Bush’s July 7, 2003 Discussion about Wilson

One thing DOJ redacted in this document–the most highly protected part of the document–was Cheney relaying what was said about Joe Wilson at a meeting with Bush, probably on July 7, 2003.

When Fitzgerald asked Cheney whether he ever spoke about Wilson with Condi Rice, Andy Card, and Karl Rove, Cheney answered this way:

The Vice President advised that it was probable that he discussed Joe Wilson at some point with National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, but he had no recollection of discussing Valerie Wilson at all with her. He advised his thoughts were the same regarding Presidential Chief of Staff Andrew Card–he probably would have discussed Joe Wilson with Card, but not Valerie Wilson. He said the same held true for Presidential Advisor Karl Rove–he probably discussed Joe Wilson with Rove, but would not have discussed Valerie Wilson with him.

The Vice President went on to explain his reason for believing he possibly discussed Joe Wilson with the latter three individuals. The Vice President stated that after he receives his 7:00 a.m. briefing at his residence from the CIA briefer, he travels to the White House where he joins the President for a daily CIA briefing which the President receives from either DCI Tenet or DDCI McLaughlin. Chief of Staff Card and Dr. Rice are also present for these briefings, along with a Presidential briefer from the CIA. Normally, when the CIA’s briefing is completed, the four, who are sometimes joined after the briefing by Mr. Rove, will discuss a wide range of topics. At some point in time, after the Wilson issue had become public, the Vice President recalls [two lines redacted].

The Vice President said he could not recall exactly when he had this discussion and who was present for it, but it may have been at one of the morning meetings. He said that it was possible he had the discussion with the President prior to the publication of Wilson’s editorial on 7/6/03, but it probably occurred afterwards. It may have occurred early on Monday, 7/7/03 although he stated that he would not have discussed it with the President on Sunday, 7/6/03, the day when he returned to Washington from Wyoming. Additionally, the Vice President had no recollection of discussing Wilsons wife at any time with the President.

DOJ has exempted the redaction claiming Presidential Communication. In their filing on the interview, they wrote,

The presidential communications privilege protects certain confidential communications with the President pertaining to his conduct of his Office. In this case, the privilege protects portions of the FBI report, see page 12, lines 9-11, … because they summarize a confidential conversation between the Vice President and the President.

So to review, Cheney admitted to talking to Condi, Card, and Rove about Wilson, by rather circuitously (!?!?) admitting that something was said about Wilson while they all met, possibly on the morning of July 7, 2003.

Now, I’ll come back to this admission–probably many many times.

But just to fill out the chronology a little, here’s an exchange Fitzgerald had with Libby about events of that morning during Libby’s March 5, 2004 grand jury appearance.

Q. And on July 7th, do you recall if at the 6:45 briefing in the morning you and the Vice President asking Craig Schmall about Mr. Wilson and the circumstances of his trip?

A. I don’t, but it makes sense because the article had come out the day before.

Q . And do you recall if at the senior staff meeting at 8:45 that day whether or not Karl Rove and others discussed that we needed to get a message out about Mr. Wilson, which is
that the administration and the Vice President in particular, did not send him to Niger and that his report did not resolve the issue?

A. That sounds right. There was a day — I recall a day or maybe two when Karl spoke about it at the senior staff meeting. In one of them, I made some notes about it. I don’t recall the date, but that would — it was right in that day — it was within a day of that, if it wasn’t that day.


Q. And I believe if we checked, it might be at 9:36 that morning that Ari Fleischer, in a press gaggle, made the points that the Vice President did not request the trip, or know about it, or get briefed on the results.

A. That actually sounds right, sir.

Q. And thereafter, after the 6:45 briefing with the CIA briefer, and the senior staff meeting, and then Cathie Martin’s e-mail, and Ari Fleischer’s press gaggle, you then went to lunch with Mr. Fleischer about noon?

