Chuck Schumer for Majority Leader

Update: I’ve been reliably informed that Schumer made the comments to the NYT on Thursday, before his Friday meeting with POTUS.

Since I’ve been obsessing about all the excess brush in TX now that we have a President who insists on working in August, I’ve been tracking Obama’s schedule very closely. And so I noticed on Friday that Chuck Schumer had a late afternoon meeting in the Oval Office that was closed to the Press.

Just Chuck Schumer.

I found that rather odd, since Schumer’s Chairmanship–of Rules–isn’t necessarily one that would be of interest to the President. Unlike the House, for example, the Senate Rules Committee isn’t going to have significant say over how a bill–health care, for example–comes up for a vote. [Update: I’m increasingly convinced this is wrong: Rules might be critical if they tried to do health care in reconciliation.]

And while there are a number of things buzzing in NY–notably, the confirmation of NY’s Sonia Sotomayor and US Attorney and former Schumer aide Preet Bharara–that might concern both the White House and NY’s senior Senator. But on a lot of those issues, some other Committee Chair would be involved (such as Pat Leahy for judiciary issues), which make it less likely that’s what the White House wanted to chat to Schumer and just Schumer about. Furthermore, some issues (such as Carolyn Maloney’s decision not to challenge Kristen Gillibrand) would be more appropriate in a non-official venue.

So I’ve been assuming that Schumer got called to the White House because he has a unique ability to get things done in the Senate. That’s partly by virtue of his past tenure as DSCC Chair; thirteen Senators owe their position to Schumer, including a number of moderates (Sheehan, Warner, Hagen, Franken, Udall, Udall, Merkley, Begich, McCaskill, Webb, Tester, Brown, Casey, and Whitehouse). He’s the kind of guy who, if he were majority leader, would be tremendously effective and would have a lot of chits to call in on key legistlative battles. Oh, and he’s also on the Finance Committee–the committee on which six totally unrepresentative Senators are holding healthcare hostage.

Which is why I’m curious to see these comments from Schumer. (h/t Americablog)

“If they can’t do it by Sept. 15th, I think the overwhelming view on the Democratic side is going to be, then, they’re never going to get it done,” Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, observed in a separate interview. “And there’s always a worry that, you know, delay, delay, delay, you lose any momentum whatsoever.”


On the “public option,” Mr. Schumer said, “if you call it a co-op but it meets certain criteria — it’s available on Day 1, it’s available to everybody, it has the strength to go up against the big insurance companies and the big suppliers to bring down prices — fine.

“If it’s going to be a measly little thing that’s just a fig leaf, not fine,” Mr. Schumer said.


“The proof of the pudding in this is not going to be who votes for it, if you have Republicans or not,” said Mr. Schumer, who is heavily favored to win a third term in 2010. “It’s going to be when it passes and when it goes into effect: does it work?”

(Actually, now that I think of it, the Rules Committee might be able to toy with the way "reconciliation" is understood, which would have to be used in a Democrats-only bill.)

You see, coming from any other Senator, I’d consider this just one more comment amid a sea of comments about what might happen in the Senate. But coming from Schumer, coming just days after his curious meeting with Obama on Friday, I suspect this is a line in the sand. 

Harry Reid might not get us there, but Chuck Schumer might.

122 replies
  1. Leen says:

    you mean the Schumer who voted for the 2002 war resolution, Mukasey and the Kyl Lieberman amendment (more lies about Iran)..that Schumer

    • emptywheel says:

      No. I mean the Schumer who, on paper, looks more like LBJ than anyone has since.

      That Schumer. You know, someone from a blue state who would actually be an effective majority leader, regardless of ihs individual votes?

      • Phoenix Woman says:

        Indeed. And speaking of LBJ, a lot of the people who praise him now would have hated him then for escalating the Vietnam War (and didn’t know that Nixon had sent Anna Chan Chennault to Paris in 1968 to make sure the Peace Talks failed).

        If we’re going to give props to guys like Black Jack Murtha and Walter “Freedom Fries” Jones for dropping their previous support of the Iraq invasion, then Schumer deserves a little credit too.

        • ghostof911 says:


          Read Sy Hersh’s The Price of Power. Sy claims the LBJ indeed know about what was going on in Paris (Kissinger, who was working for both the Ds and the Rs was involved). LBJ did nothing about it, because he was upset with Humphrey for coming out against the war right before the election. In effect LBJ threw the election to Nixon.

        • coral says:

          I hated him then, but he pushed through very difficult legislation – Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights, & Medicare.

      • tejanarusa says:

        Hey, yeah, I could go for that Schumer as ML.

        What a great idea. And his comments were after the meeting? Hunh.

        I could forgive a lot for a senator who got us real health care [insurance] reform. A lot.

