DC’s Newest Reality Show
And speaking of C Street, it looks like the moralizing hypocrites at C Street are shopping for a new roomie.
Sen. John Ensign has moved out of the C Street house, the Christian home he shared with other elected officials on Capitol Hill that came under scrutiny for its residents’ beliefs and practices and their role in trying to end the Nevada Republican’s affair with a campaign staff member.The red brick town house emerged this summer as the subject of political intrigue — not only as a pivotal location in Ensign’s affair with Cynthia Hampton, but also that of South Carolina Republican Gov. Mark Sanford, who sought guidance there as he wrestled with his own affair.
As fallout from Ensign’s affair continues with a preliminary Senate Ethics Committee investigation and talk of a possible criminal inquiry by the Justice Department, Ensign decided to move out, not wanting to draw further attention to his longtime home.
There’s only one way to replace Ensign. To invite six avowed Christian Freshman Congressmen to participate in a reality show–a test, week by week, of who can be a bigger moral hypocrite. Each week, we’ll vote off one participant (who, thereafter, will have to pay market rates for a place in DC).
So I’m looking for two kinds of input. First, candidates to enter the reality show. You might start with this list.
And then we need a catchy name, so we can pitch the show to Bravo. My suggestion (which sucks–but then I’m busy watching football) is Praying for the Pay.
Enter your candidates–and name suggestions–in comments.
big dinner party over there two weeks ago. and yes, the car parked in the driveway sported an “Appalachian Trail” tag frame.
Or was that “Venezuelan Tail”?
Nah, she’s Argentinian.
By the way, guess which anti-choice Democrat has lived at the C Street joint since 1992 and is co-chair of The Family’s National Prayer Breakfast? That’s right — Sepsis!
What’s even funnier is that he’s lied about it:
Hope this does not keep people from hiking on the Appalachian trail
Ah: a theme song for Gated Pair-a-diCe:
I loved Dale Evans and Roy Rogers. Really like that song. I don’t believe they went off on the “forked tongue” path. Adopted a bunch of kids
Although who knows Dale was Roy’s second marriage
Btw, you think Ensign had to ask Mommy and Daddy for an allowance increase to pay market rate rent in DC?
I think once you put these people on camera you lose a lot of the opportunity for moral hypocrisy at least shown on screen. You would have to put them in front of a panel of their constituents or ask the viewers to vote.
“Whited Sepulchers” is obvious.
I once had the idea during the W years of sending letters to
NRA Desk, Oval Office
Whited Sepulchre
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington DC
in the hopes of getting them all back to frame up. Never did, as might trigger (bad pun) the attention of the FBI, Secret Service, and IRS.
Project Dumbway
America’s Next Top Shithead
Queer Guy For The Coburn Eye
Schtuppaking With The Starz
“Psalm 82” or “Psalm 149” are good choices also.
praying to not pay
Psalm 149 is very good for remembering that you have to hold people accountable, but in this context it says that the judges are better Christians, which is not what you are going for.
“Cash Pad on C Street: Green Room for the Rapture”
Holy Hayrollers
All in The Family
Fellowship of Fools
Abraham Vereide, Loren Cunningham, and Bill Bright present America’s Wackiest Hypocrites
All In The Family Way?
Dicks for the Disturbed
C Street Carneys: Hey Rube!
We’re Dickheads for Christ
Say Yes To The Address
Family Feuders: Making Sure America is Left Behind
The Boys Next Door, a.k.a. The Boys of the Prayboy Mansion.
C is for Clusterfuck
“So You Think You Can Cabal”
[Yes, cabal can be used as a verb]
c street blues
Hope this is not too off-topic for you-all, but apparently the Iraqi people have single-payor, universal health care.
The Almighty Dollers?
In God we lust
The forgiven few
Whores like us
The price was Right
Disciples and dollars
Soul Mates
Divine Right
Another Philanderer For Christ
C is for Cookie
Wholly C
Rank Us
(‘rank’ used as both the adjective and the verb)
Decider Bush should be the celebrity judge. No one ever pretended to be a Christian better than him.
Ties “R” Us
The Family That Lays Together
Brain Swap
Power Rangers (oops that is already a cartoon)
Are You Smarter Than A Filth Grader !
