Anthrax Attack Used to Justify the Iraq War

Glenn Greenwald notes this detail from the British Iraq inquiry.

Yesterday, the British Ambassador to the U.S. in 2002 and 2003, Sir Christopher Meyer (who favored the war), testified before the investigative tribunal and said this:

Meyer said attitudes towards Iraq were influenced to an extent not appreciated by him at the time by the anthrax scare in the US soon after 9/11. US senators and others were sent anthrax spores in the post, a crime that led to the death of five people, prompting policymakers to claim links to Saddam Hussein. . . .

On 9/11 Condoleezza Rice, then the US national security adviser, told Meyer she was in “no doubt: it was an al-Qaida operation” . . . It seemed that Paul Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld’s deputy, argued for retaliation to include Iraq, Meyer said. . . .

But the anthrax scare had “steamed up” policy makers in Bush’s administration and helped swing attitudes against Saddam, who the administration believed had been the last person to use anthrax.

I’ve written many times before about how the anthrax attack played at least as large of a role as the 9/11 attack itself, if not larger, in creating the general climate of fear that prevailed for years in the U.S. and specifically how the anthrax episode was exploited by leading media and political figures to gin up intense hostility towards Iraq (a few others have argued the same).  That’s why it’s so striking how we’ve collectively flushed this terrorist attack down the memory hole as though it doesn’t exist.

As I pointed out earlier this month, the attack and the FBI’s investigation of it is not entirely forgotten. Chuck Grassley asked Robert Mueller about the investigation this spring. But Mueller invented a totally bullshit answer to dismiss the possibility of investigating the FBI’s investigation.

Grassley then goes on to ask about the National Academy of Sciences review of the FBI’s scientific analysis of the FBI’s anthrax case. After Mueller reviews that, Grassley asks whether the FBI would be willing to have an independent review of its “detective work” in the case. Mueller basically says, “no.”

Grassley: Are you opposed to an independent review of the FBI’s detective work, in addition to a review of the scientific evidence?

Mueller: Because of the importance of science to this particular case, investigative steps were often taken to address leads developed by newly evolved science. In addition, the significance of information or evidence we acquired often took on new or enhanced meaning as scientific advances were made. Consequently, a review of the scientific aspect of this case would be the logical first step. There is also ongoing criminal and civil litigation concerning the Amerithrax investigation and information derived therefrom, and an independent review of the FBI’s “detective work” at this time could adversely affect those proceedings.

What an astoundingly bullshit answer!

First, obviously the “detective work” needs to be investigated, if only to explain why the FBI ignored evidence pointing to Bruce Ivins and invented a case against Hatfill. Second, if ongoing litigation (including criminal?!?!?) wouldn’t be hindered by the scientific review, why would it be hindered by a review of the “detective work”? What Muller is more likely saying is just what he admitted with regards to Hatfill: until any civil suits are settled, the FBI doesn’t want to admit to the full extent of its incompetence.

As we have discussed at length, there are reasons to doubt the FBI’s conclusions that Bruce Ivins acted alone (more here, here, here, here, here, here, and here). Indeed, all the FBI has claimed it proved with its nifty new scientific analysis (and Mueller states this) is that Ivins made the strain used in the attack (I’ll leave it to the scientists to address Mueller’s certainty on that front). They certainly have not proven that Ivins mailed the anthrax. Which means, quite simply, they haven’t solved the case.

But Robert Mueller doesn’t want to show the FBI’s work.

Now maybe the FBI realizes they haven’t solved this case, and that’s why they can’t start investigating their own detective work. But if that’s the case, don’t you think they ought to tell the American people that there’s an American bioterrorist running around on the loose?

The FBI investigation ought to be reviewed because the bioterrorist may well be wandering free, and because the FBI showed real incompetence several times during its investigation.

But Glenn points out another reason this investigation ought to be reviewed: because the attack played a key role in drumming up the attack on Iraq.

80 replies
  1. KenMuldrew says:

    I presume that the anthrax attack has been flushed down the memory hole for the same reason that anyone doubting the official 9/11 hagiography is mocked as a conspiracy nutcase: the implications of discovering that Americans were killed (or allowed to die) merely to manipulate domestic political opinion would be cataclysmic for the nation.

  2. PJEvans says:

    I’m wondering if the anthrax attacks aren’t being competently investigated because they were done by someone who was paid by the then-government to carry them out.

    It would certainly be another reason to charge some people with crimes, whether war or otherwise.

  3. ART45 says:

    IMO, the anthrax attacks were meant to instill fear and anger in Americans, not simply to injure or kill certain individuals.

    The outlet for that fear and anger was meant to be war against Iraq.

    For me, the finger of suspicion points toward the Bush inner circle and elements of the CIA.

  4. tjbs says:

    Thank GOD there was nothing to tie the bush twins with the death of a photog, who happened to catch them in less then desirable circumstances,who just happened to get caught up in the spore distribution.

    Thanks for your undying search for the real reality ( Truth).

    Just how much did dick’s and george’s personal wealth increase from the 2000 SCOTUS appointment to our final financial melt down in 2008 ?

    • thatvisionthing says:

      You made me google:

      This lady (chat site) thinks Bush is personally responsible for anthrax mailings, out of vengeance and to intimidate others (e.g., outing Valerie Plame):
      To identify a murderer the police concentrate on method, opportunity and motive. Other members of the right wing/intelligence community/military cabal might have had the method and opportunity, but only Bush had the motive to hit these particular people. They say a serial murder’s first victim tells more about him than any subsequent killing so let’s examine that first killing.

      First anthrax death = Robert Stevens, Sun photo editor — I’m confused if he took the embarrassing photo of Jenna Bush that was printed in the National Enquirer, or if he unluckily opened a letter intended for National Enquirer photo editor, in same St. Petersburg FL building — ? Letter and envelope apparently not recovered (?)

      First reported case, Robert Stevens, “Sought medical care at a local hospital on October 2 with fever and altered mental status. Despite antibiotic therapy, his clinical condition deteriorated rapidly, and he died on October 5. An autopsy performed on October 6 confirmed the cause of death as inhalational anthrax. An investigation revealed no obvious exposures to B. anthracis. Workplace interviews regarding mail exposure showed that the patient rarely handled or opened workplace mail, but co-workers recalled that he had examined a piece of stationery containing a fine, white, talc-like powder on September 19. The patient was observed holding the stationery close to his face as he looked at it over his computer keyboard.

  5. qweryous says:

    OT but still important news

    In yet another case of government deception about the war on ….
    Trouble in Germany.

    The German government has apparently been asked by the US to increase it’s troop strength in Afghanistan.

