Christmas Nuts & Bolts

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and all the other joyous holiday greetings from both me and Marcy. We have said it before, but not enough; you guys are the finest group of commenters and readers in the world. And we love you and thank you. Seriously. None of it happens, or works, without you. There are names I would list out, and you know who you are already, but won’t because I might forget someone unintentionally. Suffice it to say, thank you one and all, you are not just “like family”, you are family and you are valued and appreciated.

Now, as you might recall our own Surfer Dude, RanDiego, up and got hitched this year. I still owe he and Lady RanDiego a wedding present, so when the call came from the surf and sand for some Trash Talk for the big Bolts visit to Nashville to meet the Titans Christmas night, it was the least that could be done.

This has the makings of one great game. San Diego is not only on their usual furious December roll, they started early and have been relentless in maintaining it. Philip Rivers is playing MVP level quarterback, LT is healthy and productive again and the receivers (especially Vincent jackson) are coming up huge. The defense is playing quite solidly even in an off year for Merriman. In short, the Bolts look tough. But the same can be said for the Titans, who have been nothing less than remarkable after an 0-6 start. They are now 7-7 with only a hard fought loss to Peyton and the Colts blemishing their record in the last eight games. Vince Young is no Peyton Manning or Joe Montana yet, but he has really stepped up as a pocket quarterback and leader. He is flat out getting it done. The rest of the Titans have rediscovered Jeff Fisher football too. On paper, you have to give the nod to the Bolts; but this is in Tennessee, and the Titans still have thoughts of the playoffs and, even if not the playoffs, a winning season. This is a toss up.

Tonight is the Sheraton Hawaii Bowl, which will be shown on ESPN. SMU v. Nevada. Always a fun game to watch, this year it is notable for heralding the first return to a bowl game for SMU (Southern Methodist) since receiving the NCAA “death penalty” 25 years ago. SMU is coached by June Jones, a great guy, consistent winner, creator of wild offenses (along with his mentor mouse Davis) and the guy who coached up the University of Hawaii Rainbows to unusual heights. Lot of interesting angles there. Nevada boasts the top rushing offense in NCAA and have a potent passing attack as well. Normally, you would have to look out for the Wolfpack’s tailback Vai Taua, who had a team high 1,345 yards on the ground; but he is unavailable for academic reasons as is one of the backup running backs. That is going to hurt. The average line heavily favors Nevada but I think that may have been before the unavailability of the Nevada running game was announced. I dunno, could with the equalizing factor of the missing parts for Nevada, this could be a real good one, and maybe an upset for the SMU Mustangs.

That is it for now. Marcy and/or I may be in to post tomorrow, maybe not; we will see. So, consider this an open thread for whatever you have got. We raise a toast to one and all. Cheers!

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153 replies
  1. posaune says:

    Thank you, bmaz and our lioness, Marcy. Truly. You are the only ones who make it possible for me to cough through this national march to serfdom.

    And here’s our big news: On Tuesday, we became parents! After waiting 7 years for an adoption match (and a tragic failed adoption in Poland), we were matched with a 5-yo boy from Colorado. And amazingly, all the papers were signed last wednesday: bio-mom relinquishment, ICPC (interstate compact), etc.

    And tonight our little fellow fell asleep in our laps watching the Night Before Christmas! How good is that?

    • skdadl says:

      Och, and posaune — huge congratulations! I am so happy for you. I read that post and felt so warm and cosy inside. I hope that the three of you are snuggled up warmly tonight and for many nights to come.

    • Loo Hoo. says:

      Congratulations!!! My daughters were both adopted at birth. Totally relating to your happiness.

      Don’t delude yourself though, that little rascal will become a giant pain in the ass for a few years! It all comes back to GOOD, though!

