Wexler Set To Extinguish Congressional Fire

Robert Wexler, the “Fire Breathing Liberal” may be on the cusp of resigning his seat in Congress. From Post On Politics:

U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Boca Raton, will resign from Congress to take a “public policy position,” several Democratic sources said today.
“He called. He is going to resign….He told me that he is moving on. Beyond that, I don’t have any any answers,” said state Sen. Jeremy Ring, D-Coral Springs. Ring said he is considering running in the special election to replace Wexler.

Another Wexler confidant, Palm Beach County Commissioner Burt Aaronson, said he talked to Wexler this afternoon and Wexler “said he had to do what he had to do for his family.” Wexler didn’t specifically say he would resign, Aaronson said, but by “putting two and two together” he concluded Wexler is leaving office.

Another Democratic insider said Wexler is considering a position related to Middle East policy. It wasn’t immediately clear if the post was inside or outside government.

The signs seem fairly strident Wexler is leaving the House; the question is why? There rumor is stated to be a “Mid East policy position”. That sure beats the standard “spending more time with the family” (which is usually cover for scandal). Several sources are reporting it is a public policy position outside of the Obama Administration; however Foreign Policy’s The Cable is say it IS a position in the Administration and the Obama White House is very tight lipped on the subject.

Wexler was an early supporter of Obama and contributed a lot in Obama’s effort to gain early traction in the critical state of Florida, so a substantial diplomatic position with the Administration should not be ruled out. There are several Ambassadorships yet to be filled including one very substantial post.

If Wexler leaves, there is little chance of the Democrats losing the seat, because the Boca Raton district Wexler fills is overwhelmingly Democratic. In addition to Jerry Ring, potential candidates for the special election include state Sen. Ted Deutch, D-Boca Raton, West Palm Beach Mayor Lois Frankel and former Broward County Commissioner Ben Graber.

UPDATE: From Laura Rozen:

Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL) will announce he is resigning his seat tomorrow to become head of a Middle East group, the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation, founded by Slimfast tycoon S. Daniel Abraham, Hill sources say tonight.

Also, per David Dayen in comments, “What I read is that he wouldn’t resign until the end of the year. So he’s still a vote on health care.”

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29 replies
  1. Jim White says:

    Attackerman tweeted a link to this Miami Herald article:

    In a conference call Tuesday night with Democratic leaders, Wexler said he will become director of the Washington-based Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation. Wexler, 48, is expected to make a public statement about his plans at a 10 a.m. Wednesday press conference at his Boca Raton office.

    • bmaz says:

      That is contrary to FP that says it is an Administration job. It is also rumored to not be that active an outfit at this point; if that is true then it doesn’t make sense.

      I have no idea, but am trying to find out……

      • Jim White says:

        Yeah, I just checked their website and it looks like they haven’t done much lately–but of course when the Bushies were running the show it was probably pretty hard to recruit people to work on Middle Eastern peace–the folks working on Middle Eastern war had a lot more resources…

        • whyknot says:

          Wow that is depressingly true. Whoever replaces him should have to audition grilling lawbreaking lawyers b/c Rep. Wexler’s slicing of Alberto Gonzales was legend. Florida pls send us another good one!

  2. Loo Hoo. says:

    Wow. I remember Wexler being one of the first in congress to call for impeachment. Haven’t gotten emails for contributions in a long while, now that you mention it.

      • allan says:

        What makes you think I’m a citizen?
        I might be a Chinese military intelligence agent sitting in a cubicle.
        And it’s almost lunchtime.

        Actually, I was just about to point out, apropos of LooHoo@10, Spencer’s post on J-Street.

        • NorskeFlamethrower says:

          Citizen allan:

          Or you might have wings and funny little fingers on your feet and flown outta my ass too…if you are offended at bein’ greeted as a “citizen” you did fly outta some dark and smelly place.

        • ThingsComeUndone says:

          Every Human being deserves the Rights of a Citizen of America. Besides the Chinese love Bush he let them sell us Mercury cat food.

  3. Loo Hoo. says:


    He has been reelected five times, never facing serious opposition in one of the most Democratic districts in Florida. During the 2008 campaign, Wexler agreed to receive JStreetPAC’s endorsement and financial support and lost funding from Washington PAC as a result. Morris Amitay, the head of Washington PAC, made clear to candidates seeking support from his PAC that he does not view favorably those who receive funds from JStreet. Amitay said “There’s a striking resemblance between the people they support and the anti-Israel Hall of Fame,” [5]

  4. NorskeFlamethrower says:

    Citizen bmaz:

    Why the curious quiet from the administration if they plan on usin’ him in an important position…the timing of this is important but I don’t know why…there is a lotta shit goin on all at the same time through the State Department in the various venues in the ME and the military and the embedded neo-fascists in the security state are puttin the heat on to stay in the game.

