Are They Trying the 9/11 Conspirators in NYC to Get Material Support Charges?
There are a lot of reasons it makes sense to try the 9/11 plotters in NYC. But as I was reviewing this article on the five who will be charged in NY, I wondered whether one central reason the Obama Administration is doing so is for greater justification for material support for terrorism charges.
In addition to the two big names being charged in NY–KSM and Ramzi bin al-Shibh–the three others are:
- Walid bin Attash: Allegedly participated in early casing of targets, also admitted to involvement in Cole bombing
- Ali Abdul Aziz Ali: Allegedly transferred $100,000 to the hijackers and facilitated their travel to the US
- Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi: Allegedly served as money-man for the attack and received unused money from hijackers in days before the attack
It’s the latter two that have me wondering. Both claim to have had no advance knowledge of the attack. Both claim to have some separation from al Qaeda itself (a claim that KSM has supported in the case of Ali, who is KSM’s nephew).
In other words, these guys are alleged to be financiers with (they claim) little operational knowledge of the attack itself. While I presume the government may have evidence refuting that claim, the ultimate backstop here would seem to be a material support charge which–the Holy Land Foundation trial makes clear–has been used to give wide leeway to prosecutors to charge those for whom intent to commit terrorism may not be easy to prove.
Now consider something Assistant Attorney General David Kris said when testifying before Congress regarding Military Commissions–in advance of changes the Obama Administration made to Military Commissions which in turn led to Friday’s announcement.
There are two additional issues I would like to highlight today that are not addressed by the Committee bill that we believe should be considered. The first is the offense of material support for terrorism or terrorist groups. While this is a very important offense in our counterterrorism prosecutions in Federal court under title 18 of the U.S. Code, there are serious questions as to whether material support for terrorism or terrorist groups is a traditional violation of the law of war. The President has made clear that military commissions are to be used only to prosecute law of war offenses. Although identifying traditional law of war offenses can be a difficult legal and historical exercise, our experts believe that there is a significant risk that appellate courts will ultimately conclude that material support for terrorism is not a traditional law of war offense, thereby reversing hard-won convictions and leading to questions about the system’s legitimacy. However, we believe conspiracy can, in many cases, be properly charged consistent with the law of war in military commissions, and that cases that yield material support charges could often yield such conspiracy charges. Further, material support charges could be pursued in Federal court where feasible. [my emphasis]
I think the Military Commissions, as currently incarnated, may not take as stark a view as Kris. But his statement makes it clear that those involved in discussions of where these men would be tried believed that material support charges were not a violation of the law of war, and therefore should not be charged in Military Commissions.
So if you want to charge Ali and Hawsawi and be sure the charges will stick, does that mean you’ve got to charge them in civilian court?
Update: From DOJ spokesperson Dean Boyd:
The reforms that Congress made to the Military Commissions Act which were ultimately enacted into law recently, kept the charge of material support as a charge in the military commissions system. So material support charges remain a possibility in both federal trials and military commissions.
Update: Here’s the referral process the DOJ published in July. It lists the following as factors for where you prosecute:
Factors for Determination of Prosecution. There is a presumption that, where feasible, referred cases will be prosecuted in an Article III court, in keeping with traditional principles of federal prosecution. Nonetheless, where other compelling factors make it more appropriate to prosecute a case in a reformed military commission, it may be prosecuted there. The inquiry turns on the following broad sets of factors, which are based on forum-selection factors traditionally used by federal prosecutors.
A. Strength of Interest. The factors to be considered here are the nature of the offenses to be charged or any pending charges; the nature and gravity of the conduct underlying the offenses; the identity of victims of the offense; the location in which the offenses occurred; the location and context in which the individual was apprehended; and the manner in which the case was investigated and evidence gathered, including the investigating entities.
B. Efficiency. The factors to be considered here are protection of intelligence sources and methods; the venue in which the case would be tried; issues related to multiple-defendant trials; foreign policy concerns; legal or evidentiary problems that might attend prosecution in the other jurisdiction; and efficiency and resource concerns.
C. Other Prosecution Considerations. The factors to be considered here are the extent to which the forum, and the offenses that could be charged in that forum, permit a full presentation of the wrongful conduct allegedly committed by the accused, and the available sentence upon conviction of those offenses.