So Cheney and Libby asked Schmall (for at least the third time) about Wilson’s trip. Then Cheney went into a briefing, then meeting, with Bush, Condi, Card, and Rove. And then Rove went into the senior staff meeting talking about how they had to push back against Wilson. Cathie Martin wrote up some talking points reflecting Rove’s comments. And then Libby told Ari Fleischer about Plame’s identity.

It’s just a mere five hours from Cheney and Rove’s conversation with Bush to Libby telling the White House Press Secretary that Plame was a CIA officer.

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32 replies
  1. JThomason says:

    Leaves one to wonder who if anyone was arguing against the Plame outing to the degree it was clear to everyone present that “these discussions never happened.”

  2. scribe says:

    Sounds suspiciously like the Decider did some decidering at that meeting – a grunt here and a tug of a cuff there, all of which only Deadeye could decipher – and Deadeye and his henchmen went to work.

    I’ll bet there’s a phone call to CIA from the WH/OVP in there someplace, to confirm that Plame was, in fact, a secret agent.

  3. LabDancer says:

    I don’t have “Hubris” handy was it this same day that the authors report a White House aide telling them Novak had called in & left an urgent message for Rove or Libby to return his call?

    Regardless, the vastness of pleakage in the a.m. of July 7, 2003 approaches the immensity of the dumpitude in the p.m. of October 30, 2009.

    [Note TPM is reporting the SEC ‘chose’ today to dump all the embarrassing warnings it received concerning the Ponzification of Bernie.]

    • TarheelDem says:

      Obviously a ploy to keep the lefty bloggers busy while they put a bullet through the head of healthcare reform.

        • MadDog says:

          I sure hope you’ve been taking your vitamins, eating right, getting enough sleep, etc., because you’ve really been on the go these last couple of weeks, and now this ginormous Friday document dump as soon as you walk in the door.

          Don’t be burning the candle at both ends just for us EW!

    • emptywheel says:

      Novak called Ari. Ari did not return the call.

      That’s also the day that Fitz was looking for undisclosed records of conversations between Novak and, I think, OVP.

      • LabDancer says:

        Found it. Sorry; my memory was off a bit: Page 262, the FOLLOWING day, “Nookie Day” [Scooter with Judy in a breakfast nook at the St Regis; the then-Undead One with Armitage for a round of 20 questions in some nook at State], Adam Levine telling [Isikoff probably?] that Novak called him that day complaining Rove was ducking Novak’s calls:

        “Levine promised to talk to Rove and see what he could do. In the course of the conversation, according to Levine, Novak asked him, “What do you make of the Wilson thing?” Levine replied, “I’m not working on that. You’ve got to talk to Scooter or Karl.”

    • Neil says:

      Harry Markopolous is a smart character. I met him at the commuter rail station. He has since moved from the neighborhood but what a surprise to see him on CSPAN taking on the SEC. There was a group of us who got together at the corner pub for Monday Night Football… Harry’s idea.

  4. Leen says:

    “The Vice President stated that after he receives his 7:00 a.m. briefing at his residence from the CIA briefer, he travels to the White House where he joins the President for a daily CIA briefing which the President receives from either DCI Tenet or DDCI McLaughlin.”

    Cheney Interview
    “(u) The V.P. advised that between the time of the publication of the Wilson editorial on July 6, 2003, and the publication of the Novak editorial eight days later he does not recall having any discussion with either DCI George Tenet or Deputy DCI John Mclaughlin”

    Did Tenet and Mclaughlin testify during the Libby trial?

  5. Leen says:

    EW “It’s just a mere five hours from Cheney and Rove’s conversation with Bush to Libby telling the White House Press Secretary that Plame was a CIA officer.”

    Cheney’s interview
    “‘the Vice President stated that they issue of Valerie Wilson’s involvement in sending her husband to Niger was just not a big deal and did not become one until after the publication of the Novak editorial”

    • JThomason says:

      About a month prior to Wilson having written his own op-ed for the Times, he had told his story of his mission to Niger to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, who wrote a detailed account of Wilson’s trip and his allegations.

