Share the Turkey

Picture 146A couple of weeks ago, the USDA put numbers to the reality that has appeared, anecdotally, all over the country: more and more people in this country don’t have enough food. Almost 15% of the country had at least some food insecurity last year. 5 million more kids faced hunger last year than the year before.

That means the food banks that have helped such families fill the gap are slammed, facing far more demand than they can meet.

So as you prepare to join family and friends tomorrow to give thanks for everything you’ve got, if you’re able, please consider helping the food banks that are trying to put Thanksgiving meals on so many tables this year.

Feeding America

Pantry Net

Angel Food Ministries

Gleaners Community Food Bank, Southeastern MI

Food Gatherers, Washtenaw County, MI

(Susie’s got more links here)

18 replies
  1. Leen says:

    Thanks for the suggestion EW.

    In Lonewolf Oklahoma for Thanksgiving. 300 peole in this town. Spent part of the day in a cotton gin with a some of the guys who have worked in that gin for 40 some years. Equipment over 50 years old. Tumbleweed, horses, a few volcanic mountains, lots of folks in their 80’s and 90’s. Some real classic characters. One day talked with a middle aged flower shop owner who brought up the health care issue and she started talking about how she hoped that it did not pass and spewed all of the fearmongering that she has heard the Insurance companies spew on the MSM. (she had a little cross around her neck and most of you know that really gets under my skin) Went I asked her if she thought Jesus would want all people to have health care…she sort of lost her bearings. And then came back with what does Religious beliefs have to do with health care. Oh you should have been there. Then down the main street of Lonewolf to talk with a retired plumber who claimed that the whole country started going to hell under Reagan. Another great conversation. Co-op is written up on everything around here, the gins, the trucks CO-ops co-ops…another way to say socialism to me. In one of the reddest states in the union

    Way ot. Incredible discussion between Andrew Bacivich and David Frum about the situation in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Israeli Palestinian conflict over at Crooks and Liars. Worth it. Unable to link.

    Happy Thanksgiving folks and thanks for that suggestion EW.

  2. fatster says:

    Wonderful of you to remind all of us about this, EW. People are stepping up here and there. For example, one Volunteers of America site has reported that, while last year they only got 275 turkeys donated (25 less than they’d hoped), this year they have already received 800 “and counting”!.

  3. Waccamaw says:

    And a good time to remind people that once Thanksgiving and Christmas are over, the hunger continues into January…….February…….March……… you get the picture.

    Happy holidays and safe travels to all.

    • bmaz says:

      Monday?? Au contraire! We will be right here all though tomorrow and the weekend, even if a little sparse, addled and inebriated. There will be special fun and exciting posts! Okay, I am using surplus exclamation points up so they don’t go to waste (they are not like rollover minutes ya know). But we’ll be kind of be around if y’all want to stop in. There will, for instance, be some Turkey Trash for the games tomorrow. And don’t forget, the OPR report may drop Friday.

      • Jim White says:

        Yeah, I realize turkey trash will be coming. I’m gonna be stuck in a nasty little town in central Florida Friday through Monday for a horse show (which I will boycott for a few hours Saturday to find a TV to watch the Florida-Florida State game), so I’ll probably miss the OPR report drop. That one really burns me…

        I should have been more specific that I will be back to the battles Monday (and may try to drop in Friday night and Saturday night if the stars align…)

        Wanders off to the fridge to find a beer to celebrate finally winning an all-day battle with hard drive errors.

      • rosalind says:

        There will be special fun and exciting posts!

        ok, but if you start using those winking emoticon things you are officially cut off.

      • BayStateLibrul says:

        I’ve had a few Beck’s, and my wife just handed me a white Zin.
        Can you live blog the NO v Patsie classic?
        We need redemption….

  4. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    Apologies for the OT, but this looks at first glance like a big deal:

    Dubai shocked investors on Wednesday by asking for a creditor standstill at Dubai World, the government’s heavily indebted flagship holding company behind some of the world’s most extravagant real estate developments.

    The request raised the spectre of default in the Middle East’s trading hub just as early signs of economic recovery have emerged. Dubai rode the wave of easy credit during the boom years generating phenomenal growth but was badly hit by the global credit crisis.

    More at the link.

  5. Blub says:

    yep. which begs the question: does a country that can no longer feed it’s citizens really have a shot at giving those same citizens universal healthcare? Perhaps someone should yank our OECD membership instead. I don’t think advanced industrial countries are supposed to have difficulty with something as basic as food supply to their economically disadvantaged. National fail.

  6. roand says:

    can we please avoid the gumint sanctioned nomenclature for HUNGER. “Food insecurity” is like enhanced interrogation, enemy combatants, extraordinary rendition, etc. Enough deception.

  7. timbo says:

    Those would be the same 15% that are underinsured healthwise, right? Surprise. Not. The greed of the plutocrats bears a wicked fruit.

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