Note: material support is limited to US jurisdiction. But since both Ali and Hawsawi were allegedly cabling money back and forth to the US they would presumably qualify.
Ali didn’t get any money from the US, although he sent several payments there. Al-Hawsawi didn’t send any money to the US, although he received some money back at the end (together with a couple of other things sent by post). I guess just that might qualify them, though.
Yeah, I think that’s all it takes. Wire or postal usage in the US would seem to get you there–though maybe the lawyers present can correct me.
Since Steven’s opinion, this has to have been a very big issue. Al-Nashiri is going to push the envelope on this, though, won’t he? If they are going for MC for his Cole involvement, but he wasn’t a active member of the assault on the Cole, then it looks as if material support/etc. is what they are going to be looking at there, too. And he wasn’t taken on a battlefield in Afghanistan or Iraq IIRC. Not that I don’t get them all blurred together – I wish I’d made at least cyber files with a couple of years back.
OT – Following close on the heels of Gates refusing the release of the US torture pictures, Obama is in China telling them he’s a big supporter of “non-censorship.”
Obama then argued for the destruction of all pictures of Chinese government atrocities. Puzzled students went back to look up the word “Hope” again. “It obviously doesn’t mean what we thought it meant” said a surprised student, who requested anonymity because he was not sure if he was discussing classified matters or not.
Yeah, Nashiri is the big question. I think I posted on Friday that one of his attorneys points out that the bombing was originally investigated by the FBI, therefore not as a military crime.
And the irony about Nashiri is that that WAS fully investigated before anyone was tortured.
So there’s presumably a nice neat FBI indictment all wrapped up (even if it probably relies on Yemen’s investigation, which is suspect).
I don’t think there’s an FBI indictment for al-Nashiri for the Cole bombing. Al-Badawi and al-Quso were definitely indicted in the US, and maybe a couple of others were as well. The official story is that the US did not have a good enough understanding of the case to connect al-Nashiri to it fully. He was first mentioned in the press in connection with the bombing in December 2000 and the FBI seems to have known about his role more fully by the middle of the next year.
No, but the 9/11 Commission cites FBI reports on it. So they’ve got clean (depending on what the Yemenese gave them) FBI investigative material from before they captured him.
Aliases for al-Nashiri were used to rent (I think) a car (used to tow the boat to the shore) and a house used by the bombers. This was discovered by the joint FBI/Yemeni investigation in late 2000 (bureau must have documents). At the military commission hearing in 2007, al-Nashiri claimed names associated with him might have been used, but if they were, it was by an associate without his permission.
Incidentally, he claimed he was forced to confess to the bombing under torture, and did not do it. However, he admitted receiving money from bin Laden before the bombing, buying the boat, buying some explosives, knowing bin Attash (a “regular guy who is jihadist”), knowing the other bombers, and giving them the boat.
Finally, the Cole bombers coordinated their actions using an al-Qaeda communications hub in Yemen (prominent in James Bamford’s last book), which the NSA was monitoring. It had already been involved in the embassy bombings and was later involved in 9/11 (Almihdhar lived there with his wife and possible child/children). Presumably, the NSA must have a bunch of material about all this, but isn’t sharing. It’s the same hub whose exploitation Bush and other administration officials cited in response to the NYT’s exposé of warrantless wiretapping in December 2005.
Let’s just say I’d like to see Nashiri get a full antagonistic look at that evidence.
I realize there’s a lot there–though Nashiri’s confession is not that cut and dry. But the whole Cole bombing is already shrouded in so much doubt bc of the Intell embarrassment around it, that I don’t necessarily trust the evidence.
Incidentally, one of the MOST interesting MC detainees is Noor Mohammed. He’s the guy who was captured with Abu Zubaydah and went on to testify that Abu Zubaydah was no one’s mastermind. The ties between Khalden and AQ are dicey, which means this case might be a preview of any trial they ever decide to give AZ (and maybe a test of how convincing that case is).
I sort of wonder whether some of these MC names aren’t designed to push them into accepting a plea.
Not to be confused with Noor al-Deen
who we sent to Syria and possibly Morrocco, even though Kiriakou said he was guileless and unguarded and offered up everything he had.
Oh, maybe I DO have them confused.
