Trash Talk: Big Dick Edition

image1Hey, if ya got it swing it; and that is exactly what the Big Dick in the White House did between January 2001 and January 2009. Obviously I am not talking about Georgie Boy Bush. I’m talkin Cheeeney (as Chris Matthews insists on pronouncing it). But the thing about big dicks is they are usually con men and liars. Guess that has been proved up again.

What with all that hard work late in the afternoon and early evening, it is time to take out the Trash. And we gots enough for a landfill this weekend.

Cheesesteaks v. Big Apple Boppers: Crossed you up eh? That is right, we lead with beisbol. Beisbol been berry berry good to me. So sez Chico Esquela. And it is World Series time, with the Phillies and Yanks tied up at one game a piece. The wisdom seemed to be the Yanks should just be crowned, but not so fast. Cliff Lee did a number on the Bronx Bombers in game one and Pedro, despite taking the loss, pitched a very good game in game two. A loss is a loss though, and they move on to the City of Brotherly Love now. Pettitte versus Hamels in game three Halloween night and back to Sabbathia and Cliff Lee Sunday. I figure Philly can win two of three, but then has two back in the Bronx. Not good for Broad Street, Yanks are gonna win the Series.

College Futbol: There is only one huge game this weekend, and it is the Quackers v. the Trojans. Game is at Autzen Stadium, and if you have never been there, you don’t know. Brutal place to be the road team. Seriously. And Oregon has been on a big roll since the opening loss to Boise State (Boise State should really get more love than they do). But USC has been rolling too, and the offense is starting to gel behind Matt Barkley. Kid is the real deal and he is just starting his career. If this game were at the Coliseum, it would be a no brainer; but in Eugene, it is a toss up. Hellofa game though. Georgia at Florida and South Carolina Gamecocks at Tennessee both ought to be excellent games. Lane Kiffin and the Volunteers do not have a great record, but they have played very well this year. If they had a quarterback worth a fuck, their record would be very different and they might even be at the top of the SEC. But they don’t. Even match with SC. Texas at Oklahoma State should be interesting; the Cowboys are going to miss Dez Bryant against a quality team like the Longhorns. Texas wins. Virginia Tech has already been upset tonight; they have been disappointing.

National Favre League: Let’s be real. There is only one game this weekend, and it is on the not quite yet Frozen Tundra. Old Man River returns to Lambeau. Nuff said. I have no real idea who wins this game, but it ought to be something. Antoine Winfield being out for the Vikes continues to be a big problem against teams with a good passing game, and the Pack sure has that. That factor plus Lambeau spells a win for the Pack is my best guess.

The Broncos at Ravens ought to be pretty interesting. It is time for the Ravens to lose their funk and get a big win I think. St. Louis at Deetriot ought to be an even match; look for the Lions to get their second win. Giants at Philly is interesting because both are in bad funks. I dunno about this one. Fish at Jets also is a head scratcher; Fish just seem solid in spite of their losses though, I think they win a good game. Dirty Birds at Drew Fookin Brees and the Aints ought to be excellent too. Saints all the way baybee. Reggie Bush is back!

Formula One: And so the season ends with a bit of a whimper considering the dominating start by Brawn and then their relative disappearance, not to mention all the turmoil about the whole series. All quiet now, Jenson Button already crowned Champ and Brawn too for Constructors. Still the race in Abu Dhabi is notable because it is the inaugural race there, they have shitloads of money, have built an incredible facility and will undoubtedly put on one hell of a show. Track looks gorgeous, but we will have to see how it races. Race at 8:30 am EST and 6:30 am PST on Speed Channel.

Hoop it up people!

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83 replies
  1. pseudonymousinnc says:

    Carolina Gamecocks at Tennessee.

    Interesting stuff this evening: the rockslide on the route to Rocky Top meant that both Cocks and Vols fans were making their way to Knoxville through the snarliest interstate junction in WNC, honking at each other all the way. (Lotsa Tennessee fans in WNC, hence the election of Heath “Dumbo” Shuler.)

    Also in the no-love-lost fixture list: Arsenal vs. Tottenham in the north London derby. Has been one-sided in terms of league positions for quite a while, but the head-to-heads are always fun, and often fiery.

    • LabDancer says:

      Eeoo eeoo, I must say. Well then, if we’re to press the concierge of this establishment towards expanding the definition of ‘relevant sporting endeavors’ so widely as to encompass short-panted shapely-thighed young things who’re regularly objectified by talk of the size of their “Guns” and the heat of their “Spurs”, why not hurl caution into the wind, damn the bollocks, commit fully to the spirit embodied in the image at the top of this post, and suggest he consider driving the weekly take-out of trash right over the edge:

      I have it on good authority that this event was followed by such a riotous outbreak, someone actually considered calling the police.*

      [*As it turned out, it was a bit of a false alarm, and Dame Fossilthwaite-Ambergris was able to recover quite nicely from her brief episode of the vapors, after a spot of tea and the best part of buttered scone.]

