Frank Luntz's Ideal Small Businessperson: Democratic Congressman Mark Schauer

Picture 187

You know that Frank Luntz memo telling Republicans how to kill Wall Street reform?

Republican message guru Frank Luntz has put together a playbook to help derail financial regulatory reform.

In a 17-page memo titled, “The Language of Financial Reform,” Luntz urged opponents of reform to frame the final product as filled with bank bailouts, lobbyist loopholes, and additional layers of complicated government bureaucracy.

“If there is one thing we can all agree on, it’s that the bad decisions and harmful policies by Washington bureaucrats that in many ways led to the economic crash must never be repeated,” Luntz wrote. “This is your critical advantage. Washington’s incompetence is the common ground on which you can build support.”

Well, as Ben Smith points out, Luntz used a funny picture to illustrate his section on how best to reach out to small businesspeople.

Pollster Frank Luntz picked an unusual poster boy in his new memo instructing Republicans to kill attempts to tighten financial regulations by tying the new laws to the bailout: Michigan Democratic Congressman Mark Schauer.

Schauer and his wife, Christine, are used to illustrate a section suggesting Republicans “personalize the impact” of the legislation by claiming it will effect specific small business owners.

In his research, “”The most popular images of small business owners both projected optimism with signs saying ‘grand opening’ or ‘open.'”

The image above, which appears on page 14 of the memo, appears to be taken from Scheuer’s campaign website, which celebrated the opening of his wife’s store in a July, 2008 posting headed, “Mark Schauer: Small Business Owner.” The Battle Creek, Mich. shop, according to the item, is a kind of upscale consignment store.

Mark, of course, is the Congressman from just west of Ann Arbor. He is speaking like a proud progressive in one of the most closely contested districts this year. And, as Ben points out, Mark voted for Wall Street reform but opposed the bailout (he was first elected in 2008 so was not in Congress at the time).

I guess not only are Democrats better for the economy. But even astute political observer Frank Luntz recognizes that Democrats make the ideal businesspeople too.

Update: Mark Schauer’s office issued the following in response to Luntz’s gaffe:

To be clear, Frank Luntz is a paid consultant for Wall Street banks and big credit card companies, and this memo was written with one goal in mind – defeating a bill to end taxpayer-funded bailouts and clean up the mess on Wall Street.

As a small business owner himself, Mark understands the economic challenges entrepreneurs in Michigan are facing. That’s why he plans to support a new tax credit for businesses that hire more workers, and a measure that will make it easier for small businesses to obtain credit and expand their operations by taxing excessive bonuses at bailed out Wall Street banks.

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      I suspect that Luntz is so full of himself he’s too insolent to be embarrassed. I have a hunch you assume the man capable of introspection; IMHO, no one capable of introspection would act as Luntz does.

  1. scribe says:

    Schauer should sue Luntz for copyright infringement, for stealing his photo.

    And, FWIW, we could get a hell of a lot more financial industry reform by simply writing a private right of action back into the law. In other words, make the hedgies and derivatives folks subject to the securities laws, and repeal the 1995 amendments to the securities acts. Things would clean up in a damned hurry.

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      n other words, make the hedgies and derivatives folks subject to the securities laws, and repeal the 1995 amendments to the securities acts. Things would clean up in a damned hurry.

      Did you mean 1995 or 1999?

      And a thousand lashes with a wet noodle for your audacity in presuming that such Elevated Lightning-Quick Minds as the hedgies and derivatives folks possess could possibly be restricted by anything so mundane as a law.

      scribe, I think you’d like this item. Bookstaber’s analyses are terrific; enjoy!

      • scribe says:

        A friend of a friend (FoF) related to this avatar’s driver an interesting story about a particular hedgie/bankster (HB) whose name is familiar to anyone wih eyes. FoF had done tradesman work for HB and it was done to a high level of professionalism. HB, though, being a bit of a prick by nature, decided he was dissatisfied (more because he wanted to subjugate FoF to HB’s will than anything else). So, HB undertook a series of emails, phone calls and personal visits (a lot of them) to try to persuade and overarch FoF into submission. After a while, some weeks really, FoF decided enough was enough and told HB during a visit: This is a big city. I know people who would break your legs. You can’t help but run into them in this place. In fact, if they knew who you were and what you do, they’d probably pay for the privilege of breaking your legs. You got what you bargained for; knock it off.

        That restricted HB. He knocked it off.

        Frankly, last February when all the banksters were going nuts with their “going Galt” and “I’ll quit and cause a change in control and deliberately blow up the CDS markets”, Obama missed a huge opportunity. You might remember that when the CDS problems were really getting explained – the line then was that the contracts were so complicated that they couldn’t be touched by the government or regulation lest they blow up – the text of some of the provisions of a particular CDS were leaked. These provisions basically wrote into the deal that particular bankers had a guaranteed job, and that their not being employed would constitute a change in control and, consequently, a default. You might also remember that a few days after this leak, the very bankers guaranteed jobs through this deal decided they wanted to quit.

        The fact that Obama didn’t treat those banksters like the terrorists they are gave the rest of them license to continue acting like the shits they are, and has led to no end of problems which would have been avoided had Obama treated them like FoF treated HB.

        FWIW, I meant primarily the 1995 amendments, b/c they made bringing private securities fraud suits much more difficult. I’m all for tossing the 1999 amendments, too. Frankly, I think of Hercules cleaning the Augean Stables – let’s move a river to hose this place down.

  2. alinaustex says:

    Frank Luntz you are a vile propagandist suckling on the bloated tits of the Grifters and Shysters on Wall Street. Message this Frank Lutz you are a propagandist tool and we are going to take back our Country from you and the bloated tits that feed you …

  3. kafka says:

    GOPers don’t need to derail financial reform. They can just sit back and watch whores like Chris Dodd do their dirty work for them.

  4. moistenedbink says:

    Luntz is an idiot and has proved that time and time again, but just like consultant Mark Penn who did such a lousy job for Hillary, the money people just keep going back for more and throw more money at them.

  5. qweryous says:

    Any pictures of Republicans or Blue Dogs opening pawn shops?

    Newly expanded payday loan companies?

    How about foreclosure cleanout/board up companies?

    Maybe the auto repo guy’s new tow facility, and trucks?

    There have been lots of new businesses to celebrate lately.

    Frank will help them to remember to take credit?

  6. alinaustex says:


    … by calling out the frank luntz of the world for the whoring lying corporate tools that they are -And by making sure their corporate masters are held to account . And we do that by electing more Graysons to Congress and retiring more Hensarlings. And we also do that by tranferring funds from the Big Banks to our community banks and credit unions .

    We need to choose populist optimism over cyncism right now ecahn – or you ready to light some candles or are you going to just sit there and cuss the darkness ?

  7. Palli says:

    I am so tired of incompetents people with power, attention and money. With all of his dough rolling in he should at least hire a college graduate to edit his 17 page hooey.