I think Obama’s making a huge bad decision, trying al-Nashiri in a MC. Apparently he’s heard way too many ex-Vietnam war supporters and decided that the only problem with the Solomon splitting the baby story is that Solomon didn’t go ahead and just hand off half a bloody baby to each claimant.
Someone please tell Mr. Obama that Solomon’s gambit was a ruse: Solomon never intended to kill the baby, distribute half to each claimant as an expression of divine compromise, and wash his hands of the matter. He knew only one claimant could be right and that she would rather give up her claim than see her child suffer or die. Doing so, she would reveal the truth and the bitter selfishness of her opponent.
Looking at Obama’s abhorrence of conflict, methinks that Mr. Obama would give the baby to the bitter opponent, in hopes that that would satisfy her and end her bitterness. He would assuage his guilt with the thought that the true mother – liberals if you will – would be happy that her child had a home, instead of being split in two by government edict.
The inversion of logic and justice doesn’t sound wrong to these people. It sounds pragmatic.
A Letter From Bob Barr, David Keene And Grover Norquist On Trying 9/11 Suspects In U.S.
Telling GOP to man-up.
I can’t decide what level of snark tag to attach to what I say below, but here goes:
Given what we know about the effects of torture on terrorist recruitment, did Obama quash the release of the additional torture photos to prevent himself being prosecuted on a material support charge? Or was it to protect those carrying out the torture against a charge?
As far as that goes, are the folks sitting at computer screens in Tampa controlling the predator drones also guilty of material support? Is McChrystal guilty through establishing the policy?
Congress for allocating all the funding that disappeared into the ISI blackhole and set up black sites?
Material support is based on supporting one of the entities the State Department has designated a terrorist organization–you know, sort of like Chiquita supporting the AUC in Colombia?
So long as DOS gets to make up the list of terrorists, I think Obama and McChrystal are safe from this particular charge.
This isn’t the place for it and it’s OT, but I swear the longer Obama is in office, the more he sounds like Bush – apparently the war in Afghanistan is really hard – on him.
Poor Obama. Hard to send kids off to die just so he can hold onto his claim of being a centrist and bolster his campaigning for 2012.
Only he has been doing it. Bush used to go to Reed. But Obama has seen coffins come in to Dover and visited the grave sites of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Plus the unplanned trip to Ft. Hood.
I sincerely think all those HAVE affected his thoughts as he weighs what to do in Afghanistan. That’s no guarantee he’ll make the right decision. But I think they are part of the reason why we’re demanding certain things from Karzai before we agree to stick around.
Let’s hope Obama doesn’t split the baby by refusing new “troops”, but sends a like number of mercenaries instead. Passing a defense appropriation by using the longtime Bush ruse of the supplemental appropriations process, which is regarded as precluding debate, would make such expenditures easier to hide.
I think he’s much better with photo ops and rhetoric, but IMO he’s had a two year stategerizing period, including campaign time where he had some of the best minds making themselves available to him and he was getting govt briefings, in which to come up with a game plan that is not re-election based, and he’s abdicated that aspect.
I think we are not seeing leadership down the hard paths, we are seeing Obama’s version of triangulating. Talk tough vis a vis Karzai to keep that ball in the air, do something surge-ish to keep that ball in the air, leak out that you’re not happy with what options you are being given to keep the ‘buck passed’ ball in the air, etc.
My bias shows – I do think he’s an empty suit. He may not be, but I don’t see a lot of substance in things like his trips to Dover and Ft Hood. Hopefully they’re there and I just don’t see them.
I agree with the empty suit characterization in that Obama’s greatest talent seems to be to fit in, to not stand out from the crowd, except by beating the in-crowd in achieving whatever it values most, for example, high academic achievement, rhetorical flight, fund-raising and electoral success.
Unfortunately, the Beltway norms Obama inherited after eight years of George Bush are dysfunctional: the national security state, corporate control, lobbyists ueber alles, usw. Rhetoric aside, that doesn’t leave room for middle America and the rule of law, both of which remain in critical condition. Championing such things requires doing what he has made his life avoiding, standing out from the in-crowd, actively and successfully opposing its interests because he personally and politically concludes that they are wrong or harmful.