  2. bobschacht says:

    My favorite moment in Game 1 of the WS was Lee’s casual catch of the pop fly to him on the pitcher’s mound, looking so ho-hum and bored (Is this the best you Yankees can do?). Is there a youtube up on that yet? And then his behind-the-back catch of the liner(?) an inning or two later– a much more difficult play, but done so effortlessly it looked like he’d been practicing just such catches.

    Since the Yanks won Game 2, Game 3 looks to be pretty important.
    I’m looking forward to the weekend.

    Bob in AZ

  3. JohnJ says:

    Thanks bmaz for using my favorite nick name…in the title no less.

    And as I think; great, some music and a little light reading…I notice that Marcy has filled the page with new postings.

    I’ve been working ~28 days straight (~26 hours OT avg./wk) and ALL of my computer time is spent trying to catch up on this place.

    Somethin’s gotta give….I think I’ll quit my job.

    Thanks for all the great work guys.

    Oh, I’m definitely saving the picture!

  4. freepatriot says:

    Geezer goes home again

    geezer gets booed

    geezer wins game

    what is it about this story you find so compelling

    no treats for the Lambeau faithful

    jes lotsa tricks

    and don’t be so hard on Virgina Tech

    West Virginia screwed the pooch too


    an did I mention Reggie Fookin Bush ???

    jes checkin

    we’re linked at Atrios, and this is at the top of the front page, so a lot of newbs are prolly gonna be wandering and wondering in this thread, lookin for Marcy’s brilliance

    • LabDancer says:

      Ahh, the perils of linking without specificity…tho I cannot but help wonder if this, perversely, infellates traffic; the lady of this joint, after all, obtained youtubian megastatus for something pretty much as gratuitous.

  5. radiofreewill says:

    Is that a shaved Bulldog?

    It’s that time of the year again – time to kick Georgia’s ass!

    Gators 35-10

  6. JThomason says:

    As for the Vols quarterback at this point Crompton has more passing touchdowns than Tebow and in the eyes of many in the Big Orange Nation is in the midst of a miraculous turn around. He did start slow. Here’s hoping the miracles continue! Lil Wayne did release a song this week with a shout out to Kiffin: “Banned on TV.”


  7. yellowstone says:

    I’ll just say that if any kids come to my door between 5 and 8 pacific time, they’d better knock only during commercials.

    Fight On !

  8. Jim White says:

    I think O-State takes Texas today. Texas really struggled against OU and I think O-State is much better, especially in the T. Boone Pickens Egotistical Museum. There’d be no question if Bryant could play, but I still think O-State wins, possibly even big.

    I think Tennessee takes South Carolina. Spurrier needs to think about hanging it up.

    Gators should take care of Georgia, but I’m hoping they snap out of the ongoing “ugly” phase of play.

    It’s been a while since I mentioned how much I hate the Yankees. Go Phillies. I love Philadelphia fans because I think they boo better than the fans in any other city. Hope they have some good ones for the Yanks.

  9. cregan says:

    Totally agree on the Trojan/Duck game. I think it is going to a tough battle for USC. But, this time, I’m going to come down on USC’s side. They need a good win to try to move up in the BCS, but I don’t think it will be a big win, just a tight, squeaker.

  10. pdaly says:

    I’ve enclosed a list of bitmap symbols that might be helpful for trashtalk (sports related and otherwise).
    They are not quite emoticons so maybe bmaz won’t mind.

    ☁ dark cloud
    ⍾ mushroom cloud

    Canadian Aboriginal syllabics

    ⚡ ☢ ☣ ☠ ⚖ ⚓ ⎈

    ⬠ pentagon
    ⬡ hexagon


    ᙛ starbucks?

    Misc symbols
    ☺☻☺☻☺☻ happy faces

    ☹☹☹ unhappy white faces outnumbered by above

    ༽ ཽ ༼ ༼ for the birds or ‘let the eagle soar’?

  11. CTMET says:

    Motorsports – Talladega!!!!

    World Series – as a Met fan my true hope is for the earth to open up and swallow both teams whole. In a reality based world I’m rooting for the Phillies.

    Favre Leage – Glad the Giants and Jets are at 1:00 so I can see this one. That doesn’t happen too often.

