer, Seth [email protected]

        UpStream Communications Group, Inc.

        19768 Merryhill St

        Canyon Country, California 91351

        United States


        Technical Contact:

        Straayer, Seth [email protected]

        UpStream Communications Group, Inc.

        19768 Merryhill St

        Canyon Country, California 91351

        United States


        Domain servers in listed order:





        Domains by Proxy, Inc.


        15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353

        Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

        United States

        Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)

        Domain Name: GETUPSTREAM.COM

        Created on: 10-Mar-06

        Expires on: 10-Mar-11

        Last Updated on: 06-Mar-08

        Administrative Contact:

        Private, Registration [email protected]

        Domains by Proxy, Inc.


        15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353

        Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

        United States

        (480) 624-2599 Fax — (480) 624-2598

        Technical Contact:

        Private, Registration [email protected]

        Domains by Proxy, Inc.


        15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353

        Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

        United States

        (480) 624-2599 Fax — (480) 624-2598

        Domain servers in listed order:



        No obvious connection.

        Boxturtle (But notice getupstream is careful to hide behind Domainsbyproxy)

      • Citizen92 says:

        You might find it interesting what other political ilk populates the nameservers and mailservers with (at) upstream:


        (click on the “shared” tab if it doesn’t come up)

        For a time I thought that Upstream was running on the SmarTech backbone (tresspassers-w etc) but I may be wrong.

        But since you bring up the former Michael Connell and his web empire, I do find it interesting to note that Liz Cheney’s Keep America Safe website is running in the the SmarTech/ trespassers-w/ gwb43.com computing cloud.

        • klynn says:

          Thanks Boxturtle. I’ll go back in my research — there was a Texas address which came up close to the Rovian one which was why I wondered. I’ll try to find it. The Rovian one also has a MD address.


          Great find again. Your finds would be worth some deeper digging. Looks like you are close to striking some information gold.

        • Citizen92 says:

          The news headline I was trying for was “Karl Rove Openly Supporting Sarah Palin as Next President through his intermediaries.”

          Of course amother backstory is the operations-system and process, which, too is fascinating and can lead you in a bunch of directions. Particularly when Karl is involved and he wants to cover his tracks.

          As you know Karl has spent years perfecting his art, and I simply just cannot believe that he’d ‘throw away’ his business in 2000 just so he could work at the White House. Just can’t believe it. I think that he gave the reigns over to a trusted buddy, kept collecting the checks and is resurfacing with a new identity, but same backbone systems.

          Karl made great pains to keep the name “Karl Rove & Co” throughout his White Hous tenure – and always noted that he was President of the company in his PFDS:


          I wonder whose server rove.com is running on?

        • klynn says:

          I would suspect there is a national network of key media firms. I would read here to get an idea of what I mean. Read the whole page. About 2/3rds down you’ll get what I mean.

        • Citizen92 says:

          Your linked story and Ohio in general is important, but for a different reason.

          Ohio was ‘ground zero’ for the ‘stolen’ election of 2004. Ken Blackwell, SmarTechCorp, Mike Connell, Diebold and electronic vote flipping.

          But the Noe story is important too. Tom Noe’s wife, Bernadette, was (I believe) the Chair of the Lucas County election board. Lucas County closed their polls before everyone could vote.

          We know that Tom Noe had several meetings with Karl Rove in the White House. We know that Noe was emailing with a fellow named Coddy Johnson who worked at the White House (and who is son of Clay Johnson, Bush’s former roommate who was made personnel director) about election related things. We know that Coddy Johnson shows up in the voter caging emails. And we know that Coddy Johnson also connects up with the infamous Thor Hearne, he of “voter fraud” ilk.

          Yes, indeed, there is (was) a national network. And it will be reconstituted. So look to where KR has been before – and who he has worked with before. Upstream is one of those nests.

  8. qweryous says:

    “Aside from the fact that Rove’s op-ed operates on the erroneous foundation that the Administration shared all the intelligence they juiced up with Congress (they didn’t), the entire op-ed is based on an absolutely delusional sense of timing.