This first part isn’t really germane to the main point of your post here, but really: that piece in the CSM by Richey is the product of combining the ethics of lazy amateurism with the ingredients of a shell game, throwing up the whole mess into a crock & cranking the micro-wave on high for a minute. All he’s done is go into the publicly-accessible materials from the CSR tribunals, a categorically distinct context with a categorically distinct & markedly relaxed threshold, so much so that even calling it a kangeroo court would be to insult ‘roo courts, lift out response statements & surmise those provide some critical insight & relevance to the forthcoming criminal trials. Just look at all the conditioners merely in the intro: “offer” a “rough” preview of the “kind” of case that “may” emerge; to all of which I say: balls — & not at all in the nouveau sense used by Stephen Colbert.
Enough on that; on to your own offering.
IMO it’s quite possible you’ve caught on to something here: as in, that the Kris analysis, a brief summary of which you’ve presented here [sufficient for the purposes of your own premise], was laid out for consideration and approval to whoever in the Obama administration is empowered to approve of such a plan [I’m thinking primarily of, in no particular order, the WH NSA, WH legal counsel of-the-moment, Kris of course, AG Holder in lieu of Obama’s own selection for head of OLC, and ultimately Obama. And the implications are more than a little insidious, given the practical differences that 8 years of Bush administration perversity has brought about between civilian courts and military courts.
As Kris said to Congress, he [according to your premise, the administration], appears to be taking in essence a ‘gamer’s’ view of the lay of the land:
[a] one or more big holes and/or basic defects standing in the way of attempts to prove such a conspiracy in the publicly-accessible civilian courts;
[b] a pretty straight-forward, maybe irrefutable, case for material support, one that is in no way dependent on anything the defendant has said that’s in any way at all even arguably open to attack as tainted;
[c] a [well-founded] limitation from non-public-access military courts considering material support; and
[d] no such limitation as to using the military court version of conspiracy in the non-public-access venue.
And the bonus:
[e] an opportunity to gin up the impression of non-public trial-ish hearings of conspiracy, through public demonstration of some evidentiary incidents consistent with, though not determinative of, the existence of conspiracy & that [or another] defendant’s willing participation in same.
The Kris Gambit postulated:
Example: Box cutters.
Hey Fred — I got some boxes need cutting up; can I borrow your cutter?
Hey Fred — We need you to get us two dozen sets of box-cutters to use as weapons to take over four airplanes we’re going to hijack to plow into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon and the White House.
Hey Fred — Go down to Ace Hardware & buy some box-cutters. Don’t ask.
A. Civilian trial of KSM
1. 9/11 a conspiracy.
2. KSM told al Jazeerha he masterminded 9/11–
all voluntary; before being arrested by anyone, leave aside any US government agents.
3. The 9/11 hijackers used box-cutters to seize the planes.
4. Ergo: KSM guilty as a co-conspirator to 9/11.
B. Civilian trial of Fred
1. KSM connects with Herb.
2. Herb connects with Arnie.
3. Arnie connects with 9/11 hijackers.
4. Arnie meets with Fred.
5. Fred buys a dozen box cutters.
6. Fred again meets with Arnie.
7. 9/11 happens.
8. Ergo: Fred guilty of material assistance to 9/11.
C. Military trial of Herb
1. A civilian court found 9/11 was a conspiracy
and that KSM was the mastermind.
2. A civilian court convicted Fred of material assistance to 9/11, so that Fred was a co-conspirator, witting or not doesn’t matter.
3. Fred connects to 9/11 through Arnie.
4. Arnie connects to KSM through Herb.
5. Ergo …
Would a material-support charge be enough on its own to constitute a capital offence?
Unclear. But the sentences handed down in the Holy Land trial were basically several lives imprisonment. You would presumably be able to assume Ali and Hawsawi would get the same kind of sentences.
So, as a backstop, it’d effectively keep them in jail forever.
Soliciting material support for terrorism and providing material support for terrorist acts are felonies punishable by imprisonment for not more than 20 years or a fine of not more than $20,000.00, or both.
Capital offense or not seems relevant to how things will play out, and maybe to who was chosen for civilian court, who wasn’t, and why.
The five selected are the five who said last November they want to plead guilty.
Guilty pleas help get around the torture problem. As John Yoo explains it:
But their desire to plead guilty appears to be dependent on getting a death penalty.