    “the reason for dispatching several thousand people to Afghanistan, which has to be based on trust in the political and military leadership is crumbling.”

    There are now Afghan policy difficulties in Germany. Having to do both with the mission in general, and the coverup of civilian deaths in an air strike called by German officers in which the death toll has been reported as 142.

    “The state prosecutor has started an investigation and if it is decided that the airstrike broke international law it could be tried in a German court as a war crime.”

    The former defense minister, army chief of staff, and the deputy defense minister have all resigned as a result of the exposed misinformation campaign concerning the air strike.Video of the strike was recently leaked
    to Bild.

    • qweryous says:

      I posted OT here on the Afghanistan related turmoil in Germany. I failed to notice this diary on the topic at the Seminal.

      A much more complete description and analysis than my comment, I recommend you go and read it. If we want to go our own way in Afghanistan, all by ourselves, we may soon have that opportunity.

      HT to fflambeau

  6. shaw53 says:

    The psychology of not telling the truth in order to protect the status quo or to further a political agenda has a long American tradition.

    Emptywheel is right, this is an amazingly BS answer. The point is, the FBI does the bidding of the gov’t. If facts run counter to current policy then facts be damned and full speed ahead with obfuscation! (I mean,”investigation”)

    I think the anthrax business was initiated because of some big pushback on the Iraq War drums. This is one of those stories that when fully told many years from now will expose many awful truths.

    Meanwhile, babble is the language of bureacratic delay.

    • kindGSL says:

      According to this web site,

      the Patriot Act was the motivation. I refused to pledge allegiance after they passed it. Haven’t since.

      1) The anthrax attacks targeted the US Democrat Senators who opposed Ashcroft’s Patriot Act:

      October 2, 2001 (B): The “anti-terrorism” Patriot Act is introduced in Congress, but is not well received by all. [ Patriot Act, 10/2/01]

      One day later, Senate Majority Leader and future anthrax target Tom Daschle (D) says he doubts the Senate will take up this bill in the one week timetable the administration wants. As head of the Senate, Daschle has great power to block or slow passage of the bill.

      Attorney General Ashcroft accuses Senate Democrats of dragging their feet. [Washington Post, 10/3/01] On October 4, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman and future anthrax target Patrick Leahy (D) accuses the Bush administration of reneging on an agreement on the anti-terrorist bill. Leahy is in a key position to block or slow the bill.

      Some warn that “lawmakers are overlooking constitutional flaws in their rush to meet the administration’s timetable.” Two days later, Ashcroft complains about “the rather slow pace ‘over his request for law enforcement powers’ Hard feelings remain.” [Washington Post, 10/4/01]

      The anthrax letters to Daschle and Leahy are sent out on October 9 and difficulties in passing the Act continue (see October 9, 2001).

      • fuckno says:

        Inside of a good cop / bad cop institution, Daschle might well have been part of the scheme to help institute draconian anti civil rights measures and help lead this country into war.

        I don’t trust most of the power merchants in this coordinated anti democratic kabuki performance.

        Need to insist on sunlight reaching into every crevice of our government, our security and future depends on it!

  7. BoxTurtle says:

    Personal Paranoia: The anthrax attacks were carried out by someone who works or used to work at a bio warfare location that the government does not wish to acknowledge exists.

    That someone has been dealt with, thus the lack of repeat attacks.

    Boxturtle (Or it’s the tylenol poisoner, who was also never caught)

  8. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    Well, I don’t tend to follow the anthrax threads all that much, but it’s a cold day and I’m procrastinating, so I hit the EW Anthrax Timeline thinking that I might find a list of **who** was sent anthrax. (I kind of recall Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, but no ‘conservative’ pundits.)

    Well, that timeline doesn’t have a complete list of recipients, although those named are: Judy-Judy-Judy Miller of NYT, and then also two Dem Senators: Daschle and Leahy.
    However, this timeline says that Miller received FAKE anthrax.
    So of the electeds, it appears that the ‘liberals’ were targeted.

    But then, I clicked to a couple other EW Timelines, and here’s what I came up with by combining several items of interest from a few of the EW Timelines.

    Frankly, I find it rather spooky and extremely creepy, and IMVHO it lends credence to Glenn Greenwald’s suspicions:

    [Disappearing WH Emails Timeline]: 2001, unknown date: Susan Ralston prints off Rove email in response to Enron inquiry, gives that email to Alberto Gonzales, presumably alerting him to Rove’s use of RNC servers for official emails.

    [The Ghorbanifar Meetings Timeline]: September 9. 2001: Condi demands an investigation into a leak that ended up in NYT story; the leak would lead to AIPAC investigation

    [The Ghorbanifar Meetings Timeline]: Before November 7, 2001: Ledeen calls Rodman; Rodman says no to Rome meeting; but then Ledeen calls Hadley, claims Iranians want to defect, so then Hadley calls Wolfowitz, who instructs Rodman to approve the meeting

    [Anthrax Timeline]: September 18, 2001: Less lethal “media” anthrax letters postmarked

    [Anthrax Timeline]: October 2, 2001: …Judy Miller’s Germs published…

    [Anthrax Timeline]: October 9, 2001: Ivins works late for 15 minutes; Daschle and Leahy letters postmarked

    [Anthrax Timeline]: October 12, 2001: Judy Miller gets fake anthrax letter

    [Anthrax Timeline]: October 15, 2001: Daschle letter opened; Bush presses FBI to look into Middle Eastern links to anthrax

    [Anthrax Timeline]: October 18, 2001: John McCain links anthrax attack to Iraq and Phase II of war on terror

    [The Ghorbanifar Meetings Timeline]: July 4, 2002: Ledeen contacts Sembler about further meetings with Ghobanifar in Italy

    [The Ghorbanifar Meetings Timeline]: July 13, 2002: Wolfowitz assistant tells Rodman Tenet supported contacts; Charles Allen to coordinate

    [The Ghorbanifar Meetings Timeline]: July 15, 16, 2002: CIA cables on meeting

    [The Ghorbanifar Meetings Timeline]: July 18, 2002: Sembler alerts Marc Grossman that Ledeen contacted him on July 4 regarding further meetings in Rome in August

    [The Ghorbanifar Meetings Timeline]: July 19, 2002: Rodman action memo (citing multi-million dollar business deals) in response to Ledeen memo recommends ongoing contact with CIA coordination

    [The Ghorbanifar Meetings Timeline]: July 25, 2002: Feith reviews Rodman action memo

    [The Ghorbanifar Meetings Timeline]: July 25, 2002: CIA cable reflecting Powell’s lack of approval for contacts

    [Anthrax Timeline]: Eight months later…
    July 2002: MZM receives White House contract for “threat mail technology insertion

    One way of reading this combined listing (and I’ve left out plenty, and hope to be forgiven for taking up this much space!), is that someone wanted to keep the FBI distracted and busy chasing down , in Miller’s case, bogus threats. Within about six weeks of 9-11. (Excuse my pontificating, but that’s just flat-out evil.)

