Unsolved Anthrax Case to be Closed Today

Though DOJ will presumably insist that Ivins did it.

The FBI is expected to issue a final report today on its six-year investigation of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks, according to the attorney representing former Frederick resident Bruce Ivins, a Fort Detrick scientist accused of planning and carrying out the attacks that killed five people and sickened 17.
“The U.S. Attorney called me and said they would close the case today,” said Rockville attorney Paul Kemp.
The report will close an investigation in which Ivins, a senior researcher at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, was eventually identified as the only person suspected of mailing the deadly letters to the offices of U.S. senators and media companies.
Well, I guess this eliminates one of the excuses Robert Mueller has used to avoid an inquiry into FBI’s conduct during this investigation.
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  1. BoxTurtle says:

    Time to move on. I feel so much better knowing the government identified the sole perp and that the perp is now dead.

    Boxturtle (And I feel confident the Browns will go no worse than 10-6 next year)

  2. Mary says:

    Ah yes, now Holder and Obama can go full throttle on that FBInvestigation.

    Or not.

    Does Pat Leahy bother to do anything much these days or has he run up the white flag?

    Oh well – OT, but in a convoluted way, kinda sorta related


    Mary Beth Buchanan is spending her time calling in to talk radio guys to threaten them with defamation suits for talking meanie about her in re: her crusade against Cyril Wecht.

    Apparently repeating things that are “flat out wrong” about how much it *cost the government* to pursue a case is something that Buchannan feels would give her a right to bring a defamation suit.

    Uh huh.

    • TarheelDem says:

      Does Pat Leahy bother to do anything much these days or has he run up the white flag?

      When the government admits that it has no interest in finding out who tried to murder you, I guess you are more reluctant to go out on limbs. It worked. The FBI/CIA/Cheney-Bush team got THE PATRIOT ACT and succeeded in covering up six murders and two attempted murders of Democratic Senators. And you thought they were incompetent.

      • buckinnm says:

        This terrorist attack sure served to change Tom Daschles mind about supporting the patriot act. A little OT but associated is the murder of Senator Wellstone and family. Look forward but not back? I remember someone saying that the person that ignores history is doomed to repeat it. As a nation are we?

    • EternalVigilance says:

      “…because if we look to the past, where events actually occurred, powerful people might be held accountable.

      And that’s not the America we know or want.

      So lets look to the future, where we can live in eternal hope and never face consequences or reality.”

    • Leen says:

      Because over the last now 10 years holding individuals accountable for serious crimes is now defined as “retribution, witch hunts, vengeance”

      Our Reps need blowjobs to investigate. That is when they take things seriously.

      False pre war intelligence, hundreds of thousands dead, injured, millions displaced, torture (poor judgement), undermining the DOJ. Get over it is the message. Counrty rotting at the core. Folks around the world know it.

  3. behindthefall says:

    It’s not just Toyota’s PR hire that produces “UNBELIEVABLY Bad Whitewash”.

    I wonder what will go down in the history books. Poor Dr. Ivins. No one to clear his name now.

    • DWBartoo says:

      The OFFICIAL AMERICAN HISTORY, now being complied and edited, to the SUNSTEIN STANDARD, IS the FINAL WORD (as regards ANY and ALL issues).

      THEREBY; THESE MATTERS (and ANY PERMUTATIONS which attend THEM), ARE placed BEYOND the realm of DOUBT AND closed to further SCRUTINY.

      HENCEFORTH; ANY individuals, or groups of individuals, WHO, (with disruptive intent) would QUESTION OR seek to CAUSE or engage in PUBLIC DEBATE, regarding (or related to) ANY and ALL HISTORIC FACT(S) contained in this OFFICIAL HISTORY shall be regarded as UNPRIVILEGED BELLIGERENTS, before the law, and SUBJECT, therefore, to PROSECUTION to the fullest extent of the law.

      [The preceding SNARK is for entertainment PORPOISES only – (I do wish they would stop laughing however, as it upsets the cats and makes concentration on important matters very difficult indeed …)]

  4. Hugh says:

    Serially botched investigations are the stuff of which conspiracy theories are made. Nor is this something confined just to these investigations but rather can be extended: if they screwed up the anthrax investigations what makes you think they didn’t with _________________ ? (fill in conspiracy candidate of your choice).

    Gee, maybe Cass Sunstein could drop by and (anonymously of course) set us right.

    • emptywheel says:

      Gee, maybe Cass Sunstein could drop by and (anonymously of course) set us right.


      Nevermind. I’d guess it takes Sunstein’s minions several hours to show up.

  5. tjbs says:

    Other then in my dreams, did that America I remember ever exist?