For anyone who wants to revisit it, here’s Steven’s opinion
Most of this, though, is from Part V, in which Kennedy did not concur and for which we have no binding precedent other than the march of history and morality and justice over the years:
On the material support front, the habeas courts have been trying to deal with this as well. So far, lots of different possible definitions are out there. Some of which comply with Steven’s observations of laws of war and overt hostile acts, some of which don’t.
I can’t really remember who did what, but I think at least Leon and Walton and Sullivan and maybe others have each had to address material support and come up with definitional guidelines.
DOJ hasn’t been much help, bc it’s focus isn’t getting a good, valid, working definition that can apply with some logical and moral basis to current and future conflicts – it’s focus is keeping torture victims under wraps and protecting it torturer clients.
This is sort of off-topic. But one of the other dynamics that will go on is that KSM, a Pakistani Islamic extremist, will be tried by a naturalized Indian-American, Preet Bharara.
THat shouldn’t matter. But as things get closer, I will imagine it will be a topic of some discussion, if not here, then on the subcontinent.
Here’s the final, conferenced version of the 2009 Military Commissions Act [starting on PDF Page 385 of 655], now enacted into law as part of Public Law 111-84. The 2009 MCA still authorizes Military Commission charges for both “material support” and “conspiracy”:
Mary, quoting Justice Stevens, highlights the vital and completely-obscured (by Congress, the DOJ, and the media) reality that battlefield “military necessity” is the sole semi-legitimate justification under our Constitution for using irregular military commissions/tribunals in lieu of general courts-martial for accused war criminals who are otherwise eligible to be prosecuted under the well-established system (that’s also applicable to our own military) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice [the UCMJ is USC, Title 10, Chapter 47]. Irregular military commission tribunals where the Executive Branch alone is empowered to act as judge, jury and executioner, absent extraordinary Supreme Court intervention, without the separation of powers safeguards built into the UCMJ-governed military justice system.
To illustrate the deliberate, ‘fixing the procedures to facilitate the desired outcome’ character of these deliberately-segregated, irregularly-constituted Military Commissions, here’s how these wholly Executive Branch-operated “courts” intentionally end-run (Constitutional separation of powers-sensitive) UCMJ procedures:
Kris tried, because of David Barron’s non-public OLC opinion on the matter, which binds the Executive Branch, to get a “voluntariness” standard into Carl Levin’s 2009 Military Commissions Act, in parallel with his attempt to remove “material support” as a valid “war crimes” charge. The Armed Services Committees of the House and Senate had to grudgingly concede the binding precedent on the Executive Branch of Barron’s OLC ‘voluntariness’ opinion, but this is the extent of the accommodation that they made to a “voluntary” standard in the latest MCA:
Finally, with regard to the reverse-engineering to avoid accountability meted out by the courts, that seems to be the daily practice now of the Executive Branch, under Obama as under Bush, the Appeals Court filing I wrote about here might have played a significant role in the decision to send the five 9/11 suspects to federal court, instead of keeping them in the segregated, irregular military commission “process.” Emptywheel’s post about the ACLU conference call with Bin Al Shibh’s civilian defense attorney reminded me of the potential significance of that principled appeal, which I believe is still under consideration by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. Importantly, according to Lyle Denniston at, there is a parallel filing (which I haven’t seen) to the same court on behalf of different detainees (I don’t know whom, though), apparently making a similar Constitutional challenge to the Military Commissions Act and its deliberate avoidance of the “regularly-constituted” UCMJ military court system.
Having read the lame (though time-pressured) DOJ response, undersigned by David Kris, to the Navy JAG filing (on behalf of Bin Al Shibh), I can see how that JAG defense counsel challenge to the MCA might have the Department of Justice worried. Thus, perhaps, their resort to the reliable fallback: remove any case from the jurisdiction of a court where an unwelcome decision may be looming. Which is, as a rule, a piece of cake for them, so long as Congress lets the Executive Branch hold all the cards, and the Judicial Branch respectfully bows on command.
The question is not whether they are still there, but whether they will hold up. Kris is right about that as to the MCs and, quite frankly, I think they are bogusly overbroad as to application in US civilian courts as well (although Kris seems to disagree). I will note that the 9th Circuit has, however, found validity as to at least part of my argument.
