A Blowjob for Liz “BabyDick” Cheney
Joe Hagan has an epic softball in the New York Magazine describing PapaDick Cheney’s plan to salvage his legacy. Or rather, Liz “BabyDick” Cheney’s plan to salvage Daddy’s legacy, and with it, launch her own career. (At several points, the piece comes close to suggesting PapaDick’s mental acuity is finally going the way of his heart.) It relies on such hard-hitting sources as Rush Limbaugh, Elliott Abrams, former Cheney press aide Pete Williams, and Michael Goldfarb saying, “You have a little crush on her … It’s hard not to.”
Since I’ve mentioned Pete Williams, this description of how much NBC loves the Cheneys is one of the best parts of the article.
Fox is a regular pulpit, of course, but Liz is also all over NBC, where she happens to be social friends with Meet the Press host David Gregory (whose wife worked with Liz ’s husband at the law firm Latham & Watkins), family friends with Justice Department reporter Pete Williams (Dick Cheney’s press aide when he was secretary of Defense), and neighborhood friends with Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski, daughter of Carter-administration national-security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski. When Mika criticized Dick Cheney on her show last year, the former vice-president sent her a box of chocolate cupcakes.
Lawrence O’Donnell, an MSNBC pundit who engaged in a particularly testy shouting match on Good Morning America with Liz Cheney over waterboarding, says the networks have allowed her a high degree of control over her appearances. “She had up to that point been completely accustomed to having interviews go her way and ceded on her terms,” he observes. “She has been careful to make sure that the interviews worked that way.”
Though somehow Hagan missed the detail from the Libby trial, Cheney’s Press Secretary explaining that Cheney got to set the agenda when he appeared on Meet the Press. Under David Gregory’s watch, I guess that has only gotten to be more true.
In the whole 8-page article, there’s just this hint that BabyDick’s constant press assault might be about legal liability for war crimes rather than political legacy (even though PapaDick himself has talked about statutes of limitation expiring on events he would write about in his memoir).
What inspired her anti-Obama campaign was the administration’s release of secret CIA memos detailing the legal rationale, approved by Dick Cheney, for waterboarding, which left open the possibility of criminal prosecutions for former Bush officials and CIA operatives. The Cheneys were apoplectic at the “unprecedented” move, and maybe even afraid of legal blowback, having already been stung by the prosecution of Cheney’s former chief of staff Scooter Libby, who became ensnared in the CIA-leak investigation of the Valerie Plame affair.
Of course, if Hagan seriously entertained the premise that this was motivated by legal blowback, he might have to look at the obvious factual problems with her arguments. (I assume, however, that Hagan put this story to bed before movement conservatives starting turning on BabyDick’s recent McCarthyism.)
And then, finally, there’s one of the two genuinely interesting tidbits in the epic article (the other describes BabyDick going AWOL on a conference she set up in Bahrain in November 2005 to go instead to Baghdad, raising questions about what was so important in Baghdad that BabyDick had to babysit Condi–click through to read that one, which appears on page 6).
Though outwardly genial and easygoing, Liz inspired suspicion among her colleagues, who considered her the eyes and ears of the vice-president in the department. Her job gave her a level of clearance for CIA intelligence that allowed her to have conversations with her father about national security, and Liz played information arbiter in internecine government combat. When David Wurmser, a special assistant to John Bolton at the State Department, was asked to fly to Kuwait on the eve of the Iraq War to brief Army general Jay Garner on the search for WMDs, Liz Cheney called Wurmser to warn him that her boss Armitage was going to block his efforts. “She would be very discreet,” says Wurmser. “There was clearly an effort to stop [Bolton], and she thought that was necessary to convey.”
What Hagan describes here, of course, is out and out insubordination (or rather, BabyDick’s insubordination layered on top of Bolton’s insubordination). But what he also makes clear is that not only was BabyDick wired into Bolton’s shop (and with it, discussions that would have revealed the genesis of Joe Wilson’s trip), but she also helped Wurmser accomplish his two-fold goal of thwarting State Department efforts to set up a broad-based Iraqi government (where OVP pressed Chalabi instead) and of setting up propaganda efforts–complete with their very own NYT shill, Judy Miller–to support claims they had found WMDs.
Not that that should be a surprise. But if you’re looking for news in this big blowjob of an article, that’s one tidbit of it.
Btw, I’m very sad that communication realities prevented me from titling this simply, “Blowjobs for BabyDick!”
Even at that, I thought I’d clicked through to TBogg’s (dessert) page before the main course (your page, of course).
Heck, and wasn’t the BabyDick moniker yours originally? If it was–and even if it wasn’t–someone from Haiti on twitter gave me much love for that name.