      In reaction to that column, Cheney personally made inquiries about the matter to both then-CIA director George Tenet and then-CIA deputy director John McLaughlin, apparently on either June 11 or June 12, 2003, according to evidence made public at Libby’s federal criminal trial. Both Tenet and McLaughlin told Cheney of Plame’s role (in reality, a tenuous one) to the selection of her husband for the Niger mission.

      On June 12, Cheney and Libby spoke, and Cheney told Libby about Plame’s supposed role.

      In notes that Libby took of the conversation, Libby wrote that Cheney said he been told by the CIA officials that Wilson’s mission to Niger “took place at our behest”-in reference to the CIA. More specifically, the notes indicted the mission was undertaken at the request of the CIA’s covert Counterproliferation Division. The notes said that Cheney told Libby that he had been informed that Wilson’s “wife works in that division.”


      In a handwritten notation at the bottom of the July 6 op-ed, Cheney wrote out several rhetorical questions regarding Wilson and Plame: “Have they [the CIA] done this before? Send an Amb. to answer a question? Do we ordinarily send people out pro-bono to work for us? Or did his wife send him on a junket?”

      The next day, July 7, Cheney crafted talking points to be distributed to the media which emphasized that his office had not requested that Wilson go to Niger, that the CIA had not told him about Wilson’s findings, and that he personally only learned of the matter long after the U.S. invaded Iraq– from press reports.

      The four talking points dictated by Cheney to his press aide, Catharine Martin, stated:

      *The Vice President’s office did not request the mission to Niger.
      * The Vice President’s office was not informed of Joe Wilson’s mission.
      *The Vice President’s office did not receive a briefing about Mr. Wilson’s mission after he returned.
      *The Vice President’s office was not aware of Mr. Wilson’s mission until recent press reports accounted for it.

      Martin, in turn, sent those talking points on to, among others, Ari Fleischer, the-then White House press secretary, who utilized them in his briefing or “gaggle” for the press that morning.

      Exclusive: Cheney’s admissions to the CIA leak prosecutor and FBI, Murray Waas, December 23, 2008.

  6. orionATL says:


    sweet reasoning

    sweet conclusion.

    no one in the entire american “press corps” is in a better position to judge these events or to suggest these conclusions than emptywheel.

    and consider this:

    in her six years of covering this issue, no one has been able to get to emptywheel to “persuade” her to soften her analysis.

    this is political reporting as it should be.

    this is political reporting of the sort this nation desperately needs.

    much thanks from this honest-information-hungry citizen, ew.

  7. perris says:

    It’s just a mere five hours from Cheney and Rove’s conversation with Bush to Libby telling the White House Press Secretary that Plame was a CIA officer.

    david dayen over at our news desk tells us we also have whitehouse visitor logs

    you might want to check those logs for the time between these hours

  8. MadDog says:

    I would note that the constant theme that comes across from Cheney’s interview (and not unexpectedly) is that Scooter Libby is on his own.

    And if I were a member of the Scooter Libby household reading this right now, I’d either be plotting to go public or making sure PapaDick was “employing” Scooter & Co. with a substantial financial retainer for the rest of his life.

    And I’m guessing it’s the latter.

    • Leen says:

      Lots of “I don’t recall” statements. Really does seem Cheney let Libby hang out to fry.

      What did Scooter’s wife allegedly say “we’re going to fuck them”

      was Gaffney in a hurry to give Dick his trophy before this was released?

      Cheneys “dithering” circus act


      • MadDog says:

        …was Gaffney in a hurry to give Dick his trophy before this was released?

        I would note that Scooter attended that very same Cheney award ceremony and from the video I saw, Scooter was all smiles all the while.

        I’m still guessing his future lifetime paychecks will come with a Cheney autograph.

    • Peterr says:

      I think Scooter’s been doing OK with his retainer thus far, and so sees no reason to rock the boat at this point. Sure, he’d like to have his law license back, but “ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”


  9. Leen says:

    Fitz at the press conference

    “It’s alleged in the indictment that on June 14th of 2003, a full month before Mr. Novak’s column, Mr. Libby discussed it in a conversation with a CIA briefer in which he was complaining to the CIA briefer his belief that the CIA was leaking information about something or making critical comments, and he brought up Joe Wilson and Valerie Wilson.”