    And a convenient silence about what the White House had already done, in concert, before Ted Kennedy correctly accused the President of lying us into war.”

    Those observations are fact based- and that has nothing to do with the political game as it is played today.

    It is all politics, and they charge for muddying the waters, and win or lose for the candidates that paid them, the next time it will cost the candidates more for the same.

    Watch how the ‘news’ ‘commenters’ ‘process’ this topic.

    I happened to see this discussed on Morning Joe today.

    Clip here.

    Particularly interesting to watch the memes being presented.

    At 5:30 in particular it becomes obvious how they intend to play Iraq both ways.

  9. Leen says:

    “Thus began a shameful episode in our political life whose poisonous fruits are still with us.”

    This statement by Rove clearly points out once again this man is a socio path. “shameful episode” started with the secret energy meetings, the well thought out lies before the invasion of Iraq, the deaths, injuries, displaced and the destruction in Iraq is the shameful episode. But a socio path would never be able to look at that.

    Karl Rove’s whole strategy is to flip the script. Always. Was able to ask him a question at the Univ of Colorado this past winter about the death and destruction in Iraq. He immediately started naming off the Dems who had voted for the 2002 Iraq war resolution. Always flips the script. One of the creepiest individuals I have ever been in a room with

    Just why this man is not dressed in an orange jump suit and behind bars for seriously undermining U.S. National Security is troublesome.

  10. Leen says:

    Hey lawyer folk and Ew will there ever be anyway to access the damage report that the Bush administration’s outing of Plame damaged National Security. Cost in lives, intelligence, $$$$, National security?

    Can that report ever be accessed?

  11. cregan says:

    Hate to disagree, and I know I will get lots of disagreement back, but it really is baloney the point of “lying us into war.”

    I think Kennedy knew it was baloney when he said it.

    The list of people and leaders, BASED ON THEIR OWN DIRECT ACCESS TO DATA, who believed Hussein had WMD was very long and likely 10 times longer than the list of those who said he didn’t.

    Who would I put in the believer category? The leaders of every country in the Middle East–except Iraq. All with their own intelligence services and much closer to the scene that anyone here. Maybe I am wrong, but I do not recall one leaders of a major country who claimed before the war that Iraq had no WMD.

    I would also include Bill Clinton in that list. He also later said he was surprised none was found.

    Now, a great, and very legitimate, point could be made that even if WMD were in the country, the risk did not justify a war, or that even with WMD basic principles of humanity did not justify a war. THAT is the point that several European leaders essentially made.

    To say someone lied, to me, you would have to prove that they knew for certain that no WMD existed but the person went ahead and made statements they flat out knew were not true. I don’t think that’s been shown.

    Juiced up intelligence, if it was juiced up, is more or less like the “spin” employed by every political group to make their case. You push the stats to the outer boundaries of what helps you position and minimize the stats of the aspects that don’t. Dem’s did this with health care, but that doesn’t make them liars.

    And, as I have said before, the Plame case is much ado about nothing. It is a near certainty that if Plame were pro-war and outed by an anti war Democrat that no one on this forum would give a crap.

    • stratocruiser says:

      “And, as I have said before, the Plame case is much ado about nothing. It is a near certainty that if Plame were pro-war and outed by an anti war Democrat that no one on this forum would give a crap”

      You are mistaken Cregan. I, at least, would care. Espionage is espionage no matter who does it. I think that you are projecting your predilections onto the rest of us.

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      Maybe I am wrong, but I do not recall one leaders of a major country who claimed before the war that Iraq had no WMD.

      First, the Brits knew that the WMD was bullshit. So did the French, who are said to have good intel. The Germans sold Iraq a lot of chemicals, so should have had a pretty good handle on what was really going on in Iraq, and what Saddam actually had access to in terms of WMD. The Brits went in for reasons still not clear, but partly because Tony Blair figured if he joined Bush that he could at least reign Bush in a bit. Blair miscalculated on that score.