Oh wait–I think it was MadDog’s.
Nah. MadDog wanted Lizard. But this name is more descriptive.
ow..ow ow ow ow…can’t stop laughing…
The Cheney’s are committed to undermining U.S. National Security and then covering their own asses. Pathetic.
Can you imagine witnessing Dick Cheney, Baby Cheney, Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson on a program together. I can dream
Liz Cheney “Al queda 7′ accusations over the top
Rachel Maddow nailed her outrageous accusations and add
Liz Cheney “Keep America Scared”
She and her dad are monsters
OT – but too much fun.
Massa goes nuke-u-lar on Rahm.
Cupcakes and quail wings and doughnuts, oh my.
…whose wife worked with Liz ’s husband at the law firm Latham & Watkins…. Husband—how modern. I thought Lizzy was the husband.
Catty, I know.
You’re thinking about Mary Cheney.
You’re thinking of Mary. Liz is married to that POS Phillip Perry, formerly of Homeland Security…
I do think his name is Mrs. Cheney….really.
Wow, the illustrations for that story are scary.
And she’s writing a book about James Madison? That should be a real treat.
So, what was in it for Liz, being an information “arbiter” and all?
The joy of seeing neocon principles put into action? Sheer love of mischief and hidden power? Money then or later? Oil money?
HellHaliburton?This all started a lot longer ago than just her trying to burnish her dad’s post-VP-terms reputation.
What’s in it for BabyDick? That’s an excellent question, one which the mainstream media never, ever bothers to ask. They give BabyDick a free ride on the assumption she’s batting clean up for her crotchety, evil old man.
In truth, the lady doth protest too much. Just once I’d like to see a real journalist ask her if she was ever read into or a member of a Special Access Programs or a program with Alternative or Compensatory Control Measures, just to see her reaction. Because we already know she’s been involved in at least one and probably more unapproved programs including one affecting Iran.
I think she’s been stumping hard for military commissions, trying to taint the use of civilian courts for terror charges, because the military would treat the use of any material arising from SAPs/ACCMs differently than a civilian court might — and this would establish precedent to cover her own pasty bleach blonde ass as well as her nasty old man’s behind.
Is she a mole, and if so, for whom?
(Thinking that these days corporations can trump nations.)
Mole? if you mean furry grub-eating denizen of the dark hours, well…
I don’t have the impression she is owned-and-operated by any one corporate organization. She’s just a rank-and-file member of the universal fascists, cut from the same cloth as Michael Ledeen. A regular chip off the old Dick.
“Is she a mole, and if so, for whom?”
I think she is positioning herself to run against Jim Webb in the 2012 Senate Race in Virginia. Moreover, I think Jim Webb knows it, and a few of his recent votes are predicated on that possibility.
I think she’s being positioned as the “smart” (sic!) alternative to Sarah Palin: Attractive Female White ultra-American with political ambitions, either in politics (Senate, high Executive appointed position, or maybe even a run for the presidency). If she has presidential ambitions, she’s going to have to get elected to something, and I think nothing less than the Senate would be acceptable.
Bob in AZ
I really wish it was that straightforward. The woman has dirty hands, though, and if the truth about her role in the last administration was ever fully disclosed, she’d never be elected to dogcatcher.
mmm, dunno. We here at FDL, and others of the more leftist persuasion, would be outraged and upset if the “real truth” ever came out about Baby Dick’s dirty hands (one can only imagine), but for the conservatives: nah. They’d find no problema with anything that she did, said, etc. All in a day’s work.
To me, it looks like she’s being groomed to make a run for it, and, like Palin, I fully expect that she will be sucessful when Baby Dick makes her move. As disgusting and crapulous at “Democrats” are these days, Baby Dick almost makes them look like saints (with the exception of Emanuel).
This is where RM & KO do come in handy. Although I’d like them to jump on Democrats more, at least they’re going after this neo-con creep.
Let’s say, for the sake of conjecture, it becomes known to the public that a certain former member of the Department of State was instrumental in the allocation of DOD funds which ultimately were used by an organization labeled as a terrorist group in order to arm themselves to kill troops…
What do you think members of the military, intelligence, and diplomatic services living in Virginia might say about that person’s prospects for future elected office?
If you are saying that this all goes back to Reagan’s funding of the mujahadeen in Afghanistan, who were led by Osama bin Laden, I’m in full agreement with you.
And, I’d add regarding Cheney, when the Taliban in the ’90’s kicked Halliburton out of oil development and oil transport contracts in favor of Russian, Chinese, French and German contrracts, it all tied together nicely when Cheney came to be VP, bin Laden was blamed for 911 and we went after a guy that is a member of a family the BUSH FAMILY has been doing business with for decades.