    Other readers will interpret this list differently.

    What I find creepy is that someone was trying to keep the FBI busy while meeting with Ghorbanifar and his Iranian pals in Italy.

    I also find it creepy that it appears the anthrax might have been used by Cheney to argue for his office technology, installed by Mitchell Wade’s very own MZM, their first-ever federal contract IIRC. And wasn’t Mitchell Wade of MZM the old school buddy of #3 at CIA Dusty Foggo?! (Well, #3 when Porter Goss elevated him and pissed off some CIA folks so that they quite the agency.)

    I leave it to greater minds than mine to interpret what all this means, but I find it damn suspicious and creepy.

    I have no idea what the hell it means.
    I hope Mueller knows.

    As for Grassley… sheesh. What a tool.

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      My reaction that this whole thing is creepy stems in part from the fact that it appears that

      Sept 9, 2001 – Condi Rice demanded an investigation (presumably, by the FBI) into a leak published in the NYT. Condi’s request kicked off the AIPAC investigation (which appears to have never gone anywhere, and IIRC Larry Franklin is now out of jail.

      Sept 11, 2001 – The events of 9-11.

      Sept 18, 2001 – ‘less lethal’ anthrax letters posted at a time when Enron, built on the smoke and mirrors of energy deregulation and unregulated trading, and whose revenues had increased 1,750% in the 1990s** was imploding although few seemed to realize it at the time. It would file for bankruptcy Dec. 2, 2001 – right about the time that meetings between Ghorbanifar and DoD representatives (including Larry Franklin) were being set up for Rome, Italy.

      So the FBI was already incredibly busy (presumably), with everyone probably being pulled off white collar fraud (i.e., Enron, housing bubble, unregulated derivatives…) and put on ‘terrorism’.

      And the WH email servers weren’t preserving info properly.
      And Cheney, Libby, and heaven only knows who else were probably in the loop about those meetings in Italy. And then, the following July doing something to the OVP email system (or ‘mail system’?) to no doubt keep the FBI from monitoring their actions.

      Man, I kind of figure that anyone who actually knows what happened with all this would never post a comment.

      And meanwhile, those of us in the peanut gallery look at these ‘tea leaves’ and can’t help but scratch our heads.

      ‘Cause it sure looks very, very weird.

      **”Other People’s Money”, Nomi Prins, p. 160

    • thatvisionthing says:

      EW’s anthrax timeline has Judy Miller’s Germs (book) published October 2, 2001, but left off that Judy had also cowritten a New York Times article on US violating germ warfare treaty that was published September 4, 2001

      (From History Commons great anthrax timeline at )

      From the entry on the 9/4/01 NYTimes article:

      Dubious Legality – An unnamed senior Bush administration official says all these projects are “fully consistent” with the biological weapons treaty. However, some Clinton administration officials say these projects violate the treaty. They point out that such experiments would draw loud protests from the US if a country deemed hostile to the US were performing them. The US recently rejected efforts to strengthen the biological weapons treaty an allow international inspections of biodefense laboratories in order to keep details of these recent projects secret.

      Maybe terrifying Judy made her writing more poignant?

      Also in that timeline is that White House officials were taking Cipro (anti anthrax treatment) on the evening of September 11, and that reporters all over were being told to take Cipro before the anthrax attakcs. See Richard Cohen entry in the History Commons timeline:

      Washington Post journalist Richard Cohen will later write: “The [2001 anthrax] attacks were not entirely unexpected. I had been told soon after Sept. 11 to secure Cipro, the antidote to anthrax. The tip had come in a roundabout way from a high government official, and I immediately acted on it. I was carrying Cipro way before most people had ever heard of it.” [Slate, 3/18/2008] He will explain on a different occasion, “On a tip, I asked my doctor early on to prescribe Cipro for me, only to find out that, insider though I thought I was, nearly everyone had been asking him for the same thing.” [Washington Post, 7/22/2004] A number of White House officials begin taking Cipro the evening of September 11, 2001 (see Evening, September 11, 2001). Also, on September 26, well before any reports of real anthrax attacks, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd will write, “Americans are now confronted with the specter of terrorists in crop dusters and hazardous-waste trucks spreading really terrifying, deadly toxins like plague, smallpox, blister agents, nerve gas and botulism. Women I know in New York and Washington… share information on which pharmacies still have Cipro, Zithromax and Doxycycline, all antibiotics that can be used for anthrax, the way they once traded tips on designer shoe bargains.” [New York Times, 9/26/2001]

      Anthrax was in the air…

      • kindGSL says:

        A number of White House officials begin taking Cipro the evening of September 11, 2001

        Any idea who they were?

        • thatvisionthing says:

          I took that phrase directly out of the History Commons quote:

          “A number of White House officials begin taking Cipro the evening of September 11, 2001,” which in the original links to:

          Evening, September 11, 2001: White House Staff, Including Cheney’s, Start Taking Anthrax Antibiotic Cipro

          On the evening after the 9/11 attacks, some White House personnel, including Vice President Dick Cheney’s staff, are given the anti-anthrax drug Cipro, and told to take it regularly. [Associated Press, 10/24/2001] An unnamed “high government official” also advises some reporters to take Cipro shortly after 9/11 (see Shortly After September 11, 2001). Judicial Watch will later sue the Bush administration to release documents showing who knew what and when, and why presidential staff were protected while senators, congresspeople, and others were not. [Associated Press, 6/9/2002]

          There are also links in the original that you could follow.* I wish I knew what happened to the Judicial Watch lawsuit, but I don’t. Anybody?

          *Oops, no you can’t. It’s interesting, all the links in that passage above are blocked in the original, but not others above and below it.

        • thatvisionthing says:

          I wish I knew what happened to the Judicial Watch lawsuit, but I don’t. Anybody?

          still googling… It must be this case:

          Judicial Watch filed a complaint on December 6, 2002 for criminal investigation with the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia concerning the October 2001 anthrax contamination of the Brentwood Postal Facility. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court rejected our petition for writ of certioari on May 11, 2006.

          Long list of links on that page, starting with this June 2002 press release:

          Jun 7, 2002
          Judicial Watch Wants to Know Why White House Went on Cipro Beginning September 11th
          What Was Known and When?