    In my dreams we even locked up or at least drove from office VP Agnew for taking kickbacks, now the VP war profiteer goes on Sunday talk shows bragging about murders and torture that he’s damn proud of. He never mentions how concerned they were for the SUSPECTS well being that they INSISTED on having tracheotomy kits available during water torture.

    That FBI with Elliot Ness would have found a couple more anthrax suspects in a much shorter period of time , in my dreams.

  6. klynn says:

    Evidently, closing this case will free up time for the US to assist Interpol with a search of the fake ID assassins’ US bank accounts? We’ve been (the USGov) so vocal about the Anthrax case as well as the Dubai case. s/

    Nothing here, move along.

  7. papau says:

    having tracheotomy kits available during water torture. ” –

    I guess that means it is fair to say that less than 1% died during torture?

    There were only 30 folks available as suspects as having access to the type of Anthrax used. One of them hated the gov despite working for it and was a known nut – and that is not the fellow picked to put the blame on as this nut sued the gov for millions for chasing him. So we get the fellow that is dead to pin the blame on – convenient?

  8. Oval12345678akaJamesKSayre says:

    Hmm, the Feds finally figured out that this anthrax was a domestic American-made strain. And only Democratic leaders who were opposing the Patriot Act were attacked with said anthrax, along with postal workers. Hmm. No reason to check on who might want to attack and intimidate said Democrats…

    On Common Dreams today, there is an article about how the Obama Admin. is going to rebrand our criminal occupation of Iraq.

    “Operation New Dawn?” Try “Operation Endless Imperial Corporate Occupation” on for size… We illegally invaded and criminally occupied the Republic of Iraq in three weeks time in March 2003. So why don’t we just pack up and leave in a few weeks time? Oh, there is a little matter of oil wells to be safeguarded from Iaaqi control; there is the little matter of the puppet regime to be kept in power in Iraq for an indefinite period of time (until all the petroleum is extracted from the vast Iraqi fields.

    The US military has been supporting US corporations in imperial interventions in third world countries since 1898, some one hundred and twelve years. The US military has murdered some five million uppity peasants who dared to resist US imperial occupations and interventions.

    US out of Afghanistan, Haiti, Iceland, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen now.

  9. JohnLopresti says:

    ?How many mph does one have to average to drive to Princeton and back overnight? Maybe, in one of those subcompact cars of the sort that has the sticking gas pedal.

    • fatster says:

      A while back there was much detailed information on this story thanks to EW and others in the comments sections. Several excellent articles. Quick google maps inquiry shows, from place to place (not door to door–or door to mailbox), it’s 3 hours and 15 minutes one-way (Ft. Detrick, MD to Princeton, NJ).

    • TarheelDem says:

      How many mph does one have to average to drive to Princeton and back overnight?

      According to Google Maps, the distance is 192 miles one way and the driving time 3 hours 4 minutes one way using Google’s mph algorithm.

      Apparently not as impossible as you suggest.

      With one of those defective cars, one could probably get the driving time down to 2 hours (minus stops for any tickets one might get).

      If there is a long distance relationship between a student at Hood College and one at Princeton (more likely in the 1960s than now), no doubt that performance has been done previously.

  10. numbertwopencil says:

    Not exactly OT but I can’t figure it out: What happened with the anthrax attack in Chile? Dr. Antonio Banfi, a pediatrician in Santiago, Chile was, apparently, sent related anthrax at the same time as the primary attacks. There’s an entry for Banfi on the 2001 anthrax attack wiki page and numerous articles from 2001 and 2002 (for example, http://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/29/us/a-nation-challenged-overseas-puzzle-us-confirms-anthrax-in-chilean-letter.html) but then nothing more. At a glance, the Chile attack doesn’t show up in the Ivan paperwork.

  11. Slothrop says:

    Pattern recognition: lone nut. But gosh he’s dead. No trial, but Gerald Posner may “research” it someday.

    American people: zzzzz zzzzz zzzz

  12. numbertwopencil says:

    Here’s another article about Dr. Banfi:


    Is the reason the Banfi attack doesn’t show up in the Ivins paperwork because the location of the attack was Chile? Also, the Banfi anthrax was mailed from Zurich (with a Florida return address) so it seems kinda unlikely that Ivins could have mailed it himself.

    Some of the Banfi articles from 2001 mention that, at some point, CDC thought the Banfi anthrax was contamination from a lab in Chile but then, if I’m reading the date stamps on various articles correctly, the CDC says, nah, it’s straightup anthrax.

    Perhaps this was cleared up years ago but I can’t find much evidence of that. After mid-2002, the Banfi case just goes cold and quiet.