      Second, please go read EW’s Ghorbanifar Timeline, also listed on the right sidebar of this page. Pay special attention to the spring of 2003:

      April 2003: Iran proposes re-establishing relations; US rejects proposal because Iranian government “on the verge of collapse”

      May 3, 2003: US and Iran in negotiations in Geneva

      May 7, 2003: Rhode apparently stages “find” of anti-Israel materials in Iraq (and uranium document) with Ahmed Chalabi; Judy Miller [of NYT] reports it

      Late May, 2003: Ledeen sends new letter outlining Ghorbanifar plan to Feith, including promise of finding “Iraqi weapons of mass destruction that had been moved to Iran”

      May 21, 2003: US cancels Geneva meeting with Iran, accusing Iran of harboring Al Qaeda leaders

      May 25, 2003: Report (quoting Rummy elsewhere) that US considering using MEK to launch attack on Iran

      June 2, 2003: Feith forwards Ledeen letter to Cambone; “let’s discuss”

      We can assume that Bart Gellman’s reporting in his autobiography of Cheney (“Angler”) is accurate in stating that at least one of Cheney’s employees (Edelman) intercepted NSA transcripts of DoS’s Richard Haass** in Dubai (or was it another UEA principality?) attempting to open negotiations with Iranians, presumably including nukes.

      Note further that Ms Plame’s job was to track Iranian nuclear materials, until she was ‘outed’.
      Note additionally that Chalabi turns up in ‘planted WMD’; the CIA had determined that Chalabi was either a serial liar, a double-agent for Iran, or a completely untrustworthy person. Yet the neocons around Cheney were thick as thieves with Chalabi.

      Note further that IIRC, Ghorbanifar is also Iranian.
      Both Chalabi and Ghorbanifar were also involved in Iran-Contra, which Cheney shut down tighter than a duck’s ass when Cheney was Chair of House Intel. Later, Cheney would become GHWB’s Sec of Defense. GHWB was certainly involved in Iran-Contra, although because our government is evidently gutless, his role has never been publicly clarified. It defies logic to presume that Cheney doesn’t have a great deal of knowledge about US sales of weapons to Iran in exchange for US hostages.

      Note that one of the key foreign policy topics in the world today is ‘Iranian nukes’, as well as their role in prompting other Middle East nations to acquire nukes.

      I find it nearly impossible to conclude anything other than:
      — 1. Bush and Cheney were played for fools and duped by Iranian agents, starting with Chalabi, but also Ghorbanifar.
      — 2. The Iranians wanted to be rid of Saddam and surely would have realized that the US and Oil Majors wanted the Iraqi oil fields. It’s no great stretch of imagination to assume that the Iranians told the oil majors and the neocons in the BushCheney admin exactly what they knew (the neocons) wanted to hear.
      — 3. Cheney was probably paranoid enough, and ambitious enough, to believe what he wanted to hear: that the US could invade Iraq and all the military costs would be repaid by oil revenue from Iraqi oil fields.

      None of this convoluted idiocy hurt China’s or Russia’s interests, now did it?
      If I were sitting on a ring of Saturn watching this play out, there are moments that I’d wonder just WTF Cheney’s real objectives were – or the neocons around him.

      Rove is reprehensible, but it’s a safe bet that because he was working for Junya, the Bush Family protection agency covered Rove’s butt as a means of trying to keep some kind of fig leaf over the moronic stupidity of GWBush.

      ** no longer in government; now Pres Council on Foreign Relations… if you can call that ‘leaving government’. His current job probably pays better than his position at DoS.

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        We can assume that Bart Gellman’s reporting in his autobiography of Cheney (“Angler”) is accurate in stating that at least one of Cheney’s employees (Edelman) intercepted NSA transcripts of DoS’s Richard Haass** in Dubai (or was it another UEA principality?) attempting to open negotiations with Iranians, presumably including nukes.

        The point being that the OVP then screwed the DoS.
        Note also that Liz Cheney, who had no known experience working for DoS, was suddenly given the fabulous appointment of overseeing the Near East. Strange, that… no experience, and suddenly the VP’s daughter is overseeing millions of dollars of contracts and no end of ‘policy’.
        I believe that it was during this period that DoS started contracting with Blackwater for ‘security services’.