    • Pade says:

      First thanks and Merry Christmas to all. As a long time lurker who was thrilled many years ago to find a place online with smart, articulate, literate members you all give me hope.

      posaune – a special blessing to you. I was adopted more than 66 years ago and wish you and your new family the best. From this side of the adoption I can recommend the process. You are brave to have given him a drum.

        • Pade says:

          Thanks skdadl. I’ve been around for many years but have no expertise in the areas discussed here just a quest to learn – and learn I surely have. I count this group as one of the treasures of my retired life. I am a retired educator and value the education I get here.

        • skdadl says:

          Oscar was one cool cat, for sure, and by all reports a really nice guy.

          But eoh, if you like ’em on piano, you might enjoy Nora. There is truly something unusual going on with Nora. Her person is a piano teacher, and we’ve seen earlier YouTubes where Nora climbs up to a second piano and mimics her person’s playing, or seems to chime in. I mean, it’s not perfect, but it’s interesting because cats (like dogs) don’t normally hear things quite the way we do, and often don’t like our musical instruments for that reason. My cats have always hated pianos, eg.

          But Nora likes the piano, and she’s got rhythm. The longer you watch her, the more you think that something is going on. And in this latest vid, she is playing with a small string orchestra — she isn’t physically present on their stage, but the sound is being piped in to her at home, and she seems to respond to them, as they do to her.

          Or at least that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. The German weather broadcaster is also very dear when the studio cat comes strolling through.

        • Pade says:

          I appreciate the comment anyway. I have a somewhat musical background and love animals (dogs in this house now though)so enjoyed it. Thanks

  2. Peterr says:

    With the blizzard rolling through metro KC, I am in the unexpected position of not having to work tonight. For a pastor to get Christmas Eve off is a rare, rare occurrence.

    So I’m raising a glass of Pirtle Vineyard’s Blackberry Mead to bmaz, Marcy, and all the folks around here who talk trash, warrantless wiretapping, Irish beer, and constitutionally-based rule of law stuff!


    Ahhhhh . . . gotta support the local craftspeople — and this is some very nice local craftiness.

  3. freepatriot says:


    we ain’t takin any chances dis week

    congrats on the gremmie, posaune

    everybody else

    merry christmas, happy haunaka, joyful saturnalia, festive festivus

    pick a greeting from the list and consider it a personal wish from me

    and always remember to save room for pie …

  4. anga19 says:

    Hi eveybody and particularly Bmaz and Marcy.

    Have been a lurker since many years. A daily site to visit for its intelligence, its liveliness, research and civility. I like to be treated as an intelligent reader.

    Forgive my english writing, I am French from Quebec .

    Beautiful Christmas here in the mountains with the snow and the purity of the sky. A moment to forget even so slightly the misery in the world and our responsability in it.

    Merry Christmas to my fellow Canadians and all of you from the US who give me hope on your country.


    • bmaz says:

      Hey there! Welcome, and thanks for delurking. We have a strong contingent from Canuckistan; heck, our barbeque expert, Petrocelli, even hails from up there. So, don’t be a stranger, we can use some help!

    • skdadl says:

      Merry Christmas from somewhere along the north shore of Lake Ontario, Anne.

      That’s why I’m here too. EW and bmaz and friends give me hope for their country and ours and our world, hope for intelligence and for decency.

      And besides, they’re fun. Marcy is Sherlock; bmaz is Watson; and the rest of us are the irregulars.

      Next to my own beloved blogboss and my friends at a local discussion board, you guys are teh best. Merry Christmas to y’all, and thank you.

  5. earlofhuntingdon says:

    My favorite (melancholy) Christmas song is John McCutcheon’s ballad about Christmas in the Trenches in 1914, during a short and unrepeated truce. What a football match it must have been. No wonder the brass forbade its repetition.

    An excellent youtube version is here, for all the guys and gals cleaning sand out of their receivers and ears this holiday season.