  5. Teddy Partridge says:

    This isn’t how Admin appointments of ‘critters to jobs have happened before. The Army Secretary — as well as the SecState & Ellen Tauscher — didn’t resign until they were confirmed.

    • bmaz says:

      From Laura Rozen:

      Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL) will announce he is resigning his seat tomorrow to become head of a Middle East group, the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation, founded by Slimfast tycoon S. Daniel Abraham, Hill sources say tonight.

      Democratic foreign policy hands said earlier today that Wexler, an important Obama supporter in Florida Jewish Democratic circles, was seeking to transition out of the Hill to private sector work where he could make more money and pay for children’s school tuitions, etc.

      S. Danny Abraham is a long time associate of Wexler from his Palm Beach District. The Middle East center Wexler will head is revived from earlier incarnations.

  6. jayt says:

    What makes you think I’m a citizen?

    Your own perceived sense of humor should be shelved. A coupla weeks ago you presented as a troll – and that went over big.

    You really want to fuck with Norske? It’s a losing proposition, dude. When you have to explain your jokes – they’re really not jokes, now are they?

  7. SunnyNobility says:

    Must be another shoe to fall. Unlikely any big deal appointment would be orchestrated this awkwardly.

  8. glennmcgahee says:

    Wexler had a slight problem last year when it was discovered he didn’t had never owned a home in the District he represents. He is the Jewish Community’s favorite son though. He did rent a house here finally, I think fromhis inlaws – in their basement……

  9. bmaz says:

    This morning’s email from the Fire Breathing One:

    Dear bmaz,

    Today, with both sadness and excitement, I announced that I am leaving Congress in January to accept the position of President of the Center for Middle East Peace, a non-profit institute devoted to achieving a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East

    This decision was not easy: I love my job and my devoted staff, and have a long, close relationship with my constituents – many of whom I’ve served for nearly 20 years.

    Throughout my 13 years in Congress, I sought to be an advocate for democratic values and provide a voice to vitally important progressive causes. Whether it was working to end the use of torture by the Bush Administration, fighting for a legitimate vote during election 2000, successfully pushing for a voter verified paper trail in Florida, or our shared quest for genuine accountability these last few years – I’m proud of the stands I’ve taken. I am even prouder to have had you standing with me.

    Those who have followed my career know that in addition to the progressive causes I have championed, one of my overriding passions has been my work on the Foreign Affairs Committee helping to ensure the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel, and promoting a comprehensive peace between Israel and the Palestinians and Israel and the Arab world.

    While I regret that I will be unable to complete my current term in office, I truly believe we are at a unique and critically tense moment in the history of the Middle East and decisions made today will shape the world for years to come. There is no time to waste.

    The work on issues of accountability did not start with me, nor will it end with me leaving office. This movement has always been driven by you – and your support for the vital causes we have worked on together.

    One of the great lessons I learned in my time in Congress I learned from you – and it is this:
    If you stand up for and defend the constitution and rule of law, you will gain the support of hundreds of thousands of citizens across the country.

    Thank you for having being part of my team and, most especially, for being brave American patriots.

    With warm regards,

    Congressman Robert Wexler

  10. orionATL says:

    “Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL) will announce he is resigning his seat tomorrow to become head of a Middle East group, the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation, founded by Slimfast tycoon S. Daniel Abraham, Hill sources say tonight”

    “…founded by slimfast tycoon s. daniel abraham.”*

    and then there is the tycoon who funds pro-iraqi war drums at johns hopkins U.’s SAIS.

    rich folks make foreign policy in america; poor folks listen to rush limbaugh and neil boortz and vote republican/israeli.

    *from wikipedia:

    “…S. Daniel Abraham is an American businessman who was born and raised in Long Beach, New York. He is frequently included in Forbes 400 list of the 400 wealthiest Americans, and is notable for his introduction of the Slim-Fast beverage in the late 1970s.

    A long-time donor to the Democratic Party, Abraham gave $1.5 million to the party and ranked as the number one contributor of soft money to the national parties in 2000.

    He has received Honorary Doctoral Degrees from the Israeli universities of Bar Ilan, Ben Gurion and Tel Aviv, and from Yeshiva University in New York City [1].

    He has strong ties to Israel, and has used his friendship with leaders in the Middle East to work towards peace in the region. He is a Board Member of AIPAC.

    Abraham is the author of the book Peace is Possible, with a foreword by President Bill Clinton. The book received praise from many Arab and Israeli leaders involved with the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.”

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