I was wondering about that. I asked specifically about bin al-Shibh in the presser. The “senior DOJ official” and “senior DOD official” doing the presser not only didn’t answer my question (they didn’t really answer a few others), they seemed to want to avoid all discussion of pending actions in the bin al-Shibh case altogether.
I gotta get better at press conferecing. It’s not one of my stronger skills.
ANyway, I apparently got Michael Isikoff paying attention to bin al-Shibh, so that’s something.
I’m not familiar with Barron’s opinion – are you operating on a description of it or have you seen it or ???
d-3 on voluntariness sucks the big suck. It’s an invitation to clean team, as if you can ever clean team someone you’ve tortured while still holding them in their torture chamber and with their torturers in charge of them.
Levin has been nothing but a disappointment, from his decision to co-author the DTA request to take habeas away (albeit he claimed he only wanted it taken from those who hadn’t already filed their suits – kind of a “u snooze, u loose your rights to liberty” approach) to his handling of the MCA iterations.
I haven’t paid much attention to the 2009 rework, so thanks for linking it. It’s hard to get geared up to even read it, though. Just depressing crap – spewed from the bowels of rudderless politicians without an ounce of leadership anywhere among them.
What I didn’t touch on was the extent to which Kennedy (the swing vote) and Stevens (and poosibly Sotomayor now) are also willing to defer to statutory guidance, if it is truly explicit. Even Stevens, in the opinion linked, discussing the issues of trying someone with “secret evidence” never made available to them, includes caveats:
emph added
Boumediene was a huge big bullet dodge. But eventually, with a morphing-to-Bush-Jr President and a
Demagogue-icDemocratic Congress aping the Republican one, and Nuremberg in ruins with a collapsed economy and the abortion wars flaming – there get to be too many bullets to keep dodging. For my part, I liked it better when the bullets weren’t coming from in back, but Obama is what he is – that’s not going to change now.Any link ot that JAG filing or the DOJ response?
I take it back – I just can’t make myself read more on it all today.
Going completely from memory about a leak to (I think) the Wall Street Journal revealing its existence, Mary, in combination with Congressional testimony. As far as I know, and quite unfortunately, there’s no other public information about that OLC opinion’s specifics, never mind its actual contents. But between the statements Kris has made in Congressional testimony, and the report by the WSJ, which as I recall former MC JAG Prosecutor Darrel Vandeveld quickly picked up on and highlighted in his Congressional testimony, I believe the existence and import of the opinion as I’ve described it is accurate.
[EW, congratulations and thank you for asking the Bin Al Shibh question. I hadn’t take in that you participated in a conference call/press conference with anonymous administration officials. Even though apparently not escape-proof, it sounds like your question did elicit a telling silence on that front, which may well be indicative of the potential import of the JAG appeal that is directly challenging the constitutionality of the MCA. Well done.]
Here’s what DOJ spokesperson Dean Boyd had to say:
I can’t help but notice that the five to come to NYC intend to plead guilty, whereas the five to stay before military commissions are fighting the charges. More here:
Of the five before military commissions, al-Nashiri is clearly guilty, Khadr should have a fighting chance even before a loaded tribunal, al-Darbi’s case is weird, and the other two I don’t know.
I’m a bit confused. If criminal justice system material support doesn’t carry the death penalty, who is going to be satisfied with even the best-case outcome? Not the vast majority of Americans, making this a bad political decision for the administration… or is the subtler gambit that the trial will still be ongoing at the tine of the 2012 election…? Cynic that I am at heart, I doubt the eleventy-dimensional gaming-out process failed to account for re-election prospects.
I trust material support will not be the only charges handed up.
For a civilian trial, I think they’ll find something in the Federal Death Penalty Act cornucopia. Likely deservedly so.
et seq
@25, 31, 33 –
A similiar kind of issue was being framed in al-Marri
until DOJ put it to bed too.
Once all the appeals under the old statute are settled, loose cert, or are simply procedurally postured as being under the old statute, then the newer versions come along, better drafted than what Bushco put together to imperialize detention powers, and yet with smattering indicia of process that were not included in predecessors, so that you can send it all back to square one for the detainees fighting.