There’s not a one of those fools could get past the audition.
Sleepless in Ho’-land
Hypocrites R Us
Adulterer’s Paradise
C Notes for C Street
Then sings my soulmate, my Savior God, to Me;
We’re heart to heart! Not great to part.
Then sing my housemates, my Savior God, to Me:
We’ll play our parts, Hail lying arts!
The Biggest Accuser – contestants must bring their weight in stones to cast within the communal glass house.
Since it has been reported that my congressman Heath Shuler already lives there, I think that he should be included.
Yesterday on Facebook a friend of mine announced that he would be interviewing Shuler later in the day and wanted our questions. I asked the following:
His short incomprehensible and misleading answer to why he voted no on Health Care Reform can be heard here. He actually says that the CBO says this bill would increase health care in this country. DUH!
But he’s kind of cute so the camera would love him and I would tune in to hear more about his incoherent Christianist perspective.
Tricky Dicks?
Hallelujah Hotel?
The Vagina Ranch?
Womb Raiders?
Beaver House?
The Penis Palace?
Twig and Berries?
Skull & Boners
Woody Roadhouse
Carnal Cottage ?
Viagra Proving Ground
name for the hypocrites C street house
Forked Tongue
C Street’s Brick Shit House
Capitol C for Crapture
Good Morning emptywheel and Firedogs,
I love Prayboy Mansion and Divine Right
The Prudly Bed Game
Prayboy Mansion. That’s it.
damn good
And they can have some visits to/visitors from Queen Acres and Petticoat Junction of course.
Citizen emptywheel and the Firepup Freedom Fighters:
Am I the only one to look on “C Street” and the Nazification of the Republican Party not as an opportunity for social satire but as the last stage of the end of western liberalism? Wake up folks, the federal executive is full of Goldman Sachs toadies and Likudnik fascist triangulators and the Quissling Democratic Party leadership is legitimizin’ murderous religious lunatics…I’m sorry but I can’t find anythin’ remotely funny about “C Street” or it’s ascendence to power in the Democratic caucus.
Shit, this “contest” is like dancin’ on your own grave…what the fuck is goin on around this place??!!!
All work and no play makes Norske a grumpy boy.
Citizen twolf1:
If I thought for a moment that by projectin’ this “satire” out to the massive audience that is scamblin’ for bread in the street we would feed one child, get access to healthcare for one pregnant teenager, save one family from foreclosure or expose one single fascist religious lunatic to public humiliation or for God’s sake save opne Muslim child from our drone bombs and bring our child soldiers home…well if I thought that there was any chance to laugh in the face of the evil that is facin us after this weekend by makin’ jokes about the fuckin hangman, I would be dancin’ with ya there Citizen but I got better things ta do with my time.
Amen, Norske. There is nothing funny about C-Street and their manifesto.
“The Congregation of the Mighty Flighty”
h/t David, Psalm 82
has Pray Station been taken ?
La Dolce Meata ?
Creed Mansion
The House of Preys
Jane has a new post up…
Someone on Daily Kos a while back — I wish I could remember who, as I’d give them credit — referred to the house on C Street as the Prayboy Mansion. Maybe that will do as your title.
How much you wanna bet that C Street “ministrations” mysteriously end up being covered by the Public Option, 100%? Under “alternative Treatments” or some such guise…
You may want to check this out. It’s about a provision in the bill that will reimburse for prayer. http://alturl.com/gdx5
Big Brother: C Street Edition
The Amazing Nookie Race
Sanford and Sons
What Happens in Vegas: Stays in Washington D.C. on C Street
Family Feud: C Street vs. K Street
(Recalling the ’79 cult film)
Op 1- Home To Congressmen & Senators
Op 2 – Home To Congressional Slime
C Street Vice
One quibble. I think we need to stop calling this a Christian house. Cult house, a la Koresh, maybe. Or alleged, or professed, or Golden Calf Christian….
~Sandy/Prairie, parable christian.
Title? How about praying for the prey? It works on so many levels…
I put up a post, I could have sworn it was somewhere in the 30’s in this thread, suggesting “Prayboy Mansion.” It’s approvingly referenced in posts 52 and 55. Wha’ hoppen to my post? Did it get pulled because I cited a poster at Daily Kos as the original source of the idea?