        Yet you show up to find some ‘reason’ why Rove might have some claims to legitimacy or truth?
        Wow…. where have you been the past seven years, dude?


        Both Chalabi and Ghorbanifar were also involved in Iran-Contra, which Cheney shut down tighter than a duck’s ass when Cheney was Chair of House Intel.

        was intended to mean that Cheney shut down the Congressional investigations into Iran-Contra tighter than a duck’s ass, and he was in a position to do so because of his position in the House.

        Perhaps his appointment as Sec of Defense under GHWB was a ‘thank you’?
        I dunno.

        One assumes that somehow out of Iran-Contra, Cheney, Abrams, and the other neocon nitwits thought that Chalabi and Ghorbanifar were ‘credible’.

        The CIA thought otherwise.

        I’d say the CIA got this one correct.
        Cheney, not so much.
        And the consequences of his misjudgment are so potentially catastrophic that for any news outlet in the US to let K-k-k-karl Rove on their airwaves to spout his delusional wankering is beyond reprehensible.

        • Citizen92 says:

          Edelman, or maybe John Bolton. Surely you remember this snippet:

          They have also exposed a most curious incident that has triggered the administration’s stonewall reflex. The foreign relations committee has discovered that Bolton made a highly unusual request and gained access to 10 intercepts by the National Security Agency, which monitors worldwide communications, of conversations involving past and present government officials. Whose conversations did Bolton secretly secure and why?

          As for Blackwater, the Bush Administration rolled out a career service diplomat, Patrick Kennedy, to do the mop up. Curiously, Kennedy was elevated under Hillary Clinton to the #3 position at State… And had served as the Undersecretary of Management and Administration at State during Bill Clinton.

        • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

          Yeah, thanks for the reminder.
          Bart Gellman reported that Edelman was pissed as hell when he read that intercept in which Richard Haass sought to open conversation with Iranians. Evidently, Edelman thought DoS was not supposed to engage in diplomacy (/s).

          As for Bolton, IIRC he was also a conduit in getting Plame’s identity to Hadley.
          My assumption is that they knew something about Plame at CIA (er, “Flame” according to Judy-Judy’s butt-covering bullshit) but hadn’t connected her with ‘Wilson: Joesph’, former Ambassador to Iraq under Presnit George Herbert Walker Bush, during Gulf I.

          Once they connected the dots, they were quite willing to sell US security down the shithole in order to engage in their idea of partisan payback. And Rove is a partisan to the hilt.

          I agree with whoever commented that GWBush knew from Day 1.
          Go review his press conference of 29 Sept 2003; with the sound on, then off, then on again. The body language is not synching with the words, and he almost smirks when he talks about DC being ‘full of leakers’ and how he’ll ‘fire anyone who leaked’.
          He never thought he’d get caught.
          Took me several years to bring myself to recognize that a US President would screw the CIA, and get played by Iranian double-agents into the bargain.

          Gosh, it’s almost a big enough problem to pump Rove into super-duper-delusional-renarrativing.

  12. dustbunny44 says:

    I hope I don’t sound trite, but EW’s thorough reading of Rove’s output, with appropriate WTF?’s, assumes he has a logical political point.
    I’m convinced that his only point is to win at all costs, to secure office, power, and playing field for his team. He will say anything that moves him/them in that direction.
    His job was to put the blossom on the turd that was GWB. His job now is to make a way for the next con man to rule.
    For that reason it seems pointless to try to make sense of his output, other than to call it out as the politico-pathology that it is.

  13. Kassandra says:

    The problem is #1 that most Americans fell for the lie that she was just a “clerk”
    and #2 Most Americans have forgotten already how very bad it got so fast under Bush.
    Some still actually think our first dictator kept US “safe”

  14. person1597 says:

    Example: Communist snarkabilly…

    “We need to focus on the present while planning for the future and lay a foundation for steady and relatively fast economic growth next year and over a longer period,” he said.

