Travel Week

I’m off to the big city this week. As I previously noted, on Wednesday I will do a Nation event with Dan Rather and Jane Mayer.

The Nation presents a conversation on the future of news, featuring legendary newscaster Dan Rather, investigative reporter and best-selling author Jane Mayer, pioneering blogger Marcy Wheeler, and longtime editor and publisher–now publisher emeritus–of The Nation, Victor Navasky. Hosted by Katrina vanden Heuvel.

What will the media look like in five years? The discussion will explore the shape and consequences of fundamental shifts in the media landscape. There will also be ample time for audience questions. A cocktail reception with food will follow the discussion. Take this opportunity to hear from and meet some of the most influential journalists of our time.

Wed, Sep 23 at 7 pm
Leonard Nimoy Thalia
$200; Members $150; Day of Show $250

If you want to go, buy tickets in advance and use this code: RAC102 for half off the ticket price.

The rest of the week, I’m going to be in and out of the Clinton Global Initiative. I should get to see both Clinton and Obama speak, as well as that guy who won the most votes in 2000. 

And, if I can find CSPAN tomorrow and Wednesday, I’ll try to check in on the PATRIOT hearings (11AM Tuesday for HJC; 10AM Wednesday for SJC).

If nothing else, I’ll try to post pictures of all the muckety mucks in NYC this week.

Otherwise, you know the drill: bmaz will be raiding the liquor cabinet, you’ll all trash the place, but by the time I get back you’ll have managed to shampoo the carpets so I can pretend I don’t notice a thing.

35 replies
  1. fatster says:

    Oh, how wonderful! Have a great time, deliver your usual straight- and factual-talk and we’ll look forward to the pix.

  2. scribe says:

    Happy trails, EW.

    And, while you’re there, be sure to ask Obama, ohhh, say, how long he intends to continue tolerating McChrystal’s, Odierno’s and Petraeus’ insubordination.

  3. JimWhite says:

    What’s the over/under line for the number of big stories to break while EW is traveling?

    I’ll chip in on the hubcap reward if Marcy can get Dan Rather to say blow job.

    • Leen says:

      I’m in on that bet

      Bet she can get Katrina to say it with no problem

      With “intelligence snowjob” in the same sentence or phrase

      Lies under oath about a “blowjob” = Impeachment
      Pre-war WMD Intelligence “snowjob” = hundreds of thousands dead, injured and millions displaced

      Our congress, justice system, media and the American public have their priorities you know

  4. BoxTurtle says:

    If you get to ask Obama a question, ask him which is worse: The torturer or the person who knowingly and willfully helps the torturer escape justice.

    Boxturtle (Stay off aircraft)

  5. tjbs says:

    OT That was one fine informational, for those who haven’t a clue, of the torture background on the radio this morning. I’m sure there are a few more people questioning the torture rational. Enjoy the week.

  6. skdadl says:

    Have a great time, EW — so well deserved. Surely there will be vids?

    I’m trying to think of a question for Obama that has “bickering” in it, used wryly, of course …

  7. Mary says:

    EW – have fun, wish I could go. It sounds like a great panel.

    If you get a chance, maybe you can see if Mayer knows anything about the reference at history commons to AZ having military lawyers assigned to him while he was still at the black site and those lawyers indicating they were going to claim he had been tortured/coerced as an impetus behind the July 2002 meetings and Aug memos.

    I was really surprised to see that, if it is true (history commons is pretty good usually, but I couldn’t find any working link for the attribution) it’s pretty notworthy info.

  8. Leen says:

    Our favorite Marcy off to the big leagues again.
    Hey Marcy at the NN09 one of the panels I went to was
    “Inclusive” Footage – How Viral Videos Are Impacting Progressive Politics

    With Cenk Uygar, Andy Cobb, Sam Seder, Jason Barnett and Matthew Filipowicz. This was an incredible panel and the work being done by this group is wonderful.

    During the question and answer part of the panel I asked “are there any political issues that you will not touch” After kind of responding one of the panelist asked “do you think there are issues that we (and many in the netroots) do not touch” I responded “yes” The I/P conflict.

    Went into a much longer discussion and they all agreed that they avoid this issue. Let me repeat they all agreed that they avoid this issue

    I noticed that Cenk Uygar (who I think is just terrific) had not really responded. I went up to him after and he said I was “pont on” and we went on to discuss why the Netroots Nation had no panels (that I could find in the program) that addressed this conflict, coverage etc.