          Like I said, a lot of links between the bottom and the top, there’s probably something interesting there if anyone wants to go diving

  9. behindthefall says:

    Wasn’t one of the types of WMD said to have been in Iraqi hands a kind of mobile bioweapons lab? Wasn’t it supposed to be optimized for spore production? It seemed rather reasonable, at the time: “Hey, why not?” But weren’t they later shown to have been fabrications of a tame Iraqi informant? At any rate, Iraqis and weaponized spores were in the air, so to speak, back then.

  10. spoonful says:

    Your leap of faith that Bruce Ivins was involved at all in the anthrax attacks – your question being merely whether he acted alone – is an assumption that may only be based on the unsupported, unchallenged, self-serving conclusion by the Bush FBI that Ivins was responsible for the attacks. It’s easy to win an argument with a dead man – convenient, too.

  11. bmaz says:

    If you have read the Amerithrax coverage here over the years, then it would be readily apparent that there is no conclusion Ivins was involved. There is circumstantial evidence which could support that inference, or it may be coincidence; we simply do not know. However, the FBI conclusion is that Ivins did it and did it alone; what has consistently been pointed out here is that that argument does not hold up – if Ivins was involved, it would appear very unlikely he acted alone.

    • thatvisionthing says:

      Off topic, except it’s an FBI question — have you seen the ACLU press release about a lawsuit they filed against FBI agents on behalf of an American citizen who was “arrested [in Kenya], secretly imprisoned in inhumane conditions and subjected to harsh interrogations by U.S. officials over 30 times in three different countries before ultimately being released four months later without charge.”

      It sounds like the usual American rendition and torture stories… except it’s not the CIA, it’s the FBI. And there are some other details I found surprising, like he was illegally rendered to Somalia (Somalia?), and that his American interrogators threatened him “with being sent to Israel (Israel?), where, the interrogators said, the Israelis would ‘make him disappear.'” Also the later date — 2006-2007 — seemed odd to me, but this was familiar:

      While in Kenya, the Americans who interrogated him repeatedly threatened him with torture. The interrogators warned Meshal that he could be sent to Somalia or Egypt, where the Egyptians “had ways of making him talk,” if he refused to answer questions or agree to the interrogators’ allegations.

      My bold, it brings us back to this posting, how “facts” were conjured to order. Ever since I read that the CIA’s code name for Cheney was Edgar, as in the ventriloquist Edgar Bergen… anybody could be his dummy.

  12. Teddy Partridge says:

    I don’t know what “anthrax attack” you’re talking about, Marcy.

    Dana Perino told me there were no terrorist attacks on America during Bush’s term as president.

  13. Loo Hoo. says:

    (I’ll leave it to the scientists to address Mueller’s certainty on that front)

    I’m just hoping there is a scientist/FBI type following this like a bloodhound (like Marcy), and will report when the facts are beyond discussion.

    • thatvisionthing says:

      I linked to the UCLA anthrax detectives website earlier — they might be who you’re looking for. Specifically, quoting from a 2002 BBC article posted there:

      An FBI forensic linguistics expert believes the US anthrax attacks were carried out by a senior scientist from within America’s biological-defence community.

      Professor Don Foster – who helped convict Unabomber Ted Kaczynski and unveiled Joe Klein as the author of the novel Primary Colors – says the evidence points to someone with high-ranking military and intelligence connections.

      Speaking about the investigation for the first time, Prof Foster told the BBC he had identified two suspects who had both worked for the CIA, the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and other classified military operations.

      Controversially, Prof Foster says the killer is likely to be highly patriotic individual who wanted to demonstrate that the US was badly prepared for an act of biological terrorism….

      The professor says he does not believe the killer will strike again as he has achieved his goal.

      He explained: “To that end his misplaced patriotism has worked. Today millions of government dollars have gone into research and anthrax antibiotics are now available to the public.”

      Agency rivalry?

      However, he fears the investigation is now being hampered in its gathering of vital documents that could lead to the killer.

      Prof Foster says investigators need examples of the suspects writing to analyse their style and use of language – which the professor believes is as unique as DNA and could unveil the perpetrator.

      He said: “It’s very frustrating. Ordinarily with the FBI if there’s some documents needed – known writings – boom, they’re on my desk the next day.

      “My two suspects both appear to have CIA connections. These two agencies, the CIA and the FBI, are sometimes seen as rivals.

      “My anxiety is that the FBI agents assigned to this case are not getting full and complete co-operation from the US military, CIA and witnesses who might have information about this case.”

  14. person1597 says:

    When Bush touted anthrax as a casus belli during the 2002 SOTU, he was employing the tactic of planting “information” in the press and following up with an official pronouncement based on press reports.

    Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward America and to support terror. The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax and nerve gas and nuclear weapons for over a decade.

    We all know the punch line to this joke…

    States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world.

    Plus, a bid for Rummy’s favorite enterprise…

    We will develop vaccines to fight anthrax and other deadly diseases.

    Got anthrax? Paging Lt. Col. “I really hate A-rabs and don’t mind framing them” Zack… White courtesy electron microscope, please… (h/t plunger)

    Documents from the inquiry show that one unauthorized person who was observed entering the lab building at night was Langford’s predecessor, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, who at the time no longer worked at Fort Detrick. A surveillance camera recorded Zack being let in at 8:40 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1992, apparently by Dr. Marian Rippy, a lab pathologist and close friend of Zack’s, according to a report filed by a security guard.

    How about one more lie for the record Mr. Bush…

    None of us would ever wish the evil that was done on September 11th, yet after America was attacked, it was as if our entire country looked into a mirror and saw our better selves

    So Cheney’s false flag attack on “go fuck yourself” Leahy and friends purposefully passes over Judy Kneepads. Why?

    She needed the cover of having been attacked in order for her writing to be taken seriously.

    Just re-hashing the knowns here…

  15. orionATL says:

    Because the first attack was in Florida, we could gossip that brother Jeb was involved.

    We could further speculate that right-wing Cuban Americans were involved.

    But so far no plausible story can explain why

    s were involved .


  16. orionATL says:

    And, of course, aei, the american enterprise, members of which may have been closely involved in the
    Fake “Iraq is seeking nuclear
    Dirt from Niger” episode.

    The closer these matters prove to
    Be to each other

    The more disturbing.

  17. person1597 says:

    Did you remember Rudy “911” Giuliani was involved in the aftermath of the Anthrax murders?