Here’s the referral process the DOJ published in July. It lists the following as factors for where you prosecute:
With many thanks to Lyle Denniston at, I see that the other Guantanamo detainee who recently filed a direct constitutional challenge to the (2006) Military Commissions Act, at the DC Circuit Court, is Mustafa Ahmed Al Hawsawi. [Denniston noted on September 21 that the Al Hawsawi case (Circuit docket 09-1244) had been recently filed, but that the filings in it had not yet been released publicly by court security officers.] So the just-announced move of those two prosecutions (along with those of the other three 9/11 suspects) from Military Commissions to federal court potentially quashes both of those MCA Constitutional challenges, if another detainee doesn’t step up to fill their place(s).
For anyone else interested (Mary’s earned a reprieve…), the lame DOJ/Kris response to the 9/9/09 JAG Petition for Writ of Mandamus and Writ of Prohibition filed on behalf of Ramzi Bin Al Shibh (Circuit docket 09-1238) is here [separate caption page here], and the compelling JAG reply brief, filed September 18th, is here. [Note the discussion in those two reply briefs as to the historical status and treatment of spies.]
As regards the position of current Supreme Court justices on the question of the validity of Military Commissions, as highlighted by Mary, there’s this passage of note from the JAG mandamus writ filed 9/9/09:
So let me make sure understand.
By trying the 9/11 5 in NYC, they:
1) Get rid of Ramzi bin al-Shibh’s pending competency hearing (with the petition they learn what drugs he go)
2) Get rid of RbaS’s challenge to Military Commissions
3) Get rid of Hawsawi’s challenge to Military Commissions
Not to mention trying KSM at the scene of the crime?
Mind you, I PREFER civilian trials, for everyone. But are we suggesting that these are the big factors?
Those certainly appear to be big factors; whether they are “the” big factors is yet to be determined I would think. There is an immense spectrum of factors at play here. 2 and 3 look like a yes; as to 1, my guess is just a delay as competency will unquestionably be replead.
What bmaz said (@ 50).
Delay probably being the operative word, all around.
Here’s more detail on the subject of commission charges, standards of evidence, and their overall illegitimacy, from former Military Commissions defense counsel Air Force Reserve JAG Major David J. R. Frakt, testifying to Rep. Nadler’s House Judiciary Subcommittee on July 30, 2009:
And from former Military Commissions prosecutor Army Reserve JAG Lieutenant Colonel Darrel Vandeveld, testifying to Rep. Nadler’s House Judiciary Subcommittee on July 8, 2009, beginning with Vandeveld’s reference to the reported OLC opinion I discussed above:
Not to beat this case to death, but you can also go back to Ex parte Milligan and find the argument that habeas counsel was making there:
The one thing that BOTH sides agreed upon in Ex Parte Milligan was that the grounds for using a commission was the prior impositin of martial law.
See e.g., this argument from Gov:
IOW, when you step out of the traditional laws of war which are the proper subject of courts martial, to try to include offenses of non-uniformed combatants who do not qualify as “spies” you do so under either civilian law, or circumstances were civilian law is so lacking that you are in a state of lawlessness requiring the imposition of martial law.
Had there been a battlefield commission called in Tora Bora, there might have been some grounds for its validity. But now – there is not. None of the men facing commissions are being held in a place of such lawlessness that martial law has been declared.
Bc of the structure of the Ex parte Milligan case as reported, including arguments of petitioners and respondents, there is a very interesting history of commissions and the conflicts of the laws of war (courts martial) the civilian law, and commissions (an almost lawless area)
Congress doesn’t want to use real courts martial, bc most of what is at issue is not validly subject to a court martial. They don’t want to use a civilian court bc they allowed and, on a bipartisan basis participted in, almost a decade’s worth of attack on civilian law as being something to be denigrated, not utilized. Instead, they want to take what was supposed to be, from the time commissions were originally envisioned, a lawless proceeding that was only appropriate in a state of lawlessness and dress it up to make it something else, some kind of mutant cross of a court martial but with more Executive power and more ability to convict without evidence or process.
They have not valid commission setting, so they try to Congressionally create one – the Democratic Congress has been joined the loyal Bushies under the theory that they don’t exist within reality, they create reality.