    We had a long conversation about the avoidance of this issue by the fellows on the panel in the videos they produced and the avoidance of this topic at the Netroots event.

    Wondering if you would be wiling to ask other panelist if they think this critical issue is still being avoided by the MSM (know it is) But hope it comes up at this event.

    There was not a whisper about the Goldstone UN Report on Rachel Maddows, Keith Olbermann, Ed Show etc. Not a whisper. Confirming once again that the MSM will not touch this issue.

    They needed to tell us for the thousandth time about Rep Joe Wilson’s “you lie” out burt.

      • Leen says:

        Yeah heard that the day Amy interviewed Norman. Damn he is an inspiration and he has taken some serious hits on his own career and Finkelstein keeps moving forward.

        that interview kicks some ass. Norman “that was not a war it was a massacre”

      • 4jkb4ia says:

        This is safe to write because it is completely in EPU-ville, but I am sorry that Norman Finkelstein is the best that they could do. If the objective is to take this to ICC in the end, you want someone from the broad human rights community.

  9. Leen says:

    ARe Klynn or Box Turtle or any of the other Ohio folks around.

    The Mad as Hell Doctors tour. Klynn it looks like they still have Sept 23 open. Columbus would be a good spot.

    I am going to contact and see if they can come Athens Way

    Hope the media folks in that neck of the woods shows up to cover.

    • BoxTurtle says:

      I’m lurking, though I’m about to head out for a bit to snag some lunch. Want to get some food in me before bmaz opens the liquor cabinet.

      On that subject, Mad Doctors sound like good drinking buddies. I could certainly be in Columbus on the 23d if I had an excuse to do so.

      Boxturtle (Can offer a ride to anyone in Xenia area who doesn’t mind dog fur)

      • Leen says:

        Box Turtle they can not fit anything in at this point. Pissed at myself for not contacting them before. They are in your neck of the woods all day I believe on the 23 check the schedule.

        We need to help them along the rest of the way get the media attention they deserve. Calling as many media outlets in Columbus, Dayton, Cleveland, Pittsburgh. Especially Rachel Maddow, Ed, Diane Rehms etc when they arrive in D.C. They feel they are experiencing a media black out

        Folks spent a bit of time on the phone today with some of the Mad as Hell Doctors road and media team. Of course I am kicking myself in the ass for not contacting them weeks ago for a stop in Athens Ohio. They said they have basically honored most request for stops when they first put their plans for the road trip up I believe they said 8 weeks ago

        As Montanamaven shared they are having a hard time getting the media coverage they so deserve. So as MM as suggested let’s help them on their way. Contacting mainline media outlets on their way. Asking them to give full coverage to these DOCTORS for single payer.


        contacts for the Mad as Hell Doctors team
        Clinton 971-235-6590
        Fiori 206- 718-2417
        Gary 503-679-8482

        Their next stops are around the Dayton Ohio region. Then to Cleveland etc. Let’s help and contact media folks before they get there.

        Call or email the Columbus Dispatch today or early tomorrow ask them to cover the “Mad as Hell Doctors”…..index.html

        The Dayton Daily News…..ntact.html

  10. Petrocelli says:

    Have a great time, Marcy … we sure will, just as soon as Freep shows up with the Mariachi singers ! *g*

    Pls ask Obama to respond to my e-mail, which contained excerpts from Mary & my comments here a few weeks back. I’ll be happy to resend it if he offers up his Blackberry addy.

  11. scribe says:

    Verdicts in the Formula One Renault deliberate crash case:

    Renault suspended two years (suspended sentence, pending other rules violations), Team managing director Briatore suspended indefinitely from F1 and all FIA events (i.e., for life, cf. Pete Rose) and banned from managing drivers, Team engineering director Symonds suspended five years.

    A 90 minute hearing and that was that. Give it to F1 – they straightened that issue out pretty quickly. It could have killed the sport (and still might).

    • bmaz says:

      They say they did not suspend young piquet too because they had “given him immunity”. Well, maybe, but they sure could have reduced his license status from “superlicense” for F1 to a regular status. That said, I can’t imagine who would hire him at this point though anyway; he was consistently a crappy driver even in decent equipment to start with. I think he is done.