    [X-posted here from an earlier thread, to appease the phantom in Phoenix, digging out of the snow and schnapps. *g*]

  6. earlofhuntingdon says:

    A toast to our Canadian friends, to Francis Tolliver, his band of brothers and sisters, and to all who came before and since. Many thanks to all for all you give and gave:

    My name is Francis Tolliver, I come from Liverpool.
    Two years ago the war was waiting for me after school.
    To Belgium and to Flanders, to Germany to here
    I fought for King and country I love dear.
    ‘Twas Christmas in the trenches, where the frost so bitter hung,…

    I was lying with my messmate on the cold and rocky ground
    When across the lines of battle came a most peculiar sound
    Says I, “Now listen up, me boys!” each soldier strained to hear
    As one young German voice sang out so clear.
    “He’s singing bloody well, you know!” my partner says to me
    Soon, one by one, each German voice joined in harmony
    The cannons rested silent, the gas clouds rolled no more
    As Christmas brought us respite from the war
    As soon as they were finished and a reverent pause was spent
    “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen” struck up some lads from Kent
    The next they sang was “Stille Nacht.” “Tis ‘Silent Night’,” says I
    And in two tongues one song filled up that sky….

    ‘Twas Christmas in the trenches where the frost, so bitter hung
    The frozen fields of France were warmed as songs of peace were sung
    For the walls they’d kept between us to exact the work of war
    Had been crumbled and were gone forevermore

    My name is Francis Tolliver, in Liverpool I dwell
    Each Christmas come since World War I, I’ve learned its lessons well
    That the ones who call the shots won’t be among the dead and lame
    And on each end of the rifle we’re the same

    • Peterr says:

      I’ve seen John perform that song in concert several times, and the story he tells leading up to it is equally amazing:

      There are some songs that as a writer that you write, and there are other songs that you just sort of write down. They come through you, and that was definitely the case with this next song, so I can speak with it with a certain amount of distance. This came to me totally as a gift – a five minute span, and it was there, and some of the most remarkable things that have happened to me in my life have happened to me because of this song.

      Probably the most remarkable thing that’s happened to me, happened a couple of years ago when there was a little festival in Denmark, in a little town called Törder. Every time I played, there was this little bevy of very old – and we’re talking old – German men, who’d come across the border and showed up at my shows. They usually came in late, came trotting up the aisle, and there usually wasn’t a seat left, so they just stood there at the edge of the stage and watched me – without expression – and turned around and left when I was done. My last set, and I’m watching these guys turn around to leave as I finish my last song, and I’m thinking, “Who are these guys?” So I set down my autoharp, or whatever I was playing, jumped off the edge of the stage and ran up the aisle, and caught the last guy. I said, “You guys have been really sweet, showing up all these places, but . . . what’s the deal?” The guy said, “Well, we’re here because of that song.” I said, “What song?” He said, “You know, that song. The one that’s on the radio. That’s how we heard about you and about this festival. Because all our lives, our families, our friends, they told us we were crazy. Couldn’t possibly have happened to us. But then we heard your song on the radio and said ‘See? See?’ because we were there.”

      And they were there 75 years ago, this last Christmas Eve, when the events that this song commemorates happened. . .

      Folks, if you ever get a chance to see John in concert, do not stop, do not pass go — just pay your money and get to the show.

      Here’s his website — click on the calendar to find his tour schedule.

      [This song is on his “Live at Wolf Trap” album.]

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        Yes, I’ve followed him. Heard him in concert several times, once at a very small church hall in Lakeside, OH. We were so close, we could see the strings dance on his hammered dulcimer. Most performers no longer seem to let you get that close any more.

  7. CTMET says:

    I got a new football coach for Xmas.

    BUFFALO, N.Y. — Jeff Quinn will be Buffalo’s new football coach following the departure of Turner Gill.

    Quinn’s hiring was announced by the school Sunday, but he will remain as Cincinnati’s interim coach until after the unbeaten Bearcats play Florida in the Allstate Sugar Bowl on Jan. 1.

