BP Adopts the Public Face of Dick Cheney

I mean that headline more metaphorically than literally. But I do find it really really telling–and really really bad taste–that BP just hired Cheney’s former campaign press flack, Anne Womack-Kolton, to head its American media relations.

BP has hired a former top aide for Vice President Dick Cheney to be their new spokeswoman. Anne Womack-Kolton has been hired to be “head of U.S. media relations.” A rising star in the Bush-Cheney White House since the 2000 campaign, Womack-Kolton served as Cheney’s press secretary during the 2004 election before running public affairs in the Bush Department of Energy.

Now Reuters, which first reported this, paints the move as an effort to better respond to the overwhelming influx of inquiries. But I wonder if there isn’t something more to this.

First, as this DKos diary notes, Womack-Kolton had the honor of defending Dick Cheney’s Energy Task Force, particularly its secrecy.

Administration spokeswoman Anne Womack responded to the GAO lawsuit by sounding the same righteous tone: “We are ready to defend our principles in court. This goes to the heart of the presidency and to the ability of the president and vice president to receive candid, discreet advice.”

Then there’s the legal nuance of this. Womack-Kolton was working for Brunswick Group, which BP retained as early as May 4. So she’s basically just moving in-house from the crisis communication firm that BP had already hired. Perhaps this is a testament to BP’s need to get better coordination in-house. But I can’t help but wonder whether there’s some other reason. Does being a BP employee as opposed to a consultant’s employee change Womack-Kolton’s legal protection, for example, during upcoming lawsuits?

Whatever the reason for bringing Dick Cheney’s own flack in-house, perhaps this will bring a new level of honesty to BP’s response. What could be more honest, after all, then putting Dick Cheney’s face on this disaster?

Cheney photo Copyright World Economic Forum (www.weforum.org)
swiss-image.ch/Photo by Jean-Bernard Sieber

51 replies
  1. JTMinIA says:

    Job One: convince everyone that it’s 5,000 bbl per day, not the 25,000 bbl per day that – eek! – scientists suggest.

  2. Leen says:

    Chris Matthews has been the one MSMer keeping the heat on Cheney’s involvement and the secret energy policy meetings.

    Matthews “Cheney should testify under oath and under the lights” about his energy policy

  3. Leen says:

    Knew these killings of the International flotilla participants would not slow Israel down.
    Times on line

    May 30, 2010

    Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran
    “Three German-built Israeli submarines equipped with nuclear cruise missiles are to be deployed in the Gulf near the Iranian coastline.

    The first has been sent in response to Israeli fears that ballistic missiles developed by Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, a political and military organisation in Lebanon, could hit sites in Israel, including air bases and missile launchers.

    The submarines of Flotilla 7 — Dolphin, Tekuma and Leviathan — have visited the Gulf before. But the decision has now been taken to ensure a permanent presence of at least one of the vessels.

    The flotilla’s commander, identified only as “Colonel O”, told an Israeli newspaper: “We are an underwater assault force. We’re operating deep and far, very far, from our borders.”

  4. JasonLeopold says:

    In addition to Womack-Kolton, they also tapped Hillary Rosen and:

    At the Podesta Group, Tony Podesta, brother of Obama insider John Podesta, represents the company’s interests. Podesta told the Wall Street Journal that BP had asked its lobbyists not to talk to the press.

    Other shops representing the besieged company include:

    * Stuntz Davis & Staffier – Partner Linda G. Stuntz is a former deputy secretary of the Energy Department.
    * Alpine Group – Lobbyist Jason Schendle is a former legislative counsel to Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.
    * Duberstein Group – Chairman & CEO Kenneth Duberstein was chief of staff to Ronald Reagan. He is currently a director of ConocoPhillips.
    * Laxalt Corporation – Michelle Laxalt, the firm’s president, is the daughter of former U.S. Sen. Paul Laxalt of Nevada.

    • Gitcheegumee says:

      Do you happen to know WHO are the insurance companies representing the unholy trinity-BP,Transocean, and Halliburton? Would be veddy interesting to know,imvho.

      (BTW,I left a couple of comments for you this AM over at the BP criminality thread.)

      • JasonLeopold says:

        Will check those comments out. I was actually reading this article yesterday and think it’s pretty informative on the insurance questions.


        BP, which had no external insurance in place for the accident, is trying to claim up to $700 million through a policy held by Transocean, the owner of the Deepwater Horizon rig that BP has blamed for the April 20 blast. A spokesman for BP said: “We believe we may be entitled to coverage for the incident under Transocean’s insurance.”

        But in legal documents filed in a Houston court, 38 separate Lloyd’s underwriting syndicates plus a string of other international insurers affected by the disaster, rejected BP’s claim.

        • bmaz says:

          Of course they did. On all those fronts. They will be sorting liability for this crap out for ten years at the very least.

      • JasonLeopold says:

        Also, according to Bloomberg:

        BP spokesman Scott Dean said in an e-mail May 19 that the London-based energy company is self-insured against losses and damage claims resulting from the spill.