    January 13, 2004 – Boca Raton, FL. Flanked by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Chairman and CEO of Giuliani Partners LLC, and John Y. Mason, President and CEO of Sabre Technical Services LLC, David Rustine, President of Crown Companies and the new owner of the American Media Inc. (AMI) building announced today that Bio·ONE™ has been selected to decontaminate and remediate the building –– site of the first recognized anthrax incident in 2001.

    Nice of Rudy to supervise the cleanup of the whole building, especially the floor where the nasty pictures that could make life uncomfortable for certain political figures were kept…

    September 19, 2001: Possible Hoax Anthrax Letter Received at Office of Florida Tabloid

    Furthermore, the floor where the letter is opened and passed around will later turn out to be the least infected floor of the building, suggesting that the letter contained no real anthrax. But while the mail room in the basement is the most heavily infected part of the building, no other letter will be found that caused the infections there.

    So somebody goes around contaminating the building full of embarrassing archives, then sends a decoy packed with symbolic goodies and whammo, photo assets neutralized, objective complete. And just for souvenirs,

    Elvis photo destroyed, defendant says

    In his lawsuit, Rustine says Mason took the photo hostage to keep him from canceling Sabre’s contract. Mason contends that Rustine filed the lawsuit over the photo to force him to resolve a $10 million claim he filed against Rustine after the contract was canceled.

    Rudy’s company Sabre also got contracts to lead the cleanup of Capitol Hill offices and U.S. Postal Service plants in Washington, D.C., and Hamilton, N.J. No wonder Rudy wanted Dick as a running mate in ’08.

    • kindGSL says:

      And I thought they just wanted to bug Democratic offices in congress. Clean up operations sure are useful.

  18. dotmafia says:

    doesn’t anyone else think it strange that Cheney and his staff would be given the anti-anthrax drug cipro weeks before the first anthrax attack? precautions aside, it almost seems to cry out foreknowledge. i dunno, maybe it’s just me.

  19. kindGSL says:

    My thinking is when the FBI ignores something like this, it is because they have been told to by higher ups. Apparently that is a common practice in the drug war.

  20. BayStateLibrul says:


    The Report is in the mail, last minute redactions.
    Where the fuck is the OPR Report.
    End of the month accountability push…

  21. MidnightWalker says:

    If Bruce Ivins, a WHITE anglo-saxon American working for the U.S. government, did the anthrax letters…why did they say on them: “DEATH TO ISRAEL”, “ALLAH IS GREAT”, & “DEATH TO AMERICA”? How come no one ever asks that?

    Are we supposed to just ignore that???

    On September 5, Ms. Clarke–lured back into government service by pal Mary Matalin on Vice President Dick Cheney’s staff, from a high-paying post as Manhattan office director for the venerable public relations firm of Hill & Knowlton–the former PR chief to Senator John McCain and one-time George Bush (the elder) staffer would divulge to foreign media that the United States, via the Pentagon and the shadowy Defense Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, would begin producing a new and potent strain of anthrax bacteria, and that such plans had been in the works since 1997. The source of the anthrax was to be from Russian stock, and, according to Ms. Clarke, would be used “purely for defensive measures.”

    The new strain of anthrax, engineered by Russian sources, Clarke purported, would be used to test the effectiveness of a newly-developed vaccine in the United States. “We have a vaccine that works against a known anthrax strain. What we want to do is make sure we are prepared for any surprises, for anything that might happen that might be a threat,” she said.

    Clarke presented this information on September 4, 2001, via a Department of Defense news briefing; when asked directly as to whether the United States, through any agency, was developing or producing anthrax bacilli, her response, repeatedly, was, “no.”

    • BoxTurtle says:

      There’s no telling what the FBI did/did not ignore, as they are being quite firm about not having their investigation investigated. Even Leahy seems unable to pry information out of them. For all we know, those phrases could be in Osama’s own handwriting. Or Dick Cheney’s.

      And the anthrax mailed was from a known strain, originally from the United States.

      BushCo violated several treaties and lied about it. If we were actually doing biowarfare work outside the treaty, I’d expect BushCo to lie. And as has been pointed out here repeatedly, the entire investigation reeks of a coverup.

      Boxturtle (Wonder how much money Bayer made off of that sudden burst of Cipro sales)

    • thatvisionthing says:

      I would add Judicial Watch’s stymied questions (#77) to Greenwald’s ongoing and still unanswered questions:

      Jun 7, 2002
      Judicial Watch Wants to Know Why White House Went on Cipro Beginning September 11th
      What Was Known and When?

  22. behindthefall says:

    Remember that the narrative about events at Detrick mentioned “the lyophilizer in the hall”? No reason anyone should remember that I said at the time that that did not seem like a reasonable explanation of how anyone could make a spore prep in which spores were not clumped and yet showed no signs of having been ground.

    In a natural foods store I noticed on the label of a bottle of spirulina made at a plant in Hawaii that the algal cells are dried by a “patented, proprietary” process described as low-temperature spray-drying. Now, *that* is how I would describe the only way I’ve been able to come up with of how to make the lethal spore prep that was mailed. So, a good candidate technique *is* out there.

    And it isn’t “the lyophilizer in the hall”. Nothing in this whole story smells like a guy with a grudge in a lab.

    • thatvisionthing says:

      I’m not familiar with your lyophilizing reference, and I haven’t read the whole article, but does this beginning to an October 2003 Vanity Fair article posted on the UCLA website sound promising?:

      The Message in the Anthrax

      After fingering Joe Klein for Primary Colors and helping snare the alleged Atlanta Olympics bomber, the author, a professor of English at Vassar, was asked to analyze the 2001 anthrax letters. Frustrated with the F.B.I.”s anthrax task force, he unseals his investigation of a most intriguing — and disturbing — suspect.


      In the spring of 1998, an officer at the Dugway Proving Ground, in Utah, called the veteran biowarrior William C. Patrick III to ask for his help. The army wanted to convert some of its deadly anthrax into a dry powder, but, in Patrick’s words, “didn’t have a freeze-dryer, didn’t have a spray dryer, no drying capability at all.” The Soviets hadn’t let the 1972 biological-and-toxinweapons convention stop them from producing 4,500 metric tons of anthrax per year. But when the Americans signed it, they put Bill Patrick out to pasture and then seemingly forgot the art, developed by Patrick in 1959, of weaponizing Bacillus anthracis without milling. Now Patrick had to re-educate the army’s top microbiologists, showing them how to freeze-dry a slurry of anthrax simulant; how to purify it to a trillion spores per gram in a centrifuge; and how to remove the electrostatic charge, to prevent clumping. On one visit to Dugway, Patrick said he had employed the less sophisticated method of acetone extraction to produce a pound of dry anthrax in a single day — enough to kill thousands of people. (Patrick now says that he misspoke when he claimed to have produced the pound of anthrax.)

