Is Robert “Gold Bars” Luskin Hoping for Real Estate in Antigua?

So, Dick DeGuerin just ditched his former client, Allen Stanford because Stanford couldn’t guarantee DeGuerin would get paid.

 Allen Stanford has refused to authorize undersigned counsel to seek assurances of future legal fees and expenses. . . . Dick DeGuerin and his associated lawyers are unwilling to go forward without the assurance of being paid for work in the future.

Gosh, if you’re an accused white collar criminal with some goods stashed away but with the bulk of your known wealth frozen by regulators, who are you going to call?

Sure enough, Robert "Gold Bars" Luskin has come to Stanford’s rescue. WSJ’s Law Blog is wondering openly how Luskin imagines he’ll get paid.

In any event, we’re not sure how, or whether, this issue got resolved with Luskin and Patton Boggs well enough to allow him to take over.

Me, I’m just wondering if it’s going to be something more outrageous than the 45 gold bars Luskin accepted once from a money launderer. Maybe Stanford’s promised some real estate he managed to hold onto in Antigua or some other tax haven?

  1. BayStateLibrul says:

    Thanks. First time I read Luskin’s bio… no mention of Gold Bars?

    Worked for DOJ…

    “Mr. Luskin helped to supervise the ABSCAM investigation, and thereafter represented the Justice Department in hearings before Congress concerning the investigation…”

    • WilliamOckham says:

      I’ll second that. This is not a good sign for “Sir” Allen Stanford. Local paper adds this bit of bad news for Stanford:

      Attorney J.C. Nickens, who was brought on by DeGuerin to handle Stanford’s civil defense, is also no longer working on the case.

      I wonder if Patton Boggs is going to handle the civil side as well.

  2. WTFOver says:

    Speaking / Writing About Lawyers ….

    Clive Stafford Smith: Bowing to US’s ‘naked political power’

    Suppressing evidence of torture, as the US is asking Britain to do in the Binyam Mohamed case, is a criminal offence…..d-miliband

    Ronald Sokol: A day of reckoning for Bush’s ‘torture’ lawyers

    Attorney General Eric Holder must follow the gold standard of Nuremburg…..-coop.html

  3. Gitcheegumee says:

    What caught my eye was the mention of Patton Boggs.

    They did quite a bit of work for Abramoff’s partner,Scanlon.

    And it isn’t surprising.

    The Boggs in the Boggs firm was the Boggs(Hale and Lindy) family of Louisiana-the same state Abramoff got into trouble with the Indian casino tribes.

    Here’s a nifty little ditty from Wiki:

    **In 1997, US Attorney Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island accused Luskin of “willful blindness” for accepting $505,125 in gold bars as well as Swiss Wire transfers of $169,000 from Stephen Saccoccia.

    Saccoccia is a convicted money-launderer who laundered money for several Columbian drug cartels. Luskin represented Saccoccia in the appellate phase of the case well after Saccoccia was convicted. Whitehouse argued that Saccoccia’s payments to Luskin were related to Saccoccia’s broad money-laundering scheme and that the money should be returned to the government. In 1998, Luskin settled with the government, forfeiting $245,000 in fees.

  4. Gitcheegumee says:

    Talking Points memo did an intersting thread last year.

    Seems he was in the process of moving his operations to the Virgin Islands-for the tax rate.

    Of particular interest are the comments following the thread story.

    TTIFC , Trinidad Tobago International Finance Center was being advised by none other than Patton Boggs.

    Stanford Lobbyist: He Wanted Virgin Islands Tax Rate |

    TPMMuckrakerThe TTIFC “is committed to a slate of world-class initial participants whose presence and participation will assure the TTIFC’s rise to a ……/stanford_lobbyist_he_wanted_virgin_islands_tax_rat.php – Cached – Similar

  5. Synoia says:

    People are know by, and their behavior modified by, their associates.

    Criminal defense lawyers associated with criminals.

    Ergo, Criminal Defense Lawyers become indistinguishable from criminals?

  6. WTFOver says:

    A Supreme Court filing from the Obama administration last month has set off alarm bells on the left.

    The filing was a friend-of-the-court brief, and it mostly dealt with an excruciatingly technical question about the attorney-client privilege. But its last five pages were about the state secrets privilege, which was not at issue in the case. That privilege, a favorite tool of the Bush administration, allows the government to shut down lawsuits by invoking national security.

    The administration’s brief argued, though no one had asked, that the state secrets privilege is rooted in the Constitution.…..r.html?hpw

  7. Gitcheegumee says:


    Indeed it was,Fatster…and his body STILL hasn’t been found.

    Now,in addition to Lurita Doan,we can add Cokie Roberts to the list of notable females from the Crescent City. If I’m not mistaken “Chep” Morrisson,a former governor of Louisiana, was her uncle or a cousin.


    Cokie Roberts, née Mary Martha Corinne Morrison Claiborne Boggs[2] was born on December 27, 1943 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She received the sobriquet “Cokie” from her brother Tommy, who could not pronounce “Corinne”.[2] Cokie Roberts is the third child and youngest daughter of former ambassador and long-time Democratic Congresswoman from Louisiana Lindy Boggs and of the late Hale Boggs, also a Democratic Congressman from Louisiana who was Majority Leader of the House of Representatives. Her sister, the late Barbara Boggs Sigmund, was mayor of Princeton, New Jersey and a candidate for U.S. Senate from New Jersey. Her brother Tommy Boggs is a prominent Washington, D.C. attorney and lobbyist.


    BTW, her husband is Steve Roberts,a journalist and now Professor who coincidentally hales(no pun intended) from New Jersey,where Cokie’s sister was a U.S.Senate candidate.

  8. fatster says:

    O/T (Old Topic)

    Dozens of Gitmo cases referred to US prosecutors

    AP Sources: Dozens of Gitmo cases referred for possible criminal trials in DC, NY, VA

AP News
    Aug 03, 2009 13:27 EST

    ‘Dozens of Guantanamo Bay detainee cases have been referred to federal prosecutors for possible criminal trials in the nation’s capital, Virginia and New York City, officials told The Associated Press on Monday as a second strategy for trying the detainees emerged within the Obama administration.

    ‘The Justice Department’s strategy of holding trials in East Coast cities could be a sharp departure from a Pentagon plan to hold all Guantanamo-related civilian and military trials in the Midwest.”


      • fatster says:

        Oh, I see. Many thnx to you. I thought they were still pursuing BushCo’s strategy of keeping it all under DOD and safely covered by “state secrets” or some such, so was surprised to see this.

  9. Gitcheegumee says:

    Mark Begich said his brother has written a letter to Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens asking him to push authorities for more information on the tip. The source of the lead was blacked out on the FBI documents Roll Call obtained, according to the newspaper.

    Begich said the tip came from someone in Long Beach, Calif., an area where a lot of military equipment was tested, including heat-detection devices that could have generated the lead that Roll Call unearthed.——–

    Fatster, think Ted Stevens knows where the bodies are actually buried?

  10. Gitcheegumee says:


    Fatster, did you know that Bill Clinton is the one who drove Boggs to the airport that fateful day?

    Check these links out:

    “Bill of Right” by Matthew CooperThe early reviews of Bill Clinton’s long-awaited, lucrative memoir have been … I hadn’t known that Clinton drove Hale Boggs, the late House Majority ……..ooper.html – Similar

    some of history’s infamous aircraft “accidents”, 10/27/02Congressman Hale Boggs was the only dissenting member of the Warren … named Bill Clinton who later, as President, appointed Congressman Boggs’ wife Lindy ……..ashes.html – Cached – Similar