We funded and armed bin Laden and Reagan’s ‘Freedom Fighters’, and then abandoned them for the most part when the cold war fell along with the USSR.
But our oil companies (Bush, Inc.) wanted to dominate the Afghan pipeline and oil and gas development business with lousy bargains for the Taliban and the Afghani’s. Hence the boot.
And then we invaded Afghan post 911 on the pretext of bin Laden . . . and we’re still there, aren’t we, for democracy. /s
No. I was not at all referring to Reagan-era funding.
I was talking specifically about specific uses of CERP funds [PDF] during the Bush Administration. This report is high-level, doesn’t get into the nitty-gritty about the exact manner in which the money was allocated, distributed and used — and how it likely bought the deaths of American troops.
I think that’s the CheneyDelusional part of it.
I also think she’s trying to keep her ass out of prison, because she had to be involved with each or all of the following:
— the creation of, rapid growth in, and oversight of dark budgets she was overseeing at Dept of State (which grew rapidly after 2003),
— knowledge of Valerie Plame’s identity before the July 2003 ‘outing’ of her status as a CIA agent tracking [Iranian] WMD (given BabyDick’s proximity to Wurmser, Bolton, etc),
— knowledge of black ops Blackwater budgets, which has to imply knowledge of torture or the black flights moving prisoners. After all, as Dept of State admin overseeing the Mid-East, it’s a near certainty that she had some level of involvement in agreements about who would, could take ‘prisoners’, surely?
And remember, BabyDick, Addington, and one other man, were the ‘team’ that Cheney used to ‘help’ GW Bush select his VP in 2000. I assume this was the ‘shield’ or ‘disguise’ the neocons used to quietly move Cheney into OVP, with Ledeen, Eliot Abrams, and the rest of the snakes keeping out of sight.
But this is very, verrrry interrresting:
Because the EW Ghorbanifar Timeline does point out that was an incident that raises serious questions about t-r-e-a-s-o-n:
So is Hagen just one more aspen ‘connected at the roots’? Or is he just an ignorant fool who got played by BabyDick and the neocons?
Keeping Daddy Dick from ever having to testify under oath. Trying to help Daddy Dick from being “cheney’d” Keeping him out of prison (we can dream)
Would find Plame’s response to these acts by “BabyD” enlightening.
two bits
Is there any reason not to assume that Gregory works for the CIA?
OT/Toyota: anyone know anything about this live webcast between Toyota and David Gilbert, associate professor of Automotive Technology at Southern Illinois University, that’s supposed to be taking place now? The articles don’t mention any specifics.
Toyota to take on SIU professor in noon webcast
They’re goign to replicate it, and then “prove” that it can’t happen in real life.
But not explain that it means their error code system isn’t working, and therefore won’t tell them whether there’s a problem.
More on this, please. Or has it already been posted here, and I failed to notice?
Bob in AZ
David Gregory’s wife works with Liz Cheney’s husband???
I thought it was bad enough he was Rove’s BFF. Apparently not.
Things are so very cozy in DC.
The turd doesn’t fall far from the pig’s ass. I wish [Edited by Moderator] She will spend the rest of her life hurting people.
[Mod Note: Maybe one day you will learn that wishing ill for others is not considered appropriate]
Deleted by author, and a thanks to the mods.
Hmmm… Nov 2005. What does the EW Ghorbanifar Timeline show was happening in the months preceding Nov 2005?
Joe Hagen sounds like a tool.
Had he more thoroughly examined the timeframe of Liz Cheney’s decision to go to Baghdad, rather than Bahrain, he might have observed that the pressure was on from some in Congress to try and ferret out what kind of ‘fifth column’ operating out of OVP had led the US to ruin with a pack of lies.
But then, had Hagen pointed that out, he couldn’t have written a puff piece.
Lizzy is Ann Coulter the Sequel, only dumber.
and rounder.
and fertile…
Liz Cheney is one deadly female human being and she makes Ann Coulter look dumber than shit, which she is.
Lizzie Gal is NOT stupid in any way, shape or form. Coulter is.
In the whole 8-page article, there’s just this hint that BabyDick’s constant press assault might be about legal liability for war crimes rather than political legacy
I’ve believed that since she started showing up all over the media.
Me, too.
And I think that is the dime that needs to drop.
I just think too many people are too compromised, or too scared, to do call the question.
It’s coming sooner than we think, it has to.( cut to dick’s ass sweating bullets, now back to you EW)
I was associated with a Dick like figure early in my life.