      “I want to bring several things to your attention,” said Patrick. “Look how easily that powder flows. It is composed of three to five microns, the particle size that gets down into your lungs and causes the infection.” Then he came clean. It was not really anthrax but rather Bacillus globigii, or B.g., the army’s anthrax simulant of choice. “Now if you think I’m stupid enough to release anthrax in that powdered form,” Patrick said with a grin, “you’re giving me too much credit.”

  23. Gitcheegumee says:

    OT but important,dated today,Nov.28,2009:

    U.S. Still Running Secret Prison in Afghanistan
    Source: New York Times

    An American military detention camp in Afghanistan is still holding inmates for sometimes weeks at a time and without access to the International Committee of the Red Cross, according to human rights researchers and former detainees held at the site on the Bagram Air Base.

    The site consists of individual windowless concrete cells, each lighted by a single light bulb glowing 24 hours a day, where detainees said that their only contact with another human being was at twice-daily interrogation sessions.

    The jail’s operation highlights a tension between President Obama’s goal to improve detention conditions that had drawn condemnation under the Bush administration and his desire to give military commanders leeway to operate. In this case, that means isolating certain prisoners for a period of time so interrogators can extract information or flush out confederates.

    While Mr. Obama signed an order to eliminate so-called black sites run by the Central Intelligence Agency in January, that order did not apply to this jail, which is run by military Special Operations forces.

    Read more:

    • thatvisionthing says:

      so interrogators can extract information or flush out confederates.

      or agree to the interrogators’ allegations.

      (See my comment #29 above.)

      Way to get the “fact” you want on record.

  24. hughsansom says:

    As some have almost certainly noted here (and definitely have elsewhere), there is a very straightforward reason why the anthrax attacks have been memory-holed.

    1. It was confirmed that the source of the anthrax was a US laboratory. (This is certain).
    2. A US source means an American terrorist and this fact does not conform with the post-9/11 axiom that “All Terrorism Is Committed by Muslims and/or Arabs.”

    That “terrorist” is identically linked with being Arab or Muslim was widely taken as axiomatic before 9/11, witness the widespread assertions following the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Laurie Mylroie exemplified the absolute certainty — regardless of any and all evidence — that the bombing of the Murrah building must have been a Arab terrorist attack. Since 9/11, this widespread axiom has been adopted nearly universally in the US.

    BUT, we know conclusively that there was no Arab or Muslim component — or foreign of any kind — to the anthrax attacks. That being the case, it is highly likely that the anthrax attacks were committed by some American right-winger. If true that would be heretical in 21st Century America. Pure-blooded Americans are the world’s most virtuous people. So sayeth the Lords — Beck, Coulter, Kyl, Coburn, Cheney, Rice, Bush, Malkin, and on and on.

  25. cinnamonape says:

    I don’t know if anyone is following the Chilcott Commission hearings in London but the testimony of ex-Ambassador Sir Christopher Meyer has been fascinating.

    Little noticed in the American media is that Cheney was wanting to immunize every American for Anthrax, even if the untested vaccine killed 20 million Americans!

    That Karl Rove told Meyer that they couldn’t postpone the invasion because if it crept into 2003 it would “be too close to the Presidential elections”.

    That the US military was told “not to enforce law and order. It wasn’t their job”

    That Rumsfeld didn’t trust the intelligence coming out of the CIA and with Cheney set up a parallel intelligence system.

    • thatvisionthing says:

      Good link, thanks — actually I think this is the passage EW was referring to at the beginning of her post above, quoting from Glenn Greenwald.

      Posted by Andrew Sparrow Thursday 26 November 2009 08.44 GMT

      10.37am: Sir Roderic Lyne is asking the questions now. He asks about Colin Powell’s decision to get a new UN security council resolution. Meyer says the White House was not very interested in this.

      Lyne wants to know at what point the most senior people in the Bush administration settled on policy of forced removal of Saddam as an objective.

      Meyer says it was after the anthrax scare. At the time he did not give much attention to this. But it “really steamed up” the administration. They thought that the last person to use anthrax was Saddam.

      Meyer says this is set out in a book called The Bush Tragedy. Cheney was so worried that he considered getting everyone in the US to have a smallpox vacination, even though 20m people could die as a side-effect.

      Meyer says the Bush administration became re-animated. Bush had a purpose.

      (I wonder what kind of connection there is between anthrax and smallpox? Same vaccination for both? Same company producing the vaccinations? Dunno…)

      • thatvisionthing says:

        God I love the google!

        Fishing for a Way to Change the World
        By Jacob Weisberg | NEWSWEEK
        From the magazine issue dated Jan 28, 2008

        Cheney and Libby believed that Iraq’s potential to produce a smallpox weapon necessitated universal vaccination of the general population, something that hadn’t happened in the United States since 1972. On the other side of the argument was Donald Henderson, the heroic epidemiologist who led the WHO smallpox eradication program and later became Bush 41’s science adviser. After the anthrax attacks, HHS brought Henderson in as a consultant to help develop emergency plans.

        When I visited him at his office at the Center for Biosecurity in Baltimore, Henderson recounted a surprise, unpublicized visit he paid to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta with Cheney and Libby on July 18, 2002. [e-mails, foias anyone?] Henderson flew down with them on Air Force Two and spent most of the trip explaining to the vice president and his chief of staff why he and other epidemiologists thought a massive vaccination program would be a terrible idea. Even medical professionals were horrified when they saw the range of normal reactions to a vaccination: grotesque scabs, lesions, and pustules. Henderson showed me a pamphlet that HHS distributed to hospitals to document the abnormal reactions: blackened limbs, uncontrolled swelling, and a reaction called progressive vaccinia, in which sores cover the body from head to toe.

        Worse than the panic these reactions would cause would be the predictable casualties. According to Henderson, adverse reactions to the vaccine were estimated to kill between one and two out of every million people inoculated. The question of legal liability would be a nightmare. Henderson said that Cheney and Libby didn’t seem to disagree with his arguments, which he reviewed with them on the return flight. “I thought, Thank God they’ve finally gotten the message. Finally we’ve been able to get it through to them that this just does not make sense,” Henderson said.

