Springsteen on the State Level Politics that Matter

In a predictable move of arrogance and ignorance, Chris Christie asked Bruce Springsteen to perform at his inauguration.

Christopher J. Christie, the Republican governor-elect of New Jersey, has attended 122 Bruce Springsteen concerts and wanted nothing more than to have the Boss appear at his inauguration. Mr. Christie’s brother, Todd, a stock trader, sent a message through an intermediary to Jon Landau, Mr. Springsteen’s manager, saying that he would make a gift to a charity of the singer’s choosing if Mr. Springsteen performed.


But word came back that, while Mr. Springsteen had performed for the Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and John Kerry, “he doesn’t want to get involved in state politics,” Todd Christie said.

Turns out, though, Springsteen is willing to get involved in the kind of state politics that matter.

Like many of you who live in New Jersey, I’ve been following the progress of the marriage-equality legislation currently being considered in Trenton. I’ve long believed in and have always spoken out for the rights of same sex couples and fully agree with Governor Corzine when he writes that, “The marriage-equality issue should be recognized for what it truly is — a civil rights issue that must be approved to assure that every citizen is treated equally under the law.” I couldn’t agree more with that statement and urge those who support equal treatment for our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters to let their voices be heard now.

May Santa bring coal to those who deserve it–and civil rights to all.

Update: To help Santa deliver civil rights to the same sex couples in New Jersey, click over to Garden State Equality and help make calls in advance of the vote on this.

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24 replies
  1. ezdidit says:

    The Boss… I never liked that moniker, but you may have just earned it. Thank you, Bruce. You’re The Boss!

  2. Leen says:

    “a civil rights issue that must be approved to assure that every citizen is treated equally under the law” bingo

    Civil rights issue

  3. Citizen92 says:

    Anyone should be wary of accepting funds from Todd Christie and the questionable Christie Family Foundation.

    Maybe Chris can land Lou Dobbs? He’s a NJ-based entertainer looking for work.

    • Leen says:

      Now that is funny. Ask Lou Dobbs to speak. Maybe Dobbs could line up some cameras and go through the back doors to see how many illegal immigrants are working in the kitchen of hundreds of restaurants in the area, illegal immigrants cleaning wealthy Jersey folks houses for pathetic wages. Maybe Lou could get the Feds to start busting the folks and businesses who hire illegals to get cheap cheap labor.

      The one thing I respect Dobbs for is he did spend a fair amount of time asking when are they going to start busting those who hire and profit big, instead of the people who are just trying to make a dime or two

  4. scribe says:


    Fat Boy don’t get it – he’s been to who knows how many Springsteen concerts and hasn’t figured out that Springsteen’s condemning the likes of the Fat Boy. Talk about dense.

      • BoxTurtle says:

        Unlikely. Fat in and of itself does not cause what we’re seeing. This seems a combination of smugness and basic stupidity.

        Boxturtle (Along with a measured amount of BushCo Koolaid)

    • Leen says:

      I actually agree with Chris Matthews that Corzine’s reference to Christie’s size was a negative in the campaign. A flat out negative. Now I thank the heavens that I have never had to deal with weight issues well maybe a bit after mentalpause and I don’t know if Christie just has a self control issue with how much or the quality of food that he chooses to eat. But I do know folks who barely put a potato chip to their mouths and inhale and they put on weight. I also know folks who have been deeply scared by references to their weight. It is a type of prejudice and really unnecessary.

      Sorry folks have you ever read or seen the T shirt that says “I’m out of estrogen and I am carrying a gun” not really Feds I don’t even know anything about guns.

      This is the only t shirt that says something on it that I have ever thought about wearing.

      As folks here have even pointed out o.k. to rip up the way someone thinks, writes, votes, but referencing the way people look is not as acceptable. Well unless they are using their looks to get on stage and out comes garbage..oops like Sarah. Guess I just contradicted myself, not the first or last time

      • BoxTurtle says:

        No question, it was a cheap shot. And it hurt Corzine, especially given that more folks are overweight anymore than not.

        However, cheap shots, low blows, innuendo, backstabbings and brutal snark are food and drink around here. As long as they are directed to politicians and those that serve them. Christie is, after all, just another GOP fat cat.

        Boxturtle (Somebody had to say it)

  5. BoxTurtle says:

    The only good thing that comes out of the marriage debate is watching wingnuts explain how the 1st & 14th weren’t intended to apply to homosexuals, but yet the 2nd amendment does.

    Do homosexuals have the right under the constitution to bear arms?

    Boxturtle (A narrow mind is a wonderful thing to play with)

      • MaryCh says:

        How ’bout a check to cover our gas bills? Portland houses are designed for 40F rain, not 20F wind {/wimp}

      • scribe says:

        One of the old-timey local hardware, yard goods, feed and Christmas tree places near my place has a nice bucket o’ the finest Pennsylvania anthracite (stove size – 2 7/16 x 1 5/8 or thereabouts) right next to the cash register with the sign “stocking stuffers” mounted on the bucket.

        For you, BMAz, since you’ll be deserving it in bulk, they also have pallets of bags (50 and 100 lb) of nut sized coal (1 5/8 x 13/16).

    • BoxTurtle says:

      If Yeltsin can dance, Christie can run. An exercise program would do him a world of good.

      I’d also suggest a repeat of the ethics courses he took on his way to his J.D., if it weren’t obvious he knew his actions were wrong. The only good thing about his election is his “moles” in the USA office will now get appointed positions where they can do less damage to the country as a whole. NJ is likely screwed, though.

      Boxturtle (The political version of the e-street shuffle)

    • bobschacht says:

      Have you looked at Christie?? That boy ain’t born to run.

      He may have been born to run, but since then he has, um, rounded out his prospects in another direction.

      Bob in AZ

  6. cinnamonape says:

    It would have been funny if Bruce had told the Christie campaign that he would play and then asked the donation go to the marriage-equality campaign. Then Bruce could have brought in a number of supporting musicians and singers…like k.d.Lang, and ripped through a set of songs about State-sponsored discrimination, arrogance, and political corruption.

    Then say…thank you for the teachable moment, pack up their gear, and leave saying they’d rather not eat from the tables which were sponsored by Christie’s big-pocket political donors.

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