    OK its actually a new years present.

    We even have a song for him

  8. 4jkb4ia says:

    I hate having to go after a real Christmas song with this , but nothing better could be dedicated to this blog as a virtual sort of gift, especially Jeff Kaye. (Watched the Colbert version. “Was I wrong in who I trusted?” was essential for this purpose and not present.)

    Also thanks for the Hanukkah wishes even if the holiday was over last week. Everyone should have a joyous and peaceful day.

      • bobschacht says:

        On the storytelling front, beyond Dickens and Tchaikovsky, try Dylan Thomas’ A Child’s Christmas in Wales.

        And there’s always Its a Wonderful Life, which we saw again last night, to remind us about the pernicious role that bankers can have in a community, as well as the benefits of a local savings & loan.

        Bob in AZ

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          Agreed. It’s also a great paen to small town and urban neighborhood stalwarts who keep things working and running across America. The very people whose jobs this health care non-reform, these cutbacks to education and social services, make infinitely harder.

          George Bailey was a complex figure, who managed the compromises of life and yet made himself and his neighbors better for it. That’s something we could all aspire to do, regardless of whether or how we celebrate our holidays.

      • skdadl says:

        The wee boys of King’s College Cambridge were our favourite Christmas TV tradition for a long time — I think that CBC still picks them up every year, but I, alas, have become a net addict and never think to look at the TV schedule until too late.

        The queen’s message, eg. I’ve only just remembered — I missed teh queen! How could I do that? What did she say? Occasionally she is not uninteresting, and the set design is always impressive.

        I did watch all of the 30 Most Important Cats of 2009. I’m not giving you a direct link there because that many vids on one site eventually crashed my computer. Instead, I’m linking to the charming Ottawa blogger zoom! who gave us the tip.

  9. masaccio says:

    I sang Messiah all last week. You just can’t beat Handel at the big feast days. The Easter portion is just fabulous.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Congrats. Formidable and heavenly work.

      Makes me think of a bit of dialogue from Inspector Morse. Irate at a booking agent, he admonishes her over the phone not to send him tickets for the wrong concert. He wants to attend a concert of real music – Wagner, of course – and is afraid, My God, that she might send him tickets to Handel by mistake.

  10. randiego says:

    Merry Christmas everyone, and thanks for the shout-out Bmaz! This is our first Christmas as a married couple, and we’re hosting the whole family for Christmas dinner… we’ll be busy!

    The Bolts/Titans game is going to be a good one, for several reasons. The Titans have not yet been eliminated from the playoff hunt (admittedly a lot has to happen before they get in), and the Chargers are playing for a first-round bye (they really need it; they’ve had a brutal year for injuries). There’s also some recent history between these two teams.

    The recent history includes two games in the 2007 season; a late-season game which the Chargers trailed 17-3 at the half only to win in OT. That game was the most intense game I’ve ever watched – a brutal smashmouth game which resulted in $32K in league fines afterward. That is also the game where Shawne Merriman was double-teamed with a dirty chop-block (Kevin Mawae) which destroyed the ligaments in his knee – he hasn’t been the same player since, and people haven’t forgotten how it happened. The second game that season was a wild-card playoff game which the Chargers won, eliminating the Titans (that’s the game that Gates got hurt).

    Some other notes:
    – The Chargers are having to travel two time zones east to play in a short week. The Titans will be playing their third straight home game. The NFL schedule makers didn’t do the Bolts any favors with this one.
    – The Titans lost an important part of their defense this week when signal caller LB Keith Bulluck went on IR.
    – The Charger’s have numerous injuries – a patchwork D-line, a third-string Center, and Merriman did not practice this week and likely won’t have much impact.
    – Chris Johnson will be going against a middling run defense – we’ll see if keying on him will open anything for VY.

    The Titans are favored by 3 in this game – I’m guessing because of the short-week thing and the Bolts have already clinched a home playoff game.