    Collije Footbawl – Everyone knows they put the BIG games on Tuesday Night.
    I know Victor told me so…

  12. BoxTurtle says:

    Can we get back to taking about the Doc dump? As a Browns fan, I don’t get much chance to talk trash. :-(

    Boxturtle (Talk ABOUT trash, maybe…)

  13. Quebecois says:

    Thanks for the formula one coverage, bmaz. Preperation was the key to Brawn’s and Button’s successes. An uninspired season, except for Vettel, who shone on many occasions.

    You should look into coming up to Montreal next summer, the gp is cool, but the city is awe inspiring…

    • bmaz says:

      Hmmm, mighty fine thought there. Maybe I could drag the Wheel family with me across the border….

      I never made it to a Canadian GP; although I did make it to Detroit in 1983.

      • Quebecois says:

        The family would love Montréal. Our micro breweries, food, folks and sights surely are more of a selling point than the race. And for us old racing fans, the sounds, the smells and that constant overpressure striking our chests of these engines revving at 18,000 rpm’s, well, you know!!!

        My first canadian gp was Mont-Tremblant in 68. If you do contemplate coming over, let’s talk. Pichugues at g.

  14. SensiStar says:

    Why are you still reading the Cheney Docs when the ACLU docs were released late late late last night.

    And it’s not heavily redacted.

    ACLU Obtains More Documents Related to Bush Administration Torture Program (10/30/200

    “The documents released today add to our knowledge about the origins, scope and consequences of the Bush administration’s torture program,” said Jameel Jaffer, Director of the ACLU National Security Project.

    Among the documents released today are a report from the DOJ’s Office of the Inspector General relating to the involvement of FBI agents in the interrogations in Guantánamo Bay, Afghanistan and Iraq; documents gathered by the DOJ’s Office of the Inspector General in preparing its report and CIA documents relating to interrogations at black sites overseas.

    “The Bush administration authorized interrogators to use methods that the United States had previously prosecuted as war crimes, and the documents released today shed further light on the results of that decision,” said Alex Abdo, a legal fellow with the ACLU’s National Security Project.

    Released Government Documents Responsive to 2004 Torture FOIA (10/30/2009)

    Here are the docs.

    Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel Letters and Memos to CIA Regarding Detention and Interrogation Policies:

    * 11/3/2003 Letter to Senator Leahy from FBI Director Mueller confirming that the CIA is bound by the Constitution
    * 10/18/2004 CIA Office of Medical Services (OMS) Guidelines on medical and psychological support to detainee rendition, interrogation and detention
    * CIA Office of Inspector General report excerpts
    * Interrogation Legal Authorities
    * Description of stress positions and facial slap
    * Interrogation of Detainees
    * Guidelines for Memo on Interrogation
    * 12/12/2002 Department of State fax coversheet
    * 2/7/2002 White House memo regarding Geneva Conventions and humane treatment of al Qaeda and Taliban detainees
    * 5/11/2004 Assistant Attorney General Goldsmith memo regarding advice to DOD on interrogations
    * Applicability of Geneva Conventions III (POWs) and IV (civilians) in Iraq after June 30, 2004 and effect on U.S. powers and duties regarding detentions
    * 1/27/2004 Saddam Hussein Interrogation document
    * 1/27/2004 Memo regarding legal issues surrounding interview/interrogation of Saddam Hussein
    * 5/19/2004 Memo regarding treatment of prisoners and detainees
    * 10/4/2001 Department of State fax to White House National Security Counsel regarding Geneva Conventions and POWs
    * 10/11/2001 Department of State fax to White House National Security Counsel regarding
    * 10/12/2001 Department of State fax to White House National Security Counsel regarding POWs

    • bmaz says:

      Well, that is 21-14 now after the damndest fluke play; Indiana on the Iowa 1 yard line, QB hit as he throws a short pass, ball pinballs off of a few different players and all of a sudden it falls in the lap of an Iowa dude and he runs it back 99 yards for a touchdown. Wow.

      • dakine01 says:

        I’m wondering how much tap dancing the Big 10 Commissioner will be doing after the number of blown calls in this one. And the replay reviews haven’t helped all that much (although the overturn of the catch that wasn’t just now will help their cause a smidge)

        • yellowstone says:

          bmaz is absolutely right. I’m convinced that call against Georgia stopped their momentum enough to affect the game’s result.

          The officiating has been horrible. Anytime the Conference comes out and has to impose fines against complaints, shows they need to clean it up – forget the discipline against complaints and correct the reason for the complaints. Pronto.

      • bmaz says:

        Iowa now up 35-24 with 5 minutes left in the game. Iowa QB Ricky Stanzi is 3 for 3 for 177 yards and two TDs in the 4th quarter.