        Can you change majority leaders in mid-stream? I mean, mid-session? Would anybody in the Senate (not us DFH’s) want to?

        Boy, EW, way to get my hopes up and my imagination firing…

      • coral says:

        Agreed. This is good news to me. Schumer is not a wimp. I don’t agree with him on many issues, but he can push health care through the Senate. It is obvious Reid is totally useless.

      • sptatt says:

        My cat would be a better leader than Reid, however Schumer D(wall street) haven’t we been hosed enough.

      • joanneleon says:

        Well, I might have to rethink my position on Chuck Schumer for this situation, since I respect your opinion, EW.

        You do know that he has a “deep, personal dislike” for Eliot Spitzer though, right?

        We need new leadership so badly. Is it possible that the meeting was about taking over Baucus chairmanship? Or Majority Whip? I’m wondering what happens with Durbin if Schumer is going for the Majority Leader role.

    • jdacal says:

      I agree with Leen on this. Chuck has a reputation like Feinstein of saying one thing and voting the other way. His recommendation of Mukasey was unforgivable, and the recommendation was cemented into place with Feinstein casting the deciding flip-flop vote.

      He also initiates hearings right away as soon as the gas companies get out of control. Lots of talk, lots of face time, never any results. Also, he’s way too conservative when it comes to wall street. Maybe not in words but in actions.

      I don’t think he should be rewarded with Reid’s spot, even though Reid definitely needs an emergency spine transplant.

    • frazzlesnazzle says:

      Yes, that Schumer. You’ll have to forgive him his pro-Israeliness, at least when it comes to issues not relating to Israel. Also, if you exclude everyone who voted for the war resolution, you don’t have many people left.

      • Leen says:

        23. And it is not just his vote for the 2002 war resolution, he helped bring us Mukasey. As well as his continued support of legislation that is filled with unsubstantiated claims about Palestinians and Iran. Just too too much I do not like about Schumer

  2. FormerFed says:

    Interesting post. How many daily schedules do you track??

    Schumer would certainly be better than Reid. Every time I see Reid on the floor, I just cringe.

    • emptywheel says:

      The WH sends out daily schedules every day. I don’t usually look very closely (though I do keep them on record). But I’ve been doing a snarky tweet every day to call attention to all the work Obama is doing, which is why I looked.

  3. Teddy Partridge says:

    Marcy, this is as good a read as any on this meeting. Obama needs to set Harry Reid free to tend his homefires, and he needs Schumer to get health care reform passed. I don’t think Reid can negotiate with the conservaDems: he’s one himself.

    Be nice to have a Majority Leader from a blue state; how long has it been? No, really — how long has it been?

    • emptywheel says:

      Mind you, I don’t really think Reid’s in danger of losing his spot anytime soon. But I do think there’s something going on with Schumer and efforts to do healthcare through reconciliation, in which case rules might become the key committee. It’s not all that much better than Finance: Assuming Ben Nelson and Mark Pryor would vote with Republicans on anything radical, Schumer would have just a one-seat majority on the committee, with people like Mark Warner, DiFi, the NM Udall, and Inouye.

      That’s probably still a working majority, but you can never trust some of those folks…

        • yellowsnapdragon says:

          “Retiring” will not satisfy me. I’d like to see a big cane pulling him away from the podium and into obscurity where he belongs.

        • hackworth1 says:

          Could we have a female leader in both houses? with a high-powered Hillary? And Janet Napolitano?

          Not that I care. I’m for more women in government. I don’t see the stars in line for Republican-lite DiFi.

        • emptywheel says:

          Yeah, sorry. Can’t help you guys in CA with that. I confess to voting for her in her first Senate election. But then I left and washed my hands of her…

        • PJEvans says:

          She won’t get past the primary. (Most of us would rather have Brown back than have DiFi as governor.) She’s old, too.

        • MarkH says:

          I thought she looked it over and decided not to do it. I’ve been reading about Brown (and some others) building their campaign war chests.

          On ML: the Senate decides, not us.

        • MarkH says:

          Are you suggesting Hillary might wish to return to the Senate after her SoS tour? That would be interesting. Anyway, I think she’s doing well and it’s more important for us to have her as SoS than for NY to have her as senator just now. She can help bring peace to the world and to keep Obama well-informed about what’s going on in many places of the world where he doesn’t immediately have his attention. There are often a lot of smaller initiatives here and there which the press & public don’t pick up on. I think Dems and most Americans trust her with that (and more).

      • Larue says:

        I LOVE your keen eye on the little details of our government and governed!

        So let me say once again thank you SO much for all you do!! *G*

        In regards to your post, I also REALLY like your fix on the Schumer meeting was all about how to make reconciliation work, and NOT about replacing the Majority Leader. The connect twixt the two would be to heads up Harry Reid that Obama is going to end run teh Pubs AND him, and keep Harry in the game and ON THE RIGHT SIDE. Not to mention, minimize any damage he might do in terms of further capitulation.