  12. tejanarusa says:

    Wow. A panel with substance! Wish I could be there. We, the people, owe all 3 of you for your hard work.

    Any chance this panel might be on C-span?

  13. Mary says:

    OT – This is kind of interesting. DCCC is using PNAC signator Madeline Albright as their fundraising highpoint


    An unusual new fundraising pitch by the DCCC — to go out later today and sent over by a source — is signed by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who rallies donors by reminding them that Bush left Obama with an awful international mess, and claiming their donations will enable Obama to restore America’s moral standing in the world

    I’m perplexed as to why they would go to Albright for the three pointer instead of just pointing out Obama’s direct efforts of the last week or so towards *restoring* America’s moral standing – his “no lawyers, no courts, no habeas” rules for Bagram detainees – even those kidnapped elsewhere and knowingly shipped into a war zone while they were protected persons.…..rint-zj-04

    Under the new rules, inmates will have their detention reviewed only every six months. Military officials — rather than lawyers — will be assigned to prisoners and tasked to gather witnesses and evidence that might help challenge their detention. The officials’ findings will then be presented before military review boards. Unlike Gitmo prisoners, Bagram detainees will not be able to challenge their detention in US courts on the basis of habeas corpus.

    In a throwback to Bushisms, the Obama administration justified denying prisoners access to legal counsel by pointing out that they were captured in a battlefield and were being held in a war zone. Government officials also highlighted the importance of Bagram as a holding pen for terror suspects captured outside Iraq and Afghanistan now that Guantanamo was being closed and the CIA’s secret prisons had become inoperative.

    Writing in The New Yorker, Amy Davidson questioned the Obama administration’s twisted logic as follows: ‘So closing Guantanamo increases the need for a new Guantanamo, and barring the use of secret prisons just means that you need to find a new place to stash secret prisoners?’

    Yep – nothing like using what Obama’s doing to raise that money, but I guess a fall-back position to using a PNAC-er to do the same isn’t bad as a plan B.

  14. Loo Hoo. says:

    Have a wonderful time, Marcy. Sure wish I could be there. I really like Chris Hayes, too. Bet he’s a fun kid to party with!

    I’ll try to guard the crystal from the wild dogs, but Petrocelli is uncontrollable.

  15. 4jkb4ia says:

    Goldstone did write an op-ed for the NYT, albeit very short. I also checked my mail to see that I have four letters from Albright and the one of June 30 was also for the DCCC.
    (They can keep sending me these emails. It will not change that I do not have the money to give them and would be skeptical about giving money to seat more Democratic warm bodies at this point.)

  16. Mary says:

    Here’s another fundraiser DCCC can use – Elzahabi and the 51% rule.…..le1285350/

    He’s a guy we’ve been holding on immigration charges for years now, but supposedly the underlying reason for holding him in strict segregation is ties to the 9/11 hijackers. Instead of proving out those ties, though, Obama is getting ready to send him back to Lebanon, where he’s pretty sure he’ll be tortured. And apparently there’s a new interpretatin of CAT by Obama’s immigration judges – if you can’t prove that 51% of the people held by a country’s executive powers are tortured, then it’s ok to ship you off to a country that does torture and that will most likely torture you.

    His immigration judge in Texas played down those concerns. “The presence of torture as a tool for Lebanon’s security services and police agencies is apparent,” Judge William Lee Abbott ruled earlier this year. But he found that Mr. Elzahabi’s pleas do “not compel a finding that people like him are tortured at least 51 per cent of the time.”

    “It’s a gamble, the court recognizes this. But it’s not a sure bet.”

    The Cheney’s one percent doctrine meets Obama’s fifty-one percent rule. Elzahabi doesn’t sound all the naive and innocent to me, but how the heck do you get around CAT by coming up with a “prove to the court they torture 51% of everyone they hold” standard?

    • PJEvans says:

      That’s like a trigger on the public option: either it’s already been met, and they know it and ignore it anyway, or they know that it can never be met.

      I’d rather see them admit to what they’re doing and take their legal lumps.

  17. Suzanne says:

    dayam, guess i had better get that carpet shampoo machine outta the pawn shop before marcy returns

    have fun and take lotsa pictures marcy. hope someone will tape the nation event so those of us unable to attend can watch it.

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