    • bmaz says:

      It is an absolutely gorgeous day here; I thought about going to the game, but it is on the big screen right here at home; that is too easy. Too bad it is not a night game; night games on Halloween at Sun Devil Stadium are long legendary for the wildness, drunkeness and debauchery.

        • bmaz says:

          Crap, Cal pulls it out on a field goal with 28 seconds left. Good game though. ASU is not that far off from being a decent team, but seriously needs a better quarterback. They have a very promising true freshman, big guy – like 6’6″ or so – I wish they would just play him and get him ready for next year. This mediocre senior Danny Sullivan just ain’t cutting it.

  15. cbl2 says:

    late to this thread as usual.

    wow. the Track/facility is simply stunning. oldnslow and I recall watching a program about the engineering of those diamond shaped glass pieces – the expert they had flown in just to place and then hang them was completely flummoxed and the kid operating the crane eventually did the work – too funny

    what does homolgated mean wrt racing/trace – announcers said ‘the track hadn’t even been homolgated yet’

    • bmaz says:

      It is a set of technical and engineering reviews and test performed on a track layout to insure that it complies with F1 and FIA standards. Waivers can allow a track to proceed with a race without the certification (Monaco could never truly pass modern regs for instance).

  16. Quebecois says:

    Kobayashi is damn impressive.

    The FIA homologates a circuit if their technical directors, after a thorough investigation, deems the track safe for spectators, track workers, and drivers. The pit exit is unsafe, epic failure in this case.

    • LabDancer says:

      I see the Rams snapped the reciprocating no-hitter with a td heave that totaled an all-time record zero yards. Break up the Rams!

        • LabDancer says:

          Oh fu..dge: I screwed up in relying on the Times’ NFL page–it was the safety that was zero yards. Obviously, I need more booze; I understand it can be found raining down in buckets as the Minnefavres go through pre-game warmies.

        • LabDancer says:

          Thanks; but I’m still concerned at the extent of my credulity–just a matter of how many more neurons have to calcify before I’ll be watching Fox non-stop [which I’ll be doing anyway starting in about a minutes–for the next couple of hours, anyway].

        • LabDancer says:

          In a shocker, somebody actually won that game. For a while it looked like it was going to end up like one of those old Bob & Ray talentless show routines, where everyone was so bad they couldn’t even determine a loser.

        • 4jkb4ia says:

          IMHO, given the quality of the opposition, this was a pretty decent game for the Lambs. The dropped passes were just life.

  17. dakine01 says:

    Anyone else watching the Jets/Dolphins game? 3-3 at half now 24-19 with the Dolphins I think scoring twice on kick-off returns of 100 yards plus an interception or fumble recovery (not watching all that closely but still)

  18. 4jkb4ia says:

    Admittedly the Lions are awful. But the Rams did it. No 0-16. I am very relieved.

    2 100-yard kickoff returns for touchdowns on part of MIA simply headshaking.

  19. bobschacht says:

    Well, at half-time, the Old Man of the North is doing fine, but the Old Man of the South (Kurt Warner) has thrown 3 INTs already, and losing big time.

    Bob in AZ

  20. LabDancer says:

    Too bad Percy Harvin’s got that bad shoulder; otherwise, the Pack might really be taking a kicking now.

  21. bobschacht says:

    The Old Man of the South and the Coaching staff of the Cardinals did a horrible job of preparing for Carolina. Despite knowing that the Carolina defense is taller than most, Warner did not modify his passes with the necessary touch– i.e., did not put more air under his passes. As a result, a bunch of them were batted down, and Julius Peppers even snagged one out of the air and ran it back for a touch down. You can’t win many games when you have a -4 oops make that -6 turnover balance.

    IIRC, the Old Man of the North knows how and when to put some touch on a pass.

    Bob in AZ

  22. cregan says:

    I know we are over to the pros now, but USC really surprised me yesterday. Oregon just ran them all over the field. My prediction for the game bit the big one. USC is just not as great a team as they seemed this year.

    • bmaz says:

      I warned ya about Autzen Stadium! USC doesn’t seem to have the middle defense they are always known for this year; maybe the linebackers are not as good as usual. But hey, Oregon is no slouch, they have been playing very well. The Duck’s only loss was to Boise State in Boise; they didn’t lose to any chumps. I bet the Trojans will be awfully good next year with a year under Barkley and some of the other youngster’s belt.

      • randiego says:

        The State of Oregon hasn’t been very hospitable for the Trojans. Ducks are for real!

        also, nice to see the Denver come back to earth a bit today.

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