        When he reached his home in Baltimore two hours later, Henderson’s wife was waiting with an urgent message to call the office. “They were going to have a press release the next morning announcing that they were going to vaccinate the entire country immediately,” Henderson said. “I couldn’t believe it.” But after girding for battle and taking a 5:00 a.m. train to HHS the next morning, Henderson was relieved to be told that the vaccination plan was off after all. Bush had overruled Cheney. Bush eventually announced a compromise: mandatory vaccination of 500,000 military personnel, and voluntary vaccination for the same number of health-care workers or “first responders.” But by the time the vaccine was ready for use, in early 2004, the panic was over. Saddam didn’t have a smallpox weapon after all. Bush was vaccinated at the White House, but decided that members of his family and the White House staff didn’t need to run the risk. Cheney himself chose not to be vaccinated.

        What a guy!

        • thatvisionthing says:

          More, from Jeremy Scahill, 2005:

          Germ Warfare: The Second Front of Scooter Libby, Judy Miller and Dick Cheney
          Published on Thursday, November 17, 2005 by

          Lewis “Scooter” Libby was a busy man in 2002-2003, pushing the lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and targeting those who dared to challenge the Administration. Still, with all the leaking and smearing they were doing, Libby and his “former” boss Dick Cheney found the time to conduct a parallel propaganda war in which they attempted to use the US public as guinea pigs. And once again, Judy Miller served as a crucial PR agent for the cause. In mid-2002, as they struggled desperately to sell the war, these key players in “Plamegate” were engaged in a full-out offensive aimed at convincing Americans that the country faced an imminent threat of a smallpox attack. To underscore this “threat,” Libby began fanatically pressing to have the entire US population preemptively vaccinated against smallpox (which was declared eradicated in 1980). The proposal was immediately met with opposition from public health experts, including those at the Department of Health and Human Services….

          …What Hauer and his colleagues at HHS may not have known is that smallpox was a career-long obsession of Libby’s–so much so that his nickname in the administration was “Germ Boy.” His 1996 novel, The Apprentice, is about a smallpox outbreak and it was one of Libby’s main areas of concern when he worked under Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz at the Pentagon during the Gulf War….

          …More than a decade later, Libby was facing renewed frustration with another group of experts challenging his obsession. Hauer says that when he and other public health officials presented their opposition to Libby’s “hysterical” universal smallpox vaccination scheme, the pressure from Cheney’s office increased….

          As the battle over Libby’s vaccination plan raged on, the Administration amplified the propaganda and received assistance from a reliable ally. In December 2002, Judy Miller penned a story called “Threats and Responses: Germ Weapons; C.I.A. Hunts Iraq Tie to Soviet Smallpox.” The source of the story? “The information came to the American government from an informant whose identity has not been disclosed,” wrote Miller, reporting: “The possibility that Iraq possesses this strain is one of several factors that has complicated Mr. Bush’s decision…about how many Americans should be vaccinated against smallpox.”

      • pejohb says:

        no, not even close.

        1. Smallpox is caused by a virus, anthrax by a spore-forming bacterium. The former has been completely eliminated from the human population, the latter can typically be treated using 1980’s era antibiotics.

        2. Despite the undeniable, unequivocally evil nature of the Pharmaceutical industry Death Eaters (Hi Marcy!), there’s simply no money to be made recreating an 18th century prohylactic vaccine (the term vaccine arose from Jenner’s use of cowpox to vaccinate against the related smallpox virus).

        • thatvisionthing says:

          there’s simply no money to be made

          Uh… From the Scahill article:

          While Libby’s smallpox vaccination pipedream failed in one sense, the administration has succeeded in its much bigger battle–siphoning tremendous resources (and experts) from real public health threats like Avian flu and redirecting them toward “war on terror” marketable programs like anthrax and smallpox biodefense. In 2003, the Bush administration asked Congress for just $100 million to prepare for Avian flu, compared to a whopping $6 billion for its war on terror-friendly “Project Bioshield.” What’s more, Congressional Republicans refused to allocate the money for flu preparations, giving HHS just $49 million–less than half the already ridiculously low request.

          And from wikipedia:

          The Project Bioshield Act was an act passed by the United States Congress in 2004 calling for $5 billion for purchasing vaccines that would be used in the event of a bioterrorist attack.[1] This is a ten-year program to acquire medical countermeasures to biological, chemical, radiological and nuclear agents for civilian use.

          (10-year program… it must still be ongoing?)

        • pejohb says:

          uh, nice stripping of context.

          I was addressing the parenthetical question in post 60: “Same vaccination for both? Same company producing the vaccinations?”

          The answer is still “no” to both questions.

          Further, there’s no patent life left in cipro, and any competent first year graduate student could make a smallpox vaccine. No fortunes to be made there.

        • thatvisionthing says:

          No stripping of context intended. I was simply addressing one point of your comment. I absolutely appreciate your other information, it’s simply your conclusion that there was no money to be made that I thought needed a wider look. And if you think about it, Project Bioshield is totally consistent with the Bush pattern of spending crazy money on crazy fear, while stealing funding and manpower away from real needs, tying up and coopting Congress all the while.

          I think you could be like Hauer in #63, the HHS head who tried to talk science sense into Cheney and Libby (“Germ Boy”) so they wouldn’t order everyone in America to be vaccinated for smallpox. If you read to the end of Scahill’s article, Hauer gets sacked and replaced at HHS by a guy with the same kind of nonqualifications that Heckuva Job Brownie brought to FEMA. That’s the context I see. You’re reality-based, but those guys were someplace else, like Ron Suskind reported in 2004:

          The [Bush] aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” … “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.


    • thatvisionthing says:

      Ex British Ambassador to Uzbekistan (and sacked torture whistleblower) Craig Murray is commenting on the UK inquiry on his own blog: He’s pretty critical of the setup:

      November 24, 2009

      Iraq Inquiry: The First Big Lie

      Sir John Chilcot was just ten minutes in to the first public session of the Iraq Inquiry when he told the first big lie – and a lie which, when examined, exposes the entire charade.

      “My colleagues and I come to this inquiry with an open mind.”

      That is demonstrably untrue. Three of the five members – Rod Lyne, Martin Gilbert and Lawrence Freedman – are prominent proponents of the Iraq war. By contrast, nobody on the committee was in public against the invasion of Iraq. How can it be fine to pack the committee with supporters of the invasion, when anyone against the invasion was excluded?

      I knew to check Craig Murray because of his recent article, How a Torture Protest Killed a Career:

      We built up an overwhelming dossier of evidence, and I complained to London about the conduct of our ally in rather strong terms including the photos of the boy being boiled alive.

      I received a reply from the British Foreign Office. It said, this is a direct quote, “Dear Ambassador, we are concerned that you are perhaps over-focused on human rights to the detriment of commercial interests.”

      I was taken aback. I found that extraordinary. But things had gotten much worse because while we were gathering the information about torture, we were also learning what people were forced to confess to under torture.