        BP has its own captive company, Jupiter Insurance, domiciled in Guernsey, although there is no indication that BP’s captive would take the hit for cleanup costs.

        • Gitcheegumee says:

          Thank you and JT for this info.

          I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and have someone say,

          “Oh,AIG is insuring so and so.” /s

  5. ghostof911 says:

    The arrogance of the Dick Cheney may be reaching a tipping point. The proceedings of his Energy Task Force may soon see the light of day. Stay tuned.

    OT. Score another big one for Joystick Obama.

  6. bobschacht says:

    Is this where we’re supposed to obsess about what’s going on down at the leak source? The Claw looks like it’s about ready to bite.

    Bob in AZ

    • JTMinIA says:

      CRAW bit and then backed off. (I, too, am not sure if this is where the oil-well obsessed are supposed to be right now.)

    • gordonot says:

      That saw cutting through the pipe…jeebus, all the expense effort to create a pipe strong enough to withstand the pressures of that environment, then you have to saw it apart. What awful folly this all is when there is an abundance of bank executives would could put on exercycles to generate enough electricity for ever more.

  7. JasonLeopold says:

    Also, this was helpful and has a link to SEC documents:

    Here’s What You Need To Know About BP’s Insurance Setup

    Jupiter Insurance LTD. insures the company’s international oil and gas assets from a base in Guernsey, the offshore UK tax haven. It is likely located in a special purpose vehicle (SPV), which prevents BP from having to make public the firm’s assets or liabilities.

    Jupiter Insurance retains its BP liabilities, not re-insuring them through another firm or selling them off to further buyers. BP may be forced to pay some of the insurance payments on its own facilities, if it has not prepared Jupiter Insurance to make such payouts.

    • Gitcheegumee says:

      A sincere TY once again.

      Here’s some interesting (imho)info re: Transocean

      UPDATE 1-Transocean says Horizon’s insured value $560 mln | ReutersApr 26, 2010 … Transocean insured for $560 mln rig value, wreck removal * Company says backing efforts to stop oil flow from well SAN FRANCISCO, …
      http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN2615088220100426 – Cached

      Could this be why Transocean insured the Deepwater Horizon rig for …May 10, 2010 … Could this be why Transocean insured the Deepwater Horizon rig for more than it was worth? Department of Now It All Makes Sense …
      http://www.correntewire.com/could_be_why_transocean_insured_deepwater_horizon_rig_more_it_was_worth – Cached

      Insurance News – Transocean Oil Rig Worth $560 Million Is Insured …Transocean Oil Rig Worth $560 Million Is Insured for Total Loss. April 28, 2010 | BestWire. Email email Print Free Newsletter …
      insurancenewsnet.com/article.aspx?id=184500&type… – Cached

      Transocean Banked $270 Million in Profit From The Oil Rig ExplosionMay 28, 2010 … Transocean walked away from the mess with over a quarter billion dollars because they insured Deepwater Horizon for well above book value. …
      caps.fool.com/Blogs/ViewPost.aspx?bpid=398908&t… – Cached

      • emptywheel says:

        The difference in amounts comes from the difference between cost when it was built and current replacement value. Very easily explained.

      • Gitcheegumee says:

        BP Was Drilling In A Mine Field! Gulf of Mexico Is Major Dumping …20 posts – 4 authors – Last post: May 11
        You learn the darnedest things on the internets. For example, I just found out that the Gulf of Mexico is the primary disposal site for …
        crooksandliars.com/susie…/bp-was-drilling-mine-field-gulf-mexic – Cached
        Get more discussion results

        Suburban Guerrilla » Blog Archive » Drilling In A Mine FieldMay 7, 2010 … So we’re leasing offshore drilling rights to oil companies IN A FRICKIN’ MINE FIELD. (You’ll notice this NY Times piece on the problems of …
        susiemadrak.com/?p=2287 – Cached

      • gordonot says:

        The fact that no one would insure against pollution from an oil spill is a clear indication the whole thing was just too dangerous. If it’s too expensive to insure it, it’s too expensive. Unless, of course, the risk is borne by the schlubs, aka American citizens.

  8. fatster says:

    Hope these are not dupes. They keep revving up the fear rather than doing their jobs, then they “adjust” the Constitution so they can better protect us. Arrrrgh.

    Report says DOJ not fully prepared for WMD attack

    Inspector general says Justice Department not fully prepared to respond to WMD attack


    Washington Post: Qaeda ‘martyrdom’ statements more ‘reliable’ than US officials


  9. JohnLopresti says:

    Readying a barnacle branch public relations campaign strategy by employing one of its proponents; a review.

    Evidently even in late 2008 the effort to gum the works was ongoing, 30 kb.

  10. JasonLeopold says:

    There’s also the ex BP officials who now work in the administrtion.

    Sylvia V. Baca, a senior public and private sector manager in energy and environmental policy, and programs, was named Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar on June 18, 2009. The appointment did not require Senate confirmation.

