Bybee’s Circuit: Ashcroft Can Be Sued for Wrongful Detention

The 9th Circuit has ruled that John Ashcroft can be sued for wrongful detention of an American citizen. From an ACLU press release:

The American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit charging that former Attorney General John Ashcroft is personally responsible for the wrongful detention of an innocent American, Abdullah al-Kidd, can go forward, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled today. The ruling denies Ashcroft’s request that his appeal be heard by the entire court and upheld the court’s September 2009 decision that the federal material witness law cannot be used to detain or investigate suspects where no probable cause exists for criminal charges. The ruling also held that Ashcroft does not have immunity in this case and can be held personally liable for the wrongful detention of al-Kidd.

“In this country, we don’t believe in arresting and imprisoning people who haven’t been charged with any crime,” said ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project Deputy Director Lee Gelernt. “Former Attorney General Ashcroft deliberately distorted the federal material witness law to allow the detention of innocent people. As the primary architect and overseer of this policy that so clearly circumvented the Constitution, he should be held personally liable.”

Prior to 9/11, the federal material witness law was used sparingly – especially with U.S. citizens – to ensure that witnesses would be available to testify in criminal cases. Arrests under the statute took place in rare cases to secure testimony where there was hard evidence that an individual had material information but would not testify voluntarily. After 9/11, Ashcroft retooled the law into an investigative detention statute, allowing the government to arrest and detain individuals for whom the government lacked probable cause to charge with criminal violations.

Today’s ruling affirms the court’s September 2009 ruling that found that the material witness law may only be used when an individual is genuinely sought as a witness and where there is a real risk of flight. The court ruled that the law does not allow an end-run around the constitutional requirements for arresting someone suspected of a crime. Ashcroft had appealed the ruling.

Al-Kidd, a U.S.-born American citizen, was on his way to Saudi Arabia to study when he was unlawfully detained and arrested in Washington’s Dulles Airport on March 16, 2003 as a material witness in the trial of Sami Omar Al-Hussayen. For 16 days, al-Kidd was held in heightened-security units of various jails and shackled whenever moved. He was eventually released under onerous conditions that included confining his travel to four states, surrendering his passport and reporting to probation officers. Al-Kidd was held for more than 13 months under these conditions without ever being charged with any crime or asked to testify.

At the time of his arrest, al-Kidd had already shown that he was not a flight risk and would cooperate as a witness. He had voluntarily met with the FBI repeatedly, never missing a scheduled appointment. For six months prior to his arrest, al-Kidd had not been contacted by the FBI, and he had never been told that he was prohibited from traveling abroad to pursue his studies.

The ACLU lawsuit names Ashcroft, the United States and several federal agents as defendants. Local, state and federal officials in Virginia, Oklahoma and Idaho already settled claims against these parties.

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15 replies
    • DWBartoo says:

      Thank you, MadDog.

      I especially liked the first paragraph on page 4440 …

      ‘However well-motivated Ashcroft’s intentions may have been in creating, authorizing, supervising, and enforcing the misuse of the material witness statute in contravention of the Fourth Ammendment, his motivation does not presumptively immunize the policy, or himself, the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, and others implementing and executing it, from complying with the rule of law. “No man in this country is so high that he is above the rule of law, no officer of the law may set that law at defiance with impunity. All officers of the government from the highest to the lowest, are creatures of the law, and are bound to obey it.United States v. Lee (1882).”‘

      It would appear that the civil war which I have postulated MUST exist, these days, among members of the legal profession is happening …

      The majority of the 9th, it would appear, have taken a stand in favor of the rule of law.

      One hopes (most-devoutly) that moving “forward”, other courts do not fail to meet this basic “standard” of professional conduct.

      One also wonders how John Yoo might receive the news of this decision?


      • MadDog says:

        Given the unrepentedness of the DOJ corpus, I’m guessing they’ll likely appeal this to the Supremes.

        So, are there 5 El Supremos who’ll vote for certiorari?

        Or preferring “ripeness”, do they stand on the sidelines until that actual Al-Kidd case gets adjudicated?

        • DWBartoo says:


          Uncertain, one is, but doubtful …

          Since Bush v. Gore, it would appear that the Supremes intend a more “active” role for the Court in shaping “reality”, perhaps it IS whatever “they” say it is on any given (or taken) day …?


      • bobschacht says:

        …his motivation does not presumptively immunize the policy, or himself, the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, and others implementing and executing it, from complying with the rule of law. “No man in this country is so high that he is above the rule of law, no officer of the law may set that law at defiance with impunity. All officers of the government from the highest to the lowest, are creatures of the law, and are bound to obey it.United States v. Lee (1882).”‘

        Wow! What a concept! And applied to an AG! It would be extremely healthy for our Democracy of Ashcroft is indeed held liable! Maybe it would encourage a certain AG named Holder to stop sweeping things under the rug, especially certain treaty obligations regarding prosecution for war crimes.

        Bob in AZ

    • MadDog says:

      Based on my totally IANAL reading, probably not.

      The crux of this ruling has to do with the illegal usage of the Material Witness statute to detain someone where there is no probable cause for a criminal warrant, but instead to use the statute to detain someone merely for the purposes of investigation.

      While Vance’s case may have its own legal wings, this issue regarding the Material Witness statute isn’t one of them.

  1. Auduboner says:

    I see that Kozinski, nut-job, would have allowed the appeal. I don’t see what Bybee’s participation was. Anyone know?

      • bobschacht says:

        Well, good. That at least shows that Bybee has an iota more sense than CJs Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, who seem to feel exempt from any possible conflict of interest.

        This decision by the 9th is the best news I’ve heard for days, maybe all week.

        Bob in AZ

  2. tjbs says:

    When Eagles soar
    Donald R.,
    John A.,
    and those for whom the bell has not tolled, yet (feel free to nominate those I skipped)
    John Y.,
    Condi R.,
    Paul W.,
    And the master Water Torture Traitor
    Dick C.

    There is no statute of limitations on MURDER and the accessory crimes.
    ( They should have stopped short of organ failure ,to be safe)

  3. polarbear says:

    Thank godess for small favors! There are a few good men and women out there who remember that “quaint” document, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Thank you, Judge.

  4. Hmmm says:

    However well-motivated Ashcroft’s intentions may have been in creating, authorizing, supervising, and enforcing the misuse of the material witness statute in contravention of the Fourth Amendment, his motivation does not presumptively immunize the policy, or himself, the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, and others implementing and executing it, from complying with the rule of law.

    That is a beautiful, beautiful thing to behold. I feel a bronze plaque coming on.

    The idea that Bush Administration crimes weren’t crimes because they meant well, or because they were scared stupid, is incredibly dangerous and has been incredibly corrosive to the fabric of our country, and more decisions like this are the only thing that can fix it.

    About frickin’ time. What went differently this time, I wonder, to produce this outcome?

  5. bobschacht says:

    Hmmm @ 14:
    “About frickin’ time. What went differently this time, I wonder, to produce this outcome?”

    There were adults in the room?

    Bob in AZ

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