Liveblogging the Prop 8 Trial, Friday PM addendum
Zia: In most immediate sense, it was in how our families related to us. When we first got married. We have a niece, 2 years old, only known us Auntie Helen and Auntie Leah. WHen she saw Leah and me, she gave us a big hug, said, Auntie Leah, now you’re really my auntie. I thought, well, you’ve always known her as your auntie. Somehow it made a difference. It made a difference to our parents. When you say you’re a domestic partner. When people say “who’s this person?” I can’t count the number of times who said “Partner in what business.” We’d say “partners in life.” Often it was bewilderment. What business is life, od yo umean life insurance. It’s a matter of how our families relate to people. For me to show up at every event. People ask who’s she. For her 90-something auntie to say, here’s Leah’s friend. She must be a really good friend, suddently there were able to say, Helen is my daughter in law. My mother is an immigrant from China. She dosent’ get waht partner is. I would be around her, I could hear them say, sometimes in Chinese, sometimes in English, that’s Helen’s friend. Then it changed, she would say, this is my daughter-in-law. Whether they got it or not, you don’t insult someone’s wife, you don’t insult someone’s mother. We’re not partners in life or in some business. It changed things on a huge level. Marriage in how it affected our families. Our families related to each other differently. Marraige is joining of two families. My family and Leah’s family now relate to each otheer differently. My brother lived about 5 minutes away from Leah’s father when he was still alive, in those 15 years, they didn’t make an effort. After we were married, Leah’s father would stop by, drop things off. My brother is quite active in HI, Leah’s brother’s wife, my sister in law. Has a sister who runs in same circles. He will now say she’s my in-law. My father-in-law had terminal illness. He was in hospice care, just two months ago. He would say, this is my daughter and this is my favorite daughter-in-law. Leah said, “he said daughter in law,” I said, “he said favorite.” When his funeral, you put out obituary. You say who is in the family, members of immediate family in closest circle. There was no ambiguity about it. Not some partner in business or partner in life. I was there wtih the first row in the family, I had my responsibilities as well. In those most important moments in our lives.
Chu: Nothing further.
Walker: You may cross examine.
Raum (Defense): I’d like to draw your attention back to binder. Do you remember first time you saw that?
Zia: It would have been some time in 2008.
Raum: Before the election. Recall where you were?
Zia: I was at home.
Raum: I’d like to draw your attention to document. Californians have said twice to keep one man and one woman. How did yo usee it before the election?
Zia: Don’t understand.
Raum: One time in connection with Prop 22. Do you recall being involved in case challenging marriage laws in CA. I’ll represent to you in 22. Second time was in connection with Prop 8. Would you agree that people of CA voted to define one man one woman, when they passed prop 8. I would say people voted for Prop 8. And this document indicates that people said twice to keep. You’re testifying that you saw this document prior to people voting twice.
Walker: Counsel asked about 2199.
Zia: I realize I saw website before. It may have changed.
Raum: Move on to.Do you recall when you first saw that document.
Zia: Same time I saw the other one.
Raum: when’s the first time you saw this document.
Zia; When you say document, what do you mean. I have seen this website, before, I have seen this document printed out on a piece of paper, this week.
Raum: There’s nothing in the document that refers to Prop 8. There’s nothing that says Prop 8. Nothing that says Portect Marriage. Nothing that indicates how widely it was distributed.
Zia; This was a copy of someting that was on internet, available in cyberspace.
Raum: Nothing reflects how many people read it.
Zia: Not on this piece of paper, but if you went to the website.
Walker: Very well it will be admitted.
Raum: You’ve written materials focused on issues addressing matters important to homosexual community.
Zia: Matters relating to gay and lesbian community.
Raum: Harsher penalties for crimes motivated by sexual orientation.
Zia: Harsher penalties for crimes motivated by hatred of gays and lesbians.
Raum: Organization to promote Asian GLBT. Held a press conference opposing prop 8. Attended rallies opposing prop 8. Also advisor for Horizon’s foundation. Grants money to gay lesbian bi transgender non profit organizations. Events put on by Lambda. Donated money. Attended events by National Cetner for Lesbian Rights. Events put on by Human Rights Campaign. Featured HRC, dont know if put on. ACLU. Donated money. Makes you a member.
Zia:Membership lapsed.
Raum: Courage Campaign.
Zia: No, I dont believe so.