      People aren’t tortured for no reason. They’re tortured in order to extract some information or to get them to admit to things, and normally the reason you torture people is to get them to admit to things that aren’t actually true. They were having to confess to membership in al-Qaeda, to being at training camps in Afghanistan, personally meeting Osama bin Laden.

      There was an overwhelming body of evidence that actually people from all over the world were being taken by the CIA to Uzbekistan specifically in order to be tortured.

      I’m writing memos saying it’s illegal to torture people, children are being tortured in front of their parents. And they’re writing memos back saying it depends on the definition of complicity under Article Four of the UN Convention.

      Lessons Learned

      The thing that came out of it most strongly for me is how in a bureaucratic structure, if the government can convince people that there is a serious threat to the nation, ordinary people who are not bad people will go along with things that they know are bad, like torture, like trying to stain an innocent man.

      And it’s circular, because the extraordinary thing about it was that the whole point of the intelligence being obtained under torture was to actually exaggerate the terrorist threats and to exaggerate the strength of al-Qaeda.

      That was the whole point of why people were being tortured, to confess that they were members of al-Qaeda when they weren’t members of al-Qaeda and to denounce long lists of names of people as members of al-Qaeda who weren’t members of al-Qaeda.

  26. Gitcheegumee says:

    Has anybody seen Jon Meacham’s piece for Newsweek yet,about Dick Cheney for Prez in 2012?

    And you thought the Mayans were nuts?

    Why Dick Cheney Should Run in 2012‎ – 10 hours ago
    But I think we should be taking the possibility of a Dick Cheney bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 more seriously, for a run would be …Newsweek – 22 related articles »

  27. pejohb says:

    An investigation into the scientific components of this case (i.e., whether the FBI conclusions that Ivins made the material, the origins of the strains, etc.) is underway:

    The outcome is pretty likely to be that the official story is within the realm of possibility. I predict no new groud will be broken, and no closeted skeletons will be disturbed by the esteemed Academy. Scientists tend to write their conclusions very conservatively, which favors the status quo here.

    I always thought it was complete bullshit that Ivins killed himself with fistfuls of Tylenol #3, as the official line describes. That kind of death takes weeks, or the consumption rapid consumption of over a hundred tablets (I remember calculating that something like 127 pills would be required for 90% lethality from the opiates in this formulation). I don’t see the purported suicide as plausible at all, and thus the whole story is in question in my mind.

    Does anyone know if there was an Ivins autopsy report released?

  28. thatvisionthing says:

    sorry for the double posting, I don’t know how to edit… if a mod will please delete the first one?

  29. Gitcheegumee says:


    “People aren’t tortured for no reason. They’re tortured in order to extract some information or to get them to admit to things, and normally the reason you torture people is to get them to admit to things that aren’t actually true. They were having to confess to membership in al-Qaeda, to being at training camps in Afghanistan, personally meeting Osama bin Laden.

    There was an overwhelming body of evidence that actually people from all over the world were being taken by the CIA to Uzbekistan specifically in order to be tortured.”

    Here ia an excellent ,thoughful essay from Online Journal,salient to the issues at hand:

    Before Obama escalates the Afghan war, he must tell us who we are fighting
    By Peter Chamberlin

    Who is “al Qaida,” that we must continue killing and destroying entire nations to eliminate them?
    Nov 27, 2009, 00:25

    • thatvisionthing says:

      Thanks… I thought this article by Chris Hedges on us v Taliban was really excellent too:

      Afghanistan’s Sham Army
      Posted on Nov 9, 2009
      By Chris Hedges

      The problem in Afghanistan is not ultimately a military problem. It is a political and social problem. The real threat to stability in Afghanistan is not the Taliban, but widespread hunger and food shortages, crippling poverty, rape, corruption and a staggering rate of unemployment that mounts as foreign companies take jobs away from the local workers and businesses. The corruption and abuse by the Karzai government and the ANA, along with the presence of foreign contractors, are the central impediments to peace. The more we empower these forces, the worse the war will become. The plan to escalate the number of American soldiers and Marines, and to swell the ranks of the Afghan National Army, will not or defeat or pacify the Taliban.

      “What good are a quarter-million well-trained Afghan troops to a nation slipping into famine?” the officer asked. “What purpose does a strong military serve with a corrupt and inept government in place? What hope do we have for peace if the best jobs for the Afghans involve working for the military? What is the point of getting rid of the Taliban if it means killing civilians with airstrikes and supporting a government of misogynist warlords and criminals?

      “We as Americans do not help the Afghans by sending in more troops, by increasing military spending, by adding chaos to disorder,” he said. “What little help we do provide is only useful in the short term and is clearly unsustainable in the face of our own economic crisis. In the end, no one benefits from this war, not America, not Afghans. Only the CEOs and executive officers of war-profiteering corporations find satisfactory returns on their investments.”

      which takes me back to Craig Murray:

      We built up an overwhelming dossier of evidence, and I complained to London about the conduct of our ally in rather strong terms including the photos of the boy being boiled alive.

      I received a reply from the British Foreign Office. It said, this is a direct quote, “Dear Ambassador, we are concerned that you are perhaps over-focused on human rights to the detriment of commercial interests.”

    • thatvisionthing says:

      The article I keep going back to is from the Onion as part of their Holy Fucking Shit/Attack on America coverage of 9/11:

      U.S. Vows To Defeat Whoever It Is We’re At War With
      September 26, 2001

      WASHINGTON, DC—In a televised address to the American people Tuesday, a determined President Bush vowed that the U.S. would defeat “whoever exactly it is we’re at war with here.”

      “America’s enemy, be it Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, the Taliban, a multinational coalition of terrorist organizations, any of a rogue’s gallery of violent Islamic fringe groups, or an entirely different, non-Islamic aggressor we’ve never even heard of… be warned,” Bush said during an 11-minute speech from the Oval Office. “The United States is preparing to strike, directly and decisively, against you, whoever you are, just as soon as we have a rough idea of your identity and a reasonably decent estimate as to where your base is located.”

      Added Bush: “That is, assuming you have a base.”

      Bush is acting with the full support of Congress, which on Sept. 14 authorized him to use any necessary force against the undetermined attackers.

      8 years and counting… by the way, where IS Congress on this?

      “Christ,” McCain continued, “what if the terrorists’ base of operation turns out to be Detroit? Would we declare war on the state of Michigan? I suppose we’d have to.”

      • thatvisionthing says:

        I am never going to edit again. You fix one thing and your paragraphs collapse. You fix your paragraphs and you get a double posting. arrrrrgh

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