Chamber of Commerce Flip-Flops on Retroactive Legislation

As you’ve likely heard, the Chamber of Commerce has officially endorsed government welfare to limit corporate risk. (Again.)

The head of the United States Chamber of Commerce said Friday that his group is not yet lobbying against legislative efforts to raise BP’s liability cap, viewing the issue as not yet “ripe.”

He signaled, however, that his group would figure out a way to get the government to share in the cost of cleaning up the Gulf Coast.

It is generally not the practice of this country to change the laws after the game,” said Tom Donohue, the president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “. . . Everybody is going to contribute to this clean up. We are all going to have to do it.  We are going to have to get the money from the government and from the companies and we will figure out a way to do that.” [my emphasis]

And like an obedient orange puppy, John Boehner has embraced the Chamber’s call for government welfare for corporations.

I do agree with Steve Benen that the Republican (and Mary Landrieu) embrace of big oil ahead of taxpayers ought to be a game changer.

But I’d also like to note how, um, opportunistic the Chamber is with its insistence that “it is generally not the practice of this country to change the laws after the game.” This is what the Chamber wrote to pressure the House to support a FISA amendment that invalidated a law holding telecoms liable for illegal wiretapping of private citizens.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world’s largest business federation representing more than three million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region, strongly supports S. 2248, the “FISA Amendments Act of 2007,” as passed by the Senate on February 12, 2008. The Chamber believes that this bill, in its current form, provides necessary, appropriate, and targeted relief commensurate with the threat to national security that arose in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.

The Chamber represents companies across various industries which own or operate vital components of the nation’s critical physical, virtual, and economic infrastructures. The federal government continually depends upon such industries for cooperation and assistance in national security matters, including homeland security programs and activities. The government also turns to these companies in times of crisis, when the speed, agility, and creativity of the private sector can be critical to averting a terrorist attack.

Therefore, the Chamber urges the House to consider S. 2248 and pass this bipartisan compromise legislation. The Chamber firmly believes that the immunity provisions in S. 2248 are imperative to preserving the self-sustaining “public-private partnership” that both Congress and the Executive Branch have sought to protect the United States in the post-September 11 world. [my emphasis]

Of course, the Chamber is being utterly consistent on one point. That’s in lobbying to make sure big corporations never pay for the negative consequences–be they legal or financial–of their actions.

6 replies
  1. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Of course, the Chamber is being utterly consistent on one point. That’s in lobbying to make sure big corporations never pay for the negative consequences–be they legal or financial–of their actions.

    Like Dick Cheney, that’s the only consistency they care about. Is that foolish and does it make them hobgoblins, or is it merely continuing to do what works so well and so profitably?

  2. JamesJoyce says:

    Who was it that feared private banks, financial institution and corporations would become a greater threat to “liberty” than standing armies? Somehow there is validity in this expressed fear today! Protect the corporations, like the slave owners and leave the rest to fate! Scum!

  3. JohnLopresti says:

    US Chamber of Commerce opposes improving car mileage, supports increasing imports of oil.

    Excerpt from science organization:

    **The Chamber is an outspoken critic of climate change science and policies to rein in global warming pollution. They question climate science, actively oppose climate change legislation, and have attempted to block the Environmental Protection Agency*s efforts to reduce global warming emissions from the vehicles Americans drive. Several companies have left the Chamber in response to its position on climate change, including Apple, Microsoft, and [PacificGas&Electric Co.], and others have publicly broken with the Chamber*s stance on climate the way Ford has.**

  4. Clavis says:

    Why the hell is ACORN world-renowned as an evil organization out to destroy America, but the Chamber of Commerce — which, as far as I can see, literally has no function other than to 1. pressure our government to work against our interests and 2. unethically funnel money to undeserving corporations — is some innocuous entity that can wander DC, stepping on people?

    Oh, yeah, I forgot — the liberal media. Damn them.

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