Raum: You and your mother submitted declaration 2002. SF challenge to CA marriage laws.
Raum: Did you write that Asian American political activists don’t all agree on what political stance to take toward marriage. For some gay activists, too petty bourgeois, all the bad patriarchal things that marriage stands for.
Zia: I believe so.
Raum: Benefits you’ve experienced. You’ve also written that your civil marriage did not affect you critical view of patriarchal institution of marriage.You’ve also written one reason you married Ms. Shigimora [sp], in defiance of war-mongering in Washington.
Zia: That sounds like something I wrote.
Raum: You testified first received marriage license in 2004, you began to prepare for marriage celebration and reception after that. You indicated that reception took place on August 20. Earlier in August that marriage licence invalidated, went forward with celebration nonetheless. Officiated by Ms. Shigimora’s father. Attended by nephew. Your brother mother. And five of your siblings gave a toast welcoming you into family. Had a traditional Japanese banquet toast, and traditional chinese foods. This brought about melding of your and Ms. Shigimura’s extended family and friends. You said “far exceeded our expectations.” To reflect a more intimate relative status. Even though mariage certificate received from Mayor Newsom,
Zia: Our families saw us as married. One week earlier, we learned that marriage no longer really a marriage. Everybody knew it had been invalidated. Her father said Courts sometimes make mistakes.
Chu: Just two questions. When Raum interrupted. Do you want to finish.
Zia: In talking about families came together, even though marriage had been invalidated. Difference between domestic partners and married. Even though it had been overturned. We had been prisoners in closet. We had been told to sit in back of bus. Suddenly, w/in four months, February to time it was invalidated, during that six months, our families had transformational moment that transformed it. It was quite a different way. The idea that we would be families. We experienced a feeling of what equality is. Instead of having to go to fountain just for gay and lesbian families. We went to fountain that said heterosexuals only. We said, yes, at time of celebration, our families coming together, did not happen in 11 years that we had been domestic partners.
Walker: Eve of three day weekend.
Thompson: ECF system may be going down for the weekend. Don’t know if the court would like to send to plaintiffs, is there an email address for the court, can you hand-deliver. Email will also be down. Well, I would suggest you spend a restful weekend. 8:30 AM on Tuesday morning.
Big Beer Thirty!! (I’m headed home to Detroit–David Dayen will be joining Teddy on Tuesday. Have a good weekend!)
Love you ew. Yeoman’s work. Gallons of beer for you.
Thanks much, Marcy!
Marcy – you are amazing! Thank you for all your blogging the last several days! Meanwhile, I will blame your amazing talent on the fact that I’ve gotten very little work done this week. Looks like I’m coming in over the weekend! ;-)
Many thanks again EW!
And totally OT – Via Main Justice:
Shorter Christie: “The staff that plays together, stays together!”
Inquiring minds want to know EXACTLY how they played together.
I wonder if there will be more trips in the family Chevy Lumina?
Shorter Michele Brown: “Sorry to end this meeting early folks, but the Governor has a pressing appointment in the Lumina.”
Marcy, Teddy, thank you so very, very much. You are both EPIC!! It has been so great to read your transcriptions – esp. today given the dry testimony and seemingly inept Defense counsel.
A beer or whatever’s your poison on the virtual bar to all here!!!
I could use a beer myself but would have to drive 70 miles to get one.
No beverages of choice on hand?
12 Y/O Scotch – Royal Lochnagar
Gotta be an even longer drive to find Royal Lochnager given where you are located.
Ya, but I do have it in my hand as I type this!
So quit yer bit…
Byron, via the Corries:
Brave Caledonia!
Dear are thy mountains
I sigh for the valley
Of dark Lochnagar.
One of the greatest of Jacobite (Scots rebel) songs. Lochnagar lours o’er Balmoral in Aberdeenshire, very beautiful, sad in many ways, but good whisky territory indeed.
Very smooth stuff indeed!
I apologize in advance for another OT, but I just can’t let this one slip by.
From the NYT’s Paul Krugman:
Nice of him to decide that conflict of interest isn’t important in this.
I think it’s outside his field, so his understanding isn’t as good as it is in economics.
Sounds like we all here at FDL are DFHs smoking way too much and getting paranoid.
Marcy, you’ve been just amazing today. Thank you so much!
Again I apologize for an OT, but I couldn’t allow this one to pass either.