  15. TheOracle says:

    No doubt Karl Rove will be a regular at George W. Bush’s presidential LIE-brary after it opens.

  16. workingclass says:

    Turd blossom is making shit up. Who cares? The whole Democrats vs. Republicans thing is a diversion. Electing Democrats and Republicans changes nothing.

  17. beleck says:

    yes it is a fascinating story where all the lead players should have been shot or imprisoned for life and then hung for treason.

    that won’t happen cause the “kabuki” is there to get our attention while they steal all the money, kill our servicemen/women in “endless” wars, and keep buying the Congress. Meanwhile, we the people have the “choice” of “Republican Snidely Whiplash or Democratic Dudley DoRight” to keep us thinking we have “some say” in the who will stick it to US.

    now that’s a good game for the owners, lol. not so good for the rest of us.

  18. intrepid67 says:

    Open Letter to Karl Rove
    Re: “My Biggest Mistake in the White House”

    Dear Mr. Rove,

    I read your article today concerning the “lies” based on information which took us to war. I believe you have done a disservice to yourself while giving service to your party. Allow me to explain.

    There are many millions of Americans who know the parameters of exactly what happened, why it happened, who was involved, who lied. We have read the PNAC. We know the plans for the Iraq War were laid long before 9/11 which was the tripping wire for the attack and occupation. We know all the so-called terrorists were Saudi’s not Iraqi’s. We know some of them are still alive and some of them were involved with the CIA. We know Saddam had no love for Al Qaeda. We know the real outrageous falsehoods told to the American people concerning the attack on 9/11 were but a cover for the truth of which we are learning more every year. When I read your words today, even though I have been a Dem all my adult life (now an Independent) with no love or respect for the Republican Party, I felt a little sad. You don’t know that we out here, the common men and women, know far too much truth now and you have by this article discredited yourself. You never mentioned Colin Powell, who admitted he knew what he was reading to the United Nations was a lie.

    It is said and unfortunately is true, that if a lie is strongly stated often enough, even when evidence points to the contrary, people will believe that lie. It proved true for most of the population for eight years. I am sure if a poll were to be taken today however, asking the question, “Do you believe the 9/11 Commission Report was a real attempt to get at the truth of 9/11?”, 85% of those polled would say no. This soon to be 68 year old woman finds you either guilty of attempting further deception in your article or being in a place where this “snookering” was pressured upon you by a fractured and endangered Party which either seeks to exploit whatever sway they think you have left, or simply doesn’t give a damn about reality and “full speed ahead”.

    You infer by your words that the public should regard those who were undoubtedly pressured to vote for the war based on “evidence” as some sort of traitors to themselves when they removed their support. Once it became clear the evidence was contrived or corrupted, and they stated that to be the case, how did that make them lesser men and women?

    A million lives lost by a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Two elections which were tampered with. What was it you did for your country that you can find room in to be proud of Mr. Rove? Tell you what Mr. Rove, if you were to come out with a book spilling the complete truth of 9/11, I could forgive your participation in the Bush Administration fiasco and become proud of you even at this late date and you sir, would become richer than Rockefeller. This would also be the greatest, most important thing anyone ever did for our country, and for the world.


    Karen L. Felsen
    widow of Henry Gregor Felsen who wrote
    “Letters To A Son In Uniform”, Dodd Mead, 1966.

  19. timbo says:

    Well, guess what? No one will have to gin up an excuse to go to war against us–we’re providing them with the legal ammunition to do so, under the International laws that we are getting more and more used to violating and approving of in this country.

  20. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    In case anyone comes back…. Valerie Plame is a guest on Keith Olbermann’s program on Fri, 16 July.
    I’m gobsmacked.

    Talking about the urgency of ‘getting to zero’ on nukes, and the movie “Countdown to Zero.”

    eWheelies… well, the topic is too serious to ‘enjoy’, but if you want to get **really** pissed at seeing what an articulate, smart person the Bushies ‘outed’, watch the link.

    klynn, thx for kind thoughts ;-))