    These teams don’t like each other, there’s been a lot of trash talk this week. It will be a dogfight for sure, and I’m expecting at least one late-hit penalty on Philip Rivers, just for fun. The Titans will come out and try to intimidate the Bolts.

    Go Lightning Bolts!

  11. Jim White says:

    Peace to everyone.

    Thanks to one and all for the friendship and scholarship.

    Congrats to Posaune. Your family now has a Christmas story for the ages.

  12. posaune says:

    Thanks to all for your good wishes–really. What a great community this is!

    and this morning, he’s playing on the drumset mr. posaune bought for Christmas :-o

  13. Gitcheegumee says:

    A bit of holiday Mead :

    Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
    Margaret Mead

    Warmest wishes and sincerest gratitude to all here for their wit and intelligence…it has certainly changed my little corner of the world.

    Thank you.

  14. BoxTurtle says:

    May you all have a happy, politically correct, non-sectarian holiday season.

    Boxturtle (Above line credited to Mark Russell)

  15. anga19 says:

    Thanks for the welcoming both in English and in French.

    Adorable (Pronounced with the French accent).

    Grey day here but nice anyway for snowshoeing.

    Good brunch and happy Christmas day.

  16. Quebecois says:

    bmaz, Marcy, a merry meery jolly time to you all.

    Bonjour Anne, Joyeux joyeux, que ce temps des fêtes te soit des plus plaisant. Je suis à Montréal, sur le point d’aller faire une marche au parc d’Oka. Je viens ici comme lecteur, pour apprendre… Heureux de te savoir à nos cotés.

    bmaz, As I wrote, Schu is in, and the folks who work at Daimler are pissed that he’s getting a seven million dollar salary. I love it!

    To everyone who educates moi here, have a great christmas, explode a few synapses, but not too many. By the way, I’ll take Petro on, in! a bbq concours anyday… Hey buddy

  17. randiego says:

    Again, Merry Christmas everyone! MsDiego and I will be hosting our first Christmas today, with the whole family – 15 in all!

    The turkey is in the oven now, and it smells great. We’re also serving some proper Texas barbecue – when she went to visit her parents in Austin, she brought back a pre-cooked 13-lb Brisket in her carry-on! That goes in the oven for a two-hour reheat next!

    THEN, Go Bolts!

    PS – just for fun, Drew Fookin’ Brees!

  18. R.H. Green says:

    Noonish on Christmas Day and almost 60 commenters. Let me add my greetings to all and a hearty thanks to the Hostess for all she does here. I haven’t commented in quite a while, as I began to see that I had little to contribute beyond trite sarcasm, and that stuff takes up too much reader time, including mine. But I want to remind that out of sight doesn’t mean out of touch. I read here every day, whether I have the time or not; its invaluable to me. Thanks to you, and to your lil elf in Phoenix who adds much.

  19. klynn says:

    Hey folks! A very happy holiday to all, especially Marcy and bmaz.

    posaune, what a great gift. Thank you for sharing.

    Anne, welcome.

    Trying to keep the germs away at casa klynn. Thinking about a family member at the Cleveland Clinic. Looking forward to extended family visits.

    Outside of that, wishing all here a wonderful holiday season.

  20. randiego says:

    If anyone had a chance to catch the game last night, Philip Rivers played out of his mind. He was throwing what he wanted, when he wanted. Total control of the game.

    From today’s SD Union:

    “In the Chargers 10-game winning streak Rivers’ 112.6 passer rating is by far the best in the NFL. His 20 touchdowns in the 10 games are second to Manning’s 21, but Rivers has been intercepted just six times to Manning’s 11. Rivers has completed 69.4 percent of his passes, Drew Brees 69.5 and Manning 66.1.”

    Philip Rivers won’t get a sniff at the MVP, and it’s a shame. He’s not really a guy that’s chasing stats, just wins. He’s only 27, so maybe his time will come.