Viewing him at his viewing, one wondered why one would acquiesce to this controlling distant persona, bigger than life, a short time ago.
These are the scared and lonely, life’s biggest losers.
The pictures and videos will seal the deal on “dick, the treasonous torturer’s” fate, though he’s already consigned to hell.
Every time I see BabyDick, I scream at the TV, imploring the TV journalist to point out the obvious. And in every TV segment and most written pieces, present company excluded of course, I almost never hear or read someone with the temerity to point out that this theater is but a lame attempt to pre-empt the inevitable war crimes trials.
Call me an idealist–I still think they are inevitable.
It was/is my complete assumption and belief we invaded Afghanistan and then Iraq and our Congress enabled it because they themselves were all culpable for fabricating evidence, conducting torture and more.
Ergo the total collapse on FISA by our Congress.
Senators and House Reps and their leaders all culpable for enabling the breaking of US Law to enable the making of huge profits by privatizing our military. And the oil, gas, and the pipelines involved, all pieces of the pie where there’s ungodly amounts of trillions to be made under the pretext of spreading democracy.
On one hand, yeah, legacy protection and criminal prosecution protection. I think Cheney loves having a hand in the Congress and Lyin’ Liz would be great. OTOH, and I’m running out of hands, the Cheneys don’t “run” for office. They get appointed. They don’t answer to people. They ain’t people.
Yep, add me to that list.
She’s the hatchet woman to follow up on keeping herself, Daddy, and even BushKo, clean and out of prosecutions.
Agh – the Stupid! It burns!
war crimes?
Did some one say WAR CRIMES??
I am, frustrated that nothing has been done to bring these War Criminals to Justice.. Rumsfeld IS being held accountable for some of what he did… Although it is still tied up in court…
Each and every one of them Must be tried as War Criminals or our justice system means nothing!!
Get ready for disappointment. There is no justice when it comes to the rich.
There’s one feature of the USA PATRIOT Act that I want to keep, even if we eventually get rid of the rest. It abolished the federal statute of limitations on torture.
Really? Can you cite the provision that does that?
Aside from the ad mulierem material, the issue of pro bono publico service is an interesting one to chronicle on quite a few websites, and LizC*s hype is far fringe. Luban produced a thorough ethics analysis when a DoD gent in 2007 attempted to advance a very similar theory in an effort to shame some lawfirms and cause them financial losses. Luban describes some strategies for addressing *client muscle*; [v. balkinization Sunday January 14 2007]. The transcript of the Rasul Scotus argument 03-334 makes interesting reading; here is a copy archived at a firm involved in that pro bono effort, Jenner. Much of the discussion examines the issue of the access to counsel. Argument occurred in April 2004. 52pp 168kb. Historians will recall the obstacles still presenting in 2006, as evidenced in a letter from the ABA president to majority and minority leadership on Senate Armed Services Committee describing a surreptitious incident in which attorney-client privileged documents were confiscated and [destroyed] without court supervision and without notice to counsel until 1 month afterward; 59KB. In the 2007 incident a pentagon public relations person immediately disavowed CStimson*s neocon antiprobono rant; Stimson ended his employment at the pentagon within days. ABA is very strong on the merits of probono work.
We already know about Dick and Liz and their evilness. What spoke to me in this article is just how in bed with them and the GOP, David Gregory is and how NBC has no problem with his shilling for the Republicans. MTP has been made irrelevant by Gregory. I only watch if Maddow is booked. The rest of the time, it’s a few conservadems or “missing marbles McCain.”
“She’s the hatchet woman “
Liz “Borden” Cheney?
like that “hatchet woman”
I’m dying for Marcy to be on some media program and get asked the title of her “latest” article on Cheney — just so she can say “blowjob” again on the air.
Obviously, we must all fervently hope that no harm ever comes to her or her Daddy. (OK, Mod?)
Anybody care to try to convince me that anything important that VP-Dick or BabyDick ever learned was not leaked straight back into Haliburton (or some other wealthy corporation)?
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Can’t prove the existence of an absence.)
Oh the irony -Dickless Cheney gets a blow job….
Is “irony” the right word? I’m not sure I want to try to imagine what a blow job for BabyDick might involve. Not until I’ve got some brain bleach handy!
Or is this just a kind of CL? (not wanting to get too explicit here…)
Bob in AZ
Everybody “Google” Pete Williams + Michelangelo Signorelli.
Bonus points if you connect Pete Williams with Andrew “Hot Milky Loads” Sullivan.
NewsBusters: MSNBC’s Ratigan Happy GOP ‘Renounced’ Liz Cheney, Unlike ‘Nazi and Racist’ Tea Partiers