    Baca had been general manager for Social Investment Programs and Strategic Partnerships at BP America Inc. in Houston, and had held several senior management positions with the company since 2001, focusing on environmental initiatives, overseeing cooperative projects with private and public organizations, developing health, safety, and emergency response programs and working on climate change, biodiversity and sustainability objectives.

    • Gitcheegumee says:

      BP Amoco Invests $45 Million in Solarex Stake to Create World’s Biggest Solar Company

      Release date: 06 April 1999

      BP Amoco today stepped up investment in its growing solar energy business with an announcement that it is to buy the 50% stake it did not already own in Solarex, one of the world’s leading solar companies in the U.S., for $45 million.
      The buyout of what was previously a 50:50 joint venture between Amoco and Enron will create the largest solar company in the world.

      The integrated company will be called BP Solarex and will build on the current business activities of Solarex and BP Solar. It will have annual revenues of more than $150 million, representing a 20% share of the global market. It will have manufacturing operations in four countries — the USA, Spain, Australia and India, producing around 30 megawatts of solar products each year.

      BP Amoco recently unveiled plans to make cleaner, greener fuels available in more than 40 of the world’s major cities most troubled by pollution and smog. It has also targeted a 10% reduction from a 1990 baseline in greenhouse gas emissions from BP Amoco’s own operations by the year 2010.

      • Gitcheegumee says:

        BP Global – Press – BP Amoco Invests $45 Million in Solarex Stake …BP Amoco today stepped up investment in its growing solar energy business … The acquisition from Enron, which is subject to a number of regulatory and …
        http://www.bp.com/genericarticle.do?categoryId=2012968... – Cached – Similar

        Charter 21 » Blog Archive » BP, SOCIAL INVESTMENT’S NEW ENRON?May 17, 2010 … BP, SOCIAL INVESTMENT’S NEW ENRON? In 1999 and 2000 Enron was one the darlings of social investors. It appeared to be clean, responsible and …
        http://www.charter21.com/blog/…/bp-social-investment’s-new-enron/ – Cached

        • Gitcheegumee says:

          And yet another Enron acolyte:

          BP Beefs Up Trading Desk With Enron Hire March 01, 2002

          Oil and gas giant BP is in the process of ramping up its power trading operations and last month hired Enron veteran Amir Ghodsian to trade the U.K. electricity market out of London.

          The world’s second largest oil company is making a greater push into electricity trading to manage its exposure to power price volatility, says David Nield, head of power trading in London. He explains many of BP’s long-term gas contracts are indexed against power prices and adds increasing correlation between gas and power prices is reinforcing the need to trade both power and gas.
          Ghodsian says he spent five years at Enron, most recently trading the Spanish power sector.

          BP Beefs Up Trading Desk With Enron Hire | Power Finance & Risk …Oil and gas giant BP is in the process of ramping up its power trading operations and last month hired Enron veteran Amir Ghodsian to trade the U.K. …

    • onitgoes says:

      Thanks for that info; the more this info can see the light of day, the better.

      Thanks also for the post, unsurprising as that info is. Kind of expected one of Cheney’s hand-picked minions to get in on the action somewhow. So here she is… Miss Cheney Rah Rah BigOill Insider, ray team.

      Though I thought I’d never say it, if Tweety’s shining some light on Cheney and his BigOil “energy” policies: go Tweety!

    • gordonot says:

      From United for Peace:

      Ludicrously, a spokesman for the United States Fish and Wildlife Service told the Times: “I also just don’t believe that BP or their contractor would have any incentive to skew the data.”

      • JasonLeopold says:

        that’s hilarious. They should look at the energy committee’s website from 2007. There’s a shitload of documents and emails still there showing BP “skewing the data” wrt to their Alaska pipeline and corrosion. These government officials are just stupid.

  11. Adam503 says:

    She can be so good. She couldn’t keep Cheney from telling Sen. Leahy to “Fuck himself” on the Senate floor. She clearly doesn’t keep her bosses on a leech very well.

  12. Calvin Jones and the 13th Apostle says:

    Does being a BP employee as opposed to a consultant’s employee change Womack-Kolton’s legal protection, for example, during upcoming lawsuits?

    I am sure it does. If she was just a consultant, she’d likely have her own(or whatever consulting firm she worked for) insurance(of the D&O or E&O kind most likely). With her on board, it makes it easier for BP to try and line up all the ducks, so to speak.

  13. PLovering says:

    ZBrez said, “We would have a more controlled society … one dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.”

    Like Jazi lunatics.

  14. kdh22 says:

    Where’s friggin’ Boone Pickens? Haven’t seen him flapping his gums on any of this. He’s up to his eyeballs in this sh*t too. Are he and Shooter holed up in an undisclosed location?

  15. gordonot says:

    You know, people blame Cheney for all these embeds, or whatever, but it appears Salazar is one of them and he’s appointed by BHO, so BHO’s an embed too?

  16. econobuzz says:

    Now Reuters, which first reported this, paints the move as an effort to better respond to the overwhelming influx of inquiries. But I wonder if there isn’t something more to this.

    They want to FIGHT this. Their approach to PR is to fight every step up the way. They know we are led by a totally dickless President. They don’t want to make nice.

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