      • randiego says:

        Hah hah, you and Farve. What’s that about fanboy? How were his numbers when he was 27? I seem to recall he was a pick machine, no?

        Ya gotta love PR’s upside. He’s still learning, and it’s conceivable that over time his numbers will get better, not worse. He’s already ahead of all of them (Brady/Manning/Farve/Brees/Rothlisberger) in career stats like pick/TD ratio, QB Rating, Comp %, YPA, etc.

        No titles yet, hopefully that will come at some point. Marino never won a title.

    • Jim White says:

      Yeah, heart would make the most sense, but it seems like they would come out and say that now. Nebulous “health concerns” really get my radar up. I wonder if his contract prevented him taking time off to go to detox if he had an addiction to something.

      So far there’s nothing more on the local newspaper site than we’re seeing elsewhere.

      • Jim White says:

        I’ll bet Foley has already called Charlie Strong. Gonna be expensive to buy out a contract so early, but they’re saving money that doesn’t go to Meyer.

  21. freepatriot says:

    I wuz perfekt inn teh boowl contst at cbs sprots lin, till Marshall won an fukeded up mi strek

    after watchin my page grow a bunch of red X pox marks, I was beginning to wonder what a win would look like. When ya pick a winner, ya a get a green check mark, apparently

    this year, College football ain’t been berry berry good to me …

    • bmaz says:

      Yeah, agreed. It was clear that at least Herbstreit on ESPN knew the real deal, but didn’t want to say; seemed that way to me anyway.

    • Jim White says:

      Har har. ESPN talking heads were suggesting Dan Mullen. He’d be fine, especially if he ran Adazzio out of town. They also wanted either of the Stoops brothers–that would be awful in my opinion.

      • bmaz says:

        Heart muscle defect just said on ESPN crawl.

        I don’t like Bob Stoops and losing six bowl games in a row is not a great resume. I dislike the brother here even more, Mike Stoops. He is a dope, although the Wildcats actually had a decent year finally.

      • randiego says:

        Sorry to hear about Meyer, that’s tough for the program. Hard to find a replacement at this time of year, too.

        I’m guessing interim dude, currently on the staff, one season, ala WVU after Rodriguez.

        • Jim White says:

          The problem there is that the assistants got cleared out this year. I don’t think any of the ones left are up to the job. Foley needs to get someone on board fast to keep recruiting going and to have any hope that any of the good juniors will come back. There are a bunch of really good juniors who will be gone if there isn’t a big name coming in to take over.

        • randiego says:

          Uh oh, I just had a brainstorm while doing dishes. Wonder how many years the Ol’ Ballcoach has left on his contract at South Carolina?

          Heh heh, maybe that was a brainfart, not a brainstorm.

        • bmaz says:

          Isn’t the WVU dude still there? I think so….

          Yep, Bill Stewert took over for the bowl game after Rich Rod left, they won it and he got the job.

        • randiego says:

          Yes, true. My thinking was that there’s no way a top tier school like Florida doesn’t do a national search for Meyer’s replacement. They don’t have time to do it now.

          My old housemates in DC were WVU season-ticket holders. They’re ok with Stewart now, but were lukewarm at first.

        • bmaz says:

          If a Stoops brother were the greeter, there would be no customers.

          Bobby would bring em in; might all be grifters, but there would be people.

        • bmaz says:

          Petersen seems to be the real deal; and, like Meyer, runs a great offense. In a way, I love the thought of a team like Boise State just continuing to kick ass until they have to be put in the big time discussion. But jeebus, if you are Petersen and you are offered the keys to Florida, how do you say no?

        • john in sacramento says:


          Somebody needs to hire Jeff Tedford (who I really like btw) in the next year or two so that Petersen can have a mini homecoming (he’s from UC Davis as is TCU’s Gary Patterson) and take the reins at Cal

          BTW it’s all a mute point; Meyer’s taking a leave of absence according to Chris Mortenson

  22. randiego says:

    Hey, it’s really great that the airport security dog & pony show is doing it’s job, eh?