They are trying very hard to have it both ways – to have a proceeding that was only ever intended to take place in a state of lawlessness, a chaos that has been reduced to martial law – and apply it something that can be regularly and routinely used without such a setting and as a kind of “pseudo” court martial, but where they can stack the deck against non-impressed soldiers in favor of convictions. It runs very contrary to the common law and military law history of this country to opt into trying non-military personnel under not only military law, but not even that, rather commissions that were originally instituted to operate not as courts martial under military law, but as arms of Executive will under martial law.
There is a interesting passage in the arguments in Milligan, where the petitioners discuss what Congress was like on this issue back at a time of overwhelming civil war, with hundreds of thousands of American lives being lost – it’s a stark contrast with COngress today. although it shows the Senate even then as a more easily swayed towards practical overthrow of the Constitution and more enamored of imperial powers in the Presidency:
Now we have Congress penning laws to authorize a hybrid commission, not organized by the necessity of closure of civilian courts, but resting on the inconvenience of due process as their exigency – not prompted by a phyiscal closing of the courts, but instead by the ideologic and political decision to de facto close courts based on the “exigency” of mere inconvenience.
What, no Keith?
(Actually, ex parte Milligan is very appropos)
You have my permission to raise Milligan any time you want. In all that incredibly informative stuff you’ve given this blog, your Milligan lessons are some of hte most informative.
And tell bmaz and his damn Keith to feckoff.
Mary, that’s the makings of a superb and timely Seminal diary (it really just needs some proofreading and maybe the addition at the beginning of your closing context about the Civil War-era Milligan case, plus a brief summary of its particular circumstances)…
[What impressive action by the U.S. House in the 38th Congress. That is a very telling passage that puts today’s Party-strangled House to shame.]
Very, very well said.
Ex parte Milligan is a fascinating case to consider in these matters. It is not just prose however, it is still ostensibly good law and has never been overturned; however it has been consistently distinguished, sometimes in very contrived ways, but consistently starting with Ex parte Quirin and proceeding right through Hamdi, Padilla and the other cases since 9/11. And when I say distinguished, I mean to the degree that in many cases they might as well have overruled it. So despite the wonderful words in Milligan, and despite that they still are supposedly good law, it really does not seem to carry much weight. Scarily enough, the best option for following Milligan is likely Scalia, just to give you an idea of the bizarre status it seems to carry.
Thanks Mary and Powwow for some valuable legal lessons. I appreciate the time you take laying these things out and explaining them.
Bob in AZ
OT – I know ya’ll were hiding out in this earlier post, but since I was downloading and installing the Microsoft Office 2010 Beta on my other home system, I was busy elsewhere.
In any event, I was also continuing to read those EFF FOIA documents on the FISA Retroactive Immunity (multi-tasking doncha know *g*).
During so, a question arose and I wondered if the assembled Hotwheelers could jog my memory. I don’t remember if I’ve seen this background briefing before (from pages 29 through 45 of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, part 81-2 – 66 page PDF).
If it’s only my Swiss cheese memory failing me here, I apologize in advance.
So here’s the setting to my question.
The background briefing takes place at the White House on Feb. 26, 2008 with 2 “senior administration officials”.
One is from the DOJ (though not Fredo as is obvious during the course of the briefing) and the other is from the “intelligence community” (apparently not Mikey McConnell – Director of National Intelligence). Probably NSA, but perhaps from ODNI.
This is before the approval of the FISA Amendments Act, but about a week or so after the Protect America Act had expired, and there is a good deal of background Q&A about the consequences of that expiration on both existing and new warrantless surveillance.
So with that as background, here’s some of that Q&A starting from page 38:
(My bold)
And connect my bolds above to this from page 32:
(My bold again)
I keep saying this has never been just about Telcos, but also about email providers like Google with Gmail, Microsoft with Hotmail, Comcast’s email, Yahoo’s email, etc.
True, but I would not focus purely on the visible, branded email service providers. ISPs and internet backbone providers would also fit any reasonable definition of “electronic communication service providers”. As would radio broadcasters, microwave data transmission firms, transoceanic cable operators, exchange operators, even realtime financial market and transaction data services (Bloomberg et al.), etc. etc. etc.
Well, and remember two things. First, Gonzo was gone by then. Mukasey was AG.
Also, remember that the FISCR that got released last year was almost certainly an email provider who got the request for surveillance during the PAA period.
I’m giogn to have another open thread on that stuff–I’m still back working through the damn OLC docs.