    Cheney’s interview (page 21)
    (U)The Vice President described himself as a long time admirer of the CIA and its people and programs, but he characterized their performance in the Wilson matter as “amateur hour.” His mindset about the entire issue led him to wonder to himself about what was going on out at Langely”

    “What was going on at Langely’ Fucking absurd

    How many times did Cheney and Libby visit Langely while they were fixing the false pre war intelligence?

    So lawyer folk what happens now that Cheney’s interview has been released and lies are confirmed? Does Fitz come back into the picture. Does congress appoint a new Special prosecutor or what?

    • bobschacht says:

      Cheney’s interview (page 21)
      (U)The Vice President described himself as a long time admirer of the CIA and its people and programs, ….

      It’s a good thing my mouth was not full of food or beverage when I read this. The Liar at work.

      Bob in AZ

    • LabDancer says:

      I’m not recalling Grenier as being the CIA briefer of Cheney [or Cheney & Libby] at 6:45, or as the “Presidential briefer” of Bush, Cheney,Rice, Card [possibly Hadley? possibly Rove? possibly Libby]. I’ve been assuming that briefing was done by Tenet, or McLaughlin. I’ve also been assuming that Grenier’s involvement was primarily if not exclusively, insofar as this scandal is involved, as the CIA who Libby caused to be called out of a deputies’ meeting to deal with Cheney’s assignment to spread the ‘blame’ for Wilson being sent to Niger.

      Can you help out by pointing where it is you got the indication Grenier was involved on July 7, 2003, or is connected more intimately with what appears to be a presidential decision to leak something or pleak someone that day?

  10. Leen says:

    pg 14 Cheney interview
    (U)”Asked specifically about whether there was a media strategy developed with in the OVP to counter the unfair implications raised by the Wilson, the V.P. made it clear that the White House and the OVP were not trying to affirmatively generate coverage on this issue, but were merely responding to media inquiries”

    When did Rove call Chris Matthews and tell him Wilsons wife was “fair game”/

  11. timbo says:

    I’ve checked the US Constitution and Amendments again…and I don’t see any mention of a theory of “executive privilege” in the document. The fact is that the governed should have a right to hear, see, and know precisely how the government and their officials, all of them, elected or not, behave and make decision, what those decisions are, and what the consequences and sequences of those decisions being reached and carried out are. Otherwise, tyranny is on the upswing, and a valid understanding of how the system >really< works is only by affection and not by logic or law.

  12. cinnamonape says:

    Cheney claims to Fitz that he thought what the CIA was doing was “amateur hour” but when it’s clear that they answered his questions he refused to accept that Wilson was qualified.

    “On June 12, Cheney and Libby spoke, and Cheney told Libby about Plame’s supposed role.

    In notes that Libby took of the conversation, Libby wrote that Cheney said he been told by the CIA officials that Wilson’s mission to Niger “took place at our behest”-in reference to the CIA. More specifically, the notes indicted the mission was undertaken at the request of the CIA’s covert Counterproliferation Division. The notes said that Cheney told Libby that he had been informed that Wilson’s “wife works in that division.

    In a handwritten notation at the bottom of the July 6 op-ed, Cheney wrote out several rhetorical questions regarding Wilson and Plame: “Have they [the CIA] done this before? Send an Amb. to answer a question? Do we ordinarily send people out pro-bono to work for us? Or did his wife send him on a junket?”

    In fact the CIA HAD…they had previously sent Wilson out in 2000…and he discovered that the IRANIANS (not Iraqis) had approached the Nigeriens regarding the possible purchase of yellowcake, which the Nigeriens turned away. A successful mission…and they thought it best that Wilson could use those same sources again. Hardly amateur. But Cheney certainly didn’t want to hear this.

    And what is his obsession with pro-bono work? Is the idea that someone might be patriotic enough to undertake this mission without pay so foreign to Cheney’s avaricious nature? Would HE or his associates never do anything good for the nation unless they were highly compensated?

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