    I lost two (unopened) jars of fucking vegemite coming back from Oz – they considered it a liquid. Have you ever seen fucking vegemite?

  23. freepatriot says:

    now “they’re” talkin bout shanahan goin to Florida

    so I’m throwin my hat into the ring

    Freepatriot is rumored to be in consideration for the Florida head coaching job …

  24. BayStateLibrul says:

    All is well in Foxborough…

    “In the fourth quarter, the crowd chanted for Randy Moss, who caught three touchdown passes and, two weeks ago, had been booed off the same field. Brady completed 23 of 26 passes for 267 yards and four touchdowns Sunday, recapturing his typical form after two weeks of fighting injuries and mediocrity. Wes Welker surpassed his own team record for catches in a season, hauling in 13 balls for 138 yards.”

    Bolts v Patriots in Miami…

  25. BayStateLibrul says:

    You want Fries with this?

    “Barth’s FG in overtime lifts lowly Bucs for Saints’ second straight loss”

      • freepatriot says:

        Drew Fookin Brees isn’t swooning

        he’s jes adjustin the odds a little

        how am I supposed to clean you suckers honorable opponents out if Nawlins is the favorite ???

        underdogs at home for the playoffs

        my evil plan is workin perfectly …

        (evil laugh)

  26. freepatriot says:

    brandon marshall thought he deserved a flag in the first quarter, AND HE GOT IT

    whining bastard got hisself EJECTED for his efforts

    be careful what you ask for

    • randiego says:

      brandon marshall thought he deserved a flag in the first quarter, AND HE GOT IT

      Yep, ya better open another. It was Brandon Stokely, not Marshall. And it was a jackass play. Also.

  27. bmaz says:

    Kurt Warner just threw his 100th TD pass as a Cardinal. Only the second guy in history to throw 100 or more with two different teams (Fran the Scram w/Vikes and Giants).

  28. freepatriot says:

    forgive me

    but what kind of asshole team gives all their receivers quarterback numbers

    the whinin fucker got what he deserved

    I’m gettin sick of all these whinny players who think they know more that the officials

    shit happens

    MAN UP and go back to the fuckin huddle

    fans can bitch, but players got no right

  29. freepatriot says:

    Urban Meyer

    Oscar’s younger brother ???

    or is he named after the guy who invented the city ???

    either way, what the fuck were his parents thinkin …

  30. freepatriot says:

    the J E T S, JETS JETS JETS control their own destiny


    the Bungles LURK (provided that they are still capable of lurking)

    the last game at jimmy hoffa’s place is lookin like a good one

    • bmaz says:

      Now we can talk about the Jim Caldwell Brain Fart. Because if I were a Colts player, I would be pissed. The players had the right to play for a perfect season and the fans have the right to watch them do that.

      • freepatriot says:

        Now we can talk about the Jim Caldwell Brain Fart. Because if I were a Colts player, I would be pissed. The players had the right to play for a perfect season and the fans have the right to watch them do that.

        at espn, the indignation is so thick you could slice it with a chain saw

        I’m sure that Obama and the liberalfacistislamosocialistpinkohippie Democrat party are to blame for this crime against AMURIKA

        or it could be a NASCAR plot

        either way, git yer tinfoil beanies ready, it’s gonna be a rough weak

      • randiego says:

        heh heh… Maybe the powers that be will punish them by taking Manning out of consideration for the MVP?

        If I was one of those 8-7 AFC teams I’d be really pissed!

  31. randiego says:

    hah, did y’all see Alan Fucking Greenspan sitting behind Snyder and eatin’ some pie?

    Dunno, ’bout you guys, but my momma always taught me it was rude to lift your plate off the table when you were eating. What a slob!

Comments are closed.