        To close, also Hat Tips to Pups comments, insightful and delightful, as always!

        Along with Edmonds testimony this weekend, things are shaping up news wise on many, many fronts.

        Mz. Wheeler, can I just come out and ask, will you be looking at Edmond’s testimony and how that may impact any NUMBER of issues, ESPECIALLY establishing links between AIPAC and Turkish government groups, bribing and blackmail of our elected officials by foreign interests, and such? Not to mention, her info and its impact on FISA, wiretapping, BushCo in general, illegal wars, firing of USGA’s, and more?

        I sure hope we see your thoughts on these issues as it all develops. It’s all complicated now, and will need your insights to unravel it all . . . *G* And again, thanks. You are a national treasure.

        • bobschacht says:

          Mz. Wheeler, can I just come out and ask, will you be looking at Edmond’s testimony and how that may impact any NUMBER of issues, ESPECIALLY establishing links between AIPAC and Turkish government groups, bribing and blackmail of our elected officials by foreign interests, and such? Not to mention, her info and its impact on FISA, wiretapping, BushCo in general, illegal wars, firing of USGA’s, and more?

          Larue, you have some remedial reading to do on the last thread. You’ll find answers to most of your Q from EW there.

          Bob in HI

        • MarkH says:

          It is going to be fascinating to go through that testimony. I suspect there will be several blogs where it gets a thorough going-over.

          I can hardly wait for the famous emptywheel time-line.

      • Arbusto says:

        To trust Schumer being the lead with something as important as Public Option is the same to me as trusting Specter with anything. They say one thing, then act the oposite at the vote.

        As to Reid, I think he’s the weasel/stalking horse the DINO’s want as leader. He provides plausible stupidity and distraction from Senate inactivity and a milk-toast shield to hide behind

  4. BoxTurtle says:

    He’d certainly be an improvement over Reid. He knows how to use the power of the majority leader. But if I had a choice, he’s NOT the one I’d pick to hold that kind of power. Like Leen @ 1, those were the first things I thought of.

    Boxturtle (Smells like Chicago style politics to me)

    • bmaz says:

      Yeah, but the people you/I would want are not even close to being in play. Of those that could be in play, Schumer probably has the most balls and ability. Durbin wouldn’t be much of a change…..

      • posaune says:

        how does Schumer play with MSM? seems his friendliness with corporate types would give him a few passes there.

  5. bobschacht says:

    Interesting thought, EW.
    Reid has been a nobody as ML, and now he has a tough fight for re-election demanding his attention. There’s a clear vacuum in Senate leadership.

    I always thought that Schumer was a weasel, but you’re right, he is a wheeler-dealer who can knock heads. Which is good, as long as its not our heads that are being knocked.

    Bob in HI

    • PJEvans says:

      He’s a weasel, but he’s our weasel, not the Blue Dogs’ weasel?

      Yes, we need to get Reid out of a job that he clearly can’t do.

  6. brendanx says:

    I like the delicious possibilities of wingnut reaction to a black crypto-Muslim and a Jew pushing through health care legislation. The placards you’d see might focus people’s minds.

    • tejanarusa says:

      Bwahahaha. I think. I like the idea of RW heads explosing, not so much that they’re bringing weapons to town halls with their reps.

  7. fatster says:

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention, EW. I don’t care much for Schumer, either, but he would be a major improvement over what’s there now.

    Oh, O/T (Old Topic), or back to torture. Digby on Holder’s “narrow investigation.”

    MONDAY AUG. 10, 2009 11:11 EDT
    Tortured logic

    Digby, filling-in for the vacationing Glenn Greenwald.
    (Updated below)
    Editor’s note: Glenn Greenwald is on vacation this week. Digby is guest-blogging today.

    “We weren’t sure he was going to even go this far, but according to news reports over the weekend, Attorney General Holder has decided on a “narrow” investigation into torture. In fact, it’s so narrow that it won’t investigate any of the torture that was authorized by DOJ functionary John Yoo at all. Using inverted pretzel logic, they are apparently going to go after those who failed to follow John Yoo’s directives.”


  8. njr83 says:

    majority leader, yeah

    next step, getting Obama to find a new chief of staff

    so my sinking spirits are showing???

    What we need is an early snow storm and then a bright long fall

    back to work now…

    • Phoenix Woman says:

      Most chiefs of staff last about a year or so. Bush’s Andy Card was the chief modern exception to that rule. (Then again, Andy Card didn’t have all that much power, not compared to Karl Rove or Dick Cheney or even Karen Hughes.)