From David Weigel over at the Windy:
Yeah, because we commissioned a fucking poll that was published less than 24 hours ago indicating Snyder appears to have lost 17 points over the last two months to Griffin, we “took out Vic Snyder”. What a pile of absolute horseshit by Dave Weigel. He should be embarrassed for printing such disingenuous crap.
I expect any day now we’ll hear that FDL is also responsible for Coakley’s loss in Massachusetts, the cratering of the housing market, H1N1, and the earthquake in Haiti.
We are very powerful!
Curiously, however, I cannot even get my wife to let me eat everything I want…..
Ooh, I have just been informed that Jane has beat me to this whipping post with a response to Dave Weigel. Ouch.
Writing About Politics Is Hard
You can always go get Sheriff Joe!
Ta bmaz!
I jumped right over and added the latest Krugman acknowledgment of our total power as well.
As you drive south out of San Francisco there was an outsized animated neon sign of a beer glass filling, removed in the 1970s eventually, though a quick web search shows no image of it, like a toast on your way to the airport ten miles further. Interestingly, instead of pointing south, if your journey was northward, there was an equally immense neon sign of a Turkish gent sipping coffee at a roaster’s near the north end of the city; also demolished in some urban renewal probably. Two bookends speaking of the energy of city activity; or liveblogging. A changed urban environ now. Have a safe trip home.
Identified: Hamm’s.
(The other one was Hills Brothers Coffee.)
(The other one is Hills Brothers Coffee.)
Speaking of which, where ya’ been? Haven’t seen you commenting here in a good while.
And yes, missed you. *g*
I just posted this comment (awaiting moderation) on Krugman’s blog:
“Answer this one question, please: when you attacked Williams, did you simultaneously publish an email from Williams giving his side of the story?”
Yeah, I left a comment on Krugman’s post five or six hours ago. Still in moderation. Pretty gutless, but whatever.
The Krugman moderation cycle seems to be a slave to the ordinary working day. My comment a few days ago stayed in “moderation status” overnight, and I noticed that while my comment was in moderation status, no other new comments were being posted either. Then, the next morning, whammo! Dozens of new comments, including mine, suddenly appeared.
Bob in AZ
Interesting. Guess it is hard for a shoestring outfit like the New York Times to have the kind of around the clock moderation capabilities of a robust organization like Firedoglake.
I think its more likely that our lurking mods are more dedicated to their jobs than the NYT mods, who prolly don’t work unless they know they’re getting paid for it.
Our lurking mods are da best!!!
Bob in AZ
mumble software mumble mumble…..
Greenwald has a post up discussing Krugman’s accusations against Marcy and FDL.
Well said. I was sorry to see Krugman make that twisted argument about what happens next time, cowering before the weakest attack likely to be made. Glenn is pointing out the much more powerful one, and the only way to defeat it — truth-telling, now, then, always.
PJE, yes, Hamm came to mind after a few hours. Driving toward the university on Parnassus heights, the highway spur elevated portion used to make the animated neon filling of the beerglass surreal. Hamm closed and sold their vats, and moved. The northern coffee neon sign covered a tall building side somewhat north of the current Museum of Modern Art along the waterfront a few miles prior to the approach to the Golden Gate bridge; I still have a vivid image of the yellow caftanned figure on the side of a coffee can which we use to cover the exhaust on the tractor. Ranchers must be thorough about good maintenance practice; the can keeps rain out of the engine when the tractor is parked.
MDog, I relinquished the internet world portal to my prior employer. For ten months I had to configure apparatus like wheel barrow, hoe, chainsaw. Different tools, same life, same ranch, lots of responsibilities. One interesting development was simply the agrarian living proximity to the natural elements, learning again soil structure, the changed bizarreness in the weather, located as this place is, in a zone dominated by Alaskan arctic icecap melt, which has attained its third successive year of recordsetting receding during the summer.
ews keyboard proficiency is a marvel. The trial began to show some of the complexity of what seems like a simple civil law argument. As usual, even local MSM took two days in some instances to report what ew made available instantaneously.
I usually approached the city from Oakland, so what I remember is the oil company sign next to the bridge.
As for the coffee-drinking Turk, there weren’t so many coffee companies run out of SF that I couldn’t find it in two tries. (The other choice was Folger’s. MJB comes to mind, but it isn’t as strongly associated with SF in my memory.)