      • PJEvans says:

        I’m tempted to send you the reply I gave Axelrod’s email today. I reworded it before I hit ’send’: it didn’t seem like a good idea to say ‘tell Rahm to f*ck himself sideways with a rusty garden implement’, even though that’s how I feel.

  9. hackworth1 says:

    Nice work, ew. We heard it hear first. All thanks to you.

    Say what you will about Harry Reid. Harry knows quite a good bit about bipartisanship and cordiality. I shall never forget Harry’s words uttered in defense of Joe Lieberman:

    “Joe votes with us on everything but the war.”


    “The Senate is a collegial body.”

    • Phoenix Woman says:

      From what I can see, Harry got the Majority Leader gig for one main reason: he was the guy who talked Jim Jeffords into leaving the GOP, which gave the Dems control of the upper chamber from May of 2001 to November of 2002. He was known as “the Jim Whisperer” for having achieved that feat.

      • yellowsnapdragon says:

        …and clearly, that one vote changed the direction of the Senate and the country for the better./s

  10. RieszFischer says:

    How come nobody’s talking about the nukyeler option anymore? You know, where the Rats tell the Pukes to take their filibuster and shove it up their missile silos?

  11. Twain says:

    Reid is useless. LBJ was not universally loved but he surely knew how to get things done and he didn’t care whose feelings he stepped on. Wish we had just one Senator like him right now.

  12. SadButTrue says:

    Funny observation about the brush clearing. I’ll bet Dubya hasn’t so much as picked up a stick since leaving office – it was obviously just something he did to create photo-ops that made him look manly. He hires illegal Mexicans to do that kind of stuff now.

  13. thebagofhealthandpolitics says:

    Schumer is running for Majority Leader. That’s kind of an open secret. While dissatisfaction with Reid is extremely high Schumer has his own problems with the left (especially in regards to Wall Street). So he’s been a progressive voice on health care reform–to be fair to him, while I’m sure the politics of it doesn’t hurt, he seems to genuinely believe in health care reform. Whether he can beat Reid or not is an open question. But whether Reid will even be there to run against him is also an open question (Reid has quite the fight on his hands in Nevada next year).

    Schumer meeting privately with Obama is, in my view, a message from the administration to Reid: we’re happy to work with you, but we can work with anybody…and if you want our help in a tough election next year–in a state which the President carried by 10 percent–then you need to get the bill out of Finance.

  14. TomThumb says:

    Thanks for putting his remarks in perspective. I was concerned about his co-op remarks. Think Progress has a new piece on co-ops today also.

    • RieszFischer says:

      Yeah, I’d like to remove him from the Senate, not just the speakership. I think he’s up for election in 2012. He’s in a conservative state. If we progressives could help a Puke unseat him it would send a strong message to the centrists in the Senate.

    • Larue says:

      Just moving him ‘aside a bit’ is huge!!! I agree!

      What’s bigger, is thinking about the fact that Obama WOULD do this!!!!

      THAT is a bellringer, a signal changer, a HUGE statement by him he’s gonna actually LEAD!

      But, like many, I’ll believe it when I see it. It’s hard to get hopes up, and dashed again, as Lucy pulls the football away . . . *sigh*

      Course, I’m STARVED for hope! So I’m falling for it again . . . lol

  15. Mary says:

    Schumer can get things done, I’m just not crazy about what it is he will prioritze or that he’ll have decent goals and good sense on what he chooses to put on the table.

    What would Schumer say about Mukasey other than that it didn’t turn out the way he wanted it to? Schumer was also the big gun behind getting the Dems and even some Republicans to drop the demand for outside counsel and/or reinstituting the Indep Counsel statutes and instead go with the Fitizgerald inhouse appointment that ended up with no requirements for reporting to Congress.

    And here in Kentucky, he affirmatively lost votes for the Dem tickets when he strongarmed us into having Lunsford as the candidate against McConnell. I’m not joking on that one – Lunsford was such a terrible candidate that he made McConnell look halfway decent. *s*

    But he does have a way of getting what he wants – which isn’t something you can say about Reid.

  16. bobschacht says:

    Hackworth1 @ 17:

    “Joe votes with us on everything but the war.”

    Reid’s memory is defective. Lieberman voted with the Republican block on legislation
    * To support the new Bush-supported FISA law
    * To compel redeployment of troops from Iraq [against]
    * To confirm Michael Mukasey as Attorney General
    * To confirm Leslie Southwick as Circuit Court Judge
    * the Kyl-Lieberman Resolution on Iran [Well, duh!]
    * To condemn
    * The Protect America Act
    * The Military Commissions Act
    * To renew the Patriot Act
    * Cloture Vote on Sam Alito’s confirmation to the Supreme Court

    He’s definitely BFF with the Blue Dogs in the Senate who vote more often on critical issues with the Republicans, rather than with the Democrats.

    Bob in HI

    • hackworth1 says:

      Lieberman became known as Rape-Gurney and Short Ride Joe for his votes in favor of continued Federal funding of Religious Hospitals which refused to provide post-rape contraception.

      Joe famously quipped, “It’s just a short ride to another hospital.”

  17. Diane says:

    I’ve always considered Reid too placating & polite. Though I do hold Mukasey against him, Schumer would be a take no prisoners majority leader.

      • Peterr says:

        And that’s not going to happen before next November’s election. If Harry were to step aside before then, he’d be eliminating one of the biggest reasons why folks in Nevada should vote for him — “I’m the majority leader, and if you replace me, you trade the power of the majority leader working on behalf of the people of Nevada for a backbench freshman senator of the minority party.”

      • Bluetoe2 says:

        Reid is up for reelection. Perhaps a little talking to could persuade him for the good of his reelection efforts it might be best if he steps down as majority leader of the Senate.

  18. Bluetoe2 says:

    It’s way past time to dump Reid. He has been a disaster and has been an appeaser of the Republicans for far too long. When one looks for a definition of the Peter Principle there is a picture of Harry Reid.

  19. JimWhite says:

    Is Durbin going to have to account for himself to any Democrats for trying to give away the public option yesterday? Harry? Are you there? Chuck, can you do this for us?

  20. BayStateLibrul says:

    Reid is a very poor leader… we need someone like Barney Frank, maybe
    he’ll run as Mass Senator? At least, he has a sense of humor.

    • dakine01 says:

      Somehow, I doubt that Barney will be willing to give up his seniority/leadership in the House as the head of the Finance committee to become the most junior of senators. And senators tend to not promote the most junior among them into a leadership position.

    • Bluetoe2 says:

      The thing about Reid is he sounds like an automaton. No fire or passion. He is trully pathetic. Need someone that connects with people and is telegenic. Reid should be doing ads for funeral homes.

  21. dickdata says:

    It doesn’t seem like having the Senator from Wall Street as Majority Leader would solve all of our problems, but I would be willing to give it a try. What’s needed that would pave the way for a new Majority Leader would be a change in the Senate Rules. We HAVE to replace Baucus as Chairman of the Finance Committee, and we can’t do that without changing the rules. The Majority Leader and every Chairman needs to be subject to at least a retention vote, if not term limits.

    • emptywheel says:

      One of the reasons why Chucky S resembles LBJ in key ways more than anyone has recently is bc he has had control over funding. LBJ was NSCC for a chunk of time he was ML, and threatened to cut off people who got stroppy. While Schumer is no longer DSCC, he still does have that big chit with almost a quarter of the Senators.

  22. brodie says:

    I hated him then, but he pushed through very difficult legislation – Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights, & Medicare.

    Different era, different circumstances, greatly favored passage of progressive legislation in the 64-5 period. A massive Dem landslide in 64 hastened passage of Medicare through the key House comm’ee for instance. So did the death in 63 of the biggest senate opponent, Dem Sen Rbt Kerr (OK), who was quite a shady behind-the-scenes operator for his side.

    As for Majority Leader Schumer, I’m all in favor since I believe Dems could benefit from a stronger personality in Congress leading the show for a change (Nancy and Harry both being soft-spoken types), and no one in Congress has ever had a perfect voting record.

  23. spc123 says:

    Schumer is a lap dog for Wall Street. Kiss any future reforms attempts for the financial system goodbye if he was leader. At least fellow lap dogs Dodd and Frank showed their faces during the meltdown, Chuckie was in hiding. The man won’t even commit to taxing hedge fund managers at fair rates.

    • Leen says:

      Come on Mukasey could not call waterboarding “torture” and Schumer voted for him and now people would support him being majority leader
      A Champion of Wall Street Reaps Benefits……html?_r=1

      Schumer brought us Mukasey

      After Mukasey refused to say whether an interrogation technique called waterboarding amounts to illegal torture, Schumer has watched a growing number of his colleagues announce their opposition to the judge.

      Schumer, who has remained uncharacteristically quiet throughout the furor, said in an interview yesterday that he is now “wrestling” with whether to vote against a nomination that he was instrumental in bringing about. He compared the controversy to the 2005 nomination battle over Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.…..02499.html

  24. kyeo says:

    At this point, Schumer as majority leader sounds too good to be true. Although I don’t know if we can discount the idea that Obama met with him to dial down talk about the public option.

  25. NorskeFlamethrower says:


    Citizen emptywheel and the Firepup Freedom fighters:

    Thank you again for just bein’ you and posting on this site…unlike most things I pay for these days I feel like I’m gettin’ big bangs for the bucks I been tossin’ toward your work here. As for the implications of the meeting with Obama, I have been waiting patiently for the quiet one from Kenya (that’s a little joke, Sister) to start squeezin’ the Quisling Democrats. As far as Chuck the Bookkeeper is concerned, I don’t trust ‘im at all but he’s one of the few Senators in the last few decades who has the stones and the political skills that LBJ had…unfortunately he seems ta share the same blanket with Rahm Tiny Dancer on many issues and comes from the same wing of the American Likud Party when it comes to Israel. I don’t think that Obama is gunna sell out to Big Pharma or the insurance cabal and his whole approach to governance is to put the issues in the hands of Congress (or the courts) and force ‘em to get the job done…his political skills are not lost from his executive perch and as long as his personal approvals stay at or about 60% the Republicans are irrelevant and the Democrats in the Congress are not gunna be able ta get anythin done that doesn’t satisfy “the boss”. So Shcumer as majority leader sounds mighty good to me, even though he is a slippery SOB.


  26. art3 says:

    harry reid isnt pro choice. not big on gay rights. schumer is at least pro choice, and backs gay marriage. he and gillibrand plan to do lots on this. i iwsh i could believe this post-but unless reid is pressured very hard by his caucus and obama it will never happen. if healthcare fails bc reid couldnt reign things in then he is in major trouble

  27. Leen says:

    Schumer would lead the march in congress to strike Iran. I do not want to see him as majority leader

    • frazzlesnazzle says:

      Maybe this sounds callous, but I’ll trade you healthcare for Mid-East peace any day.

      But really, I don’t think Schumer is quite that hawkish. At least I hope not.

  28. Sara says:

    I need to seriously recommend that folk get a copy of Robert Caro’s “Master of the Senate” — the third volume in his planned 4 volume bio of LBJ. When you talk about selecting a Senate Leader, you really need to know how that job really functions, and I know of no better graduate course around this topic than Caro’s book. I think it is now in Paperback, but warning — it runs about a thousand pages.

    It is totally unimportant whether you ideologically agree with any particular Senate Leader — the stuff about voting patterns is totally useless criteria vis a vis a Senate Leader. What is critical is understanding the factions represented in a particular party in the Senate, and finding the person who can most effectively straddle these, and at the same time keep the Senate moving forward, at least to outward appearances.

    Reid was selected not to be a Majority Leader with a ten Senator majority — he was picked to be a Minority Leader after Tom Daschle’s defeat, when we were six Senators down from holding the Majority, and when we didn’t control the House or the Presidency. The qualities called for in one situation are very different from those needed by our current embarassment of Riches that if properly deployed, could pass the whole Damn Democratic Platform. I would suggest that Reid made a huge contribution to getting us into the current position, and he needs to be valued for that. He just may not be the best person to execute Leadership in this new day.

    Looking at LBJ as Caro does in such wonderful detail, tells us a lot about the Job. LBJ was also first selected as Assistant Majority Leader when the Democrats were down, did not control the Senate during the first two years of Ike’s term (53-55), and he became an accidental Leader, largely because the Minority Leader was defeated for re-election in 54, and in the wake of the worst of McCarthyism, the Democrats got a new slim Senate Majority. LBJ understood that Ike would never get much support from the Taft faction of the Senate Republicans, so when he became Majority Leader in 55, he straddled the Eisenhower Republicans in the Senate, accepted many parts of Ike’s agenda, and then added that to the slim Democratic Majority, and indeed had on most issues, a comfortable governing coalition with Ike. LBJ also straddled the Democratic Divide — he was the new bright shining hope of the Southern Democrats, who through Seniority controlled all the key committee chairmanships, but he had the ability to present himself as a populist westerner — and it was in that garb that he forged his relationships with the progressive Northern Senators (Hubert Humphrey, Paul Douglass, etc.). He used his position to build the Northern Progressive Faction — just look sometime at who got elected for the first time to the Senate in 1958 with LBJ’s help. All of his working leadership on Great Society stuff — Civil Rights, Civil Liberties, Medicare — it all came from the Class of 1958. And so too did his ability to diminish the hold of the racists on Democratic Party Policy come from this ability to straddle — to keep his own Southern Faction within bounds while he built the coalition that would eventually push them out of the Democratic Party.

    Anyhow, that is a sketch of the Job Description of a Majority Leader with a fairly significant party majority — and with conditions that are ripe for passing some major legislation. Does Chuck Schumer fill the bill? I don’t know. I don’t know if he can straddle.

    I think it could be an advantage that he is seen as friendly with Wall Street, given that some degree of re-regulation is on the agenda. Far more likely that he can tell the Wall Street boys no on some matters, given that they view him as a friend, than if let’s say he had Bernie Sander’s legislative history. But the job of Majority Leader is to keep Bernie Sanders happy, and pulling the same sled, on the same dog team, as let’s say Mark Pryor or Ben Nelson.

    But Read Robert Caro’s book. If you read it once, you’ll read it several more times.

  29. oldoilfieldhand says:

    Thanks Marcy! Smartlady sent an email to me telling me that “our Marcy” had a post up on FDL about Schumer. I gotta’ tell you I like the sound of “our Marcy”! Schumer has lost a little luster in my book since fronting for Mukasey, but I value your opinion. Please keep up the great work and we’ll keep supporting you and FDL!

  30. Hugh says:

    Schumer is just your regular corporatist Establishment Senator. I know we are all desperate for change but Schumer is about as far away from real change as Obama.

  31. orionATL says:

    sara @ 91.

    your comment was so informative. yet again.


    to use a sports metaphor, when game day comes, you play the game with the guys you have who can play.

    right now, it might be reed vs schumer in obama’s eyes.

    on the other hand, it seems more likely that schumer may have been tapped on the shoulder to be obama’s point man on health, his field marshall in the senate, his senatorial enforcer on this issue. certainly, senator kennedy would not have the physical stamina needed to shepard this legislation thru.

    in addition, schumer might serve as a conduit to former president clinton who is one of the more acutely intelligent observers of american politics and who lived thru a previous effort to derail national health care – a person witrh whom it might be very smart to consult, i would think.

    (personally, from a political strategy standpoint, i wish the obama team had not made so much of a fuss about enacting a health care bill as being their number one priority – this was an invitation to typical republican sabotage.)

    • Sara says:

      “(personally, from a political strategy standpoint, i wish the obama team had not made so much of a fuss about enacting a health care bill as being their number one priority – this was an invitation to typical republican sabotage.)”

      Thanks for your kind words. I am probably one of the few progressives out here who is not disturbed by either Obama’s strategy on this, or by the mobs attacking the various town meetings around the country.

      I think Obama is a big risk taker on things that are very important to him, and Health Care is probably the most important piece of his agenda. I think he intentionally put it out there and painted a target on it, because it serves him best to allow the “party of NO” and their Insurance Company Funders, tea baggers, and all the rest, to strut their stuff in ways that really turn the public off. and go first. Then, closer to the return to business after Labor Day, Obama can come back with his own public argument, his economic and highly rational arguments — and win the day.

      I basicly see in Obama a very serious student of Gandhi — and Martin Luther King, in particular I see Obama as perhaps almost a Master of the art of Moral Ju-Jitsu. (The term is original with Gandhi), That martial art is based on “winning” by capturing the forward momentum of your opponent’s thrust, knowing the proper leverage point, and instead of falling to your opponent, you use that forward momentum to redirect, and thrown the attacker over your shoulder so that he lands inartisticly as a squish on the ground. Gandhian Moral Ju-Jitsu involves doing this at the moral level. Gandhi was always successful when he brought out the Colonel Blimp character in his British Raj opponents. Martin Luther King was always successful if one of his efforts put on display the profound ugliness of a Southern Racist Cop, or a loud and hatefilled mob. (Particularly if the networks cooperated, and were there to film things like setting the dogs on children.) As I said, I think Obama is a deep student of both Gandhi and King — and as I look at what is transpiring now, I would suggest it is at the core of his strategy.

      Now I could be all wrong about this — but I believe it explains why Obama and the White House are seemingly so laid back in the face of the attacks from Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, and their juiced up mobs, particularly if the Insurance Industry and the Republicans actually loose control of the mobs and their visual and verbal message. But so far the mobs look downright ugly, and I think most people are very turned off by their nastiness, their negativity — so when the positive message from Obama eventually is laid — around Labor Day when people are paying attention again — you will see a major movement behind him, wanting to get major legislation moving coherently through the process. But watching Moral Ju-Jitsu being executed is like watching a tight rope walker doing tricks — what you are observing is less the steps, more the mental picture of risk. But Obama is very much a risk taker when the issue is core to what he is trying to accomplish.

      You know during Civil Rights days each piece of it from Montgomery bus seating through Birmingham, to Leadership Conference consultations (Arguments) on lobby tactics to get a successful vote on this or that amendment — it was all a huge risk. If you were to be effective, you had to keep a solid stomach in the face of the risks, and learn to manage them properly. The ugly mobs, the Cops with their Ax Handles — we actually wanted all those pictures on the front page or on TV on a regular basis. We were delighted when Strom Thurmond took it upon himself to lead a day and night filibuster with Senators sleeping on cots in the cloak rooms and all.

      I think the same thing is true with a major Health Care Reform. Be very passionate about it — but also enjoy watching it play out. Take an hour or so out to read Gandhi and MLKing on Strategy, and think about it. You know it works if it is done right.

  32. jlamkin says:

    This is why we lose, everytime. Because we mistake men like Chuck Schumer for statesmen.

    He’s missed the boat so many times before.

    Why isn’t RUSS FEINGOLD our Majority Leader, for God’s sake??

  33. timbo says:

    I agree. Reid should go. If he can’t deliver anything on Health care, he’s gone, no question. But, yeah, the real power in the Senate is Schumer…he basically gave them an amazing majority…that Reid seems to be squandering.

  34. SydB says:

    You mean this Chuck Schumer:

    On December 14, 2008 the New York Times published an article[56] on Schumer’s role in the Wall Street meltdown. The article stated that Schumer “embraced the industry’s free-market, deregulatory agenda more than any other Democrat in Congress, even backing measures now blamed for contributing to the financial crisis… Schumer took steps to protect industry players from government oversight and tougher rules, a review of his record shows. Over the years, he has also helped save financial institutions billions of dollars in higher taxes or fees. He succeeded in limiting efforts to regulate credit-rating agencies.” This article also charged that Schumer blocked ratings agencies reforms proposed by the Bush Administration and the Cox SEC.

    from wiki

    or this chuck schumer:

    Chuck Schumer’s office sends over a statement from the Senator himself, saying he’s the one who got Chas Freeman dumped from the post of National Intelligence Council chief:

    “Charles Freeman was the wrong guy for this position. His statements against Israel were way over the top and severely out of step with the administration. I repeatedly urged the White House to reject him, and I am glad they did the right thing.”

    As I reported the other day, Schumer had privately communicated his doubts to White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel. Looks like those conversations had their desired effect: Schumer’s statement says straight out that that the White House engineered Freeman’s ouster.

  35. SomeGuy says:

    Marcy that’s very insightful. I strongly disagree with Sen. Schumer on one issue, and that’s the first thing that came to my mind when I read his name. After thinking about it, I checked his voting record. One site I like listed him as having one of the 15 to 20 most progressive voting records in the Senate. I have to admit that overall he has a good voting record, even though I don’t like everything in it. He is also an effective advocate for the issues and people he supports. I don’t think he would just give up and say “we don’t have 60 votes, game over”. Even if nothing more happens, maybe this will give Sen. Reid a little more motivation.

  36. TomR says:

    How is a Majority Leader chosen? Is it strictly by seniority or do the Senators get to vote on it? And how long does the Majority Leader’s term last?

    Why is it that Republicans get to have over-the-top right-wingers in high positions (i.e. Senator McChinless) but the Dems can’t have progressives there?

    Just askin’

    – Tom

    • Sara says:

      “How is a Majority Leader chosen? Is it strictly by seniority or do the Senators get to vote on it? And how long does the Majority Leader’s term last?”

      It is by vote within the caucus. The 58 Democrats plus Lieberman and Sanders.

      Senority has nothing to do with it. Senators tend to support someone based on whether they believe a candidate will accomodate them — that is be sensitive to State or District matters that might require them to vote against the caucus from time to time, (As Patty Murray recently did on the F-22 matter, she is, afterall, the Senator from Boeing.) They look for someone who would be skillful in putting together majority coalitions on matters important to them. The look for someone who will defend the perogatives of the Senate, and of individual Senators. They look for someone who can do business with the White House, with other executive agencies. They also look for someone who when necessary can reach into the opposition for votes, or for support on unamous consent motions. They look for someone who once his/her word is given, sticks with it unless they come to you and personally beg off. And yes, the ability to do the Press Conferences, the Sunday Talkies, and the like — very important.

      The term is for one congress. Reid’s current term began Jan, 2009, and ends January 2011. Normally if a change is going to be made, the Leader says nothing till after the election, and then resigns, or indicates he will not stand for another term. Then a leadership contest begins. The contests only last a few weeks — tiz settled by mid December. Actually Reid has said on several occassions that this would be his last term as leader.

      Senatory McChinless — well he raises tons of money for Republicans, is an ideological conservative, and he looks like the White Southerner he is. He was born and educated in Alabama, then moved on to Kentucky. A sort of mix and match between Col. Sanders and Rhett Butler. I don’t know whether he is better or worse than Bill Fritz of Tennessee or Trent Lott. But it is a Southern White Male Regional Party, and they don’t want anyone to mistake their identity. But They do say he is a deep in the ***closet you know what, you know. He is also married cross racially — to a Chinese woman, who served as Sec. of Labor in the Bush II administration for 8 years, and managed quite well to not investigate mine safety for 8 years, even though Coal Mining Accidents and Kentucky sorta go together.

  37. Petrocelli says:

    Brilliant Sara !

    I use the Rope-a-dope analogy to describe Obama’s strategy:

    ”The rope-a-dope is performed by a boxer assuming a protected stance, in Ali’s classic pose, lying against the ropes, and allowing his opponent to hit him, in the hope that the opponent will become tired and make mistakes which the